Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan
Course Title
Session Title
Safety, It's for All of Us
Performance Objective
Upon completion of this assignment, the student will be able to name hazards of working with
electrical and electronics systems and state the use and method of operation for common types
of fire extinguishers. The student should also be able to select safety rules that apply to the
proper use of hand tools, safety rules that should be observed when using power tools, and
safety rules for the safe use of electrical cords. The student will prove understanding by
correctly performing the procedures outlined on the assignment sheets and scoring 100
percent on the test.
Specific Objectives
 Name four hazards of working with electrical and electronics equipment
 Match terms associated with electrical safety to the correct definitions
 Select true statements concerning electrical shock
 Select statements that describe the correct procedure when treating a victim of
electrical shock
 Match the four fire classes (A, B, C, and D) with the type of fire that each class identifies
 Match the six colors used in color coding with the type of hazard they designate
 State the use (class of fire) and operation of four common types of fire extinguishers
 Select statements that describe good general lab safety rules
 Select statements that describe good personal safety rules
 Select the safety rules that describe hand tool safety precautions
 Select the safety rules that describe power tool safety precautions
 Select statements that describe rules for safe use of electrical cords
 Plan and execute a class fire drill properly
 Indicate a willingness to follow safety rules by signing the student safety pledge sheet
TEKS Correlations
This lesson, as published, correlates to the following TEKS. Any changes or alterations to the
activities may result in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed.
130.368 (c)
(1) The student demonstrates the skills necessary for success in the workplace. The
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student is expected to:
(C) demonstrate the principles of teamwork related to engineering and technology; and
(D) identify and use appropriate work habits.
130.368 (c)
(4) The student practices safe and proper work habits. The student is expected to:
(A) master relevant safety tests;
(B) follow safety guidelines as described in various manuals, instructions, and
(C) identify and classify hazardous materials and wastes according to Occupational
Safety and Health Administration regulations and industry standards;
(D) dispose of hazardous materials and wastes appropriately;
(E) perform maintenance on selected tools, equipment, and machines;
(F) handle and store tools and materials correctly; and
(G) describe the results of negligent or improper maintenance.
130.368 (c)
(8) The student learns the function and application of the tools, equipment, and
materials used in electronics through project-based assignments. The student is
expected to:
(A) safely use tools and laboratory equipment to construct and repair circuits;
(B) use precision measuring instruments to analyze circuits and prototypes;
(C) describe and perform measurements using oscilloscopes; and
(D) use multiple software applications to simulate circuit behavior and present concepts.
Interdisciplinary Correlations
Economics with Emphasis on the Free Enterprise System and its Benefits
118.4 (c)
(7) Economics. The student understands the right to own, use, and dispose of private
property. The student is expected to:
(B) identify and evaluate examples of restrictions that the government places on the use
of personal and business property.
118.4 (c)
(14) Economics. The student understands the role that the government plays in the U.S.
free enterprise system. The student is expected to:
(B) describe the role of government in the U.S. free enterprise system and the changes
in that role over time; and
(C) evaluate government rules and regulations in the U.S. free enterprise system.
118.4 (c)
(16) Personal financial literacy. The student understands types of business ownership.
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The student is expected to:
(C) analyze the economic rights and responsibilities of businesses, including those
involved in starting a small business.
English Language Arts and Reading, English I
110.31 (b)
(11) Reading/Comprehension of Informational Text/Procedural Texts. Students
understand how to glean and use information in procedural texts and documents.
Students are expected to:
(A) analyze the clarity of the objective(s) of procedural text (e.g., consider reading
instructions for software, warranties, consumer publications); and
(B) analyze factual, quantitative, or technical data presented in multiple graphical
110.31 (b)
(21) Research/Gathering Sources. Students determine, locate, and explore the full range
of relevant sources addressing a research question and systematically record the
information they gather. Students are expected to:
(A) follow the research plan to compile data from authoritative sources in a manner that
identifies the major issues and debates within the field of inquiry;
(B) organize information gathered from multiple sources to create a variety of graphics
and forms (e.g., notes, learning logs); and
(C) paraphrase, summarize, quote, and accurately cite all researched information
according to a standard format (e.g., author, title, page number).
Mathematical Models with Applications
111.36 (c)
(1) The student uses a variety of strategies and approaches to solve both routine and
non-routine problems. The student is expected to:
(A) compare and analyze various methods for solving a real-life problem.
Teacher Preparation
Review the slide presentation, references, handouts, and safety exam.
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
 Buchla, D., & Floyd, T. (2005). The science of Electronics DC/AC. Upper Saddle River,
Chapter 4, NJ: Prentice Hall.
 Floyd, T. (1993). Principles of electric circuits: Electron flow version. Don Mills, Ontario:
Macmillan Publishing Co.
 Robertson, L. (1980). Basics Electronics I. Stillwater, OK: Mid-American Vocational
Curriculum Consortium, Inc.
 Youth@Work: Talking Safety Texas. DHHS (NIOSH) Publication Number 2007-136.
Retrieved January 31, 2013, from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National
Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Web site:
 Talking safety Texas teaching young workers about job safety and health. Retrieved
January 31, 2013, from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute
for Occupational Safety and Health Web site:
 Electrical safety: safety and health for electrical trades student manual. (Revised edition).
Retrieved January 31, 2013, from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National
Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Web site:
 Are you a teen worker? Retrieved January 31, 2013, from Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Web site:
 Safe lab: school chemistry laboratory safety. Retrieved January 31, 2013, from Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and
Health Web site: http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/docs/2007-107/pdfs/2007-107.pdf
Instructional Aids
 Safety, It’s for All of Us slide presentation and notes
 Student Safety Pledge Sheet handout
 Fire Drill Activity handout
 Electrical Shock Activity handout
 Electrical Shock Activity Answer Key
 Safety Rules Activity handout
 Safety Rules Activity Answer Key
 Fire Safety Activity handout
 Fire Safety Activity Answer Key
 Know Your Fire Extinguisher handout
 Safety Exam
 Safety Exam Answer Key
Materials Needed
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Dry erase markers
School diagram for fire drill execution
Equipment Needed
 Computer
 Projector and screen
 Software
 Whiteboard
Learner Preparation
Introduction (LSI Quadrant I)
1. If desired, student can preview slide presentation.
2. Introduce discussion with students as follows
 Say
It is a statistical fact that there are over 20,000 electrical shock victims each year
in America.
 Say
It is my goal to provide a safe, clean, accident-free environment for students. These
goals help you experience a state-of-the-art laboratory.
 Ask
Is it advantageous for you to have a safe laboratory?
 Say
In this lesson, we are going to explore electrical safety rules and precautions that will
keep this laboratory safe.
Instructors can use the PowerPoint presentation, slides, handout, and note pages in
conjunction with the following outline.
Outline (LSI Quadrant II)
Instructor Notes
Begin Safety, It’s for All of
Us slide presentation
(sides 1-2)
A. Youth@Work: Talking Safety Texas
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
B. Review NIOSH materials (see references)
The NIOSH materials from
the CDC are excellent
sources of information.
Review the NIOSH
material and use it
liberally throughout you
Distribute handouts
 Student Safety
Pledge Sheet
 Fire Drill Activity
 Electrical Shock
 Safety Rules
 Fire Safety Activity
The teacher must have
each student complete
and sign the Student
Safety Pledge Sheet.
Additionally, the students
must have a parent or
guardian sign and return
the safety pledge sheet.
The safety pledge sheet
will be kept on file and
must be submitted before
students are allowed to
use equipment in the
C. Terms and Definitions
(slides 3-5)
D. Types and causes of electrical injuries
(slides 6-7)
E. Hazards of working with electrical and electronic
(slides 8-9)
F. Facts about electrical shock
(slides 10-11)
G. Treating a victim of electrical shock
(slides 12-13)
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H. Types of fires and fire extinguishers
(slides 14-18)
I. Hazard labels
(slides 19-24)
J. General lab safety rules
(slides 25-26)
K. Personal safety rules
(slides 27-30)
L. Hand tool safety precautions
(slides 31-32)
M. Power tool safety precautions
(slides 33-36)
N. Presentation summary
(slide 37)
II Teacher demonstrations
A. Hazards of electricity
B. Treating a victim
C. Fire extinguishers
Distribute and discuss the
Know Your Fire
Extinguisher handout.
Teacher may
Allow time for students to
complete the activities.
Grade activities with
answer keys.
III Students complete activities
A. Fire drill activity
B. Electrical shock activity
C. Safety rules activity
D. Fire safety activity
IV Safety exam
Teacher will administer
the Safety Exam and
grade with the answer
key. Each student is
required to make a 100
Guided Practice (LSI Quadrant III)
1. The students will observe, ask questions, and analyze the demonstration to be
presented by the teacher.
2. The teacher will present the Student Safety Pledge Sheet and get students to sign it in
the classroom. The teacher will ask the students to take it home to their parent(s)
and/or guardian(s) to get their signatures. Instruct students to return the completed and
signed pledge sheets during the next class meeting.
3. The teacher will group the students into teams and help the teams complete the Fire
Drill Activity Sheet.
Independent Practice (LSI Quadrant III)
The student will complete the following activities independently.
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Electric Shock Activity handout
Safety Rules Activity handout
Fire Safety Activity handout
Review (LSI Quadrants I and IV)
 Conduct a few class fire drills that were planned on the students’ activity sheets.
 Inspect fire extinguishers around the school.
 Inspect class and lab for any safety violations.
Informal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III)
1. The teacher will monitor each student or small group as they individually work to
complete the assignments. If re-teach is needed on any information or procedure, all
those involved will stop and participate in the re-teach.
2. The student can be assessed by the accuracy of the completed assignments:
 the Student Safety Pledge Sheet,
 the Fire Drill Activity handout,
 the Electric Shock Activity handout and answer key,
 the Safety Rules Activity handout and answer key, and
 the Fire Safety Activity handout and answer key.
Formal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III, IV)
 Safety Exam
 Safety Exam Answer Key
1. Student explores the OSHA web site http://www.osha.gov/ to locate any other safety
rules or regulations that might apply in the classroom or lab.
2. Student researches various professional publications to find various news articles
regarding safety accidents, their causes, and consequences.
3. Student researches various news articles regarding safety accidents, their causes, and
consequences on the Internet.
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Student Safety Pledge Sheet
Please indicate a willingness to follow safety rules by signing this student safety pledge sheet.
_________________________ _________________________ _________________________
The student who is enrolled in the Electronics course at _____________________ School, will
as a part of his or her shop experience, operate both test equipment and electrical and/or
electronic equipment, providing that his or her parent or guardian gives written permission,
if applicable.
It is understood that each student will be given proper instruction, both in use of the
equipment and in correct safety procedures concerning it, before being allowed to operate it
him or herself. The student must assume responsibility for following safe practices, and we
therefore ask that he or she subscribes to the following agreements:
to follow all safety rules for the shop;
to never use a piece of equipment without getting permission from the teacher first;
to not ask permission to use a particular piece of equipment unless he or she has been
instructed in its use. Further, the student must have earned 100% on the safety test for
that equipment; and
to report any accident or injury to the teacher immediately.
I subscribe to the above.
Date ___/___/___ Student’s Signature______________________________
I hereby give consent to allow my son or daughter to operate all tools and equipment necessary
in carrying out the requirements of the course in which he or she is enrolled.
Date___/___/___ Parent’s Signature________________________________
(if applicable)
Date ___/___/___ Guardian’s Signature ________________________________
(if applicable)
Parents are cordially invited to visit the shop to inspect the equipment and observe it
in operation.
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Name ____________________________________Class ________ Date ___/___/___
Fire Drill Activity
Please plan and execute a class fire drill as follows.
A. Determine five areas in the classroom or school workshop where fires could start.
B. Plan a safe exit route away from each possible fire.
C. Locate the nearest fire alarm and make sure you know how to operate it.
D. Locate the nearest telephone. Find out what the fire emergency dial numbers are, or how
to dial the operator.
E. Practice giving location directions for the fire over the telephone.
F. Locate fire extinguishers that are closest to the possible fires determined in step A and
check the following items.
1. Type of extinguisher
2. Type of fires it is used for
3. How to operate the extinguisher
G. Determine which fire extinguisher should be used for each of the possible fires
determined in step A.
H. Appoint a Fire Marshall from among your class members. This person will
1. alert the class regarding the fire (simulated);
2. point out the safest exit route;
3. operate the fire alarm or call the fire department;
4. man the proper fire extinguisher; and
5. direct firemen to the fire when they arrive.
I. Conduct a practice fire drill on the above procedures.
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Name ____________________________________Class ________ Date ___/___/___
Electrical Shock Activity
A. Match the terms to the proper definitions. Answers may be used more than once.
1. _____0.1 ampere
A Safety
2. _____Unplanned event
B First-aid
3. _____Emergency care
C Accident
4. _____Free from danger
D Electric shock
5. _____Heart or breathing stopped
E 1 milliampere
6. _____Muscle paralysis
F 10 milliamperes
7. _____Just feeling a shock
G 100 milliamperes
8. _____Jarring, shaking feeling
H Death
9. _____Event involving personal injury
10. _____Unable to let go
11. _____Fatal if more than one second
B. At about _____ ampere(s) the shock is usually fatal if it lasts for one second or more.
C. It has been found that the human body resistance to electrical current varies
from about ____ ohms wet to _____ ohms dry.
_____ 1. 30 – 500,000
_____ 2. 300 – 500,000
_____ 3. 300,000 – 500,000
_____ 4. 500.000 – 30
D. Because of the varying body resistance to electrical current, any circuit with a
potential of at least _____ volts. Must be considered dangerous.
_____ 1. 300
_____ 2. 3,000
_____ 3. 30
_____ 4. 30,000
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Name ____________________________________Class ________ Date ___/___/___
E. List at least two ways to remove a victim from contact with an electrical circuit.
1. __________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________
F. List three hazards that could be encountered in working with electrical circuits
and/or electronic equipment.
1. _________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________
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Electrical Shock Activity Answer Key
1. G
2. C
3. B
4. A
5. H
6. F
7. E
8. D
9. C
10. F
11. G
0.1 ampere
Teacher’s Note
Student answers for this question may occur in any sequence.
1. Pull off with belt, coat, blanket, or any nonconductor
2. Open switch to circuit
Teacher’s Note
Student answers for this question may occur in any sequence.
1. Electrical shock
2. Electrical fires
3. Gases
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Name ____________________________________Class ________ Date ___/___/___
Safety Rules Activity
Please test your knowledge about safety rules.
A. From the list of conditions below, select the conditions that are unsafe and
safe by placing an “X” in the appropriate columns.
1. Oily rags on floor
2. Soldering iron on stand
3. Line cord insulation frayed
4. Equipment isolated by transformer
5. Litter on floor
6. One hand behind back
B. If you noticed that a line cord was frayed which of the following would be the best
thing for you to do?
_____ 1. Notify the teacher or supervisor
_____ 2. Unplug it from the wall
_____ 3. Repair it or replace it
_____ 4. All of the above are correct
C. Which of the following currents would be fatal to the human body if applied for one
second or more?
____ 1. 0.1 ampere
____ 3. 0.001 ampere
____ 2. 0.01 ampere
____ 4. 0.0001 ampere
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Name ____________________________________Class ________ Date ___/___/___
D. If your friend was being shocked, and you couldn’t find the switch, nor find anything
to pull him off with, which of the following could you use to cut the wire?
____ 1. A kitchen knife
____ 3. Diagonal cutter
____ 2. A power saw
____ 4. A fire axe
E. If you are in a shop area and a fire suddenly occurs, which of the following colors
would help you to locate a fire extinguisher?
____ 1. Yellow
____ 3. Green
____ 2. Red
____ 4. Orange
F. When working with electrical test equipment you should be certain that the _____ is
turned off before you leave it for any reason.
____ 1. Light
____ 3. Power
____ 2. Water
____ 4. Sound
G. If you have, or see anyone else have an accident, you should immediately
____ 1. Report it to the teacher
____ 3. Turn your back
____ 2. Call the principal
____ 4. Correct the condition that caused it
H. List six general safety rules that apply to lab sessions.
1. ____________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________
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Name ____________________________________Class ________ Date ___/___/___
5. ____________________________________________________________
6. ____________________________________________________________
I. List six specific (personal) safety rules that apply to students during lab sessions.
1. ____________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________
6. ____________________________________________________________
J. At about ______________ electric shock is severe enough to cause muscle
____ 1. 1 milliampere
____ 3. 100 milliamperes
____ 2. 10 milliamperes
____ 4. 1,000 milliamperes
K. List a safety rule to be followed when working with the following hand tools.
1. Files
2. Soldering iron when soldering
3. Diagonal pliers
4. Long nose pliers
5. Hacksaw
6. Hammer
7. Soldering iron when unsoldering
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L. List eight safety rules that apply when using power tools.
1. ____________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________
6. ____________________________________________________________
7. _____________________________________________________________
8. ____________________________________________________________
M. List the one safety precaution you should always observe when operating any
kind of power tool.
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Safety Rules Activity Sheet Key
1. Unsafe
2. Safe
3. Unsafe
4. Safe
5. Unsafe
6. Safe
Teacher’s Note
Students should answer this question with any six of following. Student answers
may occur in any sequence.
1. Keep all hand tools clean and in safe, working order.
2. Report any defective tools, test equipment, or other equipment to the teacher.
3. Do not remove any devices, [i.e. ground straps, switch covers, etc.] without the
permission of the teacher.
4. Do not operate or energize any circuit that could be hazardous without first
receiving instruction on how to do so safely.
5. Report all accidents to the teacher regardless of nature or severity.
6. Turn off power before leaving test equipment or circuits being worked on.
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7. Do not use any solvent without first determining its properties, and how to use
it safely.
8. Keep the laboratory floor clean of scraps and litter.
9. Clean up any spilled liquids immediately.
10. Store all cleaning rags in metal cans or containers.
Teacher’s Note
Students should answer this question with any six of following. Student answers
may occur in any sequence.
1. When working on or near rotating machinery. Secure loose clothing and tie
hair (if long).
2. Isolate line (power) voltages from ground by means of isolation transformers.
3. Check all line (power) cords before using and if the insulation is brittle and/or
cracked. Do not use and report to the teacher.
4. When measuring voltages with a meter and test probes, be careful not to
connect yourself to a voltage of any value.
5. Be certain that floor is isolated either by tile, rubber mat, or the wearing of
rubber sole shoes.
6. When measuring voltages expected to be greater than 30 volts, turn off or
disconnect live circuit before connecting test equipment.
7. It is recommended that only equipment with a polarized (3 prong) plug
be used.
8. Do not defeat the purpose of any safety device such as fuse, circuit breakers, or
interlocks, shorting across these devices could cause excessive current flow,
and destroy or seriously damage equipment being worked on, as well as cause
a fire.
9. Do not carry sharp-edged or pointed tools in your pockets.
10. Do not indulge in horseplay or play practical jokes in any lab.
11. Wear gloves and goggles when required.
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12. Do not wear rings or jewelry when working with mechanical or
electrical devices.
13. Exercise good judgment and common sense.
1. Always put a handle on a file when you use it.
2. Use caution with your soldering iron or gun; they can burn and cause fires.
3. Exercise care in using long nose pliers and diagonal cutters; they can pinch
and cut.
4. Do not use long nose pliers as a wrench.
5. Ease up on the pressure just before a hacksaw completes its cut.
6. Be sure hammer head is fastened tightly in its handle.
7. Use safety glasses or goggles when soldering or unsoldering.
Teacher’s Note
Student answers for this question may occur in any sequence.
1. Keep the cord clear of the work.
2. Be sure your hands are dry before using electric tools.
3. When drilling, use a sharp drill bit; pressure on a dull drill bit can cause
an accident.
4. Securely fasten the work being drilled.
5. Keep power tool guards in place; they are for your protection.
6. Operate power tools only after you have had instruction in their uses.
7. Wear safety goggles or glasses when operating power tools.
8. Power cords and switches should be checked before using a power tool.
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9. Be sure that the plug and switch are not broken.
10. Be sure the cord is in good condition.
11. Always check the power tool before you use it.
Wear your safety goggles or glasses.
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
Name ____________________________________Class ________ Date ___/___/___
Fire Safety Activity Sheet
Please test your knowledge about fire safety.
A. Match the fire terms to their associated answers. Some items should have multiple
answers. Answers may be used more than once.
1._____ Switchboard fire
A Class A
2._____ Wood fire
B Class B
3._____ Oil fire
C Class C
4._____ Must be turned upside down
D Pressurized water
5._____ Most commonly used
E Foam
6._____ Do not use on Class B or C
7._____ Contains only water
G Soda acid
8._____ Carbon dioxide
H Dry chemical (universal type)
9._____ Paper fire
I Class D
10.____ Use on flammable liquids
11.____ Combustive metal fire
B. The class of fire that you would most normally find occurring in an electronics lab
would be
_____ 1. Class A
_____ 3. Class C
_____ 5. Class D
_____ 2. Class B
_____ 4. Class F
_____ 6. Class I
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Name ____________________________________Class ________ Date ___/___/___
C. In order to extinguish a Class A fire you should use the following
____ 1. Pressurized water
____ 3. Foam
____ 2. Soda acid
____ 4. All of the above
D. In an electrical fire you should never use which of the following
___ 1. Carbon dioxide
____ 3. Dry chemical
___ 2. Pressurized water
____ 4. None of the above
E. Which of the following types of extinguishers usually must be turned upside down before
they can be used?
____ 1. CO2
____ 3. Pressurized water and foam
____ 2. Dry chemical and water
____ 4. Soda acid and foam
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
Fire Safety Activity Answer Key
1. C
2. A
3. B
4. E and G
5. F
6. D
7. D
8. B, C, and F
9. A, C, and D
10. H
11. I
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Name ____________________________________Class ________ Date ___/___/___
Safety Exam
Match the terms to the correct definitions or descriptions.
A The state of being free from danger, personal risk, or
B A device that opens the circuit when the circuit is
C A device that automatically opens a circuit like a
switch if too much current is being drawn
_____Circuit breaker
D Immediate care given to an accident or shock victim
until medical help arrives
Match the terms to the correct definitions or descriptions.
A Materials through which electrical current flows easily
conductor circuit
B An electrical plug that is installed into an electrical
outlet to permit connecting two or more electrical wires
or cables to the outlet
insulating circuit
C An electrical circuit that is drawing more electrical
current than the circuit is rated for
outlet adapter
D Materials through which electrical current cannot flow
Match the terms to the correct definitions or descriptions
9. Smoke alarm
A The jolt a person experiences when electrical current
passes through a part of the body
10. Accident
B The system of wires and cables that carry electricity
to motors, appliances, heating elements, and other
devices that operate by means of electricity
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Name ____________________________________Class ________ Date ___/___/___
11. Electrical Circuit
C Any unplanned event, occurring suddenly, which causes
personal injury or damage to property
12. Electrical shock
D A device that senses smoke and gives off a shrill
sound to alert people in the area that a fire may be
13. Which of the following is the color that is used for labeling edges, vise jaws, and
edges of tool rests where extra light reflection is important?
A. Red
B. Orange
C. Ivory
D. White
14. This fire extinguisher is used on class A fires only and operated by turning the
cylinder upside down and bumping or squeezing handle or turning valve.
A. Carbon dioxide type (CO2)
B. Foam type
C. Dry chemical type
D. Water type
15. Which of the following is the color that is used for non-hazardous parts of machines and
equipment surfaces?
A. Grey
B. Green
C. Yellow
D. Orange
16. Which of the following fire extinguishers is used for class A or B fires, operated by turning
cylinder upside down?
A. Carbon dioxide type (CO2)
B. Foam type
C. Water type
D. Dry chemical type
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Name ____________________________________Class ________ Date ___/___/___
17. Which of the following is a false statement about general lab safety rules?
A. Wear long hair so that people can pull you to safety more easily
B. Clean up any spilled liquids immediately
C. Turn off power before leaving test equipment or circuits being worked on
D. Store all cleaning rags in metal cans or containers
18. Which of the following fire extinguishers is used for either class B or C and operates by
pulling pin or rupturing cartridge and squeezing lever?
A. Carbon dioxide type (CO2)
B. Foam type
C. Water type
D. Dry chemical type
19. Which of the following fire extinguishers is used for Class B or C fires and operates by
pulling a pin and squeezing a lever?
A. Carbon dioxide (CO2)
B. Foam type
C. Water type
D. Dry chemical type
20. Which of the following is a false statement about general lab safety rules?
A. Keep the laboratory floor clean of scraps and litter
B. Report all accidents to the teacher regardless of nature or severity
C. Keep all hand tools clean and in safe working order
D. Do electrical experiments in the dark
Match the types of fires described with its proper fire class.
21. _____Class C
A Fires that occur in ordinary combustible materials
22. _____Class A
B Fires that occur in flammable liquids
23. _____Class D
C Fires that occur in electrical and electronic equipment
24. _____Class B
D Fires that occur in combustible metals
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Name ____________________________________Class ________ Date ___/___/___
25. Which is a false statement about the good personal safety rules?
A. Keep hands wet when doing electrical experiments
B. Wear gloves and goggles when required
C. Exercise good judgment and common sense
D. When working on or near rotating machinery, secure loose clothes and tie hair
(if long)
26. Which one of the following hand tool safety precautions is not true?
A. Always put a handle on the tang of a file before you use it
B. Use safety glasses or goggles when soldering or unsoldering
C. A large screwdriver can be used as a pry bar
D. Do not use long nose pliers as a wrench
27. Which is a true statement about hand tool safety precautions?
A. The use of hand tools seldom causes accidents
B. Don’t use a damaged hand tool; it could cause an accident
C. The use of hand tools is obvious; you don’t need any instructions
D. Whenever possible, push on a wrench; don’t pull on it
Match the colors to the correct definitions or descriptions.
28. _____Blue
A Fire hazards and fire-fighting equipment
29. _____Yellow
B Equipment that is being repaired or is defective and
should not be operated
30. _____Red
C Electrical switches, interior surfaces of doors, fuses
and electrical power boxes, and movable guards and
31. _____Orange
D Operating levers, wheels, and other hazardous parts
that could cause falling, snagging, or tripping
32. Which of the following statements is the true statement concerning power tool
safety precautions?
A. A dull drill bit can be used if you apply sufficient pressure
B. It is correct to use a hand power drill even though your hands are wet
with perspiration
C. Securely fasten the work being drilled
D. Power tool guards can be removed if they interfere with your work
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Name ____________________________________Class ________ Date___/___/___
33. Which of the following is a false statement concerning power tool safety precaution?
A. Always unplug power when changing drill bits on a hand power drill
B. Use your leg muscles, not your back muscles when lifting heavy items
C. Power cords and switches should be checked before using a power tool
D. Always remove the grounding prong from the power hand tool for safety reasons
34. Which of the following is a false statement concerning electrical power cord safety?
A. Do not suspend electrical cords over nails or pipes
B. Repair frayed or worn cords with cellophane tape
C. Do not overload a circuit by connecting numerous cords to a single outlet by means
of “octopus” adapter
D. Never run electrical cords through door jambs
35. Which of the following is a false statement concerning electrical power cord safety?
A. Do not suspend electrical cords over nails or pipes
B. Do not overload a circuit by connecting numerous cords to a single outlet by means
of “octopus” adapter
C. Repair frayed or worn cords with cellophane tape
D. Never run electrical cords through door jambs
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Safety Exam Answer Key
Match the terms to the correct definitions or descriptions.
1. Fuse
A The state of being free from danger, personal risk, or
2. First-aid
B A device that opens the circuit when the circuit is
3. Safety
C A device that automatically opens a circuit like a
switch if too much current is being drawn
4. Circuit breaker
D Immediate care given to an accident or shock victim
until medical help arrives
Match the terms to the correct definitions or descriptions.
5. Overloaded
A Materials through which electrical current flows easily
6. Electrical
conductor circuit
B An electrical plug that is installed into an electrical
outlet to permit connecting two or more electrical wires
or cables to the outlet
7. Electrical
insulating circuit
C An electrical circuit that is drawing more electrical
current is the circuit is rated for
8. Electrical
outlet adapter
D Materials through which electrical current cannot flow
Match the terms to the correct definitions or descriptions
9. Smoke alarm
A The jolt a person experiences when electrical current
passes through a part of the body
10. Accident
B The system of wires and cables that carry electricity
to motors, appliances, heating elements, and other devices
that operate by means of electricity
11. Electrical circuit
C Any unplanned event, occurring suddenly, which causes
personal injury or damage to property
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12. Electrical shock
D A device that senses smoke and gives off a shrill
sound to alert people in the area that a fire may be
13. Which of the following is the color that is used for labeling edges, vise jaws, and
edges of tool rests where extra light reflection is important?
A. Red
B. Orange
C. Ivory
D. White
14. This fire extinguisher is used on class A fires only and operated by turning the
cylinder upside down and bumping or squeezing handle or turning valve.
A. Carbon dioxide type (CO2)
B. Foam type
C. Dry chemical type
D. Water type
15. Which of the following is the color that is used for nonhazardous parts of machines and
equipment surfaces?
A. Grey
B. Green
C. Yellow
D. Orange
16. Which of the following fire extinguishers is used for class A or B fires, operated by turning
cylinder upside down?
A. Carbon dioxide type (CO2)
B. Foam type
C. Water type
D. Dry chemical type
17. Which of the following is a false statement about general lab safety rules?
A. Wear long hair so that people can pull you to safety more easily
B. Clean up any spilled liquids immediately
C. Turn off power before leaving test equipment or circuits being worked on
D. Store all cleaning rags in metal cans or containers
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18. Which of the following fire extinguishers is used for either class B or C and operates by
pulling pin or rupturing cartridge and squeezing lever?
A. Carbon dioxide type (CO2)
B. Foam type
C. Water type
D. Dry chemical type
19. Which of the following fire extinguisher is used for Class B or C fires and operates by
pulling pin and squeezing lever?
A. Carbon dioxide (CO2)
B. Foam type
C. Water type
D. Dry chemical type
20. Which of the following is a false statement about general lab safety rules?
A. Keep the laboratory floor clean of scraps and litter
B. Report all accidents to the instructor regardless of nature or severity
C. Keep all hand tools clean and in safe working order
D. Do electrical experiments in the dark
Match the types of fires described with its proper fire class.
21. Class C
A Fires that occur in ordinary combustible materials
22. Class A
B Fires that occur in flammable liquids
23. Class D
C Fires that occur in electrical and electronic equipment
24. Class B
D Fires that occur in combustible metals
25. Which is a false statement about the good personal safety rules?
A. Keep hands wet when doing electrical experiments
B. Wear gloves and goggles when required
C. Exercise good judgment and common sense
D. When working on or near rotating machinery, secure loose clothes and tie hair
(if long)
26. Which one of the following hand tool safety precautions is NOT true?
A. Always put a handle on the tang of a file before you use it
B. Use safety glasses or goggles when soldering or unsoldering
C. A large screwdriver can be used as a pry bar
D. Do not use long nose pliers as a wrench
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27. Which is a true statement about hand tool safety precautions?
A. The use of hand tools seldom causes accidents
B. Don’t use a damaged hand tool; it could cause an accident
C. The use of hand tools is obvious; you don’t need any instructions
D. Whenever possible push on a wrench; don’t pull on it
Match the colors to the correct definitions or descriptions.
28. Blue
A Fire hazards and fire-fighting equipment
29. Yellow
B Equipment which is being repaired or is defective and
should not be operated
30. Red
C Electrical switches, interior surfaces of doors, fuses
and electrical power boxes, and movable guards and
31. Orange
D Operating levers, wheels, and other hazardous parts
which could cause falling, snagging, or tripping
32. Which of the following statements is the true statement concerning power tool safety
A. A dull drill bit can be used if you apply sufficient pressure
B. It is correct to use a hand power drill even though your hands are wet
with perspiration
C. Securely fasten the work being drilled
D. Power tool guards can be removed if they interfere with your work
33. Which of the following is a false statement concerning power tool safety precaution?
A. Always unplug power when changing drill bits on a hand power drill
B. Use your leg muscles, not your back muscles when lifting heavy items
C. Power cords and switches should be checked before using a power tool
D. Always remove the grounding prong from the power hand tool for safety reasons
34. Which of the following is a false statement concerning electrical power cord safety?
A. Do not suspend electrical cords over nails or pipes
B. Repair frayed or worn cords with cellophane tape
C. Do not overload a circuit by connecting numerous cords to a single outlet by means
of “octopus” adapter
D. Never run electrical cords through door jambs
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
35. Which of the following is a false statement concerning electrical power cord safety?
A. Do not suspend electrical cords over nails or pipes
B. Do not overload a circuit by connecting numerous cords to a single outlet by means
of “octopus” adapter
C. Repair frayed or worn cords with cellophane tape
D. Never run electrical cords through door jambs
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.