Stability and stabilisation of the lattie Boltzmann method R. A. Brownlee, A. N. Gorban and J. Levesley Department of Mathematis, University of Leiester, Leiester LE1 7RH UK November 16, 2006 Abstrat The lattie Boltzmann method (LBM) is known to have stability deienies. For example, loal blow-ups and spurious osillations are readily observed when the method is used to model high-Reynolds uid ow. Beginning from thermodynami onsiderations, the LBM an be reognised as a disrete dynamial system generated by entropi involution and free-ight and the stability analysis is more natural. In this paper we solve the stability problem of the LBM on the basis of this thermodynami point of view. The main instability mehanisms are identied. The simplest and most eetive reeipt for stabilisation adds no artiial dissipation, preserves the seond-order auray of the method, and presribes oupled steps: to start from a loal equilibrium, then, after free-ight, perform the overrelaxation ollision, and after a seond free-ight step go to new loal equilibrium. Two other presriptions add some artiial dissipation loally and prevent the system from loss of positivity and loal blow-up. Demonstration of the proposed stable LBMs are provided by the numerial simulation of a 1D shok tube and the unsteady 2D-ow around a square-ylinder up to Reynolds number O(10000). 1 Introdution A lattie Boltzmann method (LBM) is a disrete veloity method in whih a uid is desribed by assoiating, with eah veloity vi, a single-partile distribution funtion fi = fi(x; t) whih is evolved by advetion and interation on a xed omputational lattie. The method has been proposed as a disretization of Boltzmann's kineti transport equation: fi + vi rfi = Qi; (1) t where the ollision operator, Qi, is subjet to the fundamental mass, momentum and energy onservation laws. Dutifully, the ompressible Navier{ 1 Stokes equations are satised by the disrete population moments provided the studiously hosen disrete veloities have suÆient symmetry; the Mah number is suÆiently low and the long time-sale, t, is large ompared to the time-sale of ollisions (for an histori review see [23℄). Furthermore, the ollision operator an be alluringly simple, as is the ase with the Bhatnager{Gross{Krook (BGK) operator [5℄, whereby ollisions are desribed by a single-time relaxation to loal entropy maximising equilibria fi (although other hoies of equilibria are often preferred [23℄). Here, the relaxation time is proportional to the kinemati visosity of the model. The overrelaxation disretization of (1) (see, e.g., [4, 11, 19℄) is known as LBGK and deouples visosity from the time step, thereby suggesting that LBGK is apable of operating at arbitrarily high-Reynolds number by making the relaxation time suÆiently small. However, in this low-visosity regime, LBGK suers from numerial instabilities whih readily manifest themselves as loal blow-ups and spurious osillations. To analyse stability, the above histori LBM presription is not immediately useful. However, there is another approah whih arises from thermodynami onsiderations. Central to this alternative presription is the notion of an entropy maximising or quasiequilibrium manifold in the spae of distributions and the Ehrenfests' idea of oarse-graining [14, 15℄. In this new representation, the main element is the disrete (in time) dynamial system generated by entropi involution and free-ight (advetion). The disrete veloities appear as approximation nodes in ertain ubatures in veloity spae, and if the veloities from this set are automorphisms of a lattie, the LBM in its regular spae-and-time disrete form, as above, is obtained. The bakground knowledge neessary to disuss the LBM in this manner is presented in Set. 2. Then, this presription suggests several soures of numerial instabilities in the LBM and allows several reeipts for stabilisation. Common to eah reeipt is the desire to stay uniformly lose to the aforementioned manifold (Set. 3). In Set. 5 a numerial simulation of a 1D shok tube and the unsteady 2D-ow around a square-ylinder using the present stabilised LBMs are presented. For the later problem, the simulation quantitively validates the experimentally obtained Strouhal{Reynolds relationship up to Re = O(10000). This extends previous LBM studies of this problem where the relationship had only been suessfully validated up to Re = O(1000) [1, 3℄. Set. 6 ontains some onluding remarks as well as pratial reommendations for LBM realisations. 2 Bakground In this setion, we briey introdue the thermodynami bakground of our approah, and some notations. Proofs of most statements ould be extrated 2 from [15℄. Historially [23℄, the LBM appeared from the disretization ideas of: 1. disrete veloity set; 2. lattie spae-and-time representation. The idea of (symmetri or almost symmetri) overrelaxation was introdued to deouple visosity from the time step [4, 11, 19, 23℄. This overrelaxation was transformed into the notion of entropi involution [15, 21, 24℄, and a new understanding of the LBM was ahieved. In this new representation, the main element is the disrete dynamial system generated by entropi involution and free-ight. The disrete veloity set arises as ubature approximation nodes for the hydrodynami moments, and when these veloities are automorphisms of some lattie, the LBM in its regular spae-and-time disrete form is reovered. The lattie presription is nie and symmetri, without any dierene between spae and time disretization, but it requires some eort to introdue thermodynamis and to analyse stability of systems of this kind. On the ontrary, when we start from thermodynami onsiderations, the entropy introdution and the stability analysis are very natural, but the ubature approximation and the spae disretization requires some additional eort. Here we an nd an analogy to relativisti (quantum) eld theory: the Lagrangian formalism is fully ovariant, but if we would like to enjoy physis of the Hamiltonian formalism, we should split spae and time, and use a non-ovariant representation [13℄. Let us introdue entropi involution in earnest. The starting point is a onservative kineti equation df = J (f ): (2) dt Here, onservative means that this equation preserves values of a onave funtional, the entropy, S (f ). The standard example is the free-ight equation f t + v rf = 0; (3) where f = f (x; v; t) is a single-partile distribution funtion, x is the spae vetor, v is veloity. The hoie of entropy for (3) is ambiguous; we an start from any onave funtional of the form S (f ) = Z s(f (x; v; t))f (x; v; t)dxdv with onave s(f ). The hoie by default is s(f ) = ln f , whih gives the lassial Boltzmann{Gibbs{Shannon entropy. 3 In addition to the kineti equation (2) we have a xed linear mapping m : f 7! M to some marosopi variables, for example, M is the set of ve hydrodynami elds n, nu and E (density{momentum{energy), Z Z Z M 1 M = n := f dv; Mi = nui := vi f dv; 2 = E := 2 v f dv: (4) Further, for eah M , a quasiequilibrium (or onditional equilibrium, or generalised anonial state) fM is dened as a solution of the optimisation problem S (f ) ! max; m(f ) = M: (5) For eah f , a orrespondent quasiequilibrium state fm f is dened. The set of all quasiequilibrium states is parameterised by M and referred to as the quasiequilibrium manifold. The projetor of a point f onto the quasiequilibrium manifold is the following operator: PS : f 7! fm f : Let t be the time shift transformation for the initial onservative kineti equation (2): t (f (0)) = f (t): For the free-ight equation (3) we have t : f (x; v) 7! f (x vt; v): For a given time , the Ehrenfests' step is a transformation of the quasiequilibrium manifold Ehr : fM 7! PS ( (fM )): (6) The motion starts on the quasiequilibrium manifold, goes time along the trajetory of the onservative kineti equation (2), and then follows projetion bak onto the quasiequilibrium manifold. Marosopi variables form oordinates on the quasiequilibrium manifold. In these oordinates, Ehr : M 7! m( (fM )): The Ehrenfests' step gives a seond-order in time step approximation to the solution of the dissipative marosopi equation dM = m(J(f )) + m((D J(f )) ); (7) f f f f M dt 2 where f is the defet of invariane of the quasiequilibrium manifold: f = J (fM ) DM (fM )m(J (fM )); (8) and is the dierene between the vetor-eld J and its projetion on the quasiequilibrium manifold. 4 0 2 ( ) ( ) = M M 4 M M For the free-ight equation and hydrodynami elds M = M (x; t) (4), the quasiequilibrium distribution is the well known loal Maxwellian = m(v u) (v) = n 2kB T fM exp m 2kB T ; and (7) is the system of ompressible Navier{Stokes equations X (nui ) n = ; 2 3 2 t (nuj ) t E t i xi (nui uj ) xi i X P uj ui 2Æij + 2 x m x + x 3 r u ; i i j i X X 1 (P ui ) (Eui ) 5kB X P T + 2 2m x m x ; m i xi xi i i i i P = m1 x j = X where m is partile mass, k is Boltzmann's onstant, T is kineti temperature and P = nkB T is ideal gas pressure [18℄. The dynami visosity is = P (the kinemati visosity is = where is the thermal veloity for one degree of freedom, = kB T=m). For ! 0, (7) tends to the onservative marosopi equation dM = m(J(f )): (9) M dt For hydrodynamis, this is the (ompressible) Euler equations. The step with a quasiequilibrium state in the middle gives a seond-order in time step approximation to the solution of the onservative marosopi equation (9): M (0) = m(PS ( = (fM ))) 7! m(PS (= (fM ))) = M ( ): (10) In order to deouple visosity and time step, we an ombine (6) with (10): M (0) = m(PS ( #= (fM ))) 7! m(PS (& #= (fM ))) = M (& + #) = M ( ); where & and # = & . The state M is a mid-point on the trajetory. This transformation provides a seond-order in time approximation for the equation: dM = m(J(f )) + & m((D J(f )) ) (11) f f f f M dt 2 for the time step [15℄. For the free-ight equation (3) and hydrodynami elds (4), the system (11) is the ompressible Navier{Stokes equations with dynami visosity = & P (the kinemati visosity is = & ). B 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 + 2 = M M 2 2 1 2 5 It is worthwhile to mention that all the points t (fM ) belong to a manifold that is a trajetory q of the quasiequilibrium manifold due to the onservative dynamis (2) (in hydrodynami appliations that is the free-ight dynamis (3)). We all this manifold the lm of non-equilibrium states [15, 16, 17℄. The defet of invariane f (8) is tangent to q at the point fM , and belongs to the intersetion of this tangent spae with ker m. This intersetion is one-dimensional. This means that the diretion of f is seleted from the tangent spae to q by the ondition: derivative of M in this diretion is zero. A point f on the lm of non-equilibrium states q is naturally parameterised by (M; ): f = qM; , where M = m(f ) is the value of the marosopi variables, and = (f ) is the time shift from a quasiequilibrium state: (f ) is a quasiequilibrium state for some (other) value of M . To the rst-order in , qM; = fM + f : (12) The quasiequilibrium manifold divides q into two parts, q = q [ q [ q , where q = fqM; j < 0g, q = fqM; j > 0g, and q is the quasiequilibrium manifold: q = fqM; g = ffM g. For eah M and positive s from some interval ℄0; & [ there exist two numbers (M; s) ( (M; s) > 0, (M; s) < 0) suh that ) s: S (qM; M;s ) = S (fM The numbers oinide to the rst-order: = + o( ). We dene the entropi involution as a transformation of q: IS (qM; ) = qM; : The pair of points f ; f 2 q onneted by the involution IS (i.e., f = IS (f )) is dened (in q) by two onditions: S (f ) = S (f ); m(f ) = m(f ): The values of entropy and marosopi variables at these points oinide. Let us hoose an initial marosopi state M , and suppose the initial mirosopi state f belongs to q [ q in a -small viinity of fM : m(f ) = M ; f = qM;#; < # 0: Then the step M 7! m(IS ( (IS ( (f ))))) (13) gives a seond-order in time step approximation to the onservative marosopi equations (9) with time step 2 (the seond appliation of IS in (13) is added for symmetry and does not eet M ). One shift IS guarantees rst-order auray only [15℄. M M M 0 + 0 0 0 + ( ) + + + + 0 0 + 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 + For modelling the visous motion (11) we an ombine involution and projetion in the following manner: for f 2 q the point f = IS (f ), 2 [1=2; 1℄, is dened in q by two onditions: m(f ) = m(f ); S (f ) S (PS (f )) = (2 1) (S (f ) S (PS (f ))): The point IS (f ) is loser to the quasiequilibrium point PS (f ) than IS (f ). For = 1 we get the entropi involution: IS = IS , and for = 1=2 we reeive the operator IS= = PS . If, for t 2 [0; ℄, the trajetory t (f ) intersets the quasiequilibrium manifold (i.e., f = qM ;# and < # 0), then, after some initial steps, the following sequene gives a seond-order in time step approximation of (11) with & = (1 )= , 2 [1=2; 1℄: Mn = m((IS )n f ): (14) In order to prove this statement we onsider a transformation of the seond oordinate in qM;# ( < # 0): in linear approximation in # and we have (IS )qM;# = qM 0;#0 ; where #0 = (2 1)(# + ): This transformation has a xed point # = (2 1)=(2 ) and (IS )n qM;# = qM ;# ; where #n = # + ( 1)n (2 1)n Æ + o( ); for some Æ. This asymptoti formula is valid for the given 2 [1=2; 1℄ and ! 0, but if 1 is small it has no pratial sense beause relaxation may be too slow: #n # + ( 1)n exp( 2n(1 ))Æ, and relaxation requires 1=(1 ) steps. If #n = # + o( ) then the sequene Mn (14) approximates (11) with & = 2j# j = (1 )= and seond-order auray in time step . As we have already mentioned, for the transfer from free-ight with entropi involution to the standard LBGK models we must: 1. transfer to a nite number of veloities with the same marosopi equations; 2. transfer from spae to a lattie, where these veloities are automorphisms; and also, 0 1 0 1 1 2 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 n 7 0 0 1 0 0 n 0 0 3. transfer from dynamis and involution on q to the whole spae of states. Instead of IS the transformation I : f 7! PS (f ) + (2 1)(PS (f ) f ) (15) is used. If, for a given f , the sequene (14) gives a seond-order in time step approximation of (11), then the sequene Mn = m((I )n f ) (16) also gives a seond-order approximation to the same equation. Entropi LBGK (ELBM) methods [7, 15, 21, 24℄ dier only in the denition of (15): for = 1 it should onserve the entropy, and in general has the following form: ~ (17) IE (f ) = (1 )f + f; with f~ = (1 )f + PS (f ). The number = (f ) is hosen so that the onstant entropy ondition is satised: S (f ) = S (f~). For LBGK (15), = 2. Of ourse, omputation of I is muh easier than that of IS or IE : it is not neessary to follow exatly the manifold q and to solve the nonlinear onstant entropy ondition equation. For an appropriate initial ondition from q (not suÆiently lose to q ), two steps of ELBM with I gives the same seond-order auray as (14). But a long hain of suh steps an lead far from the quasiequilibrium manifold and even from q. Here, we see stability problems arising. 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 Stability and reeipts for stabilisation First of all, if f is far from the quasiequilibrium, the state I (f ) may be non-physial. The positivity onditions (positivity of probabilities or populations) may be violated. For multi-dimensional and innite-dimensional problems it is neessary to speify what one means by far. In the previous setion, f is the whole state whih inludes the states of all sites of the lattie. All the inversion operators with lassial entropies (ones that do not depend on gradients) are dened for lattie sites independently. Violation of positivity at one site makes the whole state non-physial. Hene, we should use here the `1-norm: lose states are lose uniformly, at all sites. There is a simple reeipt for positivity preservation: to substitute nonpositive I (f ) by the losest non-negative state that belongs to the straight line n o f + (1 )PS (f )j 2 R 0 0 8 ǻ Figure 1: Neutral stability and one-step osillations in a sequene of reetions. Bold dotted line { a perturbed motion, { diretion of neutral stability. dened by the two points, f and orrespondent quasiequilibrium. Let us all this reeipt the positivity rule. It has been demonstrated [8℄ (also, independently, in [25℄) that the lassi LBGK model with the positivity rule provides the same results (in the sense of stability and absene/presene of spurious osillations) as the entropi LBGK models. This reeipt preserves positivity of populations and probabilities, but an aet auray of approximation: to avoid the hange of auray order, the number of sites with this step should be of the order O(Nh=L) where N is the total number of sites, h is the step of the spae disretization and L is the marosopi harateristi length. The seond problem is non-linearity: for auray estimates we always use the assumption that f is suÆiently lose to quasiequilibrium. Far from the quasiequilibrium manifold these estimates do not work beause of nonlinearity (rst of all, the quasiequilibrium distribution, fM , depends nonlinearly on M and hene the projetion operator, PS , is nonlinear). Again we need to keep the states not far from the quasiequilibrium manifold. The third problem is a diretional instability that an aet auray: the vetor f PS (f ) an deviate far from the tangent to q. Hene, we should not only keep f lose to the quasiequilibrium, but also guarantee smallness of the angle between the diretion f PS (f ) and tangent spae to q. One ould rely on the stability of this diretion, but we fail to prove this in any general ase. The diretional instability hanges the struture of dissipation terms: the auray dereases to the rst-order in and signiant utuations of the Prandtl number and visosity, et may our. This arries a danger even without blow-ups; one ould oneivably be relying on non-reliable omputational results. Furthermore, there exists a neutral stability of all desribed approximations that auses one-step osillations: a small shift of f in the diretion of f does not relax bak for = 1, and its relaxation is slow for 1 (for small visosity). This eet is demonstrated for a hain of mirror reetions in Fig. 1. M 9 Three presriptions allow us to improve the situation: 1. Positivity rule. The tehnial advise is to use this rule in all disrete kineti models. This rule guarantees positivity of populations and probabilities, and elementary post-proessing allows one to estimate how these steps affet the whole piture. Tests prove that this rule is as eetive as entropi methods, and they are muh simpler for realisation (see, [8℄ and Set. 5). For the stabilisation of LBMs, the entropi version of (17) was proposed and is used. This approah somehow improves stability, indeed, but annot erase spurious osillation and large loal deviation from quasiequilibrium [6, 8, 9℄. The H -theorem implies stability of equilibrium in the entropi norm (that is, a weighted ` -norm, a weighted sum of squared point evaluations) for isolated systems. For non-isolated systems (e.g., the shok tube, systems with external ows, et.) the H -theorem (positivity of entropy prodution) does not guarantee stability in any norm, but an be used to establish ertain estimates of boundedness with respet to the entropi norm. However, to suppress loal blow-ups we need estimates in `1-norm, and to suppress high-frequeny osillations we need boundedness in the Sobolev norm that depends on derivatives. 2. Ehrenfests' regularisation. In order to keep the urrent state uniformly lose to the quasiequilibrium manifold we monitor loal deviation of f from the orrespondent quasiequilibrium, and when this deviation is large perform loal Ehrenfests' steps [18℄, fj 7! fj; (18) where j is the number of the site, fj is the state at this site, and fj is the orrespondent loal quasiequilibrium (we assume that the entropy is the sum of nodal values, and the problem of quasiequilibrium (5) is fully split into loal problems at the sites). In order to preserve the seond-order of auray, it is worthwhile performing Ehrenfests' steps at only a small number of sites (the number of sites should be O(Nh=L), where N is the total number of sites, L is the marosopi harateristi length and h is the lattie step). If only k sites are required then this onstitutes a omputational ost of O(kN ). Numerial experiments show (see, e.g., [8, 9℄ and Set. 5) that even a small number of suh steps drastially improves stability. 2 1 1 In our paper [9℄ we used another denition that follows the Euler disretization of the BGK equation, but, for small visosity this is essentially the same 10 ĬIJ PS I0E QE-manifold I0 Figure 2: The sheme of oupled steps (19). 3. Coupled steps with quasiequilibrium ends. Let us take fM as the initial state with given M , then evolve the state by , apply LBGK reetion I , again evolve by , and nally projet by PS onto quasiequilibrium manifold: ))))) M 7! m(PS ( (I ( (fM (19) The analysis of entropy prodution easily shows that this step (Fig. 2) gives a seond-order in time approximation to the shift in time 2 for (11) with & = 2(1 ) , 2 [1=2; 1℄. The stabilisation (restart exatly from a quasiequilibrium point) introdues additional dissipation of order , and the perturbation of auray is of order . Hene, the method has the seond-order auray. It is neessary to stress that the visosity oeÆient is proportional to & and signiantly depends on the hain onstrution: for the sequene (14) we have & = (1 )= , and for the sequene of steps (19) & = 2(1 ) (the proedure for alulating this visosity oeÆient is ontained in Set. 4). For small 1 the later gives around two times larger visosity (and for realisation of the same visosity we must take this in to aount). 0 0 2 4 3 Visosity omputation In this setion, we demonstrate how to ompute visosity for any onstrution of steps on the base of (7) and the representation (12). We ompute the entropy prodution and ompare it to the entropy prodution in Ehrenfests' steps. First of all, for any f , the distribution PS (f ) = fm f is the entropy maximiser for the given marosopi variables M = m(f ). Hene, by Taylor expansion, 1 S (f ) = S (PS (f )) + hf PS (f ); f PS (f )iP f + o(kf PS (f )k ); 2 ( ) S( 11 ) 2 where h ; ig is the entropi inner-produt, i.e., the negative of the bilinear form of the seond dierential of entropy: h'; ig := (Df S (f ))f g ('; ). In partiular, using (12), we have S (qM; ) = S (fM ) + hf ; f if + o( ): 2 For the operation I (15) we have S (I f ) = S (PS (f )) + (2 2 1) hf PS (f ); f PS (f )iP f + o(kf PS (f )k ): In partiular, ) + (2 1) hf ; f if + o( ); S (I qM; ) = S (fM 2 and for the orrespondent entropy gain S we have S = 2 (1 )hf ; f if + o( ): Entropy prodution is the ratio of entropy gain to time. For the Ehrenfests' step (6) in time the entropy gain S ; is S ; = 2 hf ; f if + o( ); with entropy prodution ; given by the expression S ; = h ; i + o( ): ; = (20) 2 f f f Now, for a oupled step (19) (see Fig. 2) 7! PS ( (I ( (f )))); fM M the free-ight does not hange entropy and the entropy gain is S = S + S ; with S = S ; . Thus, S = 2 (1 )hf ; f if + 2 (1 ) hf ; f if + o( ) = 2 (1 )hf ; f if + o( ): The orresponding entropy prodution is S = (1 )hf ; f if + o( ): = (21) After omparison of the two entropy prodution formulas (20) and (21) we an immediately onlude that the oupled step (19) gives a seond-order in time approximation of (11) with & = 2(1 ) . For any other variants of step onstrution the method of visosity omputation is the same: we estimate the entropy gain up to the seond-order, and nd the orrespondent value of & . 2 2 = 2 M M M 0 0 2 S( 2 2 ) 2 2 0 M M M 1 2 1 2 M M M Ehr 2 2 Ehr M M M Ehr Ehr Ehr M M M 0 1 2 Ehr 2(1 2 ) 2 2 M M M 2 2 M M 2 2 M M M 12 M M M M 5 Numerial experiment To onlude this paper we report two numerial experiments onduted to demonstrate the performane of the proposed LBM stabilisation reeipts from Set. 3. The rst test is a 1D shok tube and we are interested in omparing the Ehrenfests' regularisation (18), the oupled step (19) with LBGK (15) and ELBM (17). The seond test is the 2D unsteady ow around a square-ylinder. The unsteady ow around a square-ylinder has been widely experimentally investigated in the literature (see, e.g., [12, 22, 26℄). We demonstrate that LBGK (15), with the Ehrenfests' regularisation (18), is apable of quantitively apturing the Strouhal{Reynolds relationship. The relationship is veried up to Re = 20000 and ompares well with Okajima's experimental data [22℄. As we are advised in Set. 3, in all of the experiments, we implement the positivity rule. 5.1 Shok tube The 1D shok tube for a ompressible isothermal uid is a standard benhmark test for hydrodynami odes. We will x the kinemati visosity of the uid at = 10 . Our omputational domain will be the interval [0; 1℄ and we disretize this interval with 801 uniformly spaed lattie sites. We hoose the initial density ratio as 1:2 so that for x 400 we set n = 1:0 else we set n = 0:5. In all of our simulations we use a lattie with spaing h = 1, time step = 1 and a disrete veloity set fv ; v ; v g := f0; 1; 1g so that the model onsists of stati, left- and right-moving populations only. The governing equations for LBGK are then fi (x + vi ; t + 1) = fi(x; t) + (2 1)(fi (x; t) fi (x; t)); (22) where the subsript i denotes population (not lattie site number) and f , f and f denote the stati, left- and right-moving populations, respetively. The entropy is S = H , with H = f log(f =4) + f log(f ) + f log(f ); (see, e.g., [20℄) and, for this entropy, the loal quasiequilibrium state f is available expliitly: 2n 2 p1 + 3u ; f = 3 p n f = (3u 1) + 2 1 + 3u ; 6n p (3 u + 1) 2 1 + 3u ; f = 6 9 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 2 2 3 3 2 1 2 2 2 3 13 where n := X i fi; u := 1 X vi fi: n i For ontrast we are interested in omparison with ELBM (17): fi (x + vi ; t + 1) = (1 )fi (x; t) + f~i (x; t); (23) with f~ = (1 )f + f . As previously mentioned, the parameter, , is hosen to satisfy a onstant entropy ondition. This involves nding the nontrivial root of the equation S ((1 )f + f ) = S (f ): (24) Inauray in the solution of this equation an introdue artiial visosity. To solve (24) numerially we employ a robust routine based on bisetion. The root is solved to an auray of 10 and we always ensure that the returned value of does not lead to a numerial entropy derease. We stipulate that if, at some site, no nontrivial root of (24) exists we will employ the positivity rule instead. For the realisation of the Ehrenfests' regularisation of LBGK, whih is intended to keep states uniformly lose to the quasiequilibrium manifold, we should monitor non-equilibrium entropy S at every lattie site: S := S (f ) S (f ); throughout the simulation. If a pre-speied threshold value Æ is exeeded, then an Ehrenfests' step is taken at the orresponding site. Now, the governing equations beome: ( f (x; t) + (2 1)(fi (x; t) fi (x; t)); S Æ , fi (x + vi ; t + 1) = i fi (x; t); otherwise. (25) Furthermore, so that the Ehrenfests' steps are not allowed to degrade the auray of LBGK it is pertinent to selet the k sites with highest S > Æ. The a posteriori estimates of added dissipation ould easily be performed by analysis of entropy prodution in Ehrenfests' steps. The governing equations for the oupled step regularisation of LBGK alternates between lassi LBGK and Ehrenfests' steps: ( f (x; t) + (2 1)(fi (x; t) fi (x; t)); N even, fi (x + vi ; t + 1) = i fi (x; t); N odd, (26) where N is the umulative total number of time steps taken in the simulation. Of ourse, one is at liberty to ombine the oupled step (26) with 15 step step step 14 the Ehrenfests' regularisation (25) to reate another method, and we will do this as well. In aordane with the losing remark of Set. 3, as the kinemati visosity of the model uid is xed at = 10 we should take = 1=(2 + 1) 1 2 for LBGK, ELBM and the Ehrenfests' regularisation. Whereas, for the oupled step regularisation, we should take = 1 . We observe that the proposed stabilisation reeipts (25) and (26) are apable of subduing spurious post-shok osillations whereas LBGK and ELBM fail in this respet (Fig. 3). The oupled step simulation (Fig. 3e) is strikingly impressive as the sheme introdues zero artiial dissipation. Furthermore, the small post-shok deviation in Fig. 3e (we believe this phenomenon is unavoidable without adding dissipation) an be eradiated using Ehrenfests' steps (Fig. 3f and Fig. 3g). In the example, we have onsidered xed toleranes of (k; Æ) = (4; 10 ) and (k; Æ) = (4; 10 ) only. We reiterate that it is important for Ehrenfests' steps to be employed at only a small share of sites. To illustrate, in Fig. 4 we have allowed k to be unbounded and let Æ vary. As Æ dereases, the number of Ehrenfests' steps quikly begins to grow (as shown in the aompanying histograms) and exessive and unneessary smoothing is observed on the shok and rarefation wave. The seond-order auray of LBGK is orrupted. In Fig. 5, we have kept Æ xed at Æ = 10 and instead let k vary. We observe that even small values of k (e.g., k = 1) dramatially improves the stability of LBGK. 9 3 4 4 5.2 Flow around a square-ylinder Our seond test is the 2D unsteady ow around a square-ylinder. The realisation of LBGK that we use will employ a uniform 9-speed square lattie with disrete veloities 8 0; i = 0, > > > > > < i = 1; 2; 3; 4, os (i 1) 2 ; sin (i 1) 2 ; vi = > > > > > : p 2 os (i 5) 2 + 4 ; sin (i 5) 2 + 4 ; i = 5; 6; 7; 8. The numbering f , f ; : : : ; f are for the stati, east-, north-, west-, south-, northeast-, northwest-, southwest- and southeast-moving populations, respetively. As usual, the quasiequilibrium state, f , an be uniquely determined by maximising an entropy funtional 0 1 8 S (f ) = X i fi log 15 fi ; Wi 0.2 0.4 x 0.6 x 0.8 1 1 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.2 0.4 x 0.6 x 0.8 1 1 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.2 0.4 x 0.6 x 0.8 1 1 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.2 0.4 x 0.6 x 0.8 1 1 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.2 0.4 x 0.6 x 0.8 1 1 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.2 0.4 x 0.6 x 0.8 1 u 1 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 n 1.1 0.9 0.7 0.5 0 1.1 1.1 0.9 0.7 0.5 0 1.1 1.1 0.9 0.7 0.5 0 1.1 1.1 0.9 0.7 0.5 0 1.1 1.1 0.9 0.7 0.5 0 1.1 1.1 0.9 0.7 0.5 0 1.1 1.1 0.9 0.7 0.5 0 1.1 0.4 x 0.6 x 0.8 u 0.2 n (a) 0.4 x 0.6 x 0.8 u 0.2 n (b) 0.4 x 0.6 x 0.8 u 0.2 n () 0.4 x 0.6 x 0.8 u 0.2 n (d) 0.4 x 0.6 x 0.8 u 0.2 n (e) 0.2 0.4 x 0.6 x 0.8 u 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 n (f) 1 0.2 0.4 x 0.6 0.8 1 0.2 0.4 x 0.6 0.8 (g) Figure 3: Density and veloity prole of the 1:2 isothermal shok tube simulation after 400 time steps using (a) ELBM (23); (b) LBGK (22); () Ehrenfests' regularisation (25) with (k; Æ) = (4; 10 ); (d) Ehrenfests' regularisation (25) with (k; Æ) = (4; 10 ); (e) oupled step regularisation (26); (f) oupled step ombined with Ehrenfests' regularisation with (k; Æ) = (4; 10 ); (g) oupled step ombined with Ehrenfests' regularisation with (k; Æ) = (4; 10 ). In this example, no negative population are produed by any of the methods so the positivity rule is redundant. For ELBM in this example, (24) always has a nontrivial root. Sites where Ehrenfests' steps are employed are indiated by rosses. 3 4 3 4 16 6 0.9 4 n ES 1.1 0.7 0.5 0 0.2 0.4 xx 0.6 0.8 15 0.9 10 0.5 0 0.2 0.4 x x 0.6 0.8 0.9 40 400 100 200 tt 300 400 100 200 t t 300 400 100 200 tt 300 400 n 20 0.2 0.4 x x 0.6 0.8 00 1 120 0.9 80 n ES 1.1 0.5 0 300 ES 60 0.7 40 0.2 0.4 x x 0.6 0.8 00 1 150 0.9 100 ES 1.1 n (d) 00 1 0.7 () 200 tt 5 1.1 0.5 0 100 ES 1.1 0.7 (b) 00 1 n (a) 2 0.7 50 0.5 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 100 200 300 400 x t (e) Figure 4: LBGK (22) regularised with Ehrenfests' steps (25). Density prole of the 1:2 isothermal shok tube simulation and Ehrenfests' steps histogram after 400 time steps using the toleranes (a) (k; Æ) = (1; 10 ); (b) (k; Æ) = (1; 10 ); () (k; Æ) = (1; 10 ); (d) (k; Æ) = (1; 10 ); (e) (k; Æ) = (1; 10 ). Sites where Ehrenfests' steps are employed are indiated by rosses. 3 4 5 7 17 6 1.1 2 n ES 0.9 0.7 0.5 0 (a) 0.2 0.4 1.1 1.1 x x 0.6 0.8 00 1 0.9 200 t t 300 400 100 200 t t 300 400 100 200 tt 300 400 100 200 tt 300 400 ES n (b) 100 2 0.7 0.5 0 1 1 0.2 0.4 x x 0.6 0.8 00 1 1.1 4 n ES 0.9 0.7 0.5 0 () 0.2 0.4 x x 0.6 0.8 2 00 1 1.1 8 n ES 0.9 0.7 (d) 0.5 0 0.2 0.4 x x 0.6 0.8 4 00 1 1.1 8 n ES 0.9 0.7 0.5 0 4 0 0 100 300 200 400 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 t x (e) Figure 5: LBGK (22) regularised with Ehrenfests' steps (25). Density prole of the 1:2 isothermal shok tube simulation and Ehrenfests' steps histogram after 400 time steps using the toleranes (a) (k; Æ) = (1; 10 ); (b) (k; Æ) = (2; 10 ); () (k; Æ) = (4; 10 ); (d) (k; Æ) = (8; 10 ); (e) (k; Æ) = (16; 10 ). Sites where Ehrenfests' steps are employed are indiated by rosses. 4 4 4 4 18 4 subjet to the onstraints of onservation of mass and momentum: q ! q 2uj + 1 + 3uj v Y fi = nWi 2 1 + 3uj 1 uj j 2 2 2 i;j (27) =1 Here, the lattie weights, Wi, are given lattie-spei onstants: W0 = 4=9, W1;2;3;4 = 1=9 and W5;6;7;8 = 1=36. The marosopi variables are given by the expressions n := X i fi; X (u ; u ) := n1 vi fi: 1 2 i The omputational set up for the ow is as follows. A square-ylinder of side length L, initially at rest, is emersed in a onstant ow in a retangular hannel of length 30L and height 25L. The ylinder is plae on the entre line in the y-diretion resulting in a blokage ratio of 4%. The entre of the ylinder is plaed at a distane 10:5L from the inlet. The free-stream veloity is xed at (u1; v1 ) = (0:05; 0) (in lattie units) for all simulations. On the north and south hannel walls a free-slip boundary ondition is imposed (see, e.g., [23℄). At the inlet, the inward pointing veloities are replaed with their quasiequilibrium values orresponding to the free-stream veloity. At the outlet, the inward pointing veloities are replaed with their assoiated quasiequilibrium values orresponding to the veloity and density of the penultimate row of the lattie. 5.2.1 Maxwell boundary ondition The boundary ondition on the ylinder that we prefer is the diusive Maxwell boundary ondition (see, e.g., [10℄), whih was rst applied to LBMs in [2℄. The essene of the ondition is that populations reahing a boundary are reeted, proportional to equilibrium, suh that mass-balane (in the bulk) and detail-balane are ahieved. We will desribe two possible realisations of the boundary ondition { time-delayed and instantaneous reetion of equilibrated populations. In both instanes, immediately prior to the advetion of populations, only those populations pointing in to the uid at a boundary site are updated. Boundary sites do not undergo the ollisional step that the bulk of the sites are subjeted to. To illustrate, onsider the situation of a wall, aligned with the lattie, moving with veloity u and with outward pointing normal to the wall pointing in the positive y-diretion (this is the situation on the north wall of the square-ylinder with u = 0). The time-delayed reetion implementation of the diusive Maxwell boundary ondition at a boundary site wall wall 19 (x; y) on this wall onsists of the update f (x; y; t + 1) = f (u ); f (x; y; t + 1) = f (u ); f (x; y; t + 1) = f (u ); with f (x; y; t) + f (x; y; t) + f (x; y; t) = : f (u ) + f (u ) + f (u ) Whereas for the instantaneous reetion implementation, f (x; y + 1; t) + f (x + 1; y + 1; t) + f (x 1; y + 1; t) = : f (u ) + f (u ) + f (u ) Observe that, beause density is a linear fator of the equilibria (27), the density of the wall is inonsequential in the boundary ondition and an therefore be taken as unity for onveniene. We point out that, although both realisations agree in the ontinuum limit, the time-delayed implementation does not aomplish mass-balane. Therefore, instantaneous reetion is preferred and will be the implementation that we employ in the present example. Finally, it is instrutive to illustrate the situation for a boundary site (x; y) on a orner of the square-ylinder, say the north-west orner. The (instantaneous reetion) update is then f (x; y; t + 1) = f (u ); f (x; y; t + 1) = f (u ); f (x; y; t + 1) = f (u ); f (x; y; t + 1) = f (u ); f (x; y; t + 1) = f (u ); where = f (x 1; y; t) + f (x; y + 1; t) + f (x 1; y 1; t) + f (x + 1; y + 1; t) + f (x 1; y + 1; t) . f (u ) + f (u ) + f (u ) + f (u ) + f (u ) : 2 2 wall 5 5 wall 6 6 wall 4 7 wall 2 4 5 1 8 wall 5 wall 6 2 2 wall 3 3 wall 5 5 wall 6 6 wall 7 7 wall 4 wall 5 7 2 wall 6 7 2 5.2.2 8 wall 8 wall 3 wall 5 wall 6 wall 7 wall Strouhal{Reynolds relationship As a test of the Ehrenfests' regularisation (18), a series of simulations, all with harateristi length xed at L = 20, were onduted over a range of Reynolds numbers Lu Re = 1 : 20 0.2 S 0.15 0.1 0.05 101 103 Re 102 104 Figure 6: Variation of Strouhal number as a funtion of Reynolds. Dots are Okajima's experimental data [22℄ (the data has been digitally extrated from the original paper). Diamonds are the Ehrenfests' regularisation of LBGK and the squares are the ELBM simulation from [1℄. The parameter pair (k; Æ), whih ontrol the Ehrenfests' steps toleranes, are xed at (L=2; 10 ). We are interested in omputing the Strouhal{Reynolds relationship. The Strouhal number S is a dimensionless measure of the vortex shedding frequeny in the wake of one side of the ylinder: 3 S= Lf! ; u1 where f! is the shedding frequeny. For our omputational set up, the vortex shedding frequeny is omputed using the following algorithmi tehnique. Firstly, the x-omponent of veloity is reorded during the simulation over t = 1250L=u1 time steps. The monitoring points is positioned at oordinates (4L; 2L) (assuming the origin is at the entre of the ylinder). Next, the dominant frequeny is extrated from the nal 25% of the signal using the disrete Fourier transform. The monitoring point is purposefully plaed suÆiently downstream and away from the entre line so that only the inuene of one side of the ylinder is reorded. The omputed Strouhal{Reynolds relationship using the Ehrenfests' regmax 21 ularisation of LBGK is shown in Fig. 6. The simulation ompares well with Okajima's data from wind tunnel and water tank experiment [22℄. The present simulation extends previous LBM studies of this problem [1, 3℄ whih have been able to quantitively aptured the relationship up to Re = O(1000). Fig. 6 also shows the ELBM simulation results from [1℄. Furthermore, the omputational domain was xed for all the present omputations, with the smallest value of the kinemati visosity attained being = 5 10 at Re = 20000. It is worth mentioning that, for this harateristi length, LBGK exhibits numerial divergene at around Re = 1000. We estimate that, for the present set up, the omputational domain would require at least O(10 ) lattie sites for the kinemati visosity to be large enough for LBGK to onverge at Re = 20000. This is ompared with O(10 ) sites for the present simulation. 5 7 5 6 Conlusions We have presented the main mehanisms of observed LBM instabilities: 1. Positivity loss due to high loal deviation from (quasi)equilibrium; 2. Appearane of neutral stability in some diretions in the zero visosity limit; 3. Diretional instability. We found three methods of stability preservation. Two of them, the positivity rule and the Ehrenfests' regularisation, are \salvation" (or \SOS") operations. They preserve the system from positivity loss or from the loal blow-ups, but introdue artiial dissipation and it is neessary to ontrol the number of sites where these steps are applied. In order to preserve the seond-order of LBM auray, it is worthwhile to perform these steps on only a small number of sites; the number of sites should not be higher than O(Nh=L), where N is the total number of sites, L is the marosopi harateristi length and h is the lattie step. The added dissipation ould easily be estimated a posterior by summarising the entropy prodution of the \SOS" steps. But most eetive is the speial new hoie of ollisions: the oupled steps (26). These steps alternate between lassi LBM and Ehrenfests' steps, introdue no artiial visosity, have the seond-order auray, and provide diretional stability as well as obliterate the eets of neutral stability. Indeed, the shok tube simulation in Fig. 3e is a ompelling demonstration of the proposed sheme's apabilities. 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