Enumclaw High School What’s the BUZZZZZZ NEWSLETTER SUMMER 2015 School Starts: Tuesday, September 1 Dear EHS Students and Families, The beginning of the year is quickly approaching. We are busy gearing up and preparing for the arrival of students and staff on our EHS campus. The August calendar is filling up quickly with back-to-school activities and events. This newsletter is intended to provide you with all of the information you will need to successfully prepare for the opening of school. Enclosed you will find information about Hornet Days, fall sports registration, practice start dates, and freshmen orientation. If you have any questions about the enclosed information please call 360802-7669 or stop by our main office. Our office hours are 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday, beginning August 3rd. We are looking forward to what is sure to be another exciting school year and we hope you enjoy the last few weeks of summer. Sincerely, Jill Burnes, Principal Welcoming New Staff Members to EHS We are excited to introduce the following new staff members who will be joining us this year: Connie Aigner – Art Teacher Jeanie Christensen - English Teacher Monica Goucher - English/Social Studies Teacher Katie Green – Special Education Teacher Barbara Landwehr – ELL Teacher Elise Rodrigues – Band/Orchestra Teacher Kathleen Smith – Autism Specialist Brady VanHoof – Special Education Teacher Freshmen Orientation (Students Only) August 18th 8:30-1:00 lunch is not included Freshmen Orientation is designed to both welcome and support freshmen. The following information will help your freshman know what to expect in advance of their first day of school. 1) Your student will receive their class schedule on this day and get a tour of the campus; 2) Your child is encouraged not to bring backpacks, purses or other like items as the day is quite active; 3) Because the day is active, please make sure that your child wears comfortable clothing that does not restrict movement. This is a student only function so we encourage you to let your child attend on her or his own. This does not take place of Hornet Days where pictures are taken, and ASB cards can be purchased. Please see the Cashier Worksheet included with this newsletter for pricing breakdown of options available during Hornet Days. Hornet Days This year Hornet Days will be held on Thursday, August 20th and Friday, August 21st. Please help us spread the word—the Fall Sports Athletic Registration Day is Monday, August 17, 8:00AM to 10:30AM alpha A - L and then 12PM to 2:30PM alpha M - Z. All fall sports registration materials are available on the high school athletic website: http://www.enumclawathletics.com/documents It is extremely important that all students report to our building on the assigned day and time (according to the first letter of their last name) to take care of registration details such as pictures, temporary I.D. card, parking, lockers, ASB/Annual, and payment of fees, etc. Payment can be made by Cash or Check only. One payment can be made for all fees combined, with the exception of Food Service and student pictures, separate payments are required for those items. For specific picture prices please refer to the enclosed picture envelope or go to www.dorianstudio.com/support or call Dorian Studio directly at 1-800-826-3535. Picture make-up date is September 10 and Re-takes are scheduled for October 14. These are your only dates to have a school picture taken by Dorian. IMPORTANT NOTE: Students will not receive their class schedule until all outstanding fees/fines are paid in full. Overdue Library books and/or flash drives can be returned during Hornet Days along with payment for current and/or overdue fees and fines. Students will receive an ‘Incomplete’ grade until course fees are paid. The following schedule has been established for Hornet Days: Thursday, August 20th, 2015 8:00 – 10:30 A - F All Offices closed 12:00 - 2:30 G – L during lunch 11:00-12:00 Friday, August 21st, 2015 8:00 – 10:30 M – R 12:00 – 2:30 S–Z NOTE: Students unable to attend Hornet Days may pick up their class schedules on the first day of school, Tuesday, September 1st, at 7:30 a.m. in the Counseling Office. *High School Families with Middle School Students* Your middle school student, during Days of Thunder or Timberwolf Days, will be able to purchase for $20 a special sticker that will be placed on their middle school ASB/ID card that will allow them to enter all EHS home athletic events free when they present the card to the event staff. Please look for the special table at your middle school registration day. Please contact the high school Athletic Office at 802-7718 if you need further information. FALL SPORTS ATHLETIC REGISTRATION DAY IS Monday, AUGUST 17, 8:00AM TO 10:30AM (LAST NAMES A-L) AND THEN 12:00 TO 2:30PM (LAST NAMES M-Z). We need all fall athletes to use the August 17 date as their clearance date to guarantee that they are cleared for practice. All fall sports registration materials are available on the high school athletics website: http://www.enumclawathletics.com/documents Eligibility All fall sport participants must complete the following prior to the first day of practice or you will not be allowed to turn out: All fines must be cleared. Complete the sport specific safety eligibility form, white physical/insurance card, concussion form, and eligibility checklist. Pay the ASB card ($42), athletic user fee ($52), and if appropriate pay the football fee ($35) swimming pool fee ($105), or water polo fee ($155). Students must have a 2.0 GPA and passed 5 out of 6 classes during last spring semester, as well as being enrolled in at least 5 classes as EHS during the fall semester or the equivalent of that in Running Start, home school, or approved online school. Running Start, home school, and online students need to present proof of previous semester grades and proof of fall enrollment as stated above. Running Start students must also complete the EHS Running Start Athletic Contract. All Freshmen are required to have a physical form that does not say “middle school” on it. These forms are not valid. Doctors may sign the high school form if the middle school physical occurred in the last 12 months. Athletic user fee $52 per sport with ASB $42 Reduced Lunch 1st Sport $30 Reduced Lunch 2nd Sport $25 Reduced Lunch 3rd Sport $15 Free Lunch: Free Lunch: Free Lunch: $10 $10 $10 *Pursuant to Enumclaw School District Board Policy 3520 All FALL SPORTS Parent Night is Tuesday, September 4th from 6:30-8:00pm in the High School Commons. Application for P.E. Credit Application for P.E. credit through sports: forms available in the Athletic Office or online @ http://www.enumclawathletics.com/documents Bus Schedules The regular school bus routes for the 2015-16 school year will be printed in The Courier Herald and The Voice of the Valley one week prior to the opening of school. Questions regarding bus transportation in the school district should be addressed to the Transportation Department office at 802-7232. Transportation will not be provided for "0 Hour" students. ACT or SAT Tests Juniors and Seniors planning to attend four-year colleges need to take the ACT or SAT test. SAT registration: Log onto www.collegeboard.com for a list of dates and locations. EHS code is: 480375. ACT registration: www.actstudent.org. PSAT Tests Juniors planning to take the SAT test are invited to take the PSAT test on Wednesday, October 14 @ 7:30 a.m... Cost is TBD and payable to the cashier in mid-September. Limited space is available for freshmen and sophomores, juniors take precedence. More detailed and updated information can be obtained on the High School Swift page. Fall SAT and PSAT Prep Course EHS will again be offering the SAT Prep Course to prepare seniors for the SAT Test on Saturday, October 3, and to prepare juniors for the PSAT Test also given in October. The course will meet on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. beginning Tuesday September 8. The Prep Course will run for four weeks and is designed to teach important test-taking strategies and give students plenty of practice. Students can register for the Prep Course by paying the $130 course fee to the cashier during Hornet Days. The fee includes payment for each student's SAT Prep Workbook. Families are reminded that students planning to take the SAT Test on October 3 MUST REGISTER ONLINE at www.collegeboard.org individually as soon as possible to reserve a seat at the nearest testing facility. Juniors taking the PSAT will sign up at EHS later this fall. EHS Open House EHS Open House is scheduled for Wednesday, September 16th @ 6:00 p.m. Internet Opt Out Information If you DO NOT want your student to access the Internet while at school, forms are available in the Main Office, Counseling Office and Library. Fines and Fees Please note that there has been a change in policy regarding all fines and fees. All fines and fees must be paid in full in order for students to register for sports and to receive their schedule during Hornet Days in August. Only the assigning coach and/or teacher can clear or delete a fine. Lunch Program Breakfast, break, and lunch programs will be provided at E.H.S. Staff will be available during Hornet Days to assist students in opening pre-paid lunch accounts which allow students to use the funds for breakfast, lunch, or ala carte purchases. Applications for free and reduced meals will also be available at that time. School Lunch Prices Secondary Reduced Adult $3.00 $0.40 $4.00 Breakfast & milk prices Regular breakfast Reduced breakfast Adult Milk $1.50 no charge $2.00 $0.40 PTSO at Hornet Days Did you know the High School has a Parent, Student, and Teacher Organization (PTSO)? Our mission is to provide additional resources for parents to get information regarding their student. We plan on hosting a Senior Parent Night, where we provide a look into costs that you may incur during your students senior year and a career night that will help you get started on those college and scholarship applications. Unlike other PTA’s, we only do one fundraiser, ESCRIP. Simply sign up your Safeway club card under the Enumclaw High School PTSO and for every qualifying dollar you spend we will earn money. New this Year, the money we earn will help to fund four scholarships for deserving seniors! Stop by our table and get information on how to join. We look forward to seeing you during Hornet Days. Senior Photo for the Yearbook Dorian will also take Senior photos during Hornet Days. We will use that photo unless another photo is submitted by October 16th. Senior photos may be taken by any studio. Dorian picture make-up date is September 10th and retakes is scheduled for October 14th. Hornet Days 2015-16 ~ Cashier Worksheet Please make your selections and total prior to arriving at the Cashier’s window Student Name__________________________ID #____________Grade______ CIRCLE ITEMS TO BE PURCHASED FINES Description:_______________________Amount $__________ Free/Reduced Lunch Program: Free Reduced ……………………………………………………………………………………...……………... ASB $42.00 ………………………………………………………………………..…………………………… PARKING with ASB purchase $19.34 + $1.66 tax = $21.00 PARKING w/o ASB purchase $29.46 + $2.53 tax = $32.00 ……………………………………………………………………………...……………………... ATHLETIC FEE Sport__________________________ $______ **Must purchase an ASB to be able to pay the Athletic Fee** $52 per sport with $42 ASB Reduced Lunch: $30 ATHLETIC/ACTIVITY Only Transfer Student FEE Transfer Student ASB Fee – per Season Free Lunch: $10 $15.00 Additional ATHLETIC FEES: FOOTBALL – required for helmet reconditioning $ 35.00 BOY’S/GIRL’S SWIM POOL FEE $105.00 BOY’S/GIRL’S WATER POLO FEE $155.00 …….. ………………………………………………………………...……………………………. Annual*: August 17- Sept 7 Annual Annual - Deluxe 50.00 56.00 ____________ (Deluxe Annual includes a plastic cover, name plate and extra autograph pages.) Annual*: March 7 – March 21 Annual Annual - Deluxe 60.00 66.00 ____________ (Deluxe Annual includes a plastic cover, name plate and extra autograph pages.) ……………………………………………...……………………………………………………... P.E. SHIRT $ 7.00 SAT Prep Class Fall or Spring $130.00 …………………………………………………………………………………………………...... TOTAL………………………..$_________ * General parking fee is $21 with purchase of $42 ASB card * general parking fee is $32 without ASB card Parking Application (2015-2016) PRINT your name as it appears on your official transcript Last name: ____ First name: _______________ MI: ____ Grade: ____ WA State Driver’s License # _________________________Insurance company: ____ Register all vehicles you may drive: (list additional vehicles on a separate sheet of paper) Color: ________ Year: _______ Make: ___ Model: ___________ License # ______________ Color: ________ Year: _______ Make: __________ Model: ___________ License # ______________ Color: ________ Year: _______ Make: __________ Model: ___________ License # ______________ PARKING ADMINISTRATION POLICY: General Regulations: - - PARKING ON SCHOOL PROPERTY IS A PRIVILEGE Documents REQUIRED at time of application: Driver’s license, proof of insurance You must have completed all school discipline assigned and paid all school fines at registration Display parking permit at all times - The permit must be readable from outside the vehicle Allowing another person to use your assigned permit for any reason is prohibited A parking permit is valid only for the registered vehicle(s) for which it was issued and only in the designated parking area It is the responsibility of the student driving the vehicle to ensure that weapons, dangerous instruments, ammunition, fireworks, tobacco products, alcohol products, or any other items not allowed at school or school-related activities are not in the vehicle Speed limit on campus is 5 MPH Visitor parking is off limits to registered students between 6:30 am - 3:00 pm If you drive an unregistered vehicle, you must register it in the Security Office prior to parking in a lot A tardy to class because of parking problems is unexcused You may not register a vehicle to your parking permit that belongs to another student Carpools must be approved by the Safe & Civil Schools Director Parking Requirements: 1. 2. A valid parking permit must be purchased (with, or without, ASB card) Park in the area corresponding with your parking permit Parking Areas: 1. Seniors only area (parking permit required): - Main parking lot – only spaces painted with yellow lines 2. General parking (parking permit required): - South and northwest student lots (OVER) Prohibited Areas (not inclusive): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Swimming pool spaces (designated by signs/blue curb) In front of library, turn-around and behind auditorium Bus zone area Behind gymnasium, auto shop and agriculture area Unmarked area in front of the Auto Shop Spaces marked “visitor” Spaces marked with a number Parking violations shall include, but not be limited to: No permit, disabled space, “no parking” space, reserved space, double parked, blocking access, negligent driving, unregistered vehicle Penalties for parking violations shall include, but not be limited to: FIRST OFFENSE: $21.00 service fee SECOND OFFENSE: $26.00 service fee THIRD OFFENSE: $32.00 service fee; notification in writing that further violations will result in revocation of parking privilege; suspension of parking privilege FOURTH OFFENSE: $42.00 service fee; revocation of parking privilege and vehicle towed** **REVISED CODE OF WASHINGTON (RCW) 46.55.070 authorizes a property owner to impound a vehicle without prior notice to the vehicle owner and at the vehicle owner’s expense Payment of service fees: 1. Payment will be made at the Cashier’s office 2. Service fees paid no later than 5 school days from issuance will be reduced 50% I have read, understand and will abide by the established parking policy as written on the front and back of this form. Student Signature Date: Parent Signature: Date: ========================================== FOR ADMINISTRATIVE USE ONLY =========================================== Parking Fee Paid - Date _____________ ($21 w/ ASB) ($32 w/o ASB) Revised 6/15 – jrp Initials ENUMCLAW HIGH SCHOOL 2016 SENIOR GRAD NIGHT Don’t miss out on YOUR 2016 Grad Night Party!! $50 Deposit to Reserve Your Spot TODAY!! STUDENT NAME: ______________________________________________Deposit CK_____Cash___ PARENT NAME: ____________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ PHONE: __________________________________________________________________________ EMAIL: ___________________________________________________________________________ 2016 Parent Volunteers join with a company specializing in creating a memorable event for all of our seniors. The Grad Night Party is a fully supervised all-night event with the ideal and vision to provide a safe, sober, and fun graduation celebration. More than "just a party," Grad Night is a commitment by parents and the community to conduct a great, "once in a lifetime" celebration. Grad Night is a unique and spectacular celebration that is alcohol and drug free. It builds a spirit of togetherness among the graduates as they celebrate with old friends for one last time. A sense of community is developed as everyone works to keep the graduates entertained and safe on potentially the most dangerous night of their lives. More details/total cost/forms will be available at Hornet Days – look for our table! Payment Plans available! Please let us know how you can help: __ Committee member __ Help at Hornet Days __ Donate prizes, snacks, materials __ Donate for a scholarship __ Fundraise (scholarships, snacks & prizes) __ Other Night of the event: __Chaperone __Casino Dealer __Bus Check-In ___Bus Greeter in morning Questions? Jen Watts 253-569-7149, Kimmie Barnett 253-653-4098 or Kim Westerberg 253-288-9499 Find us on Facebook, EHS Class of 2016 Grad Night Please make check payable to EHS Class of 2016. Registration forms and check may be mailed to: EHS 2016 Grad Night 28010 SE 388th Pl Enumclaw, WA 981022 Or: Deliver in person to EHS Athletic Office 2015-16 ENUMCLAW HIGH SCHOOL Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. 24 31 /25/ /26/ /27/ Fri. 28 1° 8 15 22 29 SEPTEMBER 2 3 9 10 16 17 23 24 30 5 12 6 13 OCTOBER 1 7 8 14 15 2^ /9/ 16^ 19 26 20 27 21 28 23^ 30^* 2 9 16 (23) 30 3 10 17 (24) 7 14 21 28 22 29 NOVEMBER 4 5 11 12 18R (19) 25+@ 26 Days Taught 7 14 21 1 8 15 22 28 29 30 31 JANUARY Tues. Wed. Thurs Fri. Days Taught AUG 4^ 11^ 18^ 25^ (21) 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 FEBRUARY 3 4 10 11 17 18 24 25 5^ 12^ 19 26^ (16) MARCH (21) 7 14 1 8 15 2 9 16 3 10 17 4^ 11^@% 18 R ^ 21 28 22 29 23 30 24 31 25^ Make-up HSPE Testing (23) APRIL /6/ 13^% (20) 27 (17) DECEMBER 2 3 9 10 16 17 23 24 Mon. 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 1^ 8^* 15^ 22 29^ 5 12 19 26 6^ 13^ 20^ 27S (16) MAY 4^ 11^ 18^ 25 (14) 1 4 5 6 7 8^ 11 12 13 14 15^ 18 19 20 21 22^ 25 26 27 28 29^# (19) Non-School Days Holidays/Vacations Sept 7 Labor Day Nov 11 Veterans' Day Nov 26 & 27 Thanksgiving Dec 21-Jan 1 Winter Break Jan 18 Martin Luther King Day Feb 15 Presidents' Day Feb 16-19 Mid-Winter Break Apr 18-22 Spring Break May 30 Memorial Day Staff Inservice Days Aug 24 New Teacher Orientation // Aug 25 Teacher Inservice day // Aug 26 Teacher Inservice (building day #1) // Aug 27 District Day (staff only) // Oct 9 Teacher Directed day (building day #2) // Nov 6 Teacher Planning (non-paid) S Snow Makeup Days May 27 & June 20 (No school on those days if not needed for makeup days) CORE/Choice Session Begins CORE/Choice Grade Posting by 12:00pm Quarter/Semester Grade Posting by 12:00pm 2 9 16 23 3 10 17 24 30 31 4 11 18 25 SBAT Testing Week (20) JUNE 6 13~ 20S 27 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3^ 10^ 17R +° 24 (13) Special Notes-School in Session Staff Collaboration Release Days ^ K-12 Staff Collaboration 1:15 EMS & EHS 1:25 TMMS 2:15 Elementary Schools K-12 Half -Day Releases ( ) Nov 19, 20, 23 and 24 (Conference Days) + Nov 25 and June 17 (Early Release Days) 8:00 - 11:15 EMS & High School 8:10 - 11:25 TMMS 9:00 - 12:15 Elementary Schools Calendar Notes ° School Starts September 1 ° School Closes June 17 * 9-12 Quarter Ending Oct 30 & Apr 8 % K-5 Trimester Ending Nov 13, Mar 11, June 17 @ 6-8 Trimester Ending Nov 25, Mar 11, June 17 # Semester Ending Jan 29 & June 17 + Early Release Days As noted above R Elementary Report Cards Sent Home ~ High School Graduation – June 13th (subject to change) Student’s Name __________________________________ Grad Year __________________________________ Enumclaw School District #216 Consent and Waiver Form During the time that my child or ward is a student in the Enumclaw School District, I understand that (s)he may be the subject of photographs for the Enumclaw School District to explain and support education in this school district in brochures, television spots, newsletters, slides and at-large gatherings. In addition, student demographic information is occasionally requested, which includes, but is not limited to: Student’s name Student’s address and phone number Student’s date and place of birth Student’s major field of study Student’s degrees and awards received Student’s most recent previous educational agency or institution attended Photographs I DO NOT give my permission for Distribution of Student Demographic Information for:. □ □ □ □ □ Military Higher Education Public District Local __________________________________ Student’s Name ______________________________________________ Parent or Legal Guardian __________________________________ Date If you DO NOT give permission please return this form, legibly completed to the Counseling Office. Enumclaw High School 226 Semanski St., S. Enumclaw, WA 98022