ADMINISTRATION ENUMCLAW SCHOOL DISTRICT #216 2929 McDougall Avenue Enumclaw, WA 98022 360.802.7100 Michael Nelson .............................................. Superintendent Chris Beals ...................................................... Director, Instructional Technology & Assessment Stephanie Berryhill ........................................ Director, Human Relations Keri Marquand ............................................... Director, Student Support Services Tim Madden ................................................... Director, Business & Operations Terry Parker ................................................... Director, Curriculum & Instruction Board of Directors Tina McGann ...... 360.886.5664 Corey Cassell ............ 825.0772 Nancy Merrill ............. 825.4476 April Schroeder ......... 802.5362 Bryan Stanwood .. 360.594.1034 School Principal Phone Enumclaw High School ............................. Enumclaw Middle School.......................... Thunder Mt. Middle School ...................... Black Diamond Elementary ....................... Byron Kibler Elementary .......................... Southwood Elementary ............................. Sunrise Elementary ................................... Westwood Elementary .............................. Jill Burnes .......................................... 802.7669 Steve Rabb ......................................... 802.7150 Ginger Callison ................................. 802.7492 Gerrie Garton .................................... 802.7570 Mimi Brown ...................................... 802.7263 Susan Arbury .................................... 802.7370 Kyle Fletcher ..................................... 802.7425 Scott Meyer ....................................... 802.7620 ATTENDANCE Regular attendance is essential for successful progress in your child's program. It is important that your child is on time. Children should be in school every day that they are physically able. To miss a day may mean that the child will miss the introduction or development of some necessary skill. According to the Compulsory School Attendance Law, RCW 28A.225, parents have the legal obligation to ensure that their child attends school on a regular basis. If a child is not at school, we request that a parent notify the office by 9:30 a.m. The office will be contacting the parents of absent children when a phone call is not received. After an absence, a pupil should bring a note from home explaining the absence if the parent has not previously called regarding the absence. The note should be dated and signed by the parent and should state the number of days absent and the cause of the absence. A request to have a child excused from school must be in writing with the reason for the planned absence and must be signed by the parent. Parents are to come to the school office to pick up their child and sign them out. Students arriving late must be checked into the office by the parent/guardian to ensure student safety. BECCA BILL The following summary of Compulsory School Attendance Law RCW 28A.225, known as the Becca Bill, is provided in compliance with the Washington State Law. All parents of children between 8 and 18 must have their child enrolled in a public school and that child has the responsibility to attend school full-time unless the child is: in private school; home schooled; in an education center or residential school; or sixteen years of age or older AND meets specific requirements as outlined by law. Enumclaw School District is required by law to monitor each student’s attendance, notify parents of unexcused absences and inform them of consequences of continued absences. After taking steps to eliminate or reduce absences, the school, not later than the fifth unexcused absence shall: enter into an agreement with the student and parent that establishes school attendance requirements; refer the student to a local truancy board; or file a petition with King County Juvenile Court. If actions taken by the school district are not successful, not later than the seventh unexcused absence within any month or not later than the tenth unexcused absence during the school year, the school district shall petition the juvenile court to assume jurisdiction for the purpose of alleging a violation of the attendance law by: the parent; the child or the parent and child. If the school district fails to file a petition, the parent may file the petition. 1 ATTIRE Personal appearance can have a positive effect on children. Students are expected to come to school clean and neat. We ask that children not wear shirts or tops that expose the midriff such as halter tops. We also ask that children not wear open-toed sandals, high heel shoes/boots, short shorts or short skirts/dresses due to participation in recess activities and the danger of injuries from exposure. Physical education is part of our educational program; children need to be dressed so that they may actively participate in these activities. It is helpful for parents to assist their children in choosing proper clothes to wear. We ask students not to act in a way that will detract from other students attempting to learn. As a result, all students are asked not to wear to school clothing advertising tobacco, drugs, liquor, weapons, or displaying foul language. For safety reasons, we also ask that students not use the wheels on the new “heelie” shoes while on school property/buses. Students need to come to school with clothing appropriate for the weather. COMMUNICATIONS Please encourage your children to bring home all bulletins and school notices. We make every effort to keep you informed about school activities. Communications will be sent home by your child's school in a timely manner concerning upcoming events. The e-newsletters and other district information can be found on our district’s website at School news is also available through such local newspapers as the Enumclaw Courier Herald and Voice of the Valley. An updated emergency communications bulletin will be sent home in October. You can also obtain school closure information at or The district’s School Messenger system will be used to communicate emergency information to our families. It is important that your current and primary phone/email information is up to date so you receive this information in a timely manner. Enumclaw Elementary Schools will not promote any non-school activities or distribute any information flyers via students without the approval of the superintendent's office. COMMUNITY RESOURCE INFORMATION Alcohol and Drug Helpline (24 hour) ................................................................................... Or (24 hour)................................................................................... Black Diamond Community Center ...................................................................................... Boy Scouts of America ......................................................................................................... Campfire ............................................................................................................................... Chamber of Commerce ......................................................................................................... Child Protective Services ...................................................................................................... City of Black Diamond ......................................................................................................... Domestic Abuse Women Network ....................................................................................... Domestic Violence Hotline ................................................................................................... Enumclaw Pool ................................................................................................................... Enumclaw Youth & Family Services .................................................................................... Food Bank/Helping Hands (Enumclaw) ............................................................................. Girl Scouts ............................................................................................................................ King County Multi-Service Center (Federal Way) ............................................................... Libraries: Black Diamond ................................................................................................... Enumclaw .......................................................................................................... Parks & Recreation (Enumclaw) .......................................................................................... Plateau Outreach Ministries.................................. ................................................................ Poison Control Center (will give help identifying drugs & give advice) Seattle .................. Seattle-King County Department of Public Health ............................................................... Teen Helpline ..................................................................................................................... 1.800.562.1240 206.722.3700 360.886.1011 206.725.5200 253.854.3676 360.825.7666 1.800.562.5624 360.866.2560 206.622.1881 1.800.562.6025 360.825.1188 360.825.4586 360.825.6188 425.656.9175 253.838.6810 360.886.1105 360.825.2938 360.825.3594 360.825.8961 1.800.222.1222 206.296.4600 206.722.4222 2 ENUMCLAW SCHOOL DISTRICT 2015-16 Mon. Tues. 24 /25/ 31 7 14 21 28 1° 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 2 9 16 (23) 30 3 10 17 (24) 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 Wed. Thurs. /26/ /27/ SEPTEMBER 2 3 9 10 16 17 23 24 30 OCTOBER 1 7 8 14 15 21 22 28 29 NOVEMBER 4 5 11 12 18R (19) 25+@ 26 DECEMBER 2 3 9 10 16 17 23 24 30 31 JANUARY 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 Fri. 28 Days Taught AUG 4^ 11^ 18^ 25^ (21) 2^ /9/ 16^ 23^ 30^* Tues. 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 Wed. FEBRUARY 3 4 10 11 17 18 24 25 5^ 12^ 19 26^ (16) (21) 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 MARCH 2 3 9 10 16 17 23 24 30 31 APRIL (17) 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 31 4 11 18 25 (14) 2 9 16 23 30 /6/ 13^% (20) 27 4^ 11^@% 18 R ^ 25^ (23) 7 14 21 28 1^ 8^* 15^ 22 29^ 5 12 19 26 6^ 13^ 20^ 27S (16) MAY 4^ 11^ 18^ 25 (20) JUNE 1 8^ 15^ 22^ 29^# Non-School Days Holidays/Vacations Sept 7 Nov 11 Nov 26 & 27 Dec 21-Jan 1 Jan 18 Feb 15 Feb 16-19 Apr 18-22 May 30 Labor Day Veterans' Day Thanksgiving Winter Break Martin Luther King Day Presidents' Day Mid-Winter Break Spring Break Memorial Day Staff Inservice Days Aug 24 // Aug 25 // Aug 26 // Aug 27 // Oct 9 // Nov 6 New Teacher Orientation Teacher Inservice day Teacher Inservice (building day #1) District Day (staff only) Teacher Directed day (building day #2) Teacher Planning (non-paid) S Mon. Board Approved 12.15.14 Thurs Fri. Days Taught Snow Makeup Days May 27 & June 20 (No school on those days if not needed for makeup days) (19) 6 13~ 20S 27 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3^ 10^ 17R +° 24 (13) Special Notes-School in Session Staff Collaboration Release Days ^ K-12 Staff Collaboration 1:15 EMS & EHS 1:25 TMMS 2:15 Elementary Schools K-12 Half -Day Releases ( ) Nov 19, 20, 23 and 24 (Conference Days) + Nov 25 and June 17 (Early Release Days) 8:00 - 11:15 EMS & High School 8:10 - 11:25 TMMS 9:00 - 12:15 Elementary Schools Calendar Notes ° School Starts September 1 ° School Closes June 17 * 9-12 Quarter Ending Oct 30 & Apr 8 % K-5 Trimester Ending Nov 13, Mar 11, June 17 @ 6-8 Trimester Ending Nov 25, Mar 11, June 17 # Semester Ending Jan 29 & June 17 + Early Release Days As noted above R Elementary Report Cards Sent Home ~ High School Graduation – June 13th (subject to change) 3 DISCIPLINE The entire staff of the Enumclaw Elementary Schools has a goal of establishing an atmosphere in which children will feel safe and secure while providing maximum opportunities to learn. In an effort to accomplish this goal, we have developed common expectations for student behaviors as follows: Be safe Be responsible Be respectful Our philosophy is designed to help us foster academic excellence, develop students' full potential and build self-esteem. Listed below are our beliefs regarding each area. A. To foster academic excellence, we work to provide an environment where students learn successfully. believe ALL students can learn. strive to foster intrinsic motivation and a love for learning. B. To develop full potential, we communicate high expectations for all students. diversify learning experiences. encourage parent involvement in the learning process. instill in students a belief that they can learn. set goals and help students set goals. evaluate our goals. C. To build self-esteem, we expect positive teacher/student interactions. will teach at appropriate levels. DISMISSAL For the welfare and protection of your child, your cooperation in the following areas will be appreciated: 1. 2. 3. 4. Children leaving the school during the day must bring a signed note from home permitting us to excuse them. ANYONE CALLING FOR A CHILD MUST COME INTO THE OFFICE TO SIGN THE CHILD OUT. For the safety and protection of your child a note must be sent to the school if your child is to go home in a manner or with someone other than their normal plan. Students without such notes will be sent home in the customary manner to the normal location. If you have a change in plans and did not send your child with a note, please call or check in with the office. Students not involved in school sponsored after school activities are to leave campus upon dismissal. Early Dismissal Due to Emergency School Closure On rare occasions school may be closed before the regular dismissal time because of power failure, weather conditions or some other event that forces school closure. Parents should prepare children for this possibility and have procedures worked out with their children in the event school is closed early or unexpectedly. The Emergency Early Dismissal Procedures Form should be completed, returned to school and updated as information changes to enable the school to provide for your child's safe dismissal in case of an emergency. Parents are advised to review the early dismissal procedures outlined in the form. Please listen to the radio during bad weather and expect a call from the District School Messenger system or check the Enumclaw School District webpage for information during inclement weather. 4 ELECTRONIC DEVICES All cell phones, iPods, cameras, and other electronic devices must be turned off and out of sight during the school day. Students are responsible for devices they bring to school. The District shall not be responsible for loss, theft or destruction of devices brought onto school property. For privacy and security reasons, students are not allowed to photograph other students at school. EXCEPTIONAL MISCONDUCT With regard to student discipline, district staff members will apply a problem-solving approach to help students with issues that may be contributing to behavior problems, regardless of what other measures may be taken. Along with the school-wide expectations listed, fighting, the possession or use of alcohol, tobacco and/or narcotics, and the disruption of the educational process represent exceptional misconduct that negatively impacts the learning environment for all students. Any demeaning form of hazing, harassment or bullying which is related to school issues and is used to initiate or humiliate also constitutes an offense of exceptional misconduct. These offenses may be punishable by suspension and/or expulsion on a first offense. Firearms/weapons Firearms/weapons are not allowed in school, at school sponsored activities, on school grounds, facilities or school provided transportation. If a student brings a firearm to school it will result in an immediate expulsion for no less than one calendar year, including notification of parents and law enforcement. The expulsion may be modified by the school district on a case by case basis. FIELD TRIPS Field trips may be used to supplement and enrich the curriculum. Parents are always notified in advance of each field trip. A blanket Field Trip Permission Slip is sent home at the beginning of each school year. Students who have this signed form on file will be allowed to participate in school-sponsored field trips. Students without a signed blanket Field Trip Permission Slip on file will need to return a signed form for each trip. Siblings cannot be included on school field trips. The majority of field trips will be taken on school district buses; however, individual classes may use parent drivers to transport on field trips. Parents will be notified of the planned type of transportation. Parent drivers will be required to have a current driver’s license and provide certification of liability insurance, have a working seat belt available for each student to be transported and complete a volunteer application form. Parent chaperones are frequently needed to assist with field trip supervision. All chaperones must be approved through the volunteer application process for the current school year. GIFTED PROGRAM The gifted program option that currently exists for elementary students offers a K-12 continuum of services from point of entry into the program ranging from consultation to pull-out resource to subject acceleration. This program is funded by the State of Washington. Students may be recommended for testing for the programs by school staff, parents, or community members. The Multidisciplinary Selection Committee considers all recommendations. The Committee reviews resulting scores on the Cognitive Abilities Test and academic achievement data to determine placement offerings. Open testing is available in the fall and the spring of each school year. All 2nd graders are screened in the spring to determine possible need for services. The 3-5 pull-out program takes place at Southwood Elementary, and parents must give their permission for program placement. Transportation to Southwood from the home school is provided. Identified students in K-2 and 6-12 receive their services within the regular classroom setting or through acceleration. 5 HEALTH Accidents and Illnesses If a student is injured at school, he/she will be administered first aid when necessary by the health room professional, office personnel or the principal. The parents will be contacted in those cases which are serious enough to warrant communication. If the parent is unable to be reached, the emergency numbers, which have been provided by the parent, will be called to find someone to pick up the child. Please assist us by leaving emergency numbers as well as your doctor's name in case we cannot reach you. If necessary, 911 will be called. Your assistance in providing complete information on the enrollment card and health history form, and keeping it updated, will be appreciated. Please notify the school nurse if your student has a change in health status during the school year. If your child shows signs of illness, he/she should not be sent to school. It is seldom that a child improves on the way to school and a day at home can often be preventative medicine. Guidelines for keeping your student home: 1. Diarrhea – must wait 24 hours before returning to school 2. Vomiting – must wait 24 hours before returning to school 3. Fever of more than 100 degrees and must stay home until there is no fever, without taking medication, for 24 hours. If they are sent home on Tuesday with a fever they may not come back to school until Thursday, as long as the fever is gone without using medication. Control of Disease Disease Chicken Pox Conjunctivitis (pinkeye) Mumps Impetigo Ringworm Strep Throat Measles Fifth Disease Maximum Incubation Period 17 days 26 days 26 days 7-10 days 5 days 8-14 days Exclusion Period 7 days or until crusts are gone Until eyes are clear with no pus 10 days or until swelling is gone Until recovered or on antibiotic treatment for at least 24 hours Child may attend school if correct medication is applied Until recovered or on antibiotic treatment for at least 24 hours 7 days or until rash has disappeared; cough and runny nose have ceased No exclusion, however, we strongly recommend a professional diagnosis. (Child should be kept home if fever persists.) Health Room Our school maintains a health room for students who become sick or are injured at school. If your child's injury or illness requires, you will be contacted to transport him/her home. Medication It is the policy of Enumclaw School District and Washington State Law not to give any medication (prescribed or over the counter) to students at school except at the request of both the physician and the parent. If a child needs medicine three times a day, this can usually be given before school, after school and at bedtime. When it is followed: a. b. c. d. e. necessary for the staff to administer medication to a child during the school day, these procedures are to be The parent/guardian obtains the Authorization for Medication at School form. The parent/guardian will send or take the form to the health care provider for orders and signature. The parent/guardian will complete the bottom of the form and sign it. The parent/guardian will bring the completed form and the needed medication to school. (Students are not allowed to transport medication to school.) The medication must be in the original container, properly labeled and have a maximum of a twenty-day dose. Parents/guardian must bring in refills for students if needed. Students transporting, distributing or selling prescribed and non-prescribed drugs at school will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action up to and including suspension from school. 6 If a licensed health professional and a student’s parent request that a student be permitted to carry his/or her own medication and/or be permitted to self-administer the medication, the principal may grant permission after consulting with the school and/or district nurse. When self-administering medication, the student must show their parent permission note to office personnel, keeping the note in their possession with the medication during the day. The principal and nurse shall take into account the age, maturity and capability of the student; the nature of the medication; the circumstances under which the student will or may have to self-administer the medication and other issues relevant in the specific case before authorizing a student to carry and/or self-administer medication at school. Except in the case of multi-dose devices (like asthma inhalers), students shall only carry one day’s supply of medication at a time. Violations of any conditions placed on the student permitted to carry and/or self-administer his or her own medication may result in termination of that permission, as well as the imposition of discipline when appropriate. Meningococcal Disease (Meningitis) The 2005 Washington State legislature enacted a new law to educate parents and students about the dangers of Meningitis for children, and to further inform parents about the availability of vaccines to prevent the occurrence of this deadly disease. This information is being provided to you as a result of that legislation. Please note sources for additional information at the end of this section. Students are required to receive a series of immunizations before attending public school. However, under current law, students are not required to get immunizations for meningococcal meningitis. Health care providers--school nurses-- are required to report occurrences of meningococcal meningitis to the local heath department. During the 2005 legislative session, they passed a new law requiring school districts to provide information to parents regarding the disease and its vaccine at the beginning of every school year. Beginning September 2005, districts are required to distribute information to parents and guardians of students in the sixth grade and above--EVERY YEAR. Information required to be distributed includes, meningococcal causes and symptoms, how meningococcal disease is spread, the availability of a vaccine and the places where parents and guardians may obtain additional information. The department of health will include meningococcal educational resources in the annual immunization program mailing to schools. An information sheet on What you need to Know about Meningococcal Vaccines is available by visiting (Revised 10/14/11). Flu What is the flu? Flu, also called influenza, is a contagious disease of the lungs and airways. Usually influenza viruses are spread in droplets of cough and sneezes. Flu symptoms include: fever, headache, sore throat, body aches, cough, runny nose, stomach and intestinal discomfort, and extreme tiredness. How can I protect my family and myself? Ask about a flu shot. Wash hands often (for 20 seconds). Cover your cough and sneeze with tissue or sleeve. Stay home if you are sick. Avoid touching your nose, mouth, and eyes. Practice health habits! Eat healthy foods, get plenty of rest and exercise regularly. Measles Measles has been a very rare disease in the United States because of immunizations. Recently, we have had several cases in Washington State. Fortunately, students and adults can be vaccinated to prevent the disease from occurring and spreading. Measles is a very contagious disease caused by the measles virus. Measles spreads when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or shares food or drinks. The measles virus can remain in the air of a room for up to two hours. How can I protect my family and myself? Get vaccinated to prevent measles. Both kids and adults can get the measles vaccine and can help stop outbreaks and lower the risk of infection to babies and others most likely to get severe cases of measles. More Measles information can be found here: 7 HOURS OF OPERATION Black Diamond Byron Kibler Southwood Sunrise Westwood 9:00 – 3:30 9:00 – 3:30 9:00 – 3:30 9:00 – 3:30 9:00 – 3:30 Doors open at 8:45 a.m. and we ask that students not be on campus before this time as no adult supervision is available. If you wish to contact your child's teacher, please call within one half hour before or after the above listed hours of operation. Please note: school will be dismissed at 2:15 p.m. every Friday for Staff Collaboration. IMMUNIZATIONS Washington State law requires that all students must be immunized against diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus (DPT), polio, measles, mumps, and Rubella (three day measles) and the three dose series of Hepatitis B vaccine. The law states that parents must fill out and sign a certificate of immunization status form giving the month and year of each dose of vaccine; or evidence of initiation of a schedule of immunizations; or exemption for medical, personal or religious reasons (in May 2011 a bill was passed requiring a health care provider's signature for exemptions. The following website includes more information: This form must be filed with the school prior to the child's first day of attendance at school. If it is not on file, state law requires that the district send parents a letter excluding the child from school. The state forms are available in each school’s office for your use. Required immunizations may be obtained from your doctor or the Office of the Seattle King County Health Department. Be sure to keep a record so you will be able to supply the necessary information. LOST/FOUND OR DAMAGED SCHOOL PROPERTY Please keep all valuables at home. Articles of clothing or other items found on the school grounds are brought to the Lost and Found. Every year we have unclaimed articles. If your child loses an item, encourage him/her to check our Lost and Found. Parents are equally welcome to check the Lost and Found for missing articles. Periodically throughout the year, unclaimed articles are given to worthy organizations. Students and parents are responsible for library books, textbooks and other school property. Report cards will be issued when books and property are paid for or returned in good condition. Appropriate fines will be levied to compensate for lost or damaged materials. LUNCH PROGRAM Hot breakfast and lunches are served daily. Sack lunches are offered on all of the early release days except the last day of school in June. Deposits to student’s meal accounts can be made prior to school starting each morning. Tentative meal prices for the current school year are as follows: *Prices: Elementary breakfast Secondary breakfast Adult breakfast Reduced breakfast Individual milk $1.25 $1.50 $2.00 No charge .40 Elementary lunch Secondary lunch Adult lunch Reduced lunch: Grades K-3 Grades 4-12 $2.75 $3.00 $4.00 No charge .40 * Subject to revision 8 Any amount of money can be credited to your child’s account which can be used to purchase milk, breakfast and lunches. Student lunch account balances can be checked on-line through the Family Access program. You can also make direct deposits into your child’s account through Family Access. Please contact your school office for more information. Applications for free and reduced lunches must be completed each year, and will be sent home the first week of school. Applications are also available at the school office. Menus are sent home from the school each month. The menu is also available on the district web site. PARTIES Birthday Recognition Birthday parties will not be held at school, however simple treats may be prearranged with the teacher. Invitations may not be distributed at school. The delivery of flowers, balloons and other gifts to students at school is highly disruptive. Such individual celebrations are strongly discouraged due to the interruption of the educational program and the difficulty caused for the student attempting to manage such gifts at school. If such gifts are delivered to school the student will be called to the office to receive the item, but it will need to remain in the office until the end of the day. Parents will need to arrange to pick up and transport the balloons or flowers home as they cannot be taken on the school bus. Parties Several times during the school year the students celebrate holidays, participate in programs or plan parties in the classroom. If, for personal reasons, your children cannot participate in such school activities, a note addressed to the teacher or principal will inform us of the parents' desires and other arrangements can be made. Treats at School Parents desiring to bring treats must make prior arrangements with the classroom teacher. The treats should be nutritious in nature. Please contact your child’s teacher regarding students with food allergies. PICTURES Individual pictures will be taken in the fall and the packets will be available to you in advance of holidays. Group class pictures will be taken in the fall or spring. Information will be sent home with your students. PROGRESS REPORTING / CONFERENCES An important goal of the Enumclaw Schools is to partner with families to support your child's learning. Informal communication with our students' families will occur regularly through the use of e-mail, phone calls, notes and class work folders being sent home. Formal written progress reports are sent home three times during the year. Formal parent conferences are scheduled and held at the end of the first trimester in late fall. Additional conferences may be scheduled at the request of the parent or teacher. If you have any questions pertaining to your child's progress or the instructional program that he/she is involved in, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher and request a conference. PROHIBITION OF DISCRIMINATION, HARASSMENT, INTIMIDATION AND BULLYING The district is committed to a safe and civil educational environment for all students, employees, parents/legal guardians, volunteers and patrons, that is free from harassment, intimidation or bullying. The district is committed to promoting positive character traits and 9 values, including the importance of civil and respectful speech and conduct, and the responsibility of students to comply with the district’s policy prohibiting harassment, intimidation, and bullying. “Harassment, intimidation or bullying” means any intentional electronic, written, verbal or physical act including but not limited to one shown to be motivated by race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation including gender expression or identity, mental or physical disability, or other distinguishing characteristics, when an act: Physically harms a student or damages the student’s property; Has the effect of substantially interfering with a student’s education; Is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that it creates an intimidating or threatening educational environment; or Has the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school. The policy can be read in its entirety on the district website at: PUBLIC ACCESS TO STUDENT RECORDS The superintendent of the school district is the official public records coordinator. The principal shall serve as the public records custodian at each location where district records are kept in accordance with district policy. REGISTRATION Entrance Requirements Admission to each district school is conducted by the building principal and office manager. Registration forms are available in the school's office. The entrance age for kindergarten is five (5) by August 31st. A birth certificate, along with an up-to-date immunization record and proof of residence must be presented at the time of registration for kindergarten. Students enrolling during the year will begin class the day following their completed registration process to enable their teacher to prepare for their arrival. Common Communicable Diseases In order to keep you informed, the school nurse will be sending a written notice to parents whenever children in a classroom are exposed to certain common, communicable diseases. These will include, but not limited to, such diseases as chicken pox, lice, scabies, impetigo and ringworm. If there is a measles outbreak, even 1 (one) confirmed case is considered an outbreak, notices will be sent home and exclusion for non-immunized students will begin. The notice will include what symptoms to watch for and when they might appear. You can help by notifying the school as soon as you know that your child has a communicable disease. Immunizations (please see Immunizations section) Insurance (School Accident and/or Dental Insurance) This accident and/or dental insurance will be available for you to purchase. A letter and application form will be sent home with students. SEXUAL HARASSMENT POLICY The district is committed to maintaining a learning and working environment that is free from all forms of discrimination, including sexual harassment. The district prohibits sexual harassment in any form by employees, students, volunteers and others involved in school district activities. Sexual harassment occurs when: 1. Submitting to the harasser's sexual demands is a stated or implied condition of obtaining an education or work opportunity or other benefit; 10 2. Submission to or rejection of sexual demands is a factor in an academic, work or other school-related decision affecting an individual; or 3. Unwelcome sexual or gender-directed conduct or communication interferes with an individual's performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment. Sexual harassment can occur adult to student, student to adult, student to student, adult to adult, male to female, female to male, male to male and female to female. The district will take prompt and effective reasonable corrective measures to eliminate sexual harassment and prevent its recurrence. Allegations of criminal misconduct will be reported to law enforcement or Child Protective Services. When deemed appropriate by the district, the district shall provide reasonable support and/or assistance for individuals who have been subjected to sexual harassment in the district’s educational or work environment. Engaging in sexual harassment will result in appropriate discipline or other appropriate sanctions against offending students, staff and contractors. Such disciplinary action will be consistent with any applicable collective bargaining agreement, district policy, and state and federal law. No person shall be retaliated against for making a report of sexual harassment or for providing testimony or assisting in the investigation of such a report. Retaliation will lead to disciplinary action against the offender. It is also a violation of this policy to knowingly report false allegations of sexual harassment. Persons found to knowingly report false allegations will also be subject to disciplinary action. The superintendent shall develop and implement procedures for receiving, investigating and resolving complaints or reports of sexual harassment. The procedures will include reasonable and prompt timelines and delineate staff responsibilities under this policy. All staff are responsible for receiving informal complaints and reports of sexual harassment and informing appropriate district personnel of the complaint or report for investigation and resolution. All staff are also responsible for directing complainants to the formal complaint process. A copy of this policy shall be provided to each district employee and volunteer, posted in each school building and facility, and included in school or district publications that set forth rules, regulations, procedures and standards of conduct for the school or district. The superintendent shall develop procedures to ensure that each school develops a process for discussing the district’s sexual harassment policy with employees and students. The Title IX/Affirmative Action Officer shall conduct an annual review of the utilization and efficacy of the district’s sexual harassment policy and administrative procedures. Recommendations for changes to the policy and/or procedures will be made to the superintendent. Cross References: Board Policy 3207 Board Policy 3240 Board Policy 3421 Board Policy 5010 Board Policy 5281 Prohibition of Discrimination, Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying Student Conduct Child Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation Prevention Nondiscrimination and Affirmative Action Disciplinary Action and Discharge Legal References: RCW 28A.640.020 WAC 392-190-056-058 Regulations, guidelines to eliminate discrimination--Scope Sexual harassment SPECIAL SERVICES Enumclaw School District offers a variety of special programs to meet the needs of preschool and elementary school children. All are provided at no cost to the parent. Child Development Screening Enumclaw School District conducts a Child Development Screening regularly to find and identify preschool age children who may have special needs. Parents of all birth to twenty-one year old children who are not enrolled in school are encouraged to bring their children to the screening. 11 Elementary Special Education Classes Each elementary school has a special education resource program. Children who qualify for special education are provided specialized instruction for a portion of their school day. Teams of staff and families develop an individualized education program (IEP) for the students who qualify for services. Independent Learning Center (ILC) programs are located at Westwood and Sunrise. These programs serve students with significant disabilities, requiring a more restrictive and supportive learning environment. English Language Learner (ELL) Elementary students with limited proficiency in English receive instruction from trained ELL paraeducators who are supervised by a certificated ELL instructor. Students are referred and evaluated according to state requirements to determine qualification and receive services in a pull-out or push-in model. Home/Hospital Instruction Children who will be absent from school due to illness, surgery or injury for a period of four consecutive weeks may be eligible for a tutor. Parents are urged to contact the Special Services Office as soon as they are aware their child may be absent for an extended period of time. Special Education Preschool Enumclaw School District provides a preschool program for children with disabilities ages three to five. Children who have significant deficits in speech and language development, motor skills, cognitive ability or social/behavioral skills may be eligible for services. A parent, physician or any concerned person may initiate a referral. Children who qualify for services are provided a preschool program. Speech Language Pathologists (SLP) A SLP provides speech and language services to eligible students in each building. Contact the SLP at the school your child attends for more information. For more information regarding any of these programs contact the Special Services Office at 802-7125. STUDENT INFORMATION The following may be used by the school to share information about events for publicity unless a student's parent/guardian requests in writing that the following information may not be released: the student's name, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, yearbooks photographs of school events and other similar information. Procedures to request that any or all of these categories of information be excluded are available in the school office. STUDENT RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES In addition, parents need to be aware that failure to comply with the following rules printed in Student Rights and Responsibilities will lead to suspension from school and/or expulsion from school by Board action. Appropriate conduct and good discipline is important in making every student in the Enumclaw Elementary Schools feel safe and secure. As our students grow and learn they need to learn how to make appropriate decisions and to understand that there are consequences for making inappropriate choices. Each school and classroom has specific rules which implement these expectations. It is important to become familiar with these rules. If you have any questions, please be sure to talk with a teacher or the building principal. Students and parents need to be aware that failure to comply with the following rules printed in Student Rights and Responsibilities may lead to suspension from school and/or expulsion from school by action of the Board of Directors. 12 A student of the Enumclaw School District shall: 1. Not act or cause others to act in any manner that would disrupt the educational process. 2. Attend all classes and be prepared for class as required by the teacher. 3. Act in a courteous and respectful manner to all students, teachers, employees and visitors. 4. Dress and appear neat and clean and in a manner which will not disrupt the educational process nor threaten the health and safety of yourself or others. 5. Not say, write or in any other way use vulgar, profane, obscene or sexually explicit language, pictures or acts. 6. Identify yourself by name, upon request, to any school district personnel or authorities. 7. Immediately comply with the reasonable request of school district personnel or authorities. 8. Not commit or participate in the commission of any criminal act. (Specific areas: Arson, Assault, Burglary, Drugs and Alcohol, Explosives, Extortion, Blackmail, Coercion, Dangerous weapons, Theft, Malicious mischief, Trespassing, Vandalism, Unlawful interference.) 9. Not harass or intimidate any other student, teacher or school district employee. 10. Not smoke, use, or possess tobacco or tobacco products on school property. 11. Not leave the school grounds from the time of arrival to end of school day unless officially excused. 12. Not participate in secret clubs or groups. 13. Not possess, sell or use any drug paraphernalia. 14. Not possess matches, lighters, fireworks, bullets, caps and other combustible materials. STUDENT TRANSPORTATION Bicycles and Scooters Bicycles and scooters may be ridden to and from school with the following guidelines: a. No student riding a bicycle or scooter should arrive before 8:45 a.m. b. Upon arriving on the school grounds the student is asked to walk his/her bicycle or scooter to the bike rack and secure with a lock. c. Students are required to wear bike helmets according to King County ordinance for bikes and for the safety of students riding scooters, we ask that he/she wear a helmet as well. Private Vehicles When students are delivered to school or picked up following school by private vehicle, drivers are requested to not block the bus lanes and honor the spaces marked for the Handicapped. Students should not be delivered to school before 8:45 a.m. Persons picking children up, other than their own family, must have written notice of consent from the child's parents. The child must be signed out from the school office if leaving during the school day. School Buses The majority of our students ride the school buses. From a safety standpoint, it is imperative that proper behavior be rigidly adhered to at the bus stops as well as during the ride on the bus. Parents will be notified of infractions or any consequence. Students are expected to be at the bus stop five minutes prior to the bus time; however, students who arrive too early tend to have problems caused by too much unsupervised time. Please work with your student to develop a schedule which will allow them to arrive at the bus stop in time, but not so early as to create a problem at the bus stop. All children will be expected to ride their assigned bus regularly. If it is necessary for your child to ride a bus, other than the regularly assigned one, a note to this effect must be sent to the child's teacher. A bus pass will be made out in the office for the child to give to the bus driver. If your child normally rides a bus, exception to this procedure will require a note to the teacher. Any questions should be directed to the Transportation Department at 802-7232. 13 School Bus Rules The bus driver is in full charge of the bus and will be treated with courtesy and respect. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Pupils are to remain seated while the bus is in motion. Ask permission prior to changing seats. Only items that can be held comfortably on your lap are allowed on the bus. Every student will embark and disembark the bus at his or her regular stop, unless permission is given beforehand by school authorities after receiving a note from a parent/guardian which contains an address of the temporary stop. Classroom conduct will be observed while on the bus. Seat must be shared. Eating, drinking and gum chewing are not permitted. Fellow students will be treated with courtesy. The possession or use of tobacco, alcohol and drugs is prohibited. Matches, lighters, glass, sharp items and combustible materials may not be brought onto the bus. Keep hands, head and feet inside the bus. Get permission from the driver prior to lowering windows. Aide dogs for the handicapped are the only animals allowed on the bus. Students must stand completely off the roadway while waiting for the bus. Board and depart the bus in an orderly manner. Cross only in front of the bus after receiving consent from the bus driver. All students must actively participate in emergency evacuation drills. In the event of an emergency, evacuation procedures will be followed. Students and their parent/guardian will be held financially responsible for any act of vandalism. Riding the Bus is a privilege that may be suspended at any time for inappropriate or dangerous behavior. Student misconduct will be sufficient reason for transportation to be discontinued. The following consequences will be implemented should discipline become necessary at the elementary level: Incident #1 Incident #2 Incident #3 Incident #4 Incident #5 Incident #6 Verbal Reprimand with a seat assignment and parent contact by the bus driver. Discipline Report with parent contact. Discipline Report with a three-day bus suspension following parent contact. Discipline Report with a 3—10 day bus suspension following parent contact. Parent conference recommended. Discipline Report with a 10—90 day bus suspension following parent contact. Mandatory parent conference prior to the reinstatement of bus riding privileges. Discipline Report with a bus suspension for the remainder of the school year following parent contact. Walking Parents are encouraged to instruct their children in proper walking procedures. All students who walk should not arrive before 8:45 a.m. Children must follow the direction of the School Safety Patrols. VISITORS Students are not permitted to bring other children to visit the school. Parents/guardians who wish to visit the classroom must make an appointment with the teacher. All visitors must sign in at the office and wear a visible visitor’s badge. VOLUNTEERS Volunteers must complete the application process each year and be approved. Forms can be obtained at school sites as well as the Human Relations Department at the district office. Parents/guardians must be volunteers in order to visit the playground to join their child at recess. Please contact the school for more information about volunteering at school. WAIVERS Intra-District Student Transfers Parents who reside in one attendance area, but would like their child to attend another school in our district may request an intradistrict transfer. Forms may be obtained at any school or at the district office. The transfer must first be approved by both the resident and nonresident school principals and the superintendent. The parent is responsible for transportation and supervision to and from school. This request does not need to be renewed on a yearly basis. 14 Inter-District Student Transfers Parents who live outside of the Enumclaw School District boundaries may apply to have their child attend school in our district. Parents must first obtain a release waiver from the school district in which they reside. This is an online process and our district will be notified when the release waiver has been processed. Approval of the waiver request will be dependent on space availability. This process must be completed annually. The parent is responsible for transportation and supervision to and from school. WEBSITE The Enumclaw School District website is always useful to keep current on the calendar of events and happenings in your school and in the district. You will also find current headlines, school information (by building), and emergency information. The website address is Enumclaw School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Stephanie Berryhill Title IX/Chapter 28A.640 RCW Officer 2929 McDougall Ave. Enumclaw, WA 98022 360.802.7113 Keri Marquand Section 504/ADA Coordinator 2929 McDougall Ave. Enumclaw, WA 98022 360.802.7104 15