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Concepts of Engineering and Technology
Emerging and Innovative Technologies
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Advanced Prosthetic Aesthetic
Jonathan Kuniholm
Engineer at Duke
Wears a prototype of the
prosthetic arm
Created by the DARPA
Prosthetics project
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Technical Communication
 130.362.1 The student investigates the components of
engineering and technology systems. The student is
expected to:
 (F) conduct and present research on emerging and
innovative technology.
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 Technical Terms and Definitions
 Technology Trends
 The Past
 The Future of Technology
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Technical Terms and Definitions
The terms and definitions listed below are discussed
in this lesson. Please review before proceeding
with this lesson.
The general direction in which
something tends to move.
The ability to do something
well, usually gained through
training or experience.
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Technical Terms and Definitions
The terms and definitions listed below are discussed
in this lesson. Please review before proceeding
with this lesson.
It is technology based on biology biotechnology harnesses cellular and
bio-molecular processes to develop
technologies and products that help
improve our lives and the health of our
planet. Source:
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Technical Terms and Definitions
The terms and definitions listed below are discussed
in this lesson. Please review before proceeding
with this lesson.
Information Technology Pronounced “IT”, refers to
anything related to
computing technology, such
as networking, hardware,
software, the Internet, or the
people that work with these
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Technical Terms and Definitions
The terms and definitions listed below are discussed
in this lesson. Please review before proceeding
with this lesson.
Nanotechnology The branch of engineering that deals
with things smaller than 100
nanometers (especially with the
manipulation of individual
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Technology Trends
 Miniaturization
 Smaller but hold more information
 Faster
 Cheaper
 Wireless
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Technology Skills
current skills be enough?
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Technology Advantages
 Fewer Geographic Limitations
 Increased Access to Information
 Ease of Communication
 Labor Saving
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Technology Disadvantages
 Privacy
 Identity Theft
 Nuisances (SPAM)
 Security
 Electronic IDs
 Threat from electronic viruses in connected
 Decreased personalization
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The Past
Take a look at
where we started.
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The First Apple Computer
Developed by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak
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Altair 8080
The Altair 8080 was a
microcomputer kit first
introduced in 1975 in
Popular Electronics
It was not the first
available microcomputer
but it was the start of the
Ed Roberts developed
the Altair 8080.
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Bill Gates and the Altair 8080
 Programming the Altair 8080 was difficult.
 Bill Gates and Paul Allen contacted Roberts and
offered to sell him BASIC programming language.
 At the time BASIC did not exist.
 Gates and Allen developed the product and
formed the company they called Micro-Soft (now
spelled Microsoft).
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1964 IBM System / 360 Mainframe
Central Units Memory = 8 MB
Today’s Apple iPod Touch (3rd Generation = 64 GB
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Moore’s Law
 In 1965, Gordon Moore, a co-founder of
Intel, made the observation that the number
of components per integrated circuit
doubled every 2 years.
 Largely, that prediction has held true.
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Number Crunching
Information Processing Power
Moore’s Law
Cost Per
$3 – 4K
$1.5 – 2K
$1 – 1.3K
$4 - $5
$3 - 400
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The Future of Technology
Top Inventions Needed
Free Energy
Fountain of Youth
Replicator Technology
Protective Force Field
(Things for Free)
Flying Cars
Universal Communicator
The Battery Operated Butler
The Cure
The Time Machine
Artificial Intelligence &
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Smart Personal Objects
 Smart Personal Objects are everyday objects:
 Clocks
 Pens
 Key-chains
 Billfolds
 Smarter
 Personalized
 More useful through the use of special software
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Projection Keyboard
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My Prediction
 Increased connectivity
 Example
Ability to program devices in the home from remote
locations such as start dinner, scan the home for security
purposes, or check on the children from miles away.
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The Future
Imagine the Future
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Look at these Emerging Areas
Information Technology
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 As defined by the U.S. government, this refers to any
technique that uses living organisms (or parts of
organisms) to make or modify products, to improve
plants and animals, or to develop microorganisms for
specific use.
 Biotechnology focuses on the practical applications of
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 The science of building devices at the molecular and
atomic level.
 A single data bit might be represented by only one
molecule some time in the future.
 Could be used in computers and communications devices
 Nanotechnology could be used:
 to build devices
 to change the properties of materials
 in biotechnology
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Potential Uses of Nanotechnology
 Nano-spheres to deliver drugs directly to their target.
 Using nano-scale manufacturing processes to make
smaller and faster processors.
 Using nano-scale properties to make fabrics that are:
 stain resistant
 crease-free
 resist bacteria
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Information Technology
Information Technology (IT)
refers to the use of
technology in managing and
processing information.
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Information Technology
 If a company uses a database to keep
track of inventory, is that IT?
 If a company uses a Point of Sale (POS)
computerized system to keep track of
sales and inventory, is that IT?
 The answer to both questions is YES.
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 Do you think that information
technology, biotechnology and
nanotechnology overlap?
 What about the future?
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Info Tech
Nano Tech
Bio Tech
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Info Tech
Nano Tech
Bio Tech
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Info Tech
Nano Tech
Bio Tech
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What will the Future Look Like?
 If more people work from home, how does that change
our social fabric?
 Saves fuel and other resources.
 Will social skills decline due to less interaction with
 If students attend school using the Internet from
home, how does that change the social fabric of our
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What Will You Do To
Be Ready?
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