Appendix V Tables Deleted From the 2004−2005 Edition of the Statistical Abstract 2004−05 number Sec. 1. POPULATION 32 34 37 38 39 41 Persons 65 Years Old and Over—Grandparents, Disability Status, and Language Spoken at Home: 2000 Selected Characteristics of the White and Black Populations: 2000 Selected Characteristics of the American Indian, Alaska Native, Asian, and Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Populations: 2000 Social and Economic Characteristics of the Asian Alone Population: 2003 Social and Economic Characteristics of the Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Alone Population: 2000 Selected Characteristics of the Hispanic or Latino Populations: 2000 Sec. 3. HEALTH AND NUTRITION 123 130 153 168 170 172 198 Personal Health Care Expenditures by State: 1990 to 1998 Medicare—Estimated Benefit Payments by State: 2001 Medical Practice Characteristics by Selected Specialty: 1990 to 2001 Home Health and Hospice Care Agencies by Selected Characteristics: 2000 Elderly Home Health Patients: 2000 Nursing Home Residents 65 Years Old and Over by Selected Characteristics: 1999 Sources of Calcium, Iron, and Cholesterol in the U.S. Food Supply: 1970 and 2000 Sec. 4. EDUCATION 218 219 Students Reporting Being Threatened or Injured With a Weapon on School Property: 1993 to 2001 Children Whose Parents Are Involved in School Activities: 1999 Sec. 5. LAW ENFORCEMENT, COURTS, AND PRISONS 304 319 320 328 Violent Victimizations Reported to the Police: 1992 to 2000 Firearm Use by Offenders: 1997 General Purpose Law Enforcement Agencies—Number and Employment: 2000 Per Capita Justice Expenditure and Employment of State and Local Governments by State: 1999 Sec. 6. GEOGRAPHY AND ENVIRONMENT 353 370 371 Water Areas for Selected Major Bodies of Water: 2000 Pollution Abatement Capital Expenditures and Operating Costs by Media and Industry: 1999 Pollution Abatement Capital Expenditures and Operating Costs by Media and State: 1999 390 404 Apportionment of Membership in House of Representatives by State: 1790 to 2000 Public Confidence Levels in Selected Public and Private Institutions: 2001 Sec. 7. ELECTIONS Sec. 9. FEDERAL GOVERNMENT FINANCES AND EMPLOYMENT 466 Department of Homeland Security—Budget: 2003 to 2005 Sec. 10. NATIONAL SECURITY AND VETERANS AFFAIRS 504 511 515 962 Coast Guard Personnel on Active Duty: 1970 to 2003 Summary of U.S. Military Force Structure: 1993 to 2001 Disabled Veterans Receiving Compensation by Period of Service: 1980 to 2003 Appendix V U.S. Census Bureau, Statistical Abstract of the United States: 2006 2004−05 number Sec. 11. SOCIAL INSURANCE AND HUMAN SERVICES 556 561 562 566 568 Social Insurance—Tax-Exempt Establishments, Receipts, Payroll, and Employees by Kind of Business: 1997 Charity Contributions—Average Dollar Amount: 1991 to 2000 Charity Contributions—Percent of Households Contributing by Dollar Amount, 1991 to 2000, and Type of Charity, 2000 Foundations—Grants Reported by Subject Field and Recipient Organization: 2002 Volunteers by Type of Main Organization: 2003 Sec. 12. LABOR FORCE, EMPLOYMENT AND EARNINGS 581 583 604 622 Families With Own Children—Employment Status of Parents: 1995 and 2003 Employed Workers Actively Seeking a New Job: 2001 Job Search Activity Using the Internet: 2001 Average Annual Pay by Selected Metropolitan Area: 2001 and 2002 Sec. 13. INCOME, EXPENDITURES, AND WEALTH 664 676 682 688 692 Median Income of Households in Constant (2001) Dollars by State: 3-Year Averages for 1989 to 2001 Money Income of Families—Distribution of Income and Median Income by Race and Hispanic Origin: 1999 People Below Poverty Level by Race, Sex, and Age: 1999 Persons Below Poverty Level—Number and Rate by State: 2000 to 2002 Average Asset Ownership Rates for Households and Median Value by Type of Asset: 1998 and 2000 Sec. 15. BUSINESS ENTERPRISE 738 745 Women-Owned Firms by Industry Division: 1997 Patents by Industry: 1980 to 2002 Sec. 16. SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 767 785 Federal Obligations for R&D in Current and Constant (1996) Dollars, by Agency: 1980 to 2003 Federal Obligations for Science and Engineering to Universities and Colleges in Current and Constant (1996) Dollars: 1990 to 2002 Space Shuttle Launches—Summary: 1981 to January 2003 791 792 794 807 809 Farms—Number, Acreage, and Value by Type of Organization: 1997 and 2002 Corporate Farms—Characteristics by Type: 2002 Number of Farms by Economic Class of Farm: 2002 Value of Selected Commodities Produced Under Contracts: 2002 Hired Farmworkers—Selected Characteristics: 1990 to 2003 771 Sec. 17. AGRICULTURE Sec. 18. NATURAL RESOURCES 865 Federal Strategic and Critical Materials Inventory: 1990 to 2002 Sec. 19. ENERGY 893 Commercial Buildings—Energy Consumption and Expenditures: 1999 Sec. 20. CONSTRUCTION AND HOUSING 919 921 945 946 956 Construction—Establishments, Value of Work Done, Payroll, and Employees by Kind of Business (NAICS Basis): 1997 and 2002 Price and Cost Indexes for Construction: 1980 to 2003 Housing Units and Tenure for Large Cities: 2000 Housing Inventory for Selected Metropolitan Areas— Summary Characteristics: 1995 to 2002 Specified Owner-Occupied Housing Units—Value and Costs by the 25 Largest Metropolitan Areas: 2000 Appendix V U.S. Census Bureau, Statistical Abstract of the United States: 2006 963 2004−05 number 957 959 960 Specified Owner-Occupied Housing Units—Value and Costs by the 25 Largest Cities: 2000 Specified Renter-Occupied Housing Units—Gross Rent by the 25 Largest Metropolitan Areas: 2000 Specified Renter-Occupied Housing Units—Gross Rent by the 25 Largest Cities: 2000 Sec. 21. MANUFACTURES 975 1006 Manufactures—Establishments, Employees, Payroll, and Value of Shipments by Industry (NAICS 1997 Basis): 1997 and 2002 Computers and Industrial Electronics—Factory Shipments: 1990 to 2001 Sec. 22. DOMESTIC TRADE 1023 Retail Trade—Estimated Purchases by Kind of Business: 1992 to 2002 Sec. 23. TRANSPORTATION 1050 1059 1072 1085 1086 1101 Transportation and Warehousing—Establishments, Revenue, Payroll, and Employees by Kind of Business (NAICS Basis): 1997 and 2002 Airline Passenger Screening Results: 1980 to 2001 Shipment Characteristics, by Distance and Weight Shipped: 1997 and 2002 Commuting to Work—25 Largest Metropolitan Areas: 2000 Commuting to Work—25 Largest Cities: 2000 Class 1 Intercity Motor Carriers of Passengers: 1990 to 2002 Sec. 24. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS 1113 1122 1129 1130 1147 1151 Information—Establishments, Receipts, Payroll, and Employees by Industry (1997 NAICS Basis): 1997 and 2002 Newspapers and Periodicals—Number by Type: 1980 to 2002 American Book Title Production: 2000 and 2002 Average Per Volume Book Prices: 2000 and 2002 Libraries—Number by Type: 1980 to 2003 Programs for Adults in Public Library Outlets: 2000 Sec. 25. BANKING, FINANCE, AND INSURANCE 1163 1165 1166 1172 1191 1204 Flow of Funds Accounts—Liabilities of Households: 1990 to 2003 (combined with Table 1158) Percent Distribution of Amount of Debt Held by Families: 1998 and 2001 Ratios of Debt Payments to Family Income: 1995 to 2001 Retail Fees and Services of Depository Institutions: 2001 and 2002 Commercial Paper Outstanding by Type of Company: 1990 to 2003 Stock Ownership by Age of Head of Family and Family Income: 1995 to 2001 Sec. 26. ARTS, ENTERTAINMENT, AND RECREATION 1246 Expenditures for Wildlife Related Recreation Activities: 2001 Sec. 27. ACCOMMODATION, FOOD SERVICES, AND OTHER SERVICES 1270 1275 Accommodation and Food Services—Establishments, Employees, and Payroll by Kind of Business: 2000 and 2001 Magazine Advertising Revenue by Category: 2000 to 2003 Sec. 29. PUERTO RICO AND THE ISLAND AREAS 1306 1307 Puerto Rico, Guam, Virgin Islands, American Samoa, and Northern Mariana Islands—Population: 1990 and 2000 Selected Social and Economic Characteristics by Area: 2000 Sec. 30. COMPARATIVE INTERNATIONAL STATISTICS 1332 1335 1384 964 Selected Environmental Data—OECD Countries Participation in Job-Related Continuing Education and Training by Country Military Budget, by Country: 2002 Appendix V U.S. Census Bureau, Statistical Abstract of the United States: 2006