Lesson Plan Course Title: Concepts of Engineering and Technology Session Title: Gripper Challenge Performance Objective: After completing this lesson, students will be able to design and construct a Robot Hand Gripper that picks up objects, critically think through what type of gripper is best for specific objects, and test and document their results on the Robot Hand Gripper Test Report. Specific Objectives: Define problem solving. Identify and apply four steps in the problem solving process: 1) understanding the problem; 2) devising a plan; 3) carrying out the plan; and 4) looking back, to create a gripper that picks up objects. Design and construct their own hand gripper that works effectively to pick up objects. Preparation TEKS Correlations: This lesson, as published, correlates to the following TEKS. Any changes/alterations to the activities may result in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed. Concepts of Engineering and Technology: 130.362 (c)(6)(A)(C)(E) ...identify and describe the fundamental processes needed for a project, including design and prototype development; ...use problem-solving techniques to develop technological solutions; ...assess risks and benefits of a design solution. Interdisciplinary Correlations: English: 110.44 (b)(6)(A)(B) …expand vocabulary through wide reading, listening and discussing; …rely on context to determine meanings of words and phrases such as figurative language, connotation and denotation of words, analogies, idioms, and technical vocabulary. 110.44 (b)(7)(H) …use study strategies such as note taking, outlining, and using study-guide questions to better understand texts; Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 1 Mathematical Models with Applications: 111.36 (c)(M.1)(A)(B)(C) ...compare and analyze various methods for solving a real-life problem; ...select a method to solve a problem, defend the method, and justify the reasonableness of the results. Physics: 112.39 (c)(2)(B)(C)(D)(E) ...know that scientific hypotheses are tentative and testable statements that must be capable of being supported or not supported by observational evidence. Hypotheses of durable explanatory power which have been tested over a wide variety of conditions are incorporated into theories; ...know that scientific theories are based on natural and physical phenomena and are capable of being tested by multiple independent researchers. Unlike hypotheses, scientific theories are well-established and highly-reliable explanations, but may be subject to change as new areas of science and new technologies are developed; ...distinguish between scientific hypotheses and scientific theories; ...design and implement investigative procedures, including making observations, asking well-defined questions, formulating testable hypotheses, identifying variables, selecting appropriate equipment and technology, and evaluating numerical answers for reasonableness; 112.39 (c)(3)(A) ...in all fields of science, analyze, evaluate, and critique scientific explanations by using empirical evidence, logical reasoning, and experimental and observational testing, including examining all sides of scientific evidence of those scientific explanations, so as to encourage critical thinking by the student; Teacher Preparation: Understand that students need to be creative with this lesson. Allow them to think critically and develop their own devices. Then be able to show them how to construct a human hand gripper. This project relates design, drafting, and physics since students will be considering basic physic’s principles when they are critically thinking about what type of gripper to make. References: Vogt & Shearer. (1999) "Robot Hand." Reading. Flower Mound High School. Instructional Aids: 1. Gripper Challenge PowerPoint presentation 2. Robot Hand Gripper Test Report for each student Materials Needed: 1. Cardboard or hardboard Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Pencil P Rubber R bands String S Straw(s) S Glue G Tape T Ruler R PVC P pipe - op ptional ent Needed: Equipme 1. Computer C 2. Overhead O pro ojector Learner Preparation n: None required. Inttroduction Introduc ction (LSI Quadrant I): SAY: To oday we are going to dis scuss how to o best pick u up certain typ pes of objeccts using variious devices. ASK: Do oes anyone know what a gripper is? ? SAY: It is simply a device d that can c pick up objects o with ease. ASK: Ca an anyone th hink of comm mon designs s for gripperss? SHOW: Let’s look at a few exam mples. (Slide e 12 and 13)) SAY: We W are now going to go th hrough a Po owerPoint pre esentation. W We will stop p twice so tha at you will be b able to crreate your ow wn grippers. SAY: “Th he Gripper Challenge…” C ” SHOW: Show S the Po owerPoint prresentation up u to the Ma arble Challen nge and then stop and le et the stude ents develop p their own grippers. g Afte er they have e completed one device, continue wiith rest of Po owerPoint allowing students to follow w steps in p resentation to create a rrobot hand ASK: Wh hich gripper was best for which devices? Explai n? Outline Outline (LSI ( Quadra ant II): Instructors can use the PowerPo oint presenta ation, slides, handouts, a and note pag ges in conjunctiion with the following ou utline. MI Notes to Instruc ctor Outliine I. Grripper defined A. A grip pper simply means a de evice used to o “grip”” objects in order o to pickk them up. er will begin Teache Gripper Challenge PowerP Point presen ntation and define a gripper. II. Prroblem solving process for f a gripperr Teache er will discusss Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 20012. All rights rreserved. 3 A. B. C. D. . Unde erstanding th he problem Devis sing a plan Carry ying out the plan Ques stion studentts about whyy they chose e certain materials the steps to the m solving problem process as it relate es to a creatting a grippe er. Slide 2 2-3: Teache er will stop a at the Marble e Challenge in presen ntation and w will have th he students begin ttheir gripper designs for the Ma arble Challen nge. E off Challenge 1 III. Evaluation A. Which h devices wo orked and w why? B. What could be do one to make each device e better? C. How would w you do d this differe ently if you d materials? were allowed to use u unlimited ? Slide 4 4: As the students are e working g, the teache er remind ds them to th hink of thing gs that relate e to them in n their everyyday life thatt could be problem ms. Ask stu udents questions once th hey have finished d their devicces. R Hand IV. Robot A. Simply follow the procedure liisted in the PowerPoint. Slide 5 5-7 (Robot Hand) Teache er will guide students through ro obot procedure. hand p V. Allow studentts to construct the hand A. Have students try different ch allenges witth differe ent grippers.. B. Which h device is best b for certa ain tasks? Slide 5 5-7 (Robot Hand) Slide 8 (Challenge 1) Slide 9 (Challenge 2) Slide 10 ( Challeng ge 3) Slide 11 (Conclusio on) Teache er continuess to ask questions regardiing their designs. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 20012. All rights rreserved. 4 S 4 of pro oblem solving g process - llooking backk VI. Step A. Evalu uate all desig gns B. Vote which griper was best fo or certain tasks s Verbal c Linguistic Logical Mathematica al Visual Spatial Musical Rhythmic Bodily Kinesthetic Intrapersonal Finish PowerPoint presen ntation. Inte erperrsonal Naturralist Existen ntialist Application A Guided Practice P (LS SI Quadrantt III): Througho out PowerPo oint presenta ation, studen nts will be ta aught how to o make a rob bot hand grip pper and how to critically think t of how w to design a gripper. ce (LSI Qua adrant III): Independent Practic s will be requ uired to be creative and think critical ly and make e their own g gripper devicce. Students Summary Review (LSI ( Quadra ants I and IV V): Question n: Which gripper was be est for pickin ng up the ma arbles? Answer: (It depends s on grippers s created.) The T best ansswer will mosst likely be a kind of “scooperr” type grippe er. Question n: Which gripper could best b pick up blocks and stack them? ? Answer: A hanging gripper g that has somewh hat sticky orr rough edge es in order to o hold blockss in place unttil the blocks s reach the desired d locattion. Question n: Which de evice/gripperr worked bes st for combin nations and multiple taskks? Answer: Robot Hand d. Evaluation E Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 20012. All rights rreserved. 5 Informal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III): The teacher will observe the students as they are working on creating and testing their grippers. Formal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III, IV): The students will create grippers for different tasks and should be evaluated by efficiency of grippers and design. Students will complete the Robot Hand Gripper Test Report to test and document their findings. Extension Extension/Enrichment (LSI Quadrant IV): For more enrichment, students should construct a hand that can be operated electronically. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 6 Name: __________________________ Robot Hand Gripper Test Report Challenge 1: Record how many marbles you can pick up in one minute with your first Robot Hand Gripper and then how many you can pick up with your hand. 1. How many marbles can you pick up with your first gripper? 2. How many marbles can you pick up with your hand? # of Marbles: Which one was more efficient? #_________ 1. First gripper? _____ # _________ 2. Your hand? _____ Challenge 2: Using your newly constructed Robot Hand Gripper, pull on the strings in order to contract the fingers to make a fist. Select three objects of your choice to pick up and place in the bowl. Try picking up the marbles and objects and placing them into a bowl (Figure 4 and 5). 1. How many marbles were you able to pick up and place in the bowl? List three objects to test: #__________ 1. _________________________________ 2. How many of Object #1 were you able to pick up and place in the bowl? #__________ 3. How many of Object #2 were you able to pick up and place in the bowl? #__________ 4. How many of Object #3 were you able to pick up and place in the bowl? #__________ 2. _________________________________ 3. _________________________________ Challenge 3: Using your Robot Hand Gripper, try stacking up some blocks as seen in the slide presentation (Figure 6). How many blocks were you able to stack? #__________ Does it work effectively? Yes ________ No ________ If not, construct a type of gripper that will work effectively. How many blocks were you able to stack with your newly constructed gripper? #__________ Does your newly constructed gripper work effectively? Yes ________ No ________ Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 7