Lesson Plan Robotics Team Roles Robotics and Automation

Robotics Team Roles
Robotics and Automation
Lesson Plan
Performance Objective
At the end of the lesson, students will demonstrate how to form a robotics team, select a robotics project, and
work on a robotics team to complete the project, matching the criteria in the Rubric: Robotics Team Roles.
Specific Objectives
 Explain the purpose of a team and describe a robotics team.
 Explain how a robotics team should function.
 Explain how to create a robotics team.
 Explain how to assign roles for a robotics team.
 Select a robotics project to complete from the NASA website.
 Form a robotics team for a robotics project.
 Discuss each teammate’s interests and strengths.
 Assign roles for the robotics team.
 Prepare a presentation and discuss with teacher and classmates.
Team - a group of people working together.
Teammate - a person on the same team.
Teamwork - joint action by a group of people.
Robotics - the science or technology of robots, their design, and use.
This lesson should take approximately 45 minutes to teach. Students will need an additional 45 minutes to
assign the roles for the robotics team and to review the NASA Robotics website. Additional 45-minute lab
sessions will be needed depending on the project chosen.
TEKS Correlations
This lesson, as published, correlates to the following TEKS. Any changes/alterations to the activities may result
in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed.
Robotics and Automation
 130.370 (c)
o (2) The student participates in team projects in various roles. The student is expected to:
(A) understand and discuss how teams function.
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Interdisciplinary Correlations
Career Development
 127.13 (c)
o (6) The student applies the use of self-development techniques and interpersonal skills to
accomplish objectives. The student is expected to:
(A) Identify and practice effective interpersonal and team-building skills with coworkers,
managers, and customers.
English Language Arts and Reading, English IV
 110.34 (b)
o (1) Reading/Vocabulary Development. Students understand new vocabulary and use it
when reading and writing. Students are expected to:
(A) Determine the meaning of technical academic English words in multiple content
areas (e.g., science, mathematics, social studies, the arts) derived from Latin, Greek,
or other linguistic roots and affixes.
Occupational Correlation (O*Net – www.onetonline.org/)
Job Title: Robotics Technicians
O*Net Number: 17-3024.01
Reported Job Titles: Field Service Technician, Instrument Specialist, Instrumentation Technician, Automation
Technician, Electrical and Instrumentation Technician (E and I Technician), Electronics Technician
 Troubleshoot robotic systems, using knowledge of microprocessors, programmable controllers,
electronics, circuit analysis, mechanics, sensor or feedback systems, hydraulics, or pneumatics.
 Disassemble and reassemble robots or peripheral equipment to make repairs such as replacement of
defective circuit boards, sensors, controllers, encoders, and servomotors.
 Perform preventive or corrective maintenance on robotic systems or components.
 Maintain service records of robotic equipment or automated production systems.
 Install, program, or repair programmable controllers, robot controllers, end-of-arm tools, or conveyors.
 Document robotics test procedures and results.
 Align, fit, or assemble component parts using hand tools, fixtures, templates, or microscopes.
 Attach wires between controllers.
 Test performance of robotic assemblies, using instruments such as oscilloscopes, electronic voltmeters,
or bridges.
 Develop robotic path motions to maximize efficiency, safety, and quality.
Soft Skills
 Troubleshooting
 Critical Thinking
 Equipment Maintenance
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Reading Comprehension
Complex Problem Solving
Active Listening
Operation Monitoring
Quality Control Analysis
Equipment Selection
Accommodations for Learning Differences
This lesson accommodates the needs of every learner. You may modify this lesson to accommodate students
with learning differences. Refer to the files found on the Special Populations page of this website.
 Research using the Internet for robotics team competitions and resources.
 Review and become familiar with the terminology and proper robotics team techniques.
 Prepare materials and open websites prior to the start of the lesson.
 Make a copy of the robotics team assignment and rubrics for each student.
 Select robotics projects for students to choose from.
 http://www.nasa.gov/audience/foreducators/robotics/lessonplans/index.html
 Webster’s New World College Dictionary. (2002). Cleveland, OH: Wiley Publishing, Inc.
Instructional Aids
 Robotics Team Roles slide presentation
 Assignment: Robotics Team Roles
 Rubric: Robotics Team Roles
 NASA website on robotics
The purpose of this lesson is to help students understand and be able to discuss team functions. Students will
work as a team on a robotics team project.
o Types of robotics team competitions
o Have you ever wondered how a robotics team functions?
o The NASA robotics website
o (http://www.nasa.gov/audience/foreducators/robotics/lessonplans/index.html)
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o Today we will learn about and discuss how robotics teams function. We will create our own
robotics team and will select a robotics project from the NASA robotics website.
o What is the difference between a team and a group?
o A team is a group of people working together. A group is a group of people gathered together, or
classified together.
Purpose of a Team
Purpose of a Robotics Team
Functions of a Robotics Team
Roles of a Robotics Team
A. Project Manager
B. Technical Writer
C. Research Scientist
D. Robot Design Engineer
E. Computer Programmer
F. Strategic Planner
G. Quality Control Specialist
Creating a Robotics Team
Assigning Roles on a Robotics Team
Assignment: Robotics Team Roles
Rubric: Robotics Team Roles
After the slide
presentation titled
Robotics Team Roles,
have students complete
the handout titled
Assignment: Robotics
Team Roles.
Grade using Rubric:
Robotics Team Roles.
Show the NASA website
on robotics.
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Multiple Intelligences Guide
Guided Practice
The students will practice by forming a robotics team and completing a robotics project.
Independent Practice
The students will work as a team to design and build a robot by selecting a robotics project of their choice.
The students will be able to discuss the function of their robotics team and explain their robotics team roles.
Informal Assessment
The teacher will observe students working on robotics projects.
Formal Assessment
The students’ robots are graded using the Rubric: Robotics Team Roles.
The students will research local robotics competitions from association and organization websites.
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Assignment: Robotics Team Roles
Before getting started, assign roles to each teammate on the robotics team. Role assignment ensures that each teammate participates in the
robotic project activities. You may assign the robotics team roles listed below.
The goal of forming a robotics team is to assign every teammate a role that they want to do and have the skills to do. Review the roles on robotics
team and discuss the interests and strengths of teammates.
 Are you ready to form your own robotics team?
 Do you want to be part of a team that designs and tests a robot?
 Visit the NASA education website.
Source: http://www.nasa.gov/audience/foreducators/robotics/lessonplans/index.html
 Use the table below to assign a role to each teammate on the robotics team.
1. Form a robotics team.
2. Select a robotics project from the NASA website listed above.
3. Decide how the team will function and determine team roles.
4. Prepare a presentation and discuss with your teacher and classmates.
Robotics Team Roles
Project Manager
 Assigns responsibilities/ tasks
 Strong communication skills
 Sets the project schedule
 Leadership skills
 Monitors progress and
 Organization skills
 Leads the practice meetings
 Communicates information to the
Team Member Name
 Efficiency skills
 Problem solving skills
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Robotics Team Roles
Technical Writer
 Documents team’s progress
and ideas
 Keeps track of all materials
 Organizes information in a
visual aid
Team Member Name
 Strong organization skills
 Strong writing skills, including
the ability to write quickly
 Creative thinking skills
 Artistic skills
 Observant and detail oriented
Research Scientist
 Leads team efforts to gather
information and prepare
 Strong research skills
 Develops project and
 Strong organization skills
 Strong public speaking skills
 Creative thinking skills
 Interest in space exploration
Robot Design Engineer
 Understands rules about the
robotics project
 Leads team on building the robot
 Guides ideas for a realistic model
 Develops a technical presentation
 Strong teamwork skills
 Communication skills
 Knowledge about robots
and how to build them
 Some knowledge of gears
and motors
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Robotics Team Roles
Computer Programmer
 Understands rules about the
robotics project
 Develops all programming
 Develops technical
Team Member Name
 Strong logic skills
 Strong computer skills
 Strong teamwork skills
 Communication skills
 Prior programming experience
 Works closely with the
Computer Design Engineer
and the Strategic Planner
Strategic Planner
 Understands rules about the
robotics project
 Develops final plan for project
 Works closely with the
Computer Programmer and
the Design Engineer
 Tests robot and identifies
possible weak points
 Recommends improvements
 Strong problem solving skills
 Strong communication skills especially conveying clear
 Strong analytical skills
 Teamwork skills
 Willingness to learn about
programming and building
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Robotics Team Roles
Quality Control Specialist
 Understands rules about the
robotics project
 Develops final team plan
Team Member Name
 Strong problem solving skills
 Strong communication skills –
especially conveying clear ideas
 Works closely with the
Computer Programmer and the
Design Engineer
 Strong analytical skills
 Tests robot and identifies
possible weak points
 Willingness to learn about
programming and building
 Teamwork skills
 Recommends improvements
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Rubric: Robotics Team Roles
NASA Robotics Project
Poor 0-6 points
Robot completed less than
half the project standards
and/or needed repetitive
Teacher observed none of
the team members
interacting, discussing,
posing questions to each
other, exchanging and
rethinking ideas.
Student never
programmed, or ran the
Documentation was
missing two or more
Students formed a
robotics team and
selected a robotics
Moderate 7-8 points
Robot completed half the
project standards and/or
needed some assistance.
Teacher observed some
team members
interacting, discussing,
posing questions to each
other, exchanging and
rethinking ideas most of
the time.
Student occasionally
programmed, or ran the
Documentation was
missing one page.
Students formed a
robotics team, selected a
robotics project, and
discussed how a robotics
team will function.
Mastery 9-10 points
Robot completed the
entire project standards
from start to finish with
little to no help.
Teacher observed all team
members interacting,
discussing, posing
questions to each other,
exchanging and rethinking
ideas all of the time.
Score 25-50 points
Student was actively
involved in brainstorming,
programming, and running
the robot all of the time.
Documentation included
timed trials, average
speed, and maze
Students formed a
robotics team, selected a
robotics project, discussed
how a robotics team will
function, and discussed
their team roles.
A = 45-50; B = 31-44; C = 25-30; D = 0-24
Total Score: _______
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