ASTRONOMY 1230: INTRODUCTION TO ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATION FALL 2014 PLEASE READ THIS SYLLABUS THOROUGHLY. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR KNOWING AND UNDERSTANDING ITS CONTENT. Contact Information Name Steven Majewski Instructor Kristen Jones Head 1230 TA Trey Wenger Laboratory TA Allison Towner Laboratory TA Pallavi Patil Laboratory TA Office Office Hours Astronomy 231 by appointment Lab Hours roving Astronomy 267 by appt. Tue 8-11 PM Astronomy 263 by appt. Astronomy 267 by appt. after Mon lecture until 11 PM Wed 8-11 PM Astronomy 263 by appt. Thu 8-11 PM Email/Telephone srm4n 924-7494 kmj5ea 924-0686 tvw2pu 924-4347 at4bu 924-0686 pp3uq 924-4347 Course Description Astronomy 1230 is an observational/laboratory course intended to familiarize you with the general features of the night sky and the properties of those astronomical objects that can be studied with small astronomical instruments, including binoculars, small telescopes, and cameras. The course will develop your skills in operating laboratory instrumentation and in making and analyzing scientific observations. It also explores the central role observations have played in the development of modern astronomy and in our interpretation of the structure and evolution of the universe. The course has two main components: lectures and observational projects. Lectures: The lectures will be every Monday night from 7 to 9 PM in Clark 107. The lectures will provide important background information and preparation for laboratory exercises, including observable phenomena in the night sky, principles of telescopes and their use, and the basic observational techniques to be used in the laboratory work. This material will be included on the quizzes and final exam. Lecture time also serve as an important point of contact for the latest information related to the class, including the laboratories and specially scheduled laboratory sessions. Therefore, it is important that you attend all 1 lectures. The lecture part of the class may taper off towards the end the semester. Laboratory/Observatory Work: The emphasis of this course is on understanding and observing the night sky using your unaided eye, binoculars, telescopes and other equipment, such as cameras. Most lab work for this course will take place at the Student Observatory, which is in the U-shaped building immediately west of the Astronomy Building (at 530 McCormick Road). A map showing the location of the Student Observatory can be found at The Observatory Support Office is in Room G25. There you will find equipment and materials required for the night labs. Pre/co-requisites: You should have a background in Astronomy at the level of ASTR 1210 (Solar System Astronomy) or ASTR 1220 (Stars and Galaxies). If you have not already taken one of these courses, or are not taking one this semester, you will need to have the permission of the instructor to enroll in ASTR 1230. Please contact the instructor in advance. Class Web Pages: This class has extensive support through the following web pages: • ASTR 1230 Home Page • Astronomy Department Home Page The ASTR 1230 Home Page contains information on course policies, assignments, announcements, deadlines, and other on-line course material. If you have questions, this is the first place to look. The page also contains links to supporting web sites on current astronomical phenomena, weather, astronomical observations, and so forth. Some material may make use of UVa Collab, which, as a secure website, will require your UVa login and NetBadge password to access it. Finally, the web pages include figures and other materials that will be used in the lectures. To take full advantage of these lecture guides, it is best to read them before lecture, perhaps printing out a hardcopy before to bring to class with you for you to take notes on and for you to highlight material about which you have questions. Some sets of notes will have good coverage of the lecture, but others will hit only the main points and some of the more important figures shown in class. You should plan to fill in the other presented material with your own notes. Web links to other useful information or pertinent illustrations are included on the guides and on the ASTR 1230 Web Links page. You are encouraged to use these to make the subject matter more interesting or clear...but you are not required to know any of this additional material (unless discussed in class). You are expected to know the material covered in lectures and in the lecture notes. Despite the generous open posting of lecture material, you should plan to attend all lectures. 2 Texts/Supplies: Texts available in Newcomb Hall Bookstore. • Astronomy 1230 Laboratory Manual, January 2013 Edition (Astronomy Dept.) • Night Sky Star Finder “Sky Wheel” - Northern Hemisphere (Chandler) • Edmund Mag 5 Star Atlas (Edmund Scientific) • You will need to have a small flashlight. Buy one with a red filter if you can (if not, we can provide one). The Mini-Maglite flashlight that operates on two AA batteries works well and is sold with filters and a stylish belt holster. You should always bring a flashlight with you to the Observatory. PLEASE DO NOT USE YOUR CELLPHONE AS A SUBSTITUTE FLASHLIGHT. The Astronomy Minor ASTR 1230 counts towards the requirements of the Astronomy Minor. The full requirements for a minor are: ASTR 1210 (Introduction to the Sky and the Solar System), ASTR 1220 (Introduction to the Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe), and your choice of three courses from ASTR 1230 or any 3000-level ASTR courses. The courses ASTR 1210 and ASTR 1220 are taught every semester. Astronomy courses available at the 3000 level include: - ASTR 3130: Observational Astronomy - ASTR 3140: Observational Radio Astronomy - ASTR 3410: Archaeo-Astronomy - ASTR 3420: Life Beyond the Earth - ASTR 3470: Science and Controversy in Astronomy - ASTR 3480: Introduction to Cosmology - ASTR 3880: Planetary Astronomy Observatory Schedule and Orientation: • The Student Observatory is open, weather permitting, Tuesday through Thursday nights 8-11 PM all semester. On Monday nights, the lab will actually open 15 minutes after lecture is over and close at 11 PM. If there is no Monday lecture, the Observatory will open at 8 PM. The Observatory will close promptly at the end of each scheduled period. • During the first week of class, you are expected to be at the Student Observatory for an introduction to night lab facilities on the night for which you have registered. Bring your laboratory manual, sky wheel and Mag 5 Star Atlas. Once you have become acclimated to the Observatory, you may work on any night that it is open (during the open hours named above — as long as equipment is available), regardless of the lab night of your formal registration. You will need to take advantage of this flexibility due to the vagaries of the weather (see next section). 3 Weather Warning and Disciplined Personal Scheduling: • The Observatory will be closed under adverse weather conditions (clouds, fog, precipitation). TA’s will decide whether the Observatory can open by 6:30 PM each night and post an Observatory status telephone message at 924-7238 at that time. Call this number for information if the weather conditions are questionable. At their discretion, the TA’s can open the Observatory if conditions improve after 6:30 and will post an updated recording. Students are encouraged to use such nights, but any night that is not declared “open” by 6:30 will not count against the official quota of “clear nights.” The Observatory status is also posted on our Twitter site ( • Although you are allowed to set your own schedule for attending the Observatory, you are also responsible for completing each laboratory by the expected deadline. Deadlines and penalties for missing them are discussed further below. • Because of unreliable weather conditions and because the number of observing stations is limited, you will probably not be able to complete all required work by attending night lab only on the one night of the week for which you have registered. To satisfy course requirements, you should plan to take advantage of good weather conditions whenever they occur and to work at the Student Observatory on any night from Monday through Thursday. • Therefore, to achieve a good grade in this class, you must adjust your personal schedule to the course, not vice-versa. If you think this will be a problem for you, please consider taking another Astronomy course. We do not recommend that you take ASTR 1230 if you have a regular commitment that conflicts with the 8-11 PM M-Th lab hours. Preparation for Observing • During the first week of the semester you should read the Introduction to the Laboratory Manual and this Syllabus concerning safety and general laboratory procedures. Also begin reading Appendices F and G in the Laboratory Manual regarding laboratory write-up standards. • You are expected to prepare yourself well before attempting lab work in this course. TA’s will not have much time for individual instruction, so your progress will depend strongly on your self-motivation and independence. • Before attempting any particular lab assignment, you should thoroughly read the corresponding chapter in the Manual. You should be completely familiar with the goals, procedures, and requirements of each lab before you go to the Student Observatory. You should have a good idea of the best times to view your chosen objects, have an idea of the details you will be looking for, and understand the physical nature of the targets (e.g., binary star, nebula, galaxy). • A clear understanding of what is expected in each lab will save valuable time during the limited lab hours with clear skies. Note that it is awkward to consult written material when you are working in the dark (!), so the more pre-observing preparation, the better. 4 • Bring the lab manual, filled-out observing sheets (see below), star charts (the Edmund Mag 5 Star Atlas and the Sky Wheel), flashlight, notebook, pencils, etc. with you to every observing session. The Mag 5 Star Atlas is especially valuable for locating faint objects in the sky. • Because of the limited number of available observing stations, it is essential that students make optimal use of all clear nights. You can only make satisfactory progress if you are well prepared to do this. • You should understand the observing conditions required for each lab and plan your semester’s activities well in advance. It is helpful to peruse the Laboratory Manual early in the semester and decide your strategy for fulfilling the lab requirements for the class (see below). Be aware of any astronomical limitations on when specific labs can be done. For example, some labs require a specific phase of the moon, or special observing times (e.g., the Meteor Shower, Sunspot Observations and Navigation labs). Some labs require particularly good observing conditions (e.g., Telescope Observing II) or very simple, brief observations, but over many weeks (Variable Star Lab). Some special lab dates are given in the Sky Calendar at the end of this Syllabus. The “Time Estimate” section of each lab writeup in the Manual will alert you to these special considerations, and also prepare you for the expected amount of time required to undertake the observations for a properly prepared observer. • Many labs are best done during the darkest skies — i.e., in the two week period centered on New Moon. A brief sky calendar is included at the end of this syllabus, and the current moon phase is shown on the ASTR 1230 Home Page. For more complete information, you can consult some of the links from the ASTR 1230 Home Page. • Observations made with the binoculars and telescopes must be recorded on special forms supplied in the Night Lab and elsewhere. As part of lab preparation, you are expected to fill out in advance the first part of each observing form for each object you plan to observe before going to the observatory. The Manual (Appendix G) describes how to fill out a form and shows an example. Blank forms are located in the Manual (for photocopying), from the ASTR 1230 Home Page (for downloading), or in the Observatory Support Office (Room G25). Collect blank copies in advance of each session and prepare the first part of the form before beginning the lab. • Reference materials: The Laboratory Manual and the Edmund Mag 5 Atlas will provide most of the background information you will need in the course, but other reference materials can be obtained from the TA’s or on the internet. See the Web Links Page ( for a list of relevant sites. General Observatory Procedures • The TA’s will provide general orientation to the Student Observatory during the first week of the semester; you should attend one of the orientation sessions that week, regardless of the weather. 5 • It is efficient to do the Constellation Lab (Lab 1) in small groups. Formally organized group sessions will take place during the first two usable nights after the conclusion of the orientation sessions (likely on or after Wednesday, September 3). • The TA’s will help you in learning to use the 8-in telescopes during the course of doing Lab 3 (Introduction to Small Telescopes). After that, you should require relatively little help with normal observing procedures. • Signing In: You must sign in on the Student Log Sheet when you arrive at the Observatory. • Equipment Sign-Out: We provide all the equipment you will need to complete the labs, but you must sign out any equipment you use on the sign-out sheet for that equipment, and this must also be noted on the Log Sheet. Even when working in groups, every equipment user must have their name on both the equipment sign out sheet and the attendence sign in sheet. • Equipment Safety: The observing lab equipment is expensive and in limited supply. A large number of UVa students depend on this equipment and any breakage will affect a wide pool of users, including you. Be careful when setting up and using telescopes, binoculars, etc. Be patient. Think before you act. Never force anything; all knobs and clamps are expected to work “finger tight”. If there is a problem, do not hesitate to ask the TA for help. Optical elements, in particular, are delicate. Never, NEVER, touch any optical surface (lens or mirror). Your skin is corrosive, and oils from your skin will permanently embed into glass surfaces and optical coatings. Many fabrics (e.g., in your gloves) are abrasive to glass. It is always preferable to leave dust on optical surfaces rather than risk scratching or marring the surfaces with improper attempts at cleaning. • Observing Forms: You should have already prepared the first part of your observing forms for the upcoming night’s observing program (see instructions in Appendix G of the Laboratory Manual). TAs have the right to prohibit your checking out a telescope if your observing forms are not filled out by the time you attempt to check out equipment. • Group Work: Because of the limited number of telescopes and quality observing time, you will usually work in groups of 2-3 students. Larger groups will require prior approval of the TA. You may work on your own as long as equipment is available. You are allowed to observe together as a group as long as the responsibilities of finding objects are shared equally and each member of the group gets a chance to observe. In a group situation, students may collaborate on setting up the telescope and should take turns operating the telescope and finding objects. However once an object is located, everyone in the group must observe it and take his or her own data. See the class policy regarding group and pledged work below. By the completion of Lab 3, each person is expected to be able to operate the equipment competently and without assistance. Computer labs cannot be done in groups. • Personal Safety: Conscientiously follow the safety guidelines given in the Introduction to the ASTR 1230 Manual. Working in the dark requires extra caution. Loose wires and projecting telescope parts are potential hazards. Be aware of your surroundings, move about slowly and cautiously, and use common sense. Always carry your flashlight. Do not shine 6 bright lights into the eyes of others, because this ruins dark adaptation and can cause temporary blindness. Use red filters over lights (filter paper is available at the night lab). Because they are not red-filtered, do not use cellphones as flashlights. Be aware that students from other classes will also be using the Night Lab area and the telescope equipment. Do not smoke anywhere near the Night Lab area. • Be Complete: Make sure that you make all required entries on observing forms. This includes those people who were in your group on each night of the observations. • Shut Down: At the end of each observing session, return the telescope equipment to its storage place in the Support Office. Stow it carefully. Sign it back in. You are responsible for any equipment you have used. Please be prepared to complete your work for the evening and have the telescope stored by the end of the scheduled Student Observatory hours. • TA Signatures: Each observing form that you fill out in the course of an evening’s observing must be signed by the TA. Forms that are not signed or initialed will not be accepted for credit. Independent Work and the Honor Policy Please read the following policy on independent work and implicitly pledged work carefully. Any material submitted for grading in this course is assumed to be entirely your own work and will be regarded as IMPLICITLY PLEDGED, whether it is pledged in writing or not. Students may work together in setting up and pointing telescopes (though each person should contribute to the effort). At this point collaboration ends. When you make an entry on an observing form (for instance, a description of sky conditions or a drawing of an object viewed through the telescope) you must do so without consulting anyone other than the instructor or a TA. It is not permissible to copy any material from anyone else’s notebook or Observing Sheet, even at Night Lab. It is not permissible to collaborate in any way with other students on the non-telescopic assignments. You must turn in your original notes and signed observing forms for each lab. Suspected violations of this policy will be referred immediately to an Honor Advisor. If you have questions about this policy, you should consult with the instructor or a TA. One of the goals of this course is to encourage you to become an accurate and independent scientific observer, exercising your own perception and judgement. You cannot do that by collaborating with others. So that we can ensure that all students are clear on the requirements of the course and the policy on independent work and implicitly pledged work, you will be required to turn in at the beginning of the second lecture a signed contract stating that you have had sufficient opportunity to review this syllabus and ask questions about it (Honor Contract attached). Course Requirements and Grading Grades will be based on a nominal possible score of 1000 points, earned from the midterm and final quizzes, and the completion of at least six laboratory exercises. The midterm, 7 final quiz, and four of the labs (Chapters 1, 2, 3, and 4 in the Laboratory Manual) are required of all students. The maximum possible score on this required work is 700 points. You can choose which among the remaining available laboratory exercises in the Laboratory Manual to submit for the remaining 300 points. These remaining exercises are called “optional” labs. The optional labs vary in length and difficulty, and have been divided into two ranks, worth either 100 or 200 points each. Therefore, you will have to do either 2 or 3 optional labs to reach the nominal 1000 point maximum possible total. A complete list of the labs and the credit possible for each is given in the table below. It is possible that new optional labs will be created before the semester ends; any such opportunities will be announced in class. ASTRONOMY 1230: COURSE CREDIT Assignment Estimated Observing Sessions (for prepared student) Exams Midterm Quizzes Final Quiz Required Labs Lab 1: Introduction to Constellations Lab 2: Introduction to Binocular Observing Lab 3: Introduction to Small Telescopes Lab 4: Telescope Observing I Optional* Observational Labs Lab 5: Telescopic Observations of the Moon Lab 6: Pulsating Variable Stars Lab 7: Telescope Observing II Lab 8: Astrophotography Lab 9: Meteor Shower Observations Lab 10: Rotation of the Sun/Sunspots Lab 11: Speed of Light/Eclipses of Io Lab 12: Navigation by the Sun Optional* Non-Observational Labs Lab 13: CLEA - Moons of Jupiter Lab 14: CLEA - Hubble’s Law Lab 15: CLEA - Classification of Stellar Spectra Lab 16: CLEA - Photometry of the Pleiades TOTAL expected submitted work Maximum Points 2 × 50 100 1 1 1-2 2 100 100 150 150 2 several ∼5 minute sessions/week 2 1-2 1 5-6 short (<15 min) day sessions 1-2 1 noontime session 200 200 200 200 100 100 200 100 100 100 100 100 1000 * You must submit optional labs worth a combined maximum of 300 total points. Eight of the “optional” labs (Chapters 5 to 12 in the Manual) involve observations and measurements of the night or day sky, and are call “Optional Observational Labs”. Complete 8 instructions for these labs are given in the ASTR 1230 Lab Manual. Two of these (Labs 10 and 12) involve observations of the Sun during the day; the TAs will arrange and announce special sessions for these daytime observing labs later in the semester, after the Lab 3 due date. Four “optional” labs (Chapters 13 to 16 in the Manual) do not require direct observations of celestial objects and are called “Optional Non-Observational Labs”, “Computer Labs” or “CLEA Labs”. Further information on these computer-based exercises is given below. Final grades will be assigned on the basis of a nominal perfect score of 1000 points. While assignment of letter grades will account for the actual performance of the class (i.e. “the curve”), the following point breaks will guarantee at minimum these letter grades: 930 = A-, 830 = B-, 730 = C-. A large fraction of points in the class are given for the quality of the lab reports, which are expected to be well organized, neatly presented, complete and clear. For this reason, handwritten work, other than the standard observing forms and data sheets provided with some of the laboratories, will not be accepted. You should word-process or type up the text of submitted labs. It is especially important to familiarize yourself with Appendices F and G of the Laboratory Manual before starting your laboratory exercises. Computer Labs and TA Consultation: Some of the optional labs you can submit for credit in this course do not require observations of the night sky. These are helpful for periods of inclement weather; however, these are not worth as many points as most of the observing labs. These computer-based (“CLEA”) labs can be accessed in ITS Labs computers and can also be accessed via the internet through the UVa HIVE system. For further instructions see the website labs.html. If you require assistance with the labs, make an appointment to meet one of the TAs. The TAs can offer advice and help with any aspect of the course, especially the optional “CLEA” computer-based labs, which do not require actual sky observations by the student. Generally these meetings will be in the TA’s office in the Astronomy Building. Please note that the Astronomy building will be locked at night, so it is important to arrange evening meetings with the TAs taking this into account. Deadlines It is important to work continuously throughout the semester until all work is completed. The weather is unreliable and many nights (perhaps weeks) will be unusable because of clouds or storms, so you must prepare to take advantage of good weather whenever it occurs. To help you stay on track, there are firm deadlines for submission of work, and penalties will be applied for late work. The penalty for turning in work after a deadline is 15% of the possible credit per week, with a 30% maximum. An exercise is late if it is not turned in to the instructor or TA’s in final form by the beginning of class on the due date, or by 7 PM on deadline dates that do not coincide with class lectures. Labs not handed in 9 at class time may be placed in the ASTR 1230 Lab Submission Box located outside Room 267 in the Astronomy Building (530 McCormick Road). There are no guarantees that the several nights preceding a given deadline will be clear so PLAN AHEAD. Assignments are designed so that any student can complete the requirements even in the event of a large amount of bad weather if you do not waste clear lab nights. If the weather is consistently poor we will reschedule the deadlines for everyone. However, our judgement is final regarding deadline changes, and the class will be notified of such changes in advance on the class Announcements Page on the ASTR 1230 website. Consult this page regularly. It is up to you to keep informed of deadlines. Bad weather is not an excuse for missing deadlines. There are deadlines for submission of optional labs. You may begin work on Optional Labs before completing the Required Labs as long as: (1) The Required Labs are turned in when they are due. (2) You do not begin Lab 4 or any other lab requiring telescopes before completing Lab 3. ASTRONOMY 1230: FALL 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE Note that the scheduling of lecture topics by week is only approximate. Week Starting 1 Sep 8 Sep 10 Sep 15 Sep 22 Sep 29 Sep 6 Oct 13 Oct 20 Oct 27 Oct 3 Nov 10 Nov 17 Nov 24 Nov 1 Dec 4 Dec 5 Dec Expected Lecture Schedule (unfinished lectures will be continued the next week) Class structure. The naked-eye sky. Constellations. Last day to drop class w/o penalty (except Engineering) The celestial sphere. Coordinates. Lab write-ups. Introduction to optics and telescopes. Telescopes. QUIZ. The “deep” sky and telescope observing. FALL RECESS: No lecture. Labs closed Mon & Tue. The Sun and seasons. Observing the Sun. Observing the Moon. Planetary astronomy. Stellar astronomy. QUIZ. Galactic astronomy. Last week of semester. Last night lab session ALL LABS DUE by 5 PM FINAL EXAM (7 PM, tentative) 10 Assignments Due 7 PM (class time) Monday Lab orientation Honor contract turned in Constellation Quiz due 11 PM Lab 2 Lab 3 Lab 4 or optional lab due Lab 4 or optional lab due Lab 4 or optional lab due All labs due ASTR 1230: Fall 2014 Sky Calendar Planet Visibility Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Visible Events Sep 5 Sep 8 Sep 20 Sep 21 Sep 22 Sep 24 Sep 26 Sep 27 Oct 01 Oct 7-8 Oct 08 Oct 4-Nov 14 Oct 23 Oct 25 Oct 30 Nov 2 Sep.7-Nov19 Nov 06 Oct 19-Dec 10 Nov 5-30 Nov 22 Nov 29 Dec 06 In the western evening sky in September, eastern morning sky in November. Not visible this semester – too close to the Sun. In the evening sky this semester, starting in Scorpio (Sep), then Ophiuchus (Oct), Sagittarius (Nov) and Capricorn (Dec). In Cancer then Leo this semester, so only in the morning sky. In Libra, setting in the early evening at the beginning of this semester, In Pisces, up most of the night all semester. In Aquarius, in the evening sky all semester. Conjunction: Venus 0.8 deg N of Regulus. Full Moon (bright night sky near this date, poor faint object viewing). Conjunction: Jupiter 5 deg N of Moon (7 AM). Mercury: Greatest Eastern elongation (26 deg). Autumnal Equinox New Moon (good for dark sky viewing near this date). Conjunction: Mercury 4 deg S of Moon (6 AM). Conjunction: Mars 3 deg N of Antares. First Quarter Moon (Lab 5 best done near this date). Draconid meteor shower (Lab 9; maximum on Oct 7-8 at ∼5 per hour, unusual evening shower, but fairly washed out by Moon this year). Full Moon (lunar eclipse — greatest at 7AM; poor faint object viewing). Orionid meteor shower (Lab 9; maximum on Oct 21-22 at 10-20 per hour, after midnight. New Moon (solar eclipse begins 6PM; good dark sky viewing near this date). Conjunction: Saturn 1 deg S of Moon (12 PM). First Quarter Moon (Lab 5 best done near this date). Daylight savings time ends. South Taurid meteor shower (Lab 9; max on Nov 4-5 at ∼7 per hour, after midnight, but fairly washed out by Moon this year). Full Moon (lunar eclipse 7AM; poor faint object viewing). North Taurid meteor shower (Lab 9; max on Nov 11-13 at ∼7 per hour, after midnight, but some Third Quarter Moon at peak this year). Leonid meteor shower (Lab 9; max on Nov 17-18 at 10-15 per hour, but can sometimes be very spectacular, best after midnight. New Moon (solar eclipse 6PM; good for dark sky viewing near this date). First Quarter Moon (Lab 5 best done near this date). Full Moon (lunar eclipse 7AM; poor faint object viewing). 11 PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK 12 HONOR CONTRACT Fill out and return this form by the second lecture of the semester. You will not be allowed to check out lab equipment until we receive this contract. By signing this form you agree to the following: “I have have read the syllabus for ASTR 1230. I have had an opportunity to ask questions about the requirements of the class and expectations regarding pledged, implicitly pledged and group work, and I understand the honor policies in the class.” Signature: ID#: Date: 13