Thunder Mountain Middle School School Improvement Plan 2014-15 IMPROVEMENT GOAL What is the SMART student learning goal, PLC team goal, or general school improvement goal you intend to accomplish? IMPROVEMENT ACTIVITY What initiatives or activities will occur to accomplish this goal? TIMELINE When will this activity begin and end? WHO IS RESPONSIBLE? Who will provide the leadership for these activities? EVIDENCE OF EFFECTIVENESS What ongoing FORMATIVE or SUMMATIVE evidence will be gathered to show these activities are making a difference in student learning? PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT How will staff acquire the necessary skills and attitudes to implement these activities? August professional development training (teachers trained by Common Core team) August Read 180 training for English teachers and Read 180 teacher, and three coaching sessions throughout the year. Science and History teachers trained by librarian on how to find differentiated text or grade-level text Time in PLC for English teachers to review student Reading data and to collaborate with librarian. Read 180 curriculum and staffing. Read Naturally program and EA support (grant). What are the existing and/or new resources that will be used to accomplish these activities? READING Proficiency Goals: Ninety percent (90%) of all 6th – 8th grade students will reach proficiency on the Smarter Balanced ELA assessment and the spring District Reading Assessment. Identified students (Spring 2014 Reading assessment data) will receive support in Read 180. Fall 2014 reading data will be used to help teachers guide students toward appropriately challenging independent reading books. Reading logs will be kept by each student and reviewed by each teacher. Students will receive ongoing non-fiction reading instruction and practice in Science/History. Struggling readers will work with the librarian during intervention to find appropriate books. ELL students will receive additional reading support during Focus using the Read Naturally program. August, 2014 through June, 2015 Building principal English teachers TMMS Common Core team TMMS Librarian Kim Hatzenbeler (ELL coordinator) Meeting notes that reflect the work of PLC teams, student achievement data on formative assessments, Read 180 assessments, Read Naturally assessments, and district reading assessments. IMPROVEMENT GOAL What is the SMART student learning goal, PLC team goal, or general school improvement goal you intend to accomplish? IMPROVEMENT ACTIVITY What initiatives or activities will occur to accomplish this goal? TIMELINE When will this activity begin and end? WHO IS RESPONSIBLE? Who will provide the leadership for these activities? EVIDENCE OF EFFECTIVENESS What ongoing FORMATIVE or SUMMATIVE evidence will be gathered to show these activities are making a difference in student learning? PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT How will staff acquire the necessary skills and attitudes to implement these activities? Classroom assessment data for each chapter (both quizzes and tests) Student attendance at intervention IXL individual student data TMMS teachers will collaborate with each other, and when possible, with the EMS math teachers, to identify the skills that will be monitored in each chapter. Best Practices and Math Studio training for Math department. Time on Wednesdays and Fridays during regularly scheduled staff meetings to review student data and plan appropriate interventions/instruction al adjustments IXL program What are the existing and/or new resources that will be used to accomplish these activities? MATH Proficiency Goals: Eighty percent (80%) of Thunder Mountain Middle School students in grades 6 – 8 will be proficient on the Smarter Balanced CAT and PT. Sixty percent (60%) of all 8th grade students will be proficient on the EOC 1 (Algebra). Using formative assessment data, teachers will identify students who require support through the school-based intervention program based on the fundamental skills taught in each section of the curriculum. Additionally, teachers will adjust instruction based on student needs to support growth in this area. Teachers will use the IXL program to identify students who have basic skills deficiencies (skills taught in previous grade levels). They will work with parents to establish additional learning time at home using the program. Middle school math teachers will develop common chapter tests that are aligned with the Common Core standards in both content and rigor. They will meet when possible during PLC time to compare results and apply their findings to future scope/sequence documents and teaching strategies. August, 2014June, 2015 Building principal Mathematics teachers IMPROVEMENT GOAL What is the SMART student learning goal, PLC team goal, or general school improvement goal you intend to accomplish? IMPROVEMENT ACTIVITY What initiatives or activities will occur to accomplish this goal? TIMELINE When will this activity begin and end? WHO IS RESPONSIBLE? Who will provide the leadership for these activities? EVIDENCE OF EFFECTIVENESS What ongoing FORMATIVE or SUMMATIVE evidence will be gathered to show these activities are making a difference in student learning? PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT How will staff acquire the necessary skills and attitudes to implement these activities? Collaborative conversations during Friday meeting times Professional development provided for teachers by the Common Core team for summary writing and compare/contrast writing (August, PLC meetings throughout the year) Time during regularly scheduled Friday meetings to develop and score assessments and to review data Time for English teachers to meet as a district team to develop and score common assessments What are the existing and/or new resources that will be used to accomplish these activities? WRITING Proficiency Goals: Eighty percent (80%) of all 6th – 8th grade Thunder Mountain Middle School students will be proficient on the Smarter Balanced Writing Performance Task and the District Writing Assessment. Incorporation of at least one summary writing assessment in each English, History, PE and Science class. The assessments will then be commonly scored in content teams, followed by a school-wide data review, reports of student progress back to English teachers, and targeted intervention/re-teaching during English class/intervention. Following instruction in English classes, incorporation of at least one compare/contrast writing assessment in each English, History, Math, PE and Science class. The assessments will then be commonly scored in content teams, followed by a schoolwide data review, reports of student progress back to English teachers, and targeted intervention/re-teaching during English class/intervention. Development, implementation and scoring of district writing assessments. August, 2014 – June, 2015 Building principal Thunder Mountain Middle School English teachers TMMS Common Core team Formative assessments given in each department in grades 6 – 8; use of common summary and compare/contrast rubrics in all subject areas. District wide administration and scoring of two writing performance tasks modeled after the SBAC assessment/scoring (at each grade level) IMPROVEMENT GOAL What is the SMART student learning goal, PLC team goal, or general school improvement goal you intend to accomplish? IMPROVEMENT ACTIVITY What initiatives or activities will occur to accomplish this goal? TIMELINE When will this activity begin and end? WHO IS RESPONSIBLE? Who will provide the leadership for these activities? EVIDENCE OF EFFECTIVENESS What ongoing FORMATIVE or SUMMATIVE evidence will be gathered to show these activities are making a difference in student learning? PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT How will staff acquire the necessary skills and attitudes to implement these activities? Collaborative conversations during Friday meeting times Professional development provided for teachers by the Common Core team for summary writing and compare/contrast writing (August, PLC meetings throughout the year) Professional development for middle level science teachers with Kirk Robbins Time during regularly scheduled Friday meetings to develop and score assessments and to review data, and to develop a three-year scope and sequence that ensures continual skill building and coverage of all standards NGSS resources/time Time to locate scientific articles for students to read. What are the existing and/or new resources that will be used to accomplish these activities? SCIENCE Proficiency Goals: Eighty percent (80%) of Thunder Mountain Middle School 8th grade students will be proficient on the Science MSP. Science teachers will continue to align curriculum and assessments in preparation for the transition to the NGSS, with a specific emphasis on teaching and monitoring skills that overlap both the current state standards and the NGSS (such as experimental design). Science teachers will continue to design, implement and monitor tasks and assessments tied to scientific literacy skills, specifically in the areas of argument, claims/evidence, summarizing, and compare/contrast. August, 2014 – June, 2015 Building principal Thunder Mountain Middle School English teachers (for support with literacy work) and Science teachers Monitoring assessments given at each grade level in grades 6th – 8th