40 Institut de recherche pour le développement < Landscape/Morocco Working in partnership Partnerships around the world International Overseas France Metropolitan France Annual report 2009 41 Mediterranean Latin American Caribbean 8 sites 183 staff 41 individual grants awarded 10 emerging Southern research teams supported - Joint IRD-CNRS centre for Chile and Argentina established in Santiago. - Eurosocial Santé programme on access to health care and social cohesion in Latin America closed. - Year of France in Brazil, including: First Franco-Brazilian forum on higher education and research in Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paolo and Belo Horizonte; travelling exhibition on “ocean and climate: exchanges for life on earth”; symposium on “population biology of Amazonian fish and fish farming” in Manaus; summer school on satellite-based environmental monitoring in Brasilia. - Two international joint laboratories on climate change (OCE) and tropical palaeoclimatology (PALEOTRACES) created in Brazil. - Cousteau Observatory for sea and coastal monitoring launched in Mexico. - International conference on biodiversity, “science at the service of tropical rainforest management” held in French Guiana. - TROPISAR airborne radar data acquisition survey conducted on the forests of French Guiana. - GOVTER research programme began, on “territories, governance and methods of regulation: contribution to the charter of the Amazonian nature reserve in French Guiana”. - Symposium on the environmental impact of mining in the Andes and Amazonia held in Lima, Peru. 42 Institut de recherche pour le développement 3 sites 62 staff 21 individual grants awarded 4 emerging Southern research teams supported - S cientific cooperation framework agreement signed with the Egyptian National Fund for science and technological development, under Union pour la Méditerranée auspices. - International joint laboratory for plant and microbe biotechnology launched in Rabat, Morocco. - International joint research unit working on mathematical and computer modelling of complex systems opened in Marrakech (Morocco). - International seminar on river basin management and cooperation in the Europe-Mediterranean region, and general meeting of the Mediterranean Network of Basin Organisations (MENBO) in Beirut, Lebanon. - S ICMED programme on continental surfaces and interfaces in the Mediterranean region, for sustainable development of Mediterranean agro-ecosystems, launched in Amman, Jordan. -W orkshop of the regional G-Wadi cooperation network on the impact of climate change and management of water resources in arid and semi-arid regions held in Amman, Jordan. - International symposium on energy, climate change and sustainable development held in Tunisia. West and Central Africa 6 sites 319 staff 61 individual grants awarded 4 emerging Southern research teams supported - AMMA summer school on climate change and water resources held in Dakar, Senegal. - In Senegal, four doctoral schools established with Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar and two Biopass joint laboratories launched, on fish ecology and on the population biology of pests. - “Support for institutions and networks” strand of the Sud Expert Plantes programme began in Burkina Faso. - Programme on “Contemporary Mali, support for human and social sciences research” launched by AIRD. - First forum of the AMESD programme on environmental monitoring in Africa for sustainable development held in the Democratic Republic of Congo. - Speleological and ethnological reconnaissance expedition in Bamiléké country in the West Cameroon highlands. - International symposium on plant species held under the Great Green Wall project, in Senegal. - Ninth SITRASS seminar (international solidarity in transport and research in Sub-Saharan Africa) held in Togo. Partnerships around the world Asia - Pacific East and Southern Africa and Indian Ocean 4 sites 73 staff 20 individual grants awarded 4 emerging Southern research teams supported - Framework partnership agreement signed between the Kenyan Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology and French research institutes CIRAD, IFRA and IRD. - Fifth pan-African conference on malaria held in Nairobi, Kenya. - International joint laboratory on climate change opened in South Africa. - Sixth WIOMSA congress held and Run Sea Science project on marine science in the Indian Ocean launched, in La Réunion. - Symposium on “islands facing the challenges of sustainable development” held in La Réunion. - Master’s degree course in Water and Development established in Ethiopia. - The book Le Rift est-africain, covering numerous scientific aspects of the East African rift valley, published. - CRVOI research centre for monitoring and research on emerging diseases in the Indian Ocean opened in La Réunion in the presence of the Prime Minister. 6 sites 190 staff 17 individual grants awarded 3 emerging Southern research teams supported - F irst Lao-French conference on research for development held in Vientiane. - “ Doctoriales” training seminars for doctoral social sciences students held in Vietnam. - T he book A la découverte des villages de métier au Vietnam, on the craft villages of Vietnam, published in three languages (French, English and Vietnamese). -W orkshop on the human impact on water resources and soils held in Bangalore, India. - T wo innovative fish farms set up and seminar held to present the IRD’s fish farming technology offering, in Indonesia. - T ARASOC survey: exploration of benthic fauna on two chains of seamounts off the southwest coast of Tahiti. - Second congress of French research in the Pacific held in Tahiti. - International symposium on stability, security and development in the South Pacific held in Nouméa. - Inventory of biodiversity and typology of habitats conducted, as part of establishing the World Heritage status of the northern lagoon reefs in New Caledonia. - Submarine geodesy mission in Vanuatu. Annual report 2009 43 International The IRD is an original form of institution, well established in the intertropical zone, and works actively to mobilise its Northern partners on overseas development issues and establish technological facilities for research in the South. In 2009 it used its international network of centres and offices to consolidate its links with research and education structures in developing countries and its place as a European leader in research for the South. An active member of institutional networks such as Inconet and Era-net, the IRD plays a part in building Europe’s research area. It argues for the importance of research for development and of the Southern science communities’ involvement in designing and conducting that research. Strengthening bilateral relations with organisations and funding agencies in other European countries, it encourages them to give more consideration to partnership with developing countries. Designing and organising research projects in direct collaboration with Southern partners also helps them to integrate into international networks. The European Union currently supports fifty-four projects organised in this way; the IRD is coordinating partner for fifteen of them. The Institute’s deployment policy in the five regions defined as priorities involves setting up overarching supranational projects. Five international joint laboratories were created in 2009: one in Morocco, on plant and microbe biotechnology; one in South Africa, on climate change; two, in Brazil and Chile, working on environmental change; and one in India working on water resources. West and Central Africa In Cameroon, where the IRD celebrated 60 years of presence, a new research coordination centre was opened for the French AIDS and viral hepatitis research agency ANRS. New agreements were signed with three Cameroonian research institutes and the University of Yaoundé I. In Senegal Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar, Gaston Berger University in Saint-Louis and the Institut Sénégalais de Recherche Agricole have all initiated innovative collaborative projects. For example, 2009 saw the opening of the first business incubator in West Africa and of a joint fish biology and ecology laboratory. In Gabon, framework agreements were signed with the Centre International de Recherches Médicales in Franceville and the Centre National Gabonais de la Recherche Scientifique et Technologique. Anchovy fishery/Peru Craft village/Vietnam Caast-net research and technology network The Caast-net network, funded by the European Union and involving some twenty European and African partners, was created to organise collective discussion about collaboration in science and technology. Its formation coincided with the revival of cooperation through a new strategic partnership in which one strand is science, space and information and ICT. Discussions will focus on collaboration in health, energy and the social sciences. The work programme will also include dissemination in Africa of information about the 7th EU framework agreement. 44 www.caast-net.org/ Institut de recherche pour le développement East and Southern Africa In this region the year was marked by formal confirmation of cooperation with Kenya. Under the aegis of the French embassy, the Kenyan Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology signed a framework partnership agreement with French research institutes CIRAD and the IRD, both of which have a permanent presence in the country. Meetings were held under the eighth priority of the Africa-European Union strategic partnership, as the Kenyan minister was chairing the conference of African countries’ research ministers. The drive towards balanced partnership instruments was reflected in the creation of an international joint laboratory on climate change, in which the main partners are the University of Cape Town and the South African environment ministry. Mediterranean In line with Europe’s neighbourhood policy and the project for a Mediterranean Union, the Institute’s scientific cooperation with North Africa and the Middle East was strengthened. The work has generated a regional momentum involving South-South exchanges, mainly with countries in Sub-Saharan Africa (Senegal and Niger) and Latin America (Mexico). A highlight of the year was the start of work at the international joint unit on mathematical and computer modelling of complex systems, headquartered in Marrakesh. Also in Morocco, a new international joint laboratory has just been created to work on plant and microbe biotechnology. These two initiatives are Signing of the CORUS agreement housed within universities, fostering a linkage between research and training. Collaboration with the Egyptian authorities was renewed, with the signing of a framework agreement with the Egyptian Science and Technology Development Fund. Latin America Institutional agreements were renewed with most Latin American partners and new cooperative projects begun, particularly in Bolivia. Several 2009 events reflect the Institute’s widespread renown in Latin America: an IRD representative joined the Mexican Academy of Science, the Christopher Augur prize for biotechnology research was created in Mexico and the Bolivian parliament gave official recognition to the Institute’s work for the environment. As joint organiser of the international conference on metal pollution in the Andes and Amazonia, the Institute promoted regional exchanges between research scientists in the Andean countries. Scientific cooperation is now better structured: one international joint laboratory on palaeoclimatology and one on environment were created on the occasion of the IRD Director General’s visit to Brazil. In Mexico, the Institute took part in the creation of the Jacques Cousteau marine and coastal observatory, the regional centre for the protection of the environment in Tabasco and the regional biomedical research centre for infectious diseases in Veracruz. Asia Work in Asia was supported by well-established local institutions in partnership with French or French-language universities and research centres. The Institute strengthened relations with the Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology and was involved in developing regional cooperation on sedentary farming around the Mekong and on nutrition. An international joint laboratory on water science was created in India. A Vietnamese branch of the joint research unit UMMISCO (mathematical and computer modelling of complex systems) was created, with training a core strand of its work. Also in Vietnam the Institute organised ‘Doctoriales’ seminars for young Vietnamese, Cambodian, Laotian and Thai social science students. / Contact: dri@ird.fr EUROsociAL Santé, European-Latin American collaborative health project EUROsociAL Santé is one of five strands in an ambitious programme funded by the European Commission to promote social cohesion in Latin America. From 2006 to 2009 the IRD coordinated the work of a consortium of sixteen European and Latin American institutions including ministries, national public health schools, foundations and universities. More than two hundred seminars, visits and workshops were held, promoting access to health as a vector of social cohesion. More than thirty French institutions and 100 French experts were mobilised to support the introduction of reforms in the region. http://www.eurosocialsalud.eu/ Annual report 2009 45 Overseas France New Caledonia The Institute conducted an inventory of the main biological groups in the Grand Lagon Nord – algae, corals, fish and invertebrates – to establish the relationship between biodiversity and the reef habitats mapped from satellite images. The ANR’s SOLWARA project was launched. This research aims to understand fluctuations in El Niño events in the south-western Pacific and is part of an international programme involving physical oceanography work by a dozen countries. It is supported by the main global climate research institutions. Also in 2009, an agreement was signed with the Institut Agronomique Calédonien, IFREMER, the Pasteur Institute and the University of New Caledonia to pool molecular biology equipment. French Polynesia The creation of an observatory for long-term monitoring of terrestrial and marine ecosystems in the South Pacific (GOPS, Grand Observatoire de l’environnement et de la biodiversité terrestre et marine du Pacifique Sud) involved a number of French universities and research bodies*. The research topics identified at this stage are marine ecosystem monitoring; island biodiversity; variability, climate change and natural hazards; and changes in uses and management of natural resources in the South Pacific. On the subject of local and global changes, the 11th Pacific Science Inter-Congress brought together over 700 scientists from throughout Asia and the Pacific. French Guiana Banana plantation/Martinique The IRD plays a driving role in environmental protection, health and improvements to farming methods in the French overseas territories, where it has five centres. These are stable bases for French research in the tropics, from which the impact of science can spread and partnerships can be established throughout the surrounding regions. Under the deployment policy for French Guiana, the research centre became an inter-institute research campus, part of the French Guiana university cluster. Two major regional programmes, launched when the SEAS Guyane satellite receiving station started up, completed their work: EREMIBA, monitoring epidemics in French Guiana and PROCLAM, on coastal ecosystems from Saint-Laurent to the State of Maranhão in Brazil. Deeply involved in the study of Amazonian biodiversity and ecosystems, the IRD was joint organiser of an international conference on ‘Science at the service of tropical rainforest management’. It also took part in the airborne TROPISAR survey, acquiring radar data on the French Guiana forests. / Contact: dri@ird.fr 46 Institut de recherche pour le développement Martinique The CARIBSAT programme was launched, with the Université des Antilles et de la Guyane as partner and the backing of the Martinique regional government and Europe. Its aim is to provide the Lesser Antilles with a dynamic geographical atlas using satellite images. This new diagnostic tool will constitute a planning aid for decision makers and will help to raise public awareness of environmental issues and the need to protect marine ecosystems, mangrove forests etc. Three major agricultural research programmes are under way: on varietal innovation, designing innovative cropping systems, and environmental risk management. The Institute is also coordinating the regional cooperation programme CARAIBE-Hycos, in which twelve Caribbean countries are working together on questions of water resource management and conservation. La Réunion La Réunion hosted key meetings including the 6th congress of the Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association. A research agreement on vector control was signed with the regional health and social affairs authority and the CRVOI, the French monitoring and research centre on emerging diseases in the Indian Ocean. With the creation of the SEAS-OI satellite receiving station, remote sensing is now another major research strand for the IRD and its partners in La Réunion. The Institute’s collection of coffee varieties – 34 species and 600 genotypes – was awarded OECD Biological Resource Centre status. It is the fruit of a partnership with the local authorities (Conseil Régional and Conseil Général), CIRAD and the Mascarin national botanical conservatory. *IRD - Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Université de Nouvelle-Calédonie - Université de Polynésie Française - Université de Perpignan - IFREMER - EPHE - CNRS (INSU et INEE) - Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle - Institut Agronomique Calédonien Marine exploration/French Polynesia Metropolitan France Working with some forty higher education establishments and research bodies, the Institute consolidated its position in the regions by taking a more active part in decentralised initiatives. It launched partnerships that pool resources in multi-institution science hubs working for the development in the countries of the South. To foster the establishment of a national research for development offering, the Institute continued to open its centres, networks and resources to its partners. Its two centres in metropolitan France took an active part in the process; a project for an international campus was launched in Bondy and a building for plant science research and training is being built in Montpellier. On 11 March a memorandum of understanding was signed with the Conférence des Présidents d’Universités with a view to mobilising all French establishments on issues connected with overseas development. A first call for proposals was issued, for a Research and Training for Development project. With great success: 31 universities put forward 44 projects between them, 16 of which were selected. With this type of call for proposals the IRD means to fully play its part as France’s Agency for research in the service of development in Southern countries. IRD-CNES agreement As part of consolidating links with other research bodies, the Institute signed a framework agreement with the CNRS to work more closely together for the benefit of new researchers in developing and emerging countries. It also signed a framework agreement with the CNES with a view to offering new space-based instruments for studying climate and environment problems in Southern countries. The Institute also joined two of France’s four alliances of research bodies: AVIESAN, for work on life sciences and health, and ANCRE, for energy. / Contact: dpr@ird.fr Plant sciences building in Montpellier Jointly funded under the State-Region plan contract, a building for research into the adaptive capabilities of tropical crops is under construction in Montpellier. The teams to be based there work with Southern partners on the biological mechanisms involved in plant development (flowering, fruiting, rhizogenesis etc.) and genetic diversity. These scientists are teaching in several Master’s courses and most of them supervise doctoral students from Africa, South America and Southeast Asia. The new building will house an e-learning unit to provide a distance learning service – an approach that particularly suits the IRD’s missions. Plant sciences/Montpellier Training/Bondy Annual report 2009 47