Engineering Design Capstone Research Project: Part 1 1

Engineering Design
Capstone Research Project:
Part 1
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
What will you be doing for the next
5 to 6 weeks?
• You are going to be applying all of the knowledge and skills you have
learned about Engineering Design. You must solve some kind of design
problem that has a POSITIVE impact on society or the environment. You
will be researching, designing, and creating a product of your choosing.
This product must be marketable (people will want to buy it).
• Think of this as an Engineering Fair project, similar to a Science Fair
• You will work in teams of three (3) (we may have 1 or 2 teams that have
more if we have to, but teacher will make that decision).
• All research and paperwork must be in a 1” 3-ring binder and have all of
the paperwork organized per the check list and grading rubric.
• Product prototype must made out of 3-10 different types of material.
• Prototype and display board must fit into a space no bigger than:
– 3’-0” Wide, 1’-3” Deep, and 4’-0” High.
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Lesson Parts 1-4 Timeline
• Week 1 = Explanations; Team assignments, Team
Contract typed up and signed by all and witnessed by
your teacher; What Bugs me 10 and 5; Mind Maps
• Weeks 2 and 3 = Begin the Design Process and create the
team’s product “BLOG”ineering Design website (per
rubric) and technical drawings of your product (per
requirements given)
• Weeks 4 and 5 = Build prototype (you must bring in the
materials to be used); create display board; 30 second
marketing “Infomercial” video; sales flyer or brochure;
PowerPoint or Prezi to use when presenting your
product; and finish up the “BLOG”ineering Design
website ; present product to classmates
• Week 6 = if needed, but only for presentation because
we need to be reviewing and prepping for final exam
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• Teamwork Agreement Contract = “Major”
• What Bugs Me; Mind Map; and Engineering Design
Plan handouts = “Daily”
• “BLOG”ineering Design website (per rubric) = “Major”
• Technical Drawings = “Major”
– Multiviews with annotations for every part
– Isometric of the assembled product
– Exploded Assembly of the product
– 10-15 second animation of the product working
• Engineering Design (per rubric) = “Major”
• Built Prototype (per rubric) = “Major”
• Display Board (per rubric) = “Major”
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Grades (cont’d.):
• 30 second “Infomercial” about the product (per rubric)
= “Major”
• Sales flyer or brochure = “Daily”
• Research Notebook (per check list) = “Major”
• PowerPoint or Prezi to be used when you present your
product = “Major”
• Product Presentation (per rubric) = “Major”
– 5 minutes to set up
– 5 MINUMUM to 10 minutes MAX present your
product (EVERYONE Must speak at least once)
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Part 1 - Timeline
• Day 1 = Introduce the Unit, go over everything they will
be doing for this end of the course Capstone Project,
and then randomly assign them to their teams of
– NOTE: Sometimes it’s fun to let them play a class
game and the ones with the highest scores get to
pick who they want to be on a team with. Believe it
or not Apples and Oranges is great for this. Other
times it’s easier to draw names out of a hat and
assign them that way.
• Day 2-4 = Show the Team Contract PPT and have teams
create their contract per the guidelines and rubric
• Day 4-5 = What Bugs Me and Mind Maps handouts
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Team Contracts
• Go over the Team Contract PPT.
• Use the Team Contract handout to help you
create and come up with your own team’s
agreement typed up and signed by all and
witnessed by your teacher.
• Refer to the rubric as needed.
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Contract is completed
• Now begin the brainstorming process.
Everyone on the team does one of each:
– What Bugs me 10
– What Bugs me 5
– Mind Maps
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My Top 10 Products
that just “BUG” Me!
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My Top 5 Products that just “BUG” me!
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Engineering Design Process: Mind Map
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Don’t like the Mind Map handout?
• You can print out and use any of the other Mind Map Templates off of this
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Mind Maps??????
• What
– Mind mapping refers to a technique that designers and engineers use
to express and generate ideas. All that mind mapping really is,
however, is a way to get all of the ideas in your head down onto paper.
There is no right or wrong way to mind map. It is simply a visual
representation of the thoughts in your head, and it often looks like
organized chaos.
• Why
– Mind mapping helps you to release all of the ideas in your head and
gives you the opportunity to see those ideas visually. It is a fast and
simple way to get your creative juices flowing, and the only tools you
need are a pen or pencil and your design notebook.
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• How
Mind Maps??????
– To start a mind map, write down one central idea or theme in the middle of a
blank page. All mind maps have this common starting point. Then, stem off of
the central idea by writing down anything that comes to your mind when
thinking about the idea. You can include drawings, questions, comments,
solutions, problems, etc. There are no limits. Simply write down everything
that relates to the central theme or anything that enters your mind.
• When and What to Mind Map
– You can create a mind map at any stage in your design process and for
absolutely any purpose. You can mind map at the very beginning before you
have even decided what problem you are going to solve. You can also mind
map to generate possible solutions to your problem or to identify different
types of users for your project. Mind map whenever you feel the need to
empty the thoughts in your head or whenever you feel stuck during the design
– Reference
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Engineering Mind Map Examples
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Traditional Mind Maps “How To”
• 1- Start with problem in the middle, text and a drawing seem to work best
This is the foundation, just like a trunk supports the tree and all its branches. The most effective
centers of the Maps have pictures or letters inside shapes. If you look at the Map above, it’s in the
shape of a cloud with the topic inside it and the four main subtopics branching out from the center.
• 2- Write down words and/or drawing solutions as you come up with them
Use as many pictures in your Mind Map as possible. Each picture will be remembered and associated
with the concepts in the Map. The Mind Map in this post has pictures associated with each subtopic.
• 3- Use Colors
The colors help you become more creative because it activates the right side of the brain. On the one
above, each branch associated with a subtopic has a different color. You could also use different font
colors for the key words as well.
• 4- Connect everything on your map
Each connection will help your brain create new associations that will result in new ideas. The
connections also help your brain remember the concepts in the map. In the map above, every word
and picture is connected with each other. It’s like a tree.
• 5- Use Key Words as your branches
Use key words for each branch rather than phrases or sentences. By using one or two
key words per line, you’re able to keep your mind open to new ideas and possibilities.
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Traditional Mind Map Examples
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Pick one problem and complete The
Engineering Design Process handout
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Time to get to work!
• Good luck and have fun with this unit and all of its projects!
• You can do this because its just a combination of all the knowledge skills
you have learned to date.
• Refer back to this PPT and the handout or rubric(s) when you have
questions about what is required.
• I will NOT answer any questions unless you ask three (3) other teams
what it is your supposed to do AND all four (4) of the teams ask me the
same question at once.
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