Electronics Sources of Electrical Energy 1


Sources of Electrical Energy

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Presentation Overview

 Terms and Definitions

 Major Sources of Electricity and Basic Action

 Energy Sources and Devices that Transform Them into Electricity Energy

 Where Electricity Comes From

 Overview and Details of Electricity Generation as a Power Source

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Terms and Definitions







Battery cell- device that transforms chemical energy into electrical energy

Electrolyte- conducting liquid in battery in which ions move

Energy- capacity to do work

Generator- device that transforms mechanical energy into electrical energy

Alternator- generator that produces alternating current

Photoelectric effect- a method of transforming light energy into electrical energy

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Terms and Definitions






Thermocouple- device that transforms heat energy into electrical energy

Piezoelectric effect- a way of transforming pressure into electrical energy

Magnet- material with property of attracting iron and producing a magnetic field external to itself

Infrastructure- the basic physical systems of a business or nation (i.e., transportation, communication, sewage, water, and electric systems)

Static electricity- stationary charges of electricity

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Why do we use a lot of electricity?

Because electricity is useful in three ways:




There are a lot of ways to create electricity

Electricity is very efficient to transmit over short or long distances

Electricity can be converted into a lot of other forms of energy

But what is electricity?

• Electricity comes from charge.

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Electrical Charge

 Charge is a function of individual particles, electrons, and protons.

 Conductors have a lot of free electrons, but they naturally move randomly and stay dispersed

(electrons repel each other).

 It takes energy to separate and then concentrate charges.

 Electrons must be separated from an atom then forced to group together.

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Charge Buildup

 Voltage is a potential energy created by the separation and buildup of charge.

Electrical energy

Related to the external forces that can be measured due to a buildup of charge

 Following is a summary of the different processes used to separate and build up charges.

 Each process is usually described as an energy conversion process.

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Summary of Electrical Energy

Conversion Processes

Each of the following methods are different ways to separate charge:

 Thermal energy into electrical energy

 Light energy into electrical energy

 Chemical energy into electrical energy

 Mechanical energy into electrical energy

Which of the following process fits into which category?

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Major Sources of Electricity and

Basic Actions







Chemical source- opposite charges produced on two different kinds of cell plates

Magnetic source- moving parts with magnet, which generates electricity

Pressure source- physical distortion of small crystal

Heat source- two dissimilar metals joined together when heated produces electricity

Light source- electrons emitted when light strikes surface; photoelectric effect

Friction source- Rubbing two objects together

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Chemical Source and Devices

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Magnetic Source and Devices

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Pressure Source and Devices

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Heat Source and Devices

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Light Source and Devices

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Friction Source and Devices

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Energy Use

 All of these methods are used to create electrical energy, but most do not have the capacity to create very much of the electricity we use.

 For example, the total number of batteries made each year is in the tens of billions, which represents thousands of mega watt-hours of energy.

 However, America uses 30 Petawatt hours.

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Where Does Electricity Come


 We turn on a light switch and get electricity.

 We take this for granted, but the abundant and affordable availability of electricity is directly related to our quality of life.

 About 40 percent of our total energy use comes from electricity.

 Where does the electrical energy we use in the

United States come from?

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A Multi-Step Process

 The process has many parts and steps.

 The two major pieces are the distribution process and the generation process.

We are more aware of the distribution system because we see it.

We see the distribution system because that is how we get power to our homes and businesses.

The electricity generating plants are typically large, but they are not usually located near homes or population centers.

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Electrical Infrastructure

 The system built to provide electricity to homes and businesses is an example of infrastructure.

 We see part of that infrastructure with telephone poles (called a utility pole) and overhead power wires.

 Other parts of the infrastructure include power stations, substations, and transformers.

 We don’t often see the power stations.

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Electricity Delivery

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It Starts With Heat

 By far, the most common energy source for electricity comes from burning fossil fuels.

About 68 percent of our electricity

Another 20 percent comes from nuclear

 The following chart details U.S. energy use and sources.

 We need to understand more about the most important method for generating electricity.

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Electricity Generation

 Renewable energy sources get a lot of attention but still provide only a small fraction of the energy we use.

 The most important renewable energy source is hydroelectric, which uses water pressure behind dams to turn large turbines.

We get about 7 percent of our electricity this way.

Other renewables account for a little more than

3 percent of our electricity generation.

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Overview of the Most Common

Electricity Generating Process








Fuel creates heat

Heat boils water

Water becomes steam

Steam drives a turbine

The turbine spins a generator

The generator produces electricity

The electricity is delivered to homes and businesses

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Nuclear Power Plant

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Fuel Creates Heat

 This process is called combustion.

 Also called burning

 A chemical reaction between fuel and oxygen

 Fuel is usually a carbon based organic molecule (a hydrocarbon)

 An exothermic reaction

 Heat and light are released.

 Other byproducts can include CO


, water, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, and ash.

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Nuclear Power

 The fuel source is the element uranium.

 The uranium fuel generates heat through a process called fission.

The nucleus of the atom splits into smaller pieces.

It requires the absorption of a neutron to start the process.

Several neutrons are also released, which can continue the fission process in a chain reaction.

Nothing is burned or exploded.

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Heat Boils Water

 The chemical or nuclear reaction creates heat, which is thermal energy.

 This thermal energy is stored as superheated steam by boiling water.

 Steam can hold a lot of energy.

 Steam heat and pressure drive a turbine, which converts the thermal energy to mechanical energy.

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Steam Engine

 Converts heat into mechanical work

 About 90 percent of all electricity is generated using steam as the working fluid.

 The device that uses the steam is called a steam turbine.

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 The gaseous phase of water

 Steam at a temperature above the vaporization point

(100 °C) is called superheated steam.

 Superheated steam has tremendous internal energy due to pressure and temperature.

 That energy can be released, yet stays above the condensation temperature of water.

 Energy is released as kinetic energy against turbine blades through mechanical expansion.

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Steam Drives a Turbine

 Steam is directed by nozzles against propeller like blades to drive the turbine.

 Steam comes out of the nozzle at high velocity and high pressure.

 Some of the velocity and pressure of the steam is converted into kinetic energy of the turbine rotor.

 This process allows the turbine to convert heat energy into rotary mechanical energy.

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Turbine Pressure Stages

 Not all of the steam energy is used up in one stage; there is enough steam energy to drive multiple turbine stages.

There are many blades and nozzles and many stages in a turbine.

Pressure and temperature get lower and lower as the steam moves through each stage.

 Each stage is designed for maximum efficiency at the lower pressures and temperatures for each successive stage.

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Electricity Generation

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More Steam Details

 A steam engine is an example of an external combustion engine.

 The steam engine was the driving force behind the Industrial Revolution.

 The thermodynamic process used is called the

Rankine Cycle.

 At the end of the cycle, steam is condensed back to water (in a condenser) and returned to the boiler.

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Electromagnetic Induction

 Finally, the mechanical energy of the turbine drives an electrical generator.

 The generator converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.

 This uses a process called electromagnetic induction.

 Electromagnetic induction requires a conductor to be exposed to a changing magnetic field.

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Generator Action

 A conductor sees a changing magnetic field in a generator as it rotates through the field.

 This is called relative motion.

 The conductor is forced to rotate because of the turbine, which drives the generator.

 Another way to get a changing magnetic field is to have alternating current through a stationary conductor.

 This is called transformer action.

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Electrical Work

 As the conductor moves through the magnetic field, a voltage is induced in it.

 If the conductor completes an electric circuit with a load, current is produced.

 This current and voltage performs electrical work, which is the useful output of a generator.

 The conductor, usually a wire, takes work to drive the generator from the turbine.

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The Load on a Generator

 The current that flows through the conductor also creates a magnetic field.

 This second magnetic field is a function of the current drawn by the load, and it opposes the original magnetic field in the generator.

The two magnetic fields interact.

This interaction is called motor action.

 This motor action is the mechanical load on a generator.

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Work In Equals Work Out

 The more current, the larger the magnetic field around the conductor.

This increases the amount of interaction between the two magnetic fields.

An increase in motor action

This increases the load or drag on the generator, forcing the turbine to work harder to overcome this load.

 More electrical work out of a generator requires more mechanical work in.

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More Induction Facts

 Both Michael Faraday and Joseph Henry discovered inductance separately.

 They were each rewarded by naming electrical terms after them.

The Farad is the unit of capacitance.

The Henry is the unit of inductance.

 The principles of magnetic induction were described mathematically by James Clerk


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Coal-fired Power Plant



Typical Diagram of a Coal-fired

Thermal Power Station

1. Cooling tower 10. Steam control valve 19. Superheater

2. Cooling water pump

11. High pressure steam turbine

20. Forced draught (draft) fan

3. Transmission line ( 3phase )

4. Step-up transformer

( 3-phase )




Feedwater heater

5. Electrical generator ( 3phase )

6. Low pressure steam turbine

7. Condensate pump

14. Coal conveyor

15. Coal hopper

16. Coal pulverizer

21. Reheater







Air preheater

Precipitator air intake

8. Surface condenser 17. Boiler steam drum 26. Induced draught (draft) fan

9. Intermediate pressure steam turbine

18. Bottom ash hopper 27. Flue gas stack

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Fossil Fuel Energy

Current and Future Production

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What does the Historical Oil

Production Chart Mean?

 Onshore oil production has dropped dramatically since the 1980s.

 This has lead to the perception that the oil and gas industry is in decline.

 Perception: A poor career choice

 However, offshore oil production is significant and has been stable for 40 years.

 A better career choice

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Oil Production

 However, note the sharp upward trend starting in the late 2000s.

 This is a result of improved oil production from sources that were unproductive.

 This improved production is a direct result of technology.

 Fracking in shale and tight formations

 Note the projected oil production for the future on the next chart.

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Government Projections

 Note that the petroleum energy supply is projected to be stable for the next 30 years.

 Stable jobs, careers, and income

 Also note the rising natural gas production estimates on the next slide.

 This energy source means natural gas will be replacing coal for electrical generation.

 Natural gas is cleaner than coal.

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Presentation Review

 Terms and Definitions

 Major Sources of Electricity and Basic Action

 Energy Sources and Devices that Transform

Thermal Energy into Electricity Energy

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