Lesson Plan Course Title: Engineering Design and Problem Solving Session Title: Intro-Mini Project Performance Objective: After completing this lesson, students will be able to explain the concept of engineering design, apply engineering design concepts to a problem scenario, practice sketching technical drawings in their engineering notebooks, and reinforce collaborative and communication skills. Specific Objectives: Students will be able to review scientific concepts of kinetic energy, potential energy, and energy transfer, determine the coefficient of restitution (COR) for various sports balls, understand elastic and inelastic collisions, practice sketching and creating technical drawings of various sports balls using graphic tools, apply the concept of engineering design to a problem scenario, and reinforce collaborative and communication skills. Preparation TEKS Correlations: This lesson, as published, correlates to the following TEKS. Any changes/alterations to the activities may result in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed. Engineering Design and Problem Solving 130.373 (c) (2) (A) (F) (I) . . .apply scientific processes and concepts outlined in the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for Biology, Chemistry, or Physics relevant to engineering design problems; . . .investigate and apply relevant chemical, mechanical, biological, electrical, and physical properties of materials to engineering design problems; and . . .make measurements and specify tolerances with minimum necessary accuracy and precision. 130.373 (c) (3) (A) . . .communicate visually by sketching and creating technical drawings using established engineering graphic tools, techniques, and standards. 130.373 (c) (6) (I) . . .maintain an engineering notebook that chronicles work such as ideas, concepts, inventions, sketches, and experiments. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 1 Interdisciplinary Correlations: English 110.44 (b)(6)(A)(B) . . .expand vocabulary through wide reading, listening and discussing; and . . .rely on context to determine meanings of words and phrases such as figurative language, connotation and denotation of words, analogies, idioms, and technical vocabulary. 110.44 (b)(7)(H) . . .use study strategies such as note taking, outlining, and using study-guide questions to better understand texts. Mathematical Models with Applications 111.36 (c)(M.1)(A)(B)(C) . . .compare and analyze various methods for solving a real-life problem; and . . .select a method to solve a problem, defend the method, and justify the reasonableness of the results. Physics 112.39 (c)(2)(B)(C)(D)(E) . . .know that scientific hypotheses are tentative and testable statements that must be capable of being supported or not supported by observational evidence. Hypotheses of durable explanatory power which have been tested over a wide variety of conditions are incorporated into theories. . . .know that scientific theories are based on natural and physical phenomena and are capable of being tested by multiple independent researchers. Unlike hypotheses, scientific theories are well-established and highly-reliable explanations, but may be subject to change as new areas of science and new technologies are developed; . . .distinguish between scientific hypotheses and scientific theories; and . . .design and implement investigative procedures, including making observations, asking welldefined questions, formulating testable hypotheses, identifying variables, selecting appropriate equipment and technology, and evaluating numerical answers for reasonableness. 112.39 (c)(3)(A) . . .in all fields of science, analyze, evaluate, and critique scientific explanations by using empirical evidence, logical reasoning, and experimental and observational testing, including examining all sides of scientific evidence of those scientific explanations, so as to encourage critical thinking by the student. Chemistry: Elastic versus inelastic collisions in kinetic theory Mathematics: Calculation of velocity (speed), using height measurement and energy formulas Fine Arts: Relationship to sports Liberal Arts: Effective communication Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 2 O*Net Component 19-2012.00 – Physicists Conduct research into physical phenomena, develop theories on the basis of observation and experiments, and devise methods to apply physical laws and theories. Sample of reported job titles: Health Physicist, Scientist, Research Scientist, Physicist, Research Consultant, Research Physicist, Biophysics Scientist Tasks: Perform complex calculations as part of the analysis and evaluation of data, using computers. Describe and express observations and conclusions in mathematical terms. Analyze data from research conducted to detect and measure physical phenomena. Report experimental results by writing papers for scientific journals or by presenting information at scientific conferences. Design computer simulations to model physical data so that it can be better understood. Collaborate with other scientists in the design, development, and testing of experimental, industrial, or medical equipment, instrumentation, and procedures. Direct testing and monitoring of contamination of radioactive equipment, and recording of personnel and plant area radiation exposure data. Observe the structure and properties of matter, and the transformation and propagation of energy, using equipment such as masers, lasers, and telescopes, in order to explore and identify the basic principles governing these phenomena. Develop theories and laws on the basis of observation and experiments, and apply these theories and laws to problems in areas such as nuclear energy, optics, and aerospace technology. Teach physics to students. Soft Skills: Science , Mathematics, Critical Thinking, Complex Problem Solving, Reading Comprehension, Speaking, Active Listening, Active Learning, Judgment and Decision Making , Learning Strategies Non-O*Net Occupational Opportunities Sports Engineer Sports engineering is a field of engineering that involves the design, development and testing of sports equipment. The equipment used by athletes has always gone through technological design and development based on current knowledge and understanding. Sports engineering only became official in 1998 when the Sports Engineering Research Group and the International Sports Engineering Association were formed at the University of Sheffield. Since then, the field has grown immensely and now involves many universities, sports companies, and regulatory bodies. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 3 Tasks: Equipment design: designing and building new equipment based on the requirements of athletes Lab experiments and testing: measuring the behavior of equipment, athletes and their interaction in a controlled environment (e.g., measuring football boot traction) Computational modeling: simulating the forces acting on athletes and their equipment (Finite Element Analysis) or simulating the airflow around equipment (Computational Fluid Dynamics) (e.g., football aerodynamic analysis) Field testing: recording the behavior of sports equipment in a match environment (e.g., high-speed video recording of tennis players hitting the ball) Working with governing bodies: assessing the effects of rule changes or understanding injury risks Working with athletes: working together to improve their performance Teacher Preparation: Understand that students need to be creative with this lesson. Allow student teams to complete the contract spreadsheet and assign roles. Discuss the “Coefficient of Restitution” YouTube video and “The Bounce of the Ball” article (handout). Provide the students with the following materials: various sport balls, meter sticks, balance, timers, pencil, graph paper, graphing tools, and engineering notebooks. There is also a Team Contract Spreadsheet that can be used on the last page of the lesson plan. References: Pictures Slide 15: Roller Coaster http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinetic_energy Slide 17: Bouncing Ball http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Bouncing_ball_strobe_edit.jpg Instructional Aids: 1. Intro-Mini Project PowerPoint presentation 2. “Coefficient of Restitution” YouTube video: from YouTube user; Gaby Salguero (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bis1cA842c); Screen 19 3. The Bounce of the Ball” article: (http://www.physics.usyd.edu.au/~cross/PUBLICATIONS/BallBounce.pdf), Screen 21 Materials Needed: 1. Engineering notebook 2. Team contract document 3. Pen and pencil Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 4 4. Graph paper 5. Compass/protractor 6. Various sports balls, of different shapes, sizes, materials, and age (e.g., new golf ball and used golf ball) 7. Meter stick 8. Balance (to explore relationship between mass and energy for extension applications) 9. Random measurement equipment (so that they have to figure out what they really need to use), timers, graduated cylinders, balances, forces, scales, etc. Equipment Needed: 1. Computer 2. Overhead projector Learner Preparation: None required Introduction Introduction (LSI Quadrant I): SAY: It’s the beginning of the school year. You are interested in joining an extracurricular sporting team. There are several female and male sporting teams to choose from at the high school. What are the sporting teams at your high school? Research and list the various types of extracurricular sporting teams available for both female and male students. Gather the types of balls used for each extracurricular sporting team. Students will discuss what might happen if you tried to use the “wrong” ball for a sport. ASK: What might happen if you tried to use the “wrong” ball for a sport? SAY: Today we are going to learn about the concept of coefficient of restitution (COR) and sketching and technical drawing in this mini project. SHOW: Intro Mini Project PowerPoint presentation. Outline Class Period(s) Topic(s) 1 • Provide information to complete the Mini Project finding the coefficient of restitution for various sports balls • Vocabulary • Rubrics 2-3 • Collect data for Mini Project Reading Ball Bounce article Assignment #1-Individual; Complete reading and select teams #2-In teams of 2-3; Calculate the coefficient of restitution for various sports balls, sketching, and recording data collected Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 5 4-6 • Student groups create presentations using data collected #3-In teams of 2-3; Develop conclusions and create presentation of Mini Project 7-8 • Student groups present PowerPoint presentation to class #4-In teams of 2-3; Complete the communication & presentation of your data following the rubric given; complete the mini engineering notebook (Daily) Outline (LSI Quadrant II): Instructors can use the PowerPoint presentation, slides, handouts, and note pages in conjunction with the following outline. MI Outline Notes to Instructor PPT presentation – 2 days (45 minutes per day) • Introduction & O*Net (www.onetonline.org • Schedule of Assignments • Objectives • Driving Questions • Vocabulary • Content, Coefficient of Restitution YouTube video, The Bounce of the Ball article • Project Team Protocol, including team member roles Activity – 2 days (45 minutes per day) – Determine COR of sports balls selected Activity – 5 days (45 minutes per day) • Create PPT presentation • Team Presentations I. Intro-Mini Project PowerPoint Presentation A. Introduction B. Schedule of Assignments C. Introduction/Course Description Required Materials: PPT Slides 2 – 14 Team Contract Spreadsheets (one per Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 6 D. Vocabulary E. O*Net (www.onetonline.org) F. Team Building Review Verbal Linguistic team) II. Student Activity – Part 1 A. Answer questions from previous day for clarification B. Review student scenario and student project basics slides C. Assign teams and have students complete team contract D. Gather sports balls (Step 1) E. Introduce assignment rubric F. Determine the COR for 5 sports balls, putting data collection information in engineering notebooks Required Materials: PPT Slides 15 – 29 Lab materials III. Student Activity – Part 2 A. Discuss Mini Project data collected B. Create PPT presentation with information required for presentation to other class members Slide 25 - 27 IV. Student Presentations A. Students present their group presentations to class B. Questions to Consider Slide 28 - 29 Logical Mathematical Visual Spatial Musical Rhythmic Bodily Kinesthetic Intrapersonal Interpersonal Naturalist Existentialist Application Guided Practice (LSI Quadrant III): Teacher will observe student teams as they work on the coefficient of restitution (COR) experiments, sketching, technical drawing, and Microsoft PowerPoint presentation tasks. Independent Practice (LSI Quadrant III): Have student teams evaluate everyone's Microsoft PowerPoint presentation and explain what they would change on their presentation next time. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 7 Summary Review (LSI Quadrants I and IV): Question: Why different balls might be used for different sports? Answer: Answers will vary. Question: What is the coefficient of restitution (COR) of the various sporting balls? Answer: Answers will vary. Question: What are the female and male sporting teams at your high school? Answer: Answers will vary. Question: What are the types of sporting balls used by the female and male students? Answer: Answers will vary. Evaluation Informal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III): The teacher will observe the students as they complete the coefficient of restitution (COR), sketching, technical drawing, and deliver their Microsoft PowerPoint presentations. Look for teamwork and professionalism. Formal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III, IV): 1. Establish project team protocol, roles, and complete team contract spreadsheet. 2. Complete tasks listed on team contract, including the sketches and technical drawings of the sports balls. 3. Deliver team’s Microsoft PowerPoint presentation. Extension Extension/Enrichment (LSI Quadrant IV): For enrichment, students could produce a formal write-up, including reflection questions, asking them to apply what they’ve learned about the correlation of restitution (COR). Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 8 Intro-Mini Project Vocabulary • Coefficient of Restitution (COR): a fractional value representing the ratio of velocities after and before an impact (sometimes to referred to as “bounciness”); an object with a COR of 1 collides elastically, while an object with a COR < 1 collides inelastically • Elastic Collision: an encounter between two bodies in which the total kinetic energy of the two bodies after the encounter is equal to their total kinetic energy before the encounter; elastic collisions occur only if there is no net conversion of kinetic energy into other forms • Energy Transfer: the transfer of energy from one body to another • Inelastic Collision: a collision in which kinetic energy is not conserved • Kinetic Energy: energy that a body possesses by virtue of being in motion • Potential Energy: energy which an object has because of its position; it is called potential energy because it has the potential to be converted into other forms of energy, such as kinetic energy Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 9 Intro-Mini Project Assignment Rubric Criteria Categories Concepts/ Skills to be Assessed Sketches/ Drawings in Engineering Notebook Procedure/ Engineering Design Process Conclusion Presentation Promptness/ Grammar and Spelling Teacher notes: Beginning 0-10 points Developing 11-14 points Accomplished 15-17 points Exemplary 18-20 points In the engineering notebook, the sketches of the different sports balls were missing or poorly drawn. In the engineering notebook, many of the sketches of the different sports balls were not labeled correctly. Most of the steps were missing or were confusing. There was no new ball design. Some of the steps were understandable but some were confusing and lack detail, including new ball design. Presented an illogical explanation for findings and addresses few questions. In the engineering notebook, most the sketches of the different sports balls were labeled. 1 or 2 components were missing, Most of the procedure’s steps were understandable, including new ball design. In the engineering notebook, the sketches of the different sports balls were labeled and include precise measurements. Procedure steps were logical and adequately detailed, including new ball design. Presented a logical explanation for findings and addresses some of the questions, including the concepts of energy/collision. Presentation communicated the procedure, data gathered, conclusions, and some of the questions. The team worked collaboratively. Presentation handed in on time with a couple of spelling or grammar errors. Presented a logical explanation for findings and addresses most of the questions, including the concepts of energy/collision. Presentation clearly communicated the procedure, data gathered, conclusions, and questions. The team worked collaboratively. Presentation handed in on time with no spelling or grammar errors. Presented an illogical explanation for findings and does not address any of the questions or include the concepts of energy/collision. Presentation did not effectively communicate the process and it was evident that the team did not work collaboratively. Presentation was handed in later than one day and/or had four+ spelling or grammar errors. Presentation did not clearly communicate at least one component and it was evident that the team did not work collaboratively Presentation was one day late and/or had three or less spelling or grammar errors. Score Total Points Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 10 Team Contract Spreadsheet Name: Date Assigned Name: Date Assigned Name: Date Assigned Name: Date Assigned Date Due Assignment Date Complete Late? Date Due Assignment Date Complete Late? Date Due Assignment Date Complete Late? Date Due Assignment Date Complete Late? Team Signatures: _________________________ _____________________________ _________________________ _____________________________ Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 11