West Georgia Technical College Fire Academy FIRE INSTUCTOR I CURRICULUM Performance Standards Fire Instructor I NFPA 1041, 2002 Edition 4.2.3 Prepare Training Records and Report Forms 4.2.3(B) Basic Report Writing Candidate: _______________________________ Skill Sheet # 1 Date______________ SS#______________________________________ STANDARD 4.2.3(B) NFPA 1041, 2002 Edition Task: Determine types of records and reports required; knowledge of policies and procedures for processing records and reports; basic report writing skills. Performance Outcome: The candidate shall be able to prepare written training records and report form. Conditions: The candidate will complete all elements of the assigned task. Include candidate’s narrative on task completion, forms, photos/drawings, etc., department policy or procedure. Equipment Required: Selected topic, Pen/pencil, Paper, computer, if applicable. No. Task Steps First Test Retest Pass Fail Pass Fail 1. Provides a presentable, formatted, and neat report. 2. Includes heading, inside address, subject, date, and sender as appropriate. 3. Report is appropriate for subject matter. 4. Information is presented in an easily understood, objective manner. 5. Includes all pertinent dates, times, and places. 6. Uses proper form, sentence structure, grammar, spelling, and syntax. 7. Ensures report is complete. Supervisor/Proctor/Comments:_______________________________________________________________ __________________________ Supervisor/Proctor _____________ Date __________________ Candidate ______________ Date __________________________ Re-Test Supervisor/Proctor _____________ Date __________________ Candidate ______________ Date West Georgia Technical College Fire Academy FIRE INSTUCTOR I CURRICULUM Performance Standards Fire Instructor I NFPA 1041, 2002 Edition 4.3.2 Review Instructional Material 4.3.2(B) Analysis of resources, facilities, and materials 4.3.3(B) Instructor preparation and organizational skills Candidate: _______________________________ Skill Sheet # 2 Date______________ SS#______________________________________ STANDARD 4.3.2(B) NFPA 1041, 2002 Edition Task: Review and adapt instructional materials; recognizing student limitations, methods of instruction, types of resource material; organizing the learning environment. Task: Preparation of a lesson plan. STANDARD 4.3.3(B) NFPA 1041, 2002 Edition Performance Outcome: The candidate shall be able to analyze available resources, facilities, and materials for lesson preparation. Conditions: The candidate will complete all elements of the assigned task. Include candidate’s narrative on task completion, forms, photos/drawings, etc., department policy or procedure. Equipment Required: Selected topic for lesson plan, Pen/pencil, Paper, computer, if applicable. No. Task Steps First Test Retest Pass Fail Pass Fail 1. Considers target audience and learning environment. 2. Adapts resources as needed : 3. a. Elements of the lesson plan 4. b. Learning environment 5. c. Instructional material 6. Adapts lesson plan to assignment and course material. Supervisor/Proctor/Comments:_______________________________________________________________ __________________________ Supervisor/Proctor _____________ Date __________________ Candidate ______________ Date __________________________ Re-Test Supervisor/Proctor _____________ Date __________________ Candidate ______________ Date West Georgia Technical College Fire Academy FIRE INSTUCTOR I CURRICULUM Performance Standards Fire Instructor I NFPA 1041, 2002 Edition 4.4.2 Lesson Plan Presentation 4.4.2(B) Use of instructional media and materials 4.4.3(B) Oral communication techniques Teaching methods techniques Candidate: _______________________________ Skill Sheet # 3 Date______________ SS#______________________________________ STANDARD 4.4.2(B) NFPA 1041, 2002 Edition STANDARD 4.4.3(B) NFPA 1041, 2002 Edition Task: Demonstrate proper use of instructional media and materials; organizing the classroom, lab or outdoor learning environment. Task: Demonstrate proper oral communication techniques; teaching methods and techniques. Task: Demonstrate basic coaching and motivational techniques, adapting lesson STANDARD 4.4.5(B) NFPA 1041, 2002 Edition plan to specific instructional situation. Performance Outcome: The candidate shall be able to present a lesson plan demonstrating the proper use of instructional media and materials. Conditions: The candidate will complete all elements of the assigned task. Include candidate’s narrative on task completion, forms, photos/drawings, etc., department policy or procedure. Equipment Required: Selected topic for lesson plan, Pen/pencil, Paper, computer, if applicable. No. Task Steps First Test Retest Pass Fail Pass Fail 1. Presentation included Preparation/Motivational step. 2. Objectives were communicated to students. 3. Utilizes effective presentation methods 4. a. Eye contact and stage presence were appropriate 5. b. Speaks in a clear, effectively pitched, well modulated voice 6. c. Speech was reasonably free from language errors 7. d. Style was reasonably free from distractions that detract from teaching 8. Presentation step and methodology were appropriate to objectives/content 9. Instructor elicited student participation and feedback 10. Content was technically accurate 11. Presentation included Application step 12. Presentation included Evaluation step 13. Presentation included appropriate Closing mechanism 14. Presentation was completed within specified time limit Supervisor/Proctor/Comments:_______________________________________________________________ Fire Instructor I NFPA 1041, 2002 Edition 4.4.2 Lesson Plan Presentation 4.4.2(B) Use of instructional media and materials 4.4.3(B) Oral communication techniques Teaching methods techniques Skill Sheet # 3 __________________________ Supervisor/Proctor _____________ Date __________________ Candidate ______________ Date __________________________ Re-Test Supervisor/Proctor _____________ Date __________________ Candidate ______________ Date West Georgia Technical College Fire Academy FIRE INSTUCTOR I CURRICULUM Performance Standards Fire Instructor I NFPA 1041, 2002 Edition 4.4.6 Operate audiovisual equipment and demonstration devices 4.4.6(B) Use of audiovisual equipment: Operation of a computer/projector Candidate: _______________________________ Skill Sheet # 4 Date______________ SS#______________________________________ Task: Demonstrate the proper use of computer/projector; VCR Unit; Overhead STANDARD 4.4.6(B) NFPA 1041, 2002 Edition projector; Chalk/Whiteboard; and Easel Pad for lesson presentation. Task: Demonstrate efficient and effective transition techniques within and STANDARD 4.4.7(B) NFPA 1041, 2002 Edition between media. Performance Outcome: The candidate shall be able to properly set up and utilize a computer/projector; VCR unit; Overhead projector; Chalk/Whiteboard and Easel Pad for a classroom presentation. The candidate shall be able to properly transition between media. Conditions: The candidate will complete all elements of the assigned task. Include candidate’s narrative on task completion, forms, photos/drawings, etc., department policy or procedure. Equipment Required: Computer, projector, screen and given presentation. No. Task Steps First Test Retest Pass Fail Pass Fail Positions unit for adequate viewing by entire audience. 1. Adjusts viewing image to screen. 2. Loads projectable materials into computer. 3. Configures projector to computer. 4. Projects image, adjusts focus. 5. Transition to VCR unit; position unit for adequate viewing by entire audience. 6. Transitions to Overhead projector for adequate viewing by entire audience. 7. Transitions to Chalk/Whiteboard; writes legibly, refers to written words/image 8. 9. 10. without facing board. Transitions to Easel Pad; positions Easel Pad for adequate viewing by entire audience. Writes legibly and refers to written word without facing pad. Supervisor/Proctor/Comments:_______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________ _____________ __________________ ______________ Supervisor/Proctor Date Candidate Date __________________________ _____________ __________________ ______________ Re-Test Supervisor/Proctor Date Candidate Date West Georgia Technical College Fire Academy FIRE INSTUCTOR I CURRICULUM Performance Standards Fire Instructor I NFPA 1041, 2002 Edition 4.5.2 Administration and Grading of Tests 4.5.2(B) Use of skills checklist and oral questioning techniques Candidate: _______________________________ Skill Sheet # 5 Date______________ SS#______________________________________ STANDARD 4.5.2(B) NFPA 1041, 2002 Edition Task: Demonstrate proper use of skills checklist and oral questioning techniques. Performance Outcome: The candidate shall be able to perform effectively a skills checklist and demonstrate the proper oral questions techniques. Conditions: The candidate will complete all elements of the assigned task. Include candidate’s narrative on task completion, forms, photos/drawings, etc., department policy or procedure. Equipment Required: Selected topic for lesson plan, Pen/pencil, Paper, computer, if applicable. No. Task Steps First Test Retest Pass Fail Pass Fail 1. Selects appropriate testing and evaluation instrument. 2. Demonstrates and understanding of: 3. a. Oral Tests 4. b. Written Tests c. Skills Checklists 6. d. Grading of Tests 7. Maintains security of examination material and results Supervisor/Proctor/Comments:_______________________________________________________________ __________________________ Supervisor/Proctor _____________ Date __________________ Candidate ______________ Date __________________________ Re-Test Supervisor/Proctor _____________ Date __________________ Candidate ______________ Date West Georgia Technical College Fire Academy FIRE INSTUCTOR I CURRICULUM Performance Standards Fire Instructor I NFPA 1041, 2002 Edition 4.5.4 Communicating and Reporting Test Results 4.5.4(B) Communication skills and basic coaching Candidate: _______________________________ Skill Sheet # 6 Date______________ SS#______________________________________ STANDARD 4.5.4(B) NFPA 1041, 2002 Edition Task: Demonstrate reporting procedures; interpretation of test results. Performance Outcome: The candidate shall be able to demonstrated effective and efficient reporting procedures; proficient knowledge of interpretation of test results. Conditions: The candidate will complete all elements of the assigned task. Include candidate’s narrative on task completion, forms, photos/drawings, etc., department policy or procedure. Equipment Required: Simulated test results, Pen/pencil, Paper, computer, if applicable. No. Task Steps First Test Retest Pass Fail Pass Fail 1. Transmits verbal results in a clear, effectively pitched, and well modulated voice. 2. Speech was reasonably free from language errors. 3. Offers coaching or suggestions for improvement. 4. Accurately records results according to accepted procedure. 5. Reports unusual circumstances. Supervisor/Proctor/Comments:_______________________________________________________________ __________________________ Supervisor/Proctor _____________ Date __________________ Candidate ______________ Date __________________________ Re-Test Supervisor/Proctor _____________ Date __________________ Candidate ______________ Date West Georgia Technical College Fire Academy FIRE INSTUCTOR I CURRICULUM Performance Standards Fire Instructor I NFPA 1041, 2002 Edition 4.5.5 Evaluate Performance to Provide Feedback 4.5.5(B) Communication skills and basic coaching Candidate: _______________________________ Skill Sheet # 7 Date______________ SS#______________________________________ STANDARD 4.5.5(B) NFPA 1041, 2002 Edition Task: Demonstrated proficient reporting procedures and the interpretation of test results. Performance Outcome: The candidate shall be able to exhibit communication skills and basic coaching skills. Conditions: The candidate will complete all elements of the assigned task. Include candidate’s narrative on task completion, forms, photos/drawings, etc., department policy or procedure. Equipment Required: Selected topic for lesson plan, Pen/pencil, Paper, computer, if applicable. No. Task Steps First Test Retest Pass Fail Pass Fail 1. Evaluates student presentations using supplied skill sheets. 2. Provides verbal comments on student’s presentation style. 3. Determines if lesson plan revision is necessary. 4. Explains reason why lesson plan revisions are/are not necessary. 5. 6. 7. Supervisor/Proctor/Comments:_______________________________________________________________ __________________________ Supervisor/Proctor _____________ Date __________________ Candidate ______________ Date __________________________ Re-Test Supervisor/Proctor _____________ Date __________________ Candidate ______________ Date