Electronics Researching Careers in 1

Researching Careers in
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Performing Research
Research will require using a computer and
the Internet.
Before you are allowed to use the internet,
we need to review ethical use of computers
and the school’s computer use policy guide.
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What Does Ethics Mean?
According to Webster, ethics are professional
standards of conduct/behavior.
A system of moral principles
Rules of conduct
Ethics is concerned with distinguishing
between good and evil in the world, between
right and wrong human actions, and between
virtuous and non-virtuous characteristics of
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Computer-Use Ethics
For this class, ethical behavior means that,
unless you have prior permission from the
teacher, you will:
Visit only approved/authorized websites on school
Work only on assignments for this class during
class time.
Work on/edit only those documents created
by you.
Refrain from downloading recordings/graphic
images from the Internet.
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General Computer-Use Policies
No food or drinks
No horseplay
No touching the screen
Save all work to your
flash drive
Follow proper boot up
and shut down
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Keyword Searches
General searches may return unrelated information.
Put quotes around the term to narrow the search
and get exactly what you want.
Example- electronics organizations
Example- “electronics organizations”
Capitalization will not impact the results
Keep a record of your keyword search terms
to document your research and to eliminate
search duplications.
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Boolean Searches
Narrow search results with two related topics.
Terms used in Boolean searches
Results for both topics use “and.”
Example- “electronics”
and “telecommunications”
Results for one topic or the other use “or.”
Example- “electronics”
or “telecommunications”
Results for one topic but not the other use “not.”
Example- “electronics”
not “telecommunications”
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Other Samples of ComputerUse Policies
Get approval to print before printing.
Only print pages that are necessary.
Record URL’s from the websites you use.
Stay at your assigned station.
Know the difference between working alone and working collaboratively—
keep the noise level appropriate.
Read instructions before asking for help.
Stay out of other students’ files.
Log out when finished.
Do not bring food, drinks, lotions, etc. into the lab
Do not install/download any programs.
Follow established login procedures—log in as yourself.
Consider the safety guidelines for a lab compared to a “normal” classroom.
Dress in a safe manner (i.e., tie long hair/ avoid wearing loose clothing, shoes, etc.)
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First Internet Assignment
Select an organization to research.
Describe the mission and history of the
List reasons an individual or company
should join the organization:
What is the value of membership?
What important work is the organization doing?
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Electronics Organizations
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
More Electronics Organizations
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What is a Skill?
A skill is the ability to do something.
We are not born with skills; we learn skills as we
go through life.
Skills can be developed and polished through
work, study or training, recreational and
community activities, or in the home.
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Soft Skills vs. Hard Skills
Soft skills are personal attributes.
These skills relate to a person's ability to interact with
coworkers and customers, and the ability to deal with people
effectively and politely.
Soft skills may be more important over the long term than
occupational skills.
Soft skills include proficiencies like communication skills,
conflict resolution and negotiation, creative problem solving,
personal effectiveness, strategic thinking, team building,
influencing skills, and selling skills.
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Soft Skills vs. Hard Skills (Continued)
Hard skills are also known as “specialist skills.”
Hard skills are specific, sometimes technical activities that
you can do well.
Example- the ability to use specific computer programs or
technical equipment
Hard skills are learned by experience.
Example- You learn hard skills when you “do” and work with your
hands (and brain).
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Self-Management Skills
Reliability is related to your consistent performance
and dependability.
Reliability doesn’t require much skill. It is a choice—
you make the decision to be reliable or not.
Personal Integrity
Accountability is related to your willingness to accept
Soft skills are transferrable.
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