Appendices ••• The IRD’s decision bodies ••• Participation ••• IRD structure ••• Research ••• IRD Coffee embryo in scientific partnerships and service units establishments around the world Board of Trustees (at 1 July 2007) Scientific council (at 1 July 2007) Chairman Chair Jean-François Girard Daniel Le Rudulier, faculty member, university of Nice, microbiology Ministry representatives Appointed members ••• Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Jean-Christophe Deberre, Director of development policies Antoine Grassin, Director of scientific and university cooperation Jean-Louis Arcand, faculty member, university of Clermont Ferrand, economics Netij Ben Mechlia, faculty member, national institute of Agronomy, Tunisia (INAT), agro-climatology Pascale Delécluse, research director, CNRS, oceanography Stéphane Doumbe-Bille, faculty member, Jean Moulin university, Lyon 3, international law Jacqueline Heinen, faculty member, university of Versailles St-Quentin en Yvelines, sociology Michel Herzog, faculty member, Joseph Fourier university, Grenoble, plant biology Newton Paciornik, technical adviser to the ministry of research, Brazil, energy, environment Rémi Pochat, scientific director, central laboratory of the Public Works Dept, engineering, evaluations Jean-Luc Redelsperger, research director, CNRS, climatology Sergio Revah, faculty member, Metropolitan Autonomous University, Mexico, microbiology-biotechnology Jean-Pierre Reveret, faculty member, university of Québec, ecology, environment Barbara Romanowicz, faculty member, university of Berkeley USA, geophysics Rodolphe Spichiger, faculty member, university of Geneva and Director of the Geneva Botanical Gardens, biology and plant ecology Mamadou Souncalo Traore, national Director of health, Mali, parasitology ••• Ministry of Education and Research For research Didier Hoffschir, Deputy Director for sustainable development For higher education Philippe Vidal, Coordinator, office of the Director General for higher education ••• Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Industry Éric Querenet de Breville, Civil administrator ••• Ministry for Overseas Territories N... Jean-Michel Bedecarrax (substitute), sub-Director for employment and social, educational and cultural affairs External members Monique Capron, Chair of the Board of Trustees, Inserm Alain Arconte, Chair, Antilles-Guyane University Catherine Brechignac, Chair, CNRS Patrice Debré, Chair, Cirad Bouli Ali Diallo, Rector, University of Niamey Souad Lyagoubi, Former Minister of Health, Tunisia Jean-Michel Severino, Director General, Agence française de développement Staff representatives Alain Froment, SNCS/FSU, doctor of medicine, representing research grade staff, Orléans Marie-France Lange, STREM-SGEN-CFDT, sociologist, representing research grade staff, Bondy Christian Valentin, STREM-SGEN-CFDT, soil scientist, representing research grade staff, Laos Pascal Grebaut, SNTRS-CGT-IRD, biology technician, representing ITA grade staff, Montpellier Irène Salvert, STREM-SGEN-CFDT, in-service training manager, representing ITA grade staff, Paris Patrick Zante, SNPREES-FO, soil scientist, representing ITA grade staff, Montpellier Annual report • 2006 T h e I R D’ s d e c i s i o n b o d i e s Elected members ••• College I, IRD research directors Jean Albergel, hydrology Pierre Chevallier, hydrology Georges de Noni, geography, research management Jean-Paul Gonzalez, human virology Emmanuel Grégoire, geography Michel Tibayrenc, genetics of infectious diseases •••College II, IRD researchers Sylvain Bonvalot, geophysics Dominique Buchillet, anthropology of health Marie-Hélène Durand, economy Michel Petit, remote sensing, hydrobiology Yves Goudineau, anthropology Yann Moreau, hydrobiology •••College III, IRD engineers and technicians Odile Fossati, hydrobiology Yann Hello, geophysics Michel Larue, research management, IRD representative in Indonesia Scientific commissions Chairs of sectoral scientific commissions (CSS) and research and applications management commissions (CGRA) Yves Gaudemer, CSS1: physics and chemistry of the planetary environment Dominique-Angèle Vuitton, CSS2: biology and medical science Pierre Auger, CSS3: science of ecological systems Émile Le Bris, CSS4: human and social sciences Jean-Philippe Chippaux, CGRA 1: engineering and consulting François Jarrige, CGRA 2: administration and management 55 IRD par ticipation in scientific par tnerships ••• Groupements d’intérêt scientifique OCEANOMED, Marine research hub in the PACA region Sol, Sustainable management of soil heritage Curare, University discussion centre for an environmental hazards agency Institut Rhône Alpin des Systèmes Complexes, Complex systems institute Silvolab, Tropical rainforest ecosystems in French Guiana Pisciculture, Fish farming in Mediterranean and tropical regions GRISCYA, Cyanobacteria Europôle Mer, Marine science and technology Génopôle Montpellier Languedoc-Roussillon Ceped, Linkages between population and development Réseau Amérique latine, Information dissemination and facilitation of French social and human sciences research on Latin America IRSP, Public health research institute BRG, Genetic Resources Bureau IFB, French Biodiversity Institute Aire développement, Scientific and financial support for scientific communities in the South Génoplante recherche, Plant genomics PRAM, Martinique Agro-Environmental Research Centre CRVOI, Research and monitoring centre on emerging diseases in the Indian Ocean Production of indicators on the research and innovation system Research network in Île-de-France on sustainable development ••• Groupements d’intérêt public Médias France, Global change and regional impacts Mercator Océan, Ocean and climate forecasting Nickel et son Environnement, National centre for research and technology on nickel and its environment ANRS, National AIDS Research Agency Renater, National telecommunications network for technology, teaching and research Ecofor, Temperate forest ecosytems OST, Science and technology monitoring unit ••• Groupements d’intérêt économique Dial, Development of investigations into long-term adjustment Génavir, Management of oceanographic survey vessels ••• Groupements européens d’intérêt économique Edctp, European Developing Countries Clinical Trials Ecart, European Consortium for Agricultural Research in the Tropics ••• SAS Société par action simplifiée Génoplante Valor, Management and exploitation of intellectual property rights resulting from the Génoplante programme ••• Groupements de recherche (GDR) ACOMAR, Analysis, understanding and modelling of marine biology archives DIWOOD, Diversity, establishment and functioning of organisms associated with marine wood falls ••• National programmes PNEC, Coastal environments LEFE, Environment and Earth’s fluid envelopes PNTS, National remote sensing programme AMMA, African monsoon multidisciplinary analyses ECCO, Continental ecosphere: environmental hazards RELIEFS, National earth reliefs programme ••• Regional programmes ZONECO, Marine resources in the New Caledonia exclusive economic zone ZEPOLYF, Inventorying and mapping of sea mounts in the French Polynesian exclusive economic zone ••• Federative Research Institutes Lyon IFR 41, Ecology, genetics, evolution Marseille IFR 86, Agro-industrial biotechnology (BAIM) IFR 134, Economics and human and social sciences of health, Aix-Marseille Montpellier IFR 119, Tropical and Mediterranean continental biodiversity IFR 122, Montpellier Institute of Biology IFR 123, Languedoc Institute for Water and Environment Research (ILEE) IFR 127, Plant development, diversity and adaptattion – genes and phenotypes (Daphné) IFR 129, Aquatic ecosystems: human impact, functioning, products Paris IFR 071, Institute for the science of medicines (ISM) IFR 101, Ecology, biodiversity, evolution, environment IFR 106, Environment and management of rural areas (EGER) ••• Competitiveness hubs Mer-Bretagne (Sea-Nergie), in Brittany Q@limed, on food and quality of life in the Mediterranean region, in Languedoc Roussillon Risques, on risk management and local/regional vulnerability, in Provence-Alpes-Côte-d’Azur Mer Sécurité Sûreté (MSS): sea, safety, security and sustainable development, in Provence-Alpes-Côte-d’Azur Orpheme, on emerging and orphan diseases, in Languedoc Roussillon and Provence-Alpes-Côte-d’Azur Agronutrition en milieu tropical,on food and agriculture in tropical regions, in La Réunion Chairman Director General Secretary General Jean-François Girard Michel Laurent Vincent Desforges at 1 July 2007 Earth and environment department Living resources department* Societies and health department Capacity-building support Consulting and industrial liaison Information and communication Jacques Boulègue Bernard Dreyfus Jacques Charmes Alain Leplaideur Eva Giesen Marie-Noëlle Favier Legal affairs Head office administration International relations French overseas dependencies Scientific programming and regional action Evaluation and indicators Information systems Hervé Michel Jean-Charles Linet Daniel Lefort Roger Bambuck Christian Marion Benoît Lootvoet Gilles Poncet Legal affairs Headquarters administration Accounting office Hortense Moisand-Renard Christian Altairac Jean Fohrer Annual report • 2006 Central ser vices * To 28 February 2007 : Patrice Cayré 57 Research and ser vice units (US) (at 1 July 2007) ••• ARDUIN Pascal - US 9 SDEE - Demographic, epidemiological and environmental monitoring ••• ARFI Robert - Unit 167 CYROCO - Cyanobacteria of shallow tropical waters. Roles and controls ••• AUGER Pierre - Unit 79 GEODES - Mathematical and computer modelling of natural, biological and social complex systems ••• BARTHELEMY Daniel - Unit 123 AMAP (UMR) - Botany and bioinformatics of plant architecture ••• BOTTERO Jean-Yves - Unit 161 CEREGE (UMR) - European centre for research and education in the environmental geosciences ••• BOURGUET Denis - Unit 22 CBGP (UMR) - Centre for population biology and management ••• CHARVIS Philippe - Unit 82 GEOAZUR (UMR) - Géosciences Azur ••• CHAVANCE Pierre - Unit 7 OSIRIS - Monitoring and information systems for tropical fisheries ••• CHENORKIAN Robert - Unit 184 ESEP (UMR) - Prehistoric economies, societies and environments ••• CHOTTE Jean-Luc - Unit 179 SeqBio - Soil bio-functioning and carbon sequestration ••• COLIN Jean-Philippe - Unit 95 REFO - Land tenure regulations, public policy and stakeholder reasoning ••• CORMIER-SALEM Marie-Christine - Unit 169 Natural heritage, territories and identities ••• COT Michel - Unit 10 Mother and infant health in tropical environments: genetic and perinatal epidemiology ••• COTTON Fabrice - Unit 157 LGIT (UMR) - Tectonophysics and internal geophysics laboratory ••• COUDRAIN Anne - Unit 32 GREAT ICE - Glaciers and high altitude water resources – climatic and environmental indicators ••• COURET Dominique - Unit 29 URBI - Urban environment ••• CREUTIN Jean-Dominique - Unit 12 LTHE (UMR) - Laboratory for the study of transfers in hydrology and environment ••• CUNY Gérard - Unit 177 (UMR) - Trypanosomiasis in humans, animals and plants ••• DELAPORTE Éric - Unit 145 (UMR) - HIV/AIDS and associated diseases ••• DELAUNAY Daniel - Unit 13 MMP - Migration, mobility, settlement dynamics and territorial dynamics ••• FICHEZ Renaud - Unit 103 CAMELIA - Characterisation and modelling of exchanges in lagoons under terrigenous and human influences ••• DELPEUCH Francis - Unit 106 Nutrition, diet, societies ••• FONTENILLE Didier - Unit 16 Characterisation and control of vector populations ••• D’HERBES Jean-Marc - US 166 Evaluation and monitoring of the causes, mechanisms and consequences of desertification in arid and semi-arid regions ••• FREON Pierre - Unit 97 ECO-UP - Structure and functioning of exploited upwelling ecosystems: comparative analyses for an ecosystem approach to fisheries ••• DREYFUS Bernard - Unit 40 LSTM (UMR) - Laboratory for the study of tropical and Mediterranean symbiosis ••• DU PENHOAT Yves p.i. - Unit 65 LEGOS (UMR) - Laboratory for space-based geophysics and oceanography research ••• ECHEVERRIA Manuel - Unit 121 LGDP (UMR) - Plant genomics and plant development ••• EYMARD Laurence - Unit 182 LOCEAN (UMR) - Oceanography and climate laboratory: experiments and numerical approaches ••• FAURE Yves-André - Unit 23 DEVLOC - Local urban development. Dynamics and regulation ••• FERRARIS Jocelyne - Unit 128 CoRéUs - Biocomplexity of coral ecosystems in the Indo-Pacific ••• GARIN Patrice - Unit 183 G-EAU (UMR) - Water management, stakeholders and uses ••• GONZALEZ Jean-Paul - Unit 178 CTEM - Emergence of diseases: territories and conditionss ••• GOURIOU Yves - US 191 Ocean observing systems and operations at sea •••GRUENAIS Marc-Éric - Unit 2 ASSA - Health in Africa: health systems and actors ••• GUILLAUD Dominique - Unit 92 ADENTHRO - Human adaptation to tropical environments during the Holocene ••• HAMON Serge - Unit 188 DIA-PC (UMR) - Diversity and adaption of cultivated plants ••• HERRERA Javier - Unit 47 DIAL - Development, institutions and long-term analysis ••• LHOMME Jean-Paul - Unit 60 CLIFA - Climate and agro-system functioning ••• JOLIVET Marie-José - Unit 107 Cim - Identity construction and globalisation ••• LIVENAIS Patrick - Unit 151 LPED (UMR) - Population-environment-development laboratory ••• JOSSE Erwan - US 4 ACAPPELLA - Hydro-acoustics applied to fishery and aquatic ethology and ecology ••• MARSAC Francis - Unit 109 THETIS - Tropical tuna and pelagic ecosystems: taxis, interactions and exploitation strategies ••• KERR Yann - Unit 113 CESBIO (UMR) - Centre for the study of the biosphere from space ••• MERLE Olivier - Unit 163 (UMR) Magmas and volcanoes laboratory ••• LAE Raymond - Unit 70 RAP - Adaptive responses of fish shoals and populations to environmental pressure ••• LALLEMANT Marc - Unit 174 IRD-PHPT - Clinical epidemiology, mother and infant health and HIV in Southeast Asia ••• LANGE Marie-France - Unit 105 Knowledge and development ••• LAVELLE Patrick - Unit 137 BIOSOL (UMR) - Soil functioning and biodiversity ••• LEGENDRE Marc - Unit 175 CAVIAR - Characterisation and utilisation of fish diversity for integrated aquaculture ••• LE GUYADER Hervé - Unit 148 (UMR) - Systematics, adaption, evolution ••• MICHON Geneviève - Unit 168 Environmental dynamics between forest, agriculture and biodiversity: from local practices with nature to conservation policy ••• MOISSERON Jean-Yves - Unit 102 Public intervention, spaces, societies ••• MONTEL Jean-Marc - Unit 154 LMTG (UMR) - Laboratory for the study of mechanisms and transfers in geology ••• MORETTI Christian - US 84 Biodival - Knowledge of tropical plant resources and their uses ••• MORIZE Éric - US 28 CHRONOS - Age and chronophysiology in fish and aquatic molluscs ••• NEPVEU Françoise - Unit 152 (UMR) Pharmaceutical chemistry of natural substances and redox pharmacophores ••• NICOLE Michel - Unit 186 RPB (UMR) - Plant resistance to pests and diseases ••• OBERDORFF Thierry - Unit 131 AMAZONE - Macro-ecological approach to aquatic biodiversity in continental waters ••• ORTLIEB Luc - Unit 55 PALEOTROPIQUE - Tropical palaeo-environments and climate variability ••• SILVAIN Jean-François - Unit 72 BEI - Biodiversity and evolution of plant/insect-pest antagonist complexes ••• SIMONDON François - Unit 24 Epiprev - Epidemiology and prevention: environment and efficacy of interventionss ••• THEBE Bernard - US 19 OBHI - Hydrological monitoring systems and engineering ••• OUAISSI Ali - Unit 8 Pathogenics and epidemiology of the trypanosomatids ••• THOLOZAN Jean-Luc - Unit 180 LMBEC (UMR) - Microbiology and biotechnology of hot environments ••• QUEIXALOS Francisco - Unit 135 CELIA (UMR) - Centre for the study of indigenous languages of America ••• TRAPE Jean-François - Unit 77 Malaria research in tropical Africa ••• QUENSIERE Jacques p.i. - Unit 63 C3ED (UMR) - Economics and ethics for environment and development ••• TREGEAR James - Unit 192 Palm species ••• RENAUD François - Unit 165 (UMR) - Genetics and evolution of infectious diseases ••• ROUSSOS Sevastianos - Unit 185 Bio Trans - Biodiversity and functional ecology of microorganisms for processing recalcitrant compounds ••• SELIM Monique - Unit 3 Tem - Labour and globalisation Annual report • 2006 ••• HUYNH Frédéric - US 140 ESPACE - Assessments and spatialisation of environmental data ••• VALENTIN Christian - Unit 176 SOLUTIONS - Soils, land use, degradation and rehabilitation ••• VOLTZ Marc - Unit 144 LISAH (UMR) - Laboratory for the study of soil/agrosystem/hydrosystem interactions ••• DME: units in the Earth and Environment Department ••• DRV: units in the Living Resources Department ••• DSS: units in the Societies and Health Department ••• SERVAT Éric - Unit 50 HSM (UMR) - HydroSciences Montpellier 59 IRD establishments a r o u n d t h e w o r l d (at 1 July 2007) FRANCE Head office 213, rue La Fayette 75 480 Paris Cedex 10 Tél : + 33 (0)1 48 03 77 77 Centre de Bretagne Claude Roy BP 70 - 29280 Plouzané Cedex Tél. 02 98 22 45 01 Centre d’Ile de France Maurice Lourd 32, avenue Henri Varagnat 93143 Bondy Cedex Tél. 01 48 02 55 75 Centre de Montpellier Georges De Noni 911 avenue Agropolis BP 64501 - 34394 Montpellier cedex 5 Tél. 04 67 41 61 00 Centre d’Orléans Yveline Poncet 5 rue du Carbone 45072 Orléans Cedex 2 Tél. 02 38 49 95 00 FRENCH OVERSEAS TERRITORIES French Guiana Jean-François Daniel BP 165 - 97323 Cayenne cedex Tél. (05 94) 29 92 92 Martinique - Caribbean Marc Morell BP 8006 - 97259 Fort de France cedex Tél. 05 96 39 77 39 New-Caledonia and South Pacific Fabrice Colin BP A5 - 98848 Nouméa Cedex Tél. (687) 26 10 00 French Polynesia Jacques Iltis BP 529 - 98713 Papeete - Tahiti Tél. (689) 50 62 00 La Réunion Alain Borgel IRD - BP 172 97492 Sainte-Clotilde cedex Tél. (02 62) 29 56 29 AFRICA South Africa, Mozambique Jean-Marie Fritsch IRD auprès de l’IFAS - P.O. Box 542 Newtown 2113 Johannesburg 66, Margaret Mcingana Street (Market Theatre Precinct) Tél. (27 11) 836 05 61/64 Bénin, Togo Bruno Bordage IRD/SCAC Ambassade de France à Cotonou 128 bis rue de l’Université 75351 Paris 07 SP - France Tél. (229) 21 30 03 54 Burkina Faso Jean-Pierre Guengant 01 BP 182 - Ouagadougou 01 Tél. (226) 50 30 67 37 / 39 Cameroon François Rivière BP 1857 Yaoundé Tél. (237) 2220 15 08 Congo (République du) François Rivière Centre DGRST/IRD BP 1286, Pointe-Noire Tél. (242) 94 02 38/37 45 Côte d’Ivoire Philippe Solano p.i. IRD/SCAC Ambassade de France à Abidjan 128 bis rue de l’université 75351 Paris 07 SP Tunisia Antoine Cornet IRD - BP 434 El Menzah 4 - 1004 Tunis Tél. (216 71) 75 00 09 / 01 83 Egypt Nathalie Bernard-Maugiron p.i. P.O. Box. 26 - 12 211 Giza, Egypt Tél. (202) 2362 05 30 LATIN AMERICA Guinea IRD - BP 1984, Conakry Kenya Jean Albergel IRD Kenya, ICRAF United Nations Avenue, Gigiri P.O. Box 30677 00100 Nairobi Tél. (254 20) 722 4758 Mali Gilles Fédière IRD - BP 2528 - Bamako - Mali Tél. (223) 221 05 01 Morocco Henri Guillaume IRD - BP 8967 - 10000 Rabat Agdal Tél. (212) (0) 37 67 27 33 Niger Gilles Bezançon BP 11416 - Niamey Tél. (227) 20 75 38 27 Senegal, Cape-Verde, The Gambia, Guinea-Bissau and Mauritania, Christian Colin BP 1386 - CP 18524 Dakar - Sénégal Tél. (221) 849 83 30 Bolivia Jean-Joinville Vacher CP 9214 - 00095 La Paz Tél. (591 2) 278 29 69 / 42 Brazil Pierre Sabaté CP 7091 - Lago Sul 71619-970 - Brasilia (DF) Tél. (55 61) 32.48 53 23 Chile Gérard Hérail IRD - Casilla 53 390 - Correo Central Santiago 1 Tél. (56 2) 236 34 64 Ecuador Bernard Francou Whymper 442 y Coruña AP 17 12 857 Quito Tél. (593 2) 250 39 44 Mexico Abdelghani Chehbouni Calle Cicerón N°609 Col. Los Morales, Polanco C.P. 11530 México, D.F. Tél. (52 55) 52 80 76 88 Peru Pierre Soler Casilla 18 - 1209 - Lima 18 Tél. (51 1) 441 32 23 ASIA Indonesia Michel Larue Wisma Anugraha Jalan Taman Kemang 32 B Jakarta 12730 Tél. (62 21) 71 79 21 14 indoné Laos Daniel Benoit BP 5992 - Vientiane République du Laos Tél. (856 21) 45 27 07 Thailand Michel Tibayrenc IRD Representative Office French Embassy 29, Thanon Sathorn Tai Bangkok10120 Tél. (66 2) 627 21 90 Viêt-nam Jacques Berger Ambassade de France - service culturel 57 Than Hung Dao - Hanoï Tél. (84-4) 972 06 29 INDIAN OCEAN Madagascar Christian Feller BP 434 - 101 Antananarivo Tél. (261 20) 22 330 98 EUROPEAN UNION Patrice Cayré CLORA - IRD - 8 avenue des Arts B1210 Bruxelles - Belgium Tél. 32 2 506 88 48 Cover ©IRD – Michel Dukhan left to right ©IRD – Pierre Chevallier ©IRD – Philippe Chevalier ©IRD – Alexandre Ganachaud ©IRD – Claudine Campa ©IRD – Alain Borgel ©IRD – Ronan Lietar Contents ©IRD – Bernard Moizo ©IRD – Bernard Francou ©IRD – Jean-Michel Boré ©IRD – Vincent Simonneaux ©IRD – Joël Orempuller ©IRD – Claudine Campa page 5 ©IRD – Olivier Dargouge page 7 ©IRD – Marie-Lise Sabrié page 9 ©IRD – ©IRD – ©IRD – ©IRD – ©IRD – ©IRD – Olivier Dargouge Olivier Dargouge Ronan Lietar Michel Dukhan Ifremer/Fadio Jean-Michel Boré page 10 ©IRD – Bernard Francou page 11 ©IRD – Vincent Simonneaux page 12 ©IRD – Jean-Philippe Eissen page 13 ©IRD – Arnaud Vallée ©IRD – Yvan Repetto page14 ©IRD – Roger Fauck ©IRD – Johanna Derrider page15 ©IRD – Jean-Pierre Rafaillac page 16 ©IRD – Bernard de Mérona page 17 ©IRD – Edmond Hien page 18 ©IRD – Alain Rival page 19 ©IRD – Pierre Laboute ©IRD – Claire Garrigue page 20 ©IRD – Cécile Duwig © IRD – Claude Dejoux page 21 ©IRD – Michel Dukhan page 22 ©RD – Alain Ghesquiere page 23 ©IRD – Mathilde Savy ©IRD – Claire Mouquet-Rivier page 24 ©IRD – Jean-Jacques Lemasson page 38 ©IRD – Vincent Simonneaux Document produced by the Information and Communication Department page 39 ©IRD – Marc Pilon @IRD July 2007 - Coordinator: Marie-Noëlle Favier - Editing and production monitoring: Claire Roussel - Pictures from Indigo Base: Claire Lissalde and page 40 ©IRD – Patrick Blanchon ©IRD – Vincent Simonneaux Danièle Cavanna - Maps: Elisabeth Habert and Catherine Valton - Graphic design: Mazarine Image - Printing: imprimerie Jouve - Distribution: unité diffusion, Bondy - English translation: Harriet Coleman - Revision: Yolande page 41 ©IRD – Michel Grouzis ©IRD – Hubert Forestier Cavallazzi. page 42 ©IRD – Olivier Dargouge ©IRD – Vincent Simonneaux ©IRD – Bernard Moizo Marie-Laure Beauvais, Ouidir Benabderrahmane, Samira Ben Touhami, The following people took part in the editing: Catherine Bonte, Jacques Boulègue, Dominique Cavet, Marie-Simone Chandelier, Jacques Charmes, Samuel Cordier, Ariel Crozon, Sylvain Dehaud, Patrick Fayard, Eva Giesen, Malika Gravelier, Florence Lafay, Régine page 25 ©IRD – Cécile Neel page 43 ©IRD – Pascal Dumas page 26 ©IRD – Andre Garcia page 44 ©IRD – S. Janel ©IRD – Michel Dukhan Laurence Quinty Bourgeois, Marie-Christine Rebourcet, Ghislaine Thirion. page 45 ©IRD – Aster 2006 Laurence Albar, Serge Andrefouet, Patrice Baby, Sylvie Bredeloup, page 46 ©IRD – Joël Orempuller Michel Esteves, André Garcia, Alain Ghesquiere, Isabelle Guérin, page 27 ©IRD – Michel Dukhan page 28 ©IRD – Thierry Ruf page 29 ©Laurence Vallet ©IRD – Daniel Delaunay page 30 ©IRD – Michel Dukhan page 32 ©IRD – Jean-Michel Boré page 33 ©IRD – D.R. page 34 ©IRD – Christian Hartmann page 35 ©IRD – Jean-Marc Hougard ©IRD – Céline Ravallec page 36 ©IRD – Patrick Fayard ©IRD – Patrick Fayard page 37 ©IRD – Johanna Derrider ©IRD – SCAC / Ambassade de France ©IRD – Mina Vilayleck Annual report • 2006 PHOTO CREDITS Lefait-Robin, Benoît Lootvoet, Daniel Lefort, Alain Leplaideur, Rémy Louat Régis Menu, Bernadette Murgue, Harry Palmier, Alain Poulet, Anne Pruvot, Scientific examples: Jean-Philippe Colin, David Courtin, Eric Delaporte, Daniel Delaunay, Michel Lepage, Jean-Luc Le Pennec, Laurence Maurice, Jean-François Molino, Yves-Martin Prével, Daniel Sabatier, Francisco Véas. page 47 ©IRD – Jean-Jacques Lemasson page 48 ©IRD – Ronan Lietar ©IRD – Marc Morell ©IRD – Nadine Fievet The IRD would like to thank the following for their testimonies: Dramane Coulibaly, Amadou Mactar Konaté, Marie-Noëlle Ndjiondjop, Flobert Njiokou, Souleymane Ouédraogo, Pablo Samaniego. page 49 ©IRD – Christophe Maes ©IRD – Yann Hello ©IRD – Sylvain Bonvalot ©IRD – ASTER 2006 ©IRD – Michel Dukhan ©IRD – Marie-Eve Miguères page 50 ©IRD – Marie-Noëlle Favier page 54 ©IRD – Claudine Campa page 61 ©IRD – Bernard Moizo 61