ADVANCED ENGINEERING DESIGN AND PRESENTATION Career Paths in Engineering ePortfolio – Part 3

Career Paths in Engineering
ePortfolio – Part 3
CTE STEM Pathway
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
This is a continuation and completion of the portfolio
created in Engineering Design and Presentation.
However, this one has some questions that must be
answered on the ePortfolio website. This one has a
more structured outline of questions that must be
answered. It also includes many items that you will
be required to do in the senior English class. This is
designed to help you get into the college of your
choice and be prepared for your post-secondary
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
“Days” explained
Day means approximately 1.5 hours, or the 2 class
periods you have the class for. These should be
consecutive so that you are able to complete the work.
This timeline is specific and we need to “stick to it.” We
have a lot of projects to accomplish this year. So you
need to be diligent in getting your work all done by the
due dates.
I will not be checking your work daily, I will check it
weekly. You MUST be able to self-direct yourself now.
This is what employers and colleges require, if you want
to succeed.
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
Week 1 =
Day 1 = Show the rubric and example website.
Day 2 = Come up with a mission statement and
complete the request for letter of recommendation.
Give this along with a copy of your résumé to all of
your teachers and 3-5 people other than your
teachers who could do this for you. Give them a
deadline of 1 week for this so that you can scan
them in and use.
Day 3 = Explain what field you want to go into
when you graduate from high school and then postsecondary (college, trade school, etc.)
Day 4= Explain in your own words what you think
the difference is between a Technician and a
Technologist. Find a graphic that also explains the
difference. Prefer that you take a photo of
yourself acting/showing what these differences are.
Then go to and find
out what is the job prospect and salary that you
can expect to have in your career field of choice.
Day 5 = What certifications can you get for this
field and what professional organizations are
Week 2 =
Day 6-10 = Résumé and at least 3 examples of
work you have done with a reflection statement
about the project. Create at least 1 video slide
show over one of them, if not all three.
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
Timeline (cont’d.)
Week 3 =
Day 11 = What colleges
do you want to go to and
what do you have to do to
get into them.
Day 12 = Write 2-3
admission essays for
Day 13-15 = Find two
scholarships that you can
apply for, then apply for
them. Show me proof that
you did this.
Week 4 =
Day 16 = Explain what
soft and hard skills are,
compare and contrast
Day 17 = Explain what
diversity in the work place
Day 18 = Explain what
safety in the work place is
and why it is important.
Day 19-20 = What are
some ethical issues you
may face and how do you
handle them?
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
ePortfolio Rubric
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
ePortfolio Rubric (cont’d.)
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
Week 3
 Day
11 = What colleges do you want to go to and
what do you have to do to get into them?
 Day 12 = Write 2-3 admission essays for college.
 Day 13-15 = Find two scholarships that you can apply
for, then apply for them. Show me proof that you did
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
College Essays Rubric (2)
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
College Essays Rubric (2)
A = Write about someone who has made an impact in your life and explain
how/why they are so important to you. (EX = your Mother who has worked two jobs to
put you through school)
B = Choose an issue that is important to you. It can be personal, school, local,
political, etc. Explain the significance of the issue to yourself, family, community, or
generation. (EX = Recycling and why we all need to do it.)
C = Personal information that you want them to consider. For example hardships,
challenges, or opportunities that have shaped you. Perhaps abilities, academics,
achievements, talents, or how you would help make a post- secondary campus
even better. (EX= You are the first person in your family to seek a college degree and
how everyone is supporting you.)
D = Specifically written for your major. Describe an experience, class, etc., that
applies to this. Perhaps it is what motivated you to seek that major. Explain how it
has affected you and what you are doing to prepare yourself for this major. (EX=
My freshman year I got to meet NASA astronaut who made space exploration sound so
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
College(s) I want to attend
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
Admission Essays (2)
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
Time to get to work
Remember your timeline and that I will be grading
week three assignments Monday, when you should
be starting the last week 4 of the unit.
Actual ePortfolio will be graded at the end of this
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.