50 Annual report 2011 Annual report 2011 Resources • 52 Human resources • 54 Financial resources • 56 The information system Parity at the IRD • 57 Platforms open to partners ALIS 51 52 Annual report 2011 Percentage of IRD staff outside metropolitan France Human resources Recruitment and mobility The recruitment policy has remained dynamic, with 50 posts made available, 24 for engineers and technicians and 26 research positions (12 researchers and 14 research directors). New positions have largely been focused on the South, with 12 researchers outside mainland France (2 in West and Central Africa, 2 in Latin America, 2 in Asia and the Pacific, 3 in the Mediterranean, 1 in Réunion and 2 in New Caledonia) and the recruitment of 6 new post-doctoral researchers, of which 3 are in West Africa and the Indian Ocean, 1 in the Mediterranean and 1 in Latin America. Presence in the South Tenured Non tenured Total Researchers 785 52 837 Non-research staff 738 259 997 Permanent local staff Total 1,523 342 342 653 2,176 At 31/12/2011 The institute has strengthened its position in the South, with more than 37% of staff employed outside of mainland France: around 51% in Africa and the Mediterranean, 15% in Latin America, 9% in Asia and the Pacific, and 25% in overseas territories. 150 longduration missions were carried out, largely in Africa and Latin America. IRD staff by sex Men % Women % Researchers 594 71.0 243 29.0 837 Non-research staff 419 42.0 578 58.0 997 225 65.8 117 34.2 342 1,238 56.9 938 43.1 2,176 Permanent local staff Total 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 35% 37% 35% 34% 32% 34% 30% Non-research staff 29% 24% 26% 25% 21% 22% 23% 21% At 31/12/2011 The IRD employs 2,176 staff in total, including 837 researchers, 997 engineers and technicians and 342 local staff. The average age of an IRD employee is 47 years old - 44 for women and 49 for men. 43% of the total staff are women. Although still in the minority among our researchers, their proportion has increased from 28% to 29% in the past year. The percentage of women among our engineers and technicians has remained fixed at 58%. IRD staff 2004 Researchers 34% Total At 31/12/2011 Training Ongoing training has focused on support for the changes and developments at the Institute. Activity has included managerial support for the new organisation, support for unit projects and training for certain professions. In total, 45,420 hours of training were delivered to 1,629 trainees (compared to 39,134 hours in 2010). New forms of training have been offered, in particular “first aid in isolated locations”. Elsewhere, our welcome and integration days have been relaunched, with 55 new employees taking part. Number of long-term missions Number of Geographic zone long-term missions Africa 85 Latin America 33 Asia and Pacific 20 Europe and North America 1 French overseas regions 3 Frenche overseas collectivities Total At 31/12/2011 Institutional dialogue and social policy The IRD has implemented reforms to the social dialogue set out in our literature. A new Technical Committee for Public Bodies, and Special Technical Committees for France and overseas territories have been established, enabling all IRD agents to be represented and to have their say with a local service. The Institute also wanted to establish a location for social dialogue for its foreign delegations, by means of Representation Councils. These form a social barometer enabling a measurement of the social environment within the Institute. IRD researchers by discipline Research management Chemistry Mathematics Medicine Physics Life sciences Earth sciences Human sciences Engineering sciences Social sciences 43 8 10 35 20 316 191 32 16 166 8 150 Total researchers by discipline 837 At 31/12/2011 Annual report 2011 IRD staff by geographic zone Metropolitan France | Asia | 1,377 Total 71 Europe and North America | 2,176 Mediterranean region | 2 61 Representation At 31/12/2011 Pacific | West and Central Africa | 115 Latin America and Caribbean region | 308 East and southern Africa and Indian Ocean | 200 42 Several activities have been carried out to assist with the Institute's social policy. As a result, all staff now have their own individual pension funds (1,700 funds were paid into). In addition, the IRD has committed to implementing concrete actions that encourage the hiring of disabled persons by signing an agreement with the Fonds pour l'insertion des personnes handicapées dans la fonction publique (assistance fund for employing disabled persons in the public sector). A new social service to assist with insertion has been created by the management board. Lastly, an investigation into social protection for local staff will enable clarification of the terms for each country concerned. Risk prevention Significant actions in the field of risk prevention have included: the creation of diagnostics for psychosocial risk at the IRD, the establishing of preventative information systems before missions begin or during expatriation, and the completion of a chemical risk evaluation at the Montpellier site. Routine government inspections took place in Montpellier and Grenoble. The Institute has, in addition, taken the necessary measures to transform the “Hygiene and safety committees” into “Hygiene, safety and working conditions committees”. IRD non-research staff by occupational category 40,9% 24,1% Life science Chemistry and materials science Engineering science and scientific instrumentation 3,7% 3,2% Human and social sciences Data processing, statistics and scientific computing Documentation, culture, communication, publishing, ICTE Property management, logistics, prevention and restoration Management and piloting At 31/12/2011 4,2% 7,4% 9,8% 6,7% 1 3 11 25 19 37 36 56 52 62 58 59 73 75 68 70 75 67 67 65 63 75 80 54 55 77 68 62 72 68 50 65 69 47 45 36 45 28 32 31 25 21 13 11 3 2 Total 2,176 Men (Total: 1,238) 60 50 40 30 20 older than 65 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 10 age 10 Women (Total: 938) 20 30 40 50 60 53 54 Annual report 2011 6.23 7.02 Research contract income by source European institutions Financial resources 2.35 Agence nationale de la recherche French ministries and local authorities French public institutions In addition to the launch of the new objectives contract, the IRD has also reviewed its funding procedures for the three-year period from 2011-2013, marking a rise in funding allocated to projects during a period where public funding is generally being cut back. This renewal can be divided into three phases: the full integration of the IRD into new research funding procedures, the consolidation of resources in favour of instruments facilitating cooperation between North and South, and the completion of the first stage of the modernisation of the management system, begun in 2009. Key figures The Institute's net revenue reached d232.934m, against d232.609m expenditure. The funding received can be broken down into: state funding at d201.682m (86.6% of the total, compared with 88% in 2010), research contracts (d27.254m, 11.7%), research products, service provision and other products (d3.998m, 1.7%). The total salaries represent d167.155m, or 71.9% of expenditure (a 3% increase on 2010). In total, the expenditure of our research units increased by more than d9m compared with the previous financial year, and their budget accounts for almost 63% of the Institute's financial resources. Other French partners (public and private) International partners (public and private) 3.52 5.04 Research contract income by department Amount (€M) Resources and environment department 11.98 Health department 6.14 Management of research and training programmes 3.15 Representation 2.50 Societies department 2.05 Scientific outreach 0.71 Expertise and consulting in the South 0.44 Information and scientific culture for the South 0.13 Decentralised services 0.13 Total 201.68 IRD resources Government subsidies Research contracts Income from research applications Other subsidies and outputs 2.47 1.52 Total (€Million) 232.93 27.25 3.09 Human resources 27.25 Total (€Million) 0.02 27.25 Resources that are fully tailored to the national funding operations for projects Sixty percent of IRD research consortiums are integrated into scientific programmes that are beneficiaries of the Investissements d’avenir scheme. This year has also seen funding for research contracts confirmed, with d27.254m in revenue received. This represents an increase of 4%, caused in particular by the increase in power of European (including FP7 and FEDER) and foreign funding (particularly in response to Agency programmes), which form 25% and 19.5% of revenue respectively. Annual report 2011 Research unit expenditure (€M) Research department Payroll Operating costs and investments Total Environment and Resources department 78.03 14.12 92.16 Health department 22.14 6.47 28.61 Societies department 22.7 2.67 25.37 Total 122.87 23.26 146.14 Research programme Payroll Operating costs and investments Total Natural hazards and climate 5.65 1.03 6.68 Sustainable management of southern ecosystems 21.45 2.96 24.41 Continental and coastal waters 22.75 4.12 26.87 Food security in the South 22.88 4.76 27.64 Public health and health policy 23.29 6.54 29.83 Development and globalisation 26.85 3.85 30.7 Total 122.87 23.26 146.14 Payroll Operating costs and investments Total Research and training programmes in the South 0.85 5.34 6.19 Expertise and consulting in the South 0.59 0.87 1.46 Information and Scientific Culture for the the South 4.85 1.8 6.65 Geostrategy and partnership 10.41 3.42 13.83 4.67 Expenditure on cross-cutting activities (€M) Scientific outreach 2.65 2.02 Scientific assessment, ethics 0.34 0.4 0.74 In-service training 0.19 1.25 1.44 AIRD Agency 0.67 0.85 1.52 Naval resources (operation and investment) 0.11 4.7 4.81 0.58 0.58 20.66 21.23 41.89 Payroll Operating costs and investments Total Welfare 0.22 1.52 1.74 Information systems 3.08 5.99 9.07 Maintenance 0.77 0.77 Major renovations 0.19 0.19 Construction 0.01 0.01 Major scientific capital equipment Total A significant financial operation to support instruments that enable grounded research in the South Incentive credits have allowed us to support teams to a level of almost d1.9m. The financial efforts agreed in 2010 to support regional pilot programmes have been maintained, with the aim of preserving the dynamic partnerships with scientific communities in the South with shared geographical and thematic priorities. Allocated contributions are valued at d740,000. For example, the “GOPS centre for long-term monitoring of terrestrial and marine ecosystems in the South Pacific” and the programmes on “rural societies, environment and climate in West Africa” and “tropical rainforests” have received funding of d320,000. In addition, the credits made available to laboratories and research consortiums (LMI/UMI) have increased by more than one third, to d332,000. Lastly, the programmes co-financed by the AIRD are also contributing to this new position. As such, nearly one million euros in support has been released from their intervention fund to assist the deployment of three flagship programmes relating to the Institute research teams' priorities in terms of areas and topics of intervention: SYSTERRA, in the field of eco-cultivation; SICMED (continental surface and interface in the Mediterranean); and the Franco-Egyptian IRD-STDF(1) programme for funding collaborations between research teams. IRD expenditure by type 64.09 167.15 Operating costs and non-programmed investments Programmed investments Support function expenditure (€M) Total (€Million) Decentralised services 9.13 5.29 14.42 Central services 10.81 7.04 17.85 0.1 0.1 Financial operations Payroll Other general expenses 0.37 0.04 0.41 Total 23.61 20.95 44.56 232.6 1.36 Expenditure by geographical region Metropolitan France Overseas France Mediterranean Africa and Indian Ocean Latin America Asia Other countries (1) Science and Technology Development Fund. 133.69 22.96 8.79 36.04 17.81 12.40 0.89 Total (€Million) 232.6 55 56 Annual report 2011 The Information system The IRD has adopted a new blueprint for the information and telecommunications system (SDSIT), working in tandem with the objectives contract, with the following priorities: integrating the IRD into the international community; progressing the Agency and partnerships in the South, especially by supporting the creation of shared scientific platforms; and supplying all information required to run the Institute as an agency operator. The implementation of this new management plan will benefit from co-funding in cooperation with the Institute's partners. The SDSIT 2011-2015 plan is already 5% complete. Requirements for controlling payroll and jobs have been set out in an IT specifications file. A tool for recording staff activity has been created to gradually build up an infocentre. Various improvements have been made to the agreement management tool in order to simplify the decision-making process Numerous systems also contribute to the management of resources, activities and partnerships. The financial administration IT system has been deployed in various units in Bondy and Montpellier to assist with the decentralisation of purchasing. An optimisation plan for the HR administration system has been initiated. The IRD has signed up for the procedure led by the AMUE(1) and the CNRS that aims to homogenise management rules and systems for research consortiums. In addition, GIS (geographic information system) licences have been made available to IRD researchers and partners, with training and methodology provided. On behalf of the AIRD and in cooperation with RENATER(2) and Cirad, support was given to WACREN, an African organisation that seeks to create a network for higher education and research IT systems in West Africa. On this topic, various appraisals and knowledge exchanges took place with the government of Benin. Laboratory / Bondy Parity at the IRD Professional equality is a major issue for our organisation, particularly in our partnerships with the South. It forms part of a national policy in which the Public sector has a duty to lead by example. Nevertheless, inequalities are still in evidence and very few women hold managerial jobs within the Institute. The IRD has only one woman on its managerial committee, 5 managers in central services at our headquarters, 8 female unit directors out of 56 and only 3 female representatives. An Equality initiative was created in November 2011 in order to create systematic and durable support for issues of professional equality. It is based on an Equality committee made up of sixteen experts and public figures, from the North and the South. The initiative will begin with the observation of equality conditions within the Institute, continuing with a comparative analysis of the situation. The Equality committee will then analyse the principal hindrances and obstacles encountered by women in the workplace, to enable the development of a policy that closely meets the needs of our agents and offers concrete solutions to promote careers and improve working conditions for women. (1) Agency for cooperation between universities. (2) National telecommunications network for technology, teaching and research. Lascar volcano / Chile Annual report 2011 57 Platforms open to partners The IRD is committed to sharing its resources to create installations that are equipped with the latest technology, not only in mainland France, but also in French overseas territories and abroad. Several technological platforms allow for state-of-the-art research, such as ALYSES, dedicated to the study of tropical soil and sediments, or CapMédiTrop, for the genetic analysis of cultivated tropical plants. In the field of healthcare, several medical research laboratories are helping to find a response to the problems of public health in Southern countries, such as those working with HIV in Thailand or malaria in Benin. The CNEV (French national vector research facility) is also part of this operation against infectious diseases. Significant resources are also allocated to the observation and study of ecosystems: Satellite networks (SEAS), observatories for environmental research (ORE) and tropical herbariums in Nouméa and Cayenne. In addition, the oceanographic vessel Alis is navigating its way around the Pacific. Satellites to help the environment Several satellite-enhanced environmental monitoring stations (SEAS) are run by the IRD. SEAS-Guiana, SEAS-Gabon and SEAS-Indian Ocean give us a genuine spatial observatory for the protection of forests in the Amazon and Central Africa as well as for monitoring the marine and coastal environment in the south-west Indian Ocean. These technology platforms stimulate the creation of scientific knowledge, and innovative services for resource management and the development and monitoring of territories. Combined with field observations, the satellite data acquired and processed at these stations is made available to local and scientific communities. Activities relating to training, the strengthening of capacities and technological transfers are also established around these projects. Remote sensing / Gabon Combating malaria in Benin Created in 2011, the Laboratory for integrated malaria control is an LMI grouping together all research activities in Benin that are linked to the fight against Malaria. This technical and scientific platform supports the development of research programmes into tropical diseases and to combat vectors. It includes several IRD units, the Science Faculty from AbomeyCalavi University, the Institut des sciences biomédicales appliquées, the Centre de recherche entomologique de Cotonou and the Centre de lutte intégrée contre le paludisme. A dedicated programme for the Mediterranean Created in 2008, MISTRALS (Mediterranean Integrated STudies at Regional And Local Scales) is dedicated to understanding the environmental functions of the Mediterranean basin under the effects of global change. It aims to coordinate interdisciplinary research and study programmes relating to the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, the lithosphere and paleoclimates, including environmental ecology and human and social sciences. The aim is to achieve a better understanding and control of the mechanisms that shape and influence the landscape, the environment and the anthropization of the Mediterranean region. MISTRALS brings together the major French research organisations (Ademe, BRGM, CEA, Cemagref, Cirad, Cnes, CNRS, IFP, Ifremer, Inar, IRD, IRSN, Météo-France) and aims to share its work with all Mediterranean countries. ALYSES platform / Bondy Combating malaria / Benin Contact: dgds@ird.fr