SuperExecLeaderSeries_program1_folder 11/29/11 1:30 PM Page 1 Institute for Public Administration School of Public Policy & Administration College of Arts & Sciences serving the public good, shaping tomorrow’s leaders 180 Graham Hall University of Delaware Newark, DE 19716-7380 302-831-8971 phone | | 302-831-3488 fax SUPERINTENDENT AND EXECUTIVE LEADER SEMINAR SERIES Education and Employment: Legal Issues, Trends, and Cases Delaware Academy for School Leadership College of Education & Human Development developing leaders... improving schools Newark 104 Pearson Hall University of Delaware Newark, DE 19716 302-831-4074 phone 302-831-3471 fax Georgetown Carter Partnership Building P.O. Box 660, Seashore Drive Georgetown, DE 19947 302-855-1626 phone 302-856-1996 fax December 8, 2011 Sheraton Inn and Conference Center Dover, Delaware co-sponsored by the University of Delaware’s Institute for Public Administration and Delaware Academy for School Leadership SuperExecLeaderSeries_program1_folder 11/29/11 1:30 PM Page 2 SUPERINTENDENT AND EXECUTIVE LEADER SEMINAR SERIES 9:50-10:30 INTRODUCTION BY Education and Employment: Legal Issues, Trends, and Cases AGENDA 7:30-8:00 Registration & Continental Breakfast 8:05-8:20 Welcome, Purpose, and Overview Jacquelyn Wilson and Steven Godowsky UD’s Delaware Academy for School Leadership 8:20-9:00 9:00-9:40 Special-education claims in Delaware are on the rise. Learn how you can avoid common mistakes that lead to liability and build programs that are compliant with the law. 10:30-11:10 James Flynn UD’s Institute for Public Administration This is a discussion of how standard insurance policies cover the leading loss exposures for boards, superintendents, and school district administrators. A brief review of recent school cases will be provided in order to better understand district exposure to lawsuit claims. 11:10-12:00 Panel - Education and Employment: Legal Issues, Trends, and Cases David Williams and Allyson DiRocco Morris James, LLP William Bowser and Barry Willoughby Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor, LLP MODERATED BY Dennis Loftus Consultant with UD’s Institute for Public Administration 12:00-1:00 Lunch & Speaker - Bullying, Harassment, and Reporting School Crime The Hon. Joseph R. “Beau” Biden, III Attorney General for the State of Delaware INTRODUCTION BY Break Next session: February 22, 2012 Ensuring a Successful School Construction Project: From Referendum to Ribbon-Cutting Topic IV - Insurance Risks and Responsibilities Robert Bambino Wright Risk Management INTRODUCTION BY Topic II - Defending Lawsuits, Grievances, and Complaints David Williams and James McMackin Morris James, LLP This presentation will focus on what school districts need to consider in order to prepare for and defend against lawsuits, grievances, and other complaints. The presenters will discuss issues that include avoiding mistakes, lapsing into tenure, termination hearings, FMLA requirements, and workers’ compensation complaints. 9:40-9:50 James Flynn UD’s Institute for Public Administration Topic I - Managing the Legal Risks of Social Media Molly DiBianca Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor, LLP The potential impacts of social-media use are varied and complex. Although social media is here to stay, the legal risks associated with sites like Facebook and Twitter can be minimized. Attendees will learn what steps school districts can take to prevent social-media mishaps before they occur, without alienating students, parents, or teachers. Topic III - Special-Education Litigation in Delaware Michael Stafford Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor, LLP Jerome Lewis UD’s Institute for Public Administration 1:00-2:15 Breakout Executive Sessions - Topic-Based Conversations with Presenters