© IRD/P. Laboute appendices < > ■ ■ BOARD OF TRUSTEES ■ Chairman (au at 1er1juin July2003) 2003 Jean-François GIRARD Representatives of the parent Ministries Ministry for Youth, National Education and Research 54 55 Michel Eddi Pierre Méry Assistant to the Director of Research Scientific advisor Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Development Co-operation Mireille Guigaz Director of Development and Technical Co-operation Ministry of Foreign Affairs Elisabeth Beton-Delègue Director of Scientific Co-operation and Research Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Industry Philippe Court Budget Directorate Ministry for Overseas Dependencies Alain Puzenat Assistant to the Director of Economic, Social and Cultural Affairs for the overseas dependencies External members Monique Capron Marion Guillou Pascale Joannot Hélène Lamicq Benoît Lesaffre Souad Lyagoubi Gérard Mégie Jean-Michel Severino Chair of the Board of Trustees, INSERM Director General, INRA Chief renovator of collections, National Museum of Natural History Professor, Paris XII University, Val-de-Marne Director General, CIRAD Former Minister of Health, Tunisia Chairman of the Board of Trustees, CNRS Director General, Agence française de développement Staff representatives Didier Brunet Alain Froment Pascal Grébaut Patrick Le Goulven Jacques Lombard Irène Salvert SNPR-FO , soil scientist, Brasilia SNCS-FSU , doctor of medicine, Orléans SNTRS-CGT , biology technician, Montpellier SNPR-FO , hydrologist, Montpellier STREM-SGEN-CFDT , anthropologist, Bondy STREM-SGEN-CFDT , head of in-service training, Paris appendices SCIENTIFIC COUNCIL AND COMMISSIONS at 1 July 2003 Chairman Alain Dessein Research director, INSERM, genetics and immunology Vice-chairman Bernard Dreyfus Research director, IRD, microbiology and symbioses Permanent members Elected members Michel Brossard Researcher, IRD, soil science Bernard Dupré Research director, CNRS, geochemistry Michel Lardy Research engineer, IRD, geophysics Members appointed by the Director General Alain Dessein Research director, INSERM, genetics and immunology Bernard Hubert Research director, INRA, agronomy and environment Jean-Luc Piermay Professor, Strasbourg I University, geography C O N S U LT A T I V E C O M M I T T E E O N P R O F E S S I O N A L C O N D U C T A N D E T H I C S (CCDE) Chairman Dominique Lecourt Key personalities from developing or emerging countries Appointed members Robert Barbault Francine Casse Alain Dessein Bernard Dupré Jean-Jacques Gabas Marc Gaborieau Bernard Hubert Louis Legendre Hervé Le Treut Achille Massougbodji Marie-Claude Maurel Jean-Bernard Minster Jean-Luc Piermay Alain Prinzhofer Rafael Loyola Diaz Professor, Paris VI University, ecology Professor, Montpellier II University, plant biology and genetics Research director, INSERM, genetics and immunology Research director, CNRS, geochemistry Senior lecturer, Paris XI University, economics Research director, CNRS, and director of studies, EHESS, anthropology Research director, INRA, agronomy and environment Director, Villefranche-sur-Mer Oceanography Laboratory, biological oceanography Research director, Dynamic Meteorology Laboratory, atmosphere physics Professor, Cotonou University (Benin), parasitology Professor, EHESS, geography Professor, California University, geophysics Professor, Strasbourg I University, geography Docteur d'État, French Petroleum Institute, geochemistry Elected members College I : IRD research directors Bernard Dreyfus microbiology and symbioses Christian Lévêque hydrobiology and environment Alain Mounier economics College II : IRD researchers Michel Brossard soil science Jean-François Etard epidemiology Olivier Grunberger soil science College III : IRD engineers, technicians and administrative staff Anne Glanard Studies engineer, documentation Michel Lardy Research engineer, geophysics Chairs of sectoral scientific commissions (CSS) and research and applications management commissions (CGRA) Michel Diament CSS1 Physical and chemical sciences of the global environment Jean-Paul Geiger CSS2 Biological and medical sciences Gérard Fabres CSS3 Sciences of ecological systems Emmanuel Grégoire CSS4 Humanities and social sciences Isabelle Ndjole Assouho Tokpanou geography geophysics soil science Jean-François Guégan health sciences Bernard Pelletier geology Josiane Seghieri ecology Francis Sondag Research engineer, geology Rémi Pochat CGRA1 Evaluation and analytical sciences Jean-Claude Bessemoulin CGRA2 Administration and management Director General, Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropologia Social (CIESAS), Mexico President, Forum for African Women Educationalists Cameroon (FAWECAM), Cameroon Key personalities in French science Marcel Jollivet Marcel Jolivet, emeritus research director, CNRS Jacques Weber Director, Institut français de la biodiversité, Paris IRD staff members Francis Kahn Marie-Lise Sabrié François Simondon Pierre Peltre Bernard Pontoise Christian Valentin Professor of philosophy, Paris VII University at 1 July 2003 IRD representative in Ecuador Head of Scientific Culture, Information and Communication department, Paris Director, Epidemiology and Prevention Unit (UR024), Montpellier < > ■ GENERAL STRUCTURE OF THE IRD at 1 July 2003 IRD CENTRAL SERVICES at 1 July 2003 ■ ■ 56 57 appendices IRD CENTRES AROUND THE WORLD MAINLAND FRANCE HEADQUARTERS 213, rue La Fayette F-75480 Paris Cedex 10 - France Tel.: +33 (0)1 48 03 77 77 Fax: +33 (0)1 48 03 08 29 www.ird.fr CENTRE D’ÎLE-DE-FRANCE Alain Morlière 32, avenue Henri Varagnat F-93143 Bondy Cedex - France Tel.: +33 (0)1 48 02 55 00 Fax: +33 (0)1 48 47 30 88 Direction-Centre@bondy.ird.fr www.bondy.ird.fr NEW CALEDONIA IRD representative for the South Pacific Christian Colin BP A5 - F-98848 Nouméa Cedex Tel.: (687) 26 10 00 Fax: (687) 26 43 26 Dir.Noumea@noumea.ird.nc www.ird.nc F R E N C H P O LY N E S I A Jacques Iltis BP 529 - Papeete - F-98713 Tahiti Tel.: (689) 50 62 00 Fax: (689) 42 95 55 dirpapet@ird.pf C E N T R E D E B R E TA G N E Claude Roy BP 70 - F-29280 Plouzané Cedex France Tel.: +33 (0)2 98 22 45 01 Fax: +33 (0)2 98 22 45 14 irdbrest@ird.fr www.brest.ird.fr REUNION ISLAND Jean Michel Stretta BP 172 F-97492 Sainte-Clotilde Cedex Tel.: +33 (0)2 62 29 56 29 Fax: +33 (0)2 62 28 48 79 stretta@la-reunion.ird.fr CENTRE DE MONTPELLIER Jean Claude Prot 911, avenue Agropolis - BP 64501 F-34394 Montpellier Cedex 5 - France Tel.: +33 (0)4 67 41 61 00 Fax: +33 (0)4 67 41 63 30 Directeur.Centre@mpl.ird.fr www.mpl.ird.fr AFRICA SOUTH AFRICA Benoît Antheaume IRD c/o IFAS P.O. Box 542 66, Wolhuter Street (Market Theatre Precinct) Newtown 2113 Johannesburg Tel.: (27 11) 836 05 61 /62 /63 /64 Fax: (27 11) 836 58 50 irdafsud@iafrica.com CENTRE D’ORLÉANS Yveline Poncet Technoparc, 5 rue du Carbone F-45072 Orléans Cedex 2 - France Tel.: +33 (0)2 38 49 95 00 Fax: +33 (0)2 38 49 95 10 Direction@orleans.ird.fr www.orleans.ird.fr FRENCH OVERSEAS DEPENDENCIES (DOM-TOM) FRENCH GUIANA Georges Henri Sala BP 165 - F-97323 Cayenne Cedex Tel.: +33 (0)5 94 29 92 92 Fax: +33 (0)5 94 31 98 55 dircay@cayenne.ird.fr www.cayenne.ird.fr MARTINIQUE - CARIBBEAN Daniel Barreteau Zone Acajou-Californie, Immeuble S.E. Minou F-97232 Le Lamentin Tel.: +33 (0)5 96 39 77 39 Fax: +33 (0)5 96 50 32 61 representant@ird-mq.fr www.ird-mq.fr BENIN Jean-Pierre Guengant Recette principale 01 BP 4414 - Cotonou Tel.: (227) 75 38 27 Fax: (227) 75 20 54 /28 04 guengant@ird.ne BURKINA FASO Alain Casenave 01 BP 182 - Ouagadougou 01 Tel.: (226) 30 67 37 Fax: (226) 31 03 85 direction@ird.bf www.ird.bf CAMEROON François Rivière BP 1857 - Yaoundé Tel.: (237) 220 15 08 Fax: (237) 220 18 54 riviere@ird.uninet.cm at 1 July 2003 CONGO Laurent Veysseyre Centre DGRST/IRD BP 1286, Pointe-Noire Tel.: (242) 94 02 38 /36 38 /37 43 /15 99 Fax: (242) 94 39 81 ird-pnr.dir@cg.celtelplus.com CÔTE D’IVOIRE Georges Hérault Ambassade de France à Abidjan 128 bis, rue de l’Université 75 351 Paris 07 SP Tel.: (225) 21 24 37 79 or (225) 21 35 96 03 Fax: (225) 21 75 47 26 rep@ird.ci www.ird.ci EGYPT Jean-Yves Moisseron P.O. Box 26 - 12 211 Giza Le Caire République Arabe d’Égypte Tel.: (202) 362 05 30 Fax: (202) 362 24 49 irdegypt@idsc.gov.eg GUINEA Luc Ferry BP 1984 - Conakry Tel.: (224) 40 44 22 Fax: (224) 40 92 42 ferryluc@yahoo.fr K E N YA Alain Albrecht IRD c/o WAX P.O. Box 30677 - Nairobi Tel.: (254) 2 52 47 58 Fax: (254) 2 52 40 01 ird@icraf.exch.cgiar.org MOROCCO (correspondant) Abdelghani Chehbouni Villa Wildad 91 rue Tensif Semlalia, Marrakech Tel.: (212) 44 42 03 46 Fax: (212) 44 44 74 35 irdmar@iam.net.ma MALI Joseph Brunet-Jailly BP 2528 - Bamako Tel.: (223) 221 05 01 Fax: (223) 221 64 44 Joseph.Brunet-Jailly@ird-ml.org NIGER Jean-Pierre Guengant BP 11416 - Niamey Tel.: (227) 75 38 27 Fax: (227) 75 20 54 /28 04 guengant@ird.ne SENEGAL, GAMBIA, M A U R I TA N I A , C A P E V E R D E AND GUINEA-BISSAU Jean-René Durand BP 1386 - Dakar, Sénégal Tel.: (221) 849 35 35 Fax: (221) 832 43 07 irdrep@ird.sn www.ird.sn TUNISIA Antoine Cornet BP 434 - 1004 El Menzah - Tunis Tel.: (216 71) 75 00 09 /01 83 Fax: (216 71) 75 02 54 ird.rep@ird.intl.tn L AT I N A M E R I C A BOLIVIA Jean-Pierre Carmouze CP 9214 - 00095 La Paz Tel.: (591) 2 278 29 69 /49 25 Fax: (591) 2 278 29 44 jpcarmouze@mail.megalink.com www.ird.org.bo BRAZIL Pierre Sabaté CP 7091 - Lago Sul 71619-970 - Brasilia (DF) Tel.: (55 61) 248 53 23 Fax: (55 61) 248 53 78 ird@apis.com.br www.ird.org.br CHILE Pierrick Roperch Casilla 53 390 Correo Central - Santiago 1 Tel.: (56 2) 236 34 64 Fax: (56 2) 236 34 63 ird-chili@ird.tie.cl www.chile.ird.fr ECUADOR Francis Kahn AP 17 12 857 - Quito Tel.: (5932) 2 504 856 or 2 234 436 or 2 503 944 Fax: (5932) 2 504 020 irdquito@ecnet.ec www.irdequateur.org.ec MEXICO Michel Portais AP 57297 - 06501 Mexico DF Tel.: (52) 52 80 76 88 /06 36 Fax: (52) 52 82 08 00 ird@ irdmex.org www.ird.org.mx PERU René Marocco Casilla 18 - 1209 Lima 18 Tel.: (51 1) 422 47 19 Fax: (51 1) 222 21 74 ird@amauta.rcp.net.pe ASIA INDONESIA Patrice Levang Wisma Anugraha Jalan Taman Kemang 32 B Jakarta 12730 Tel.: (62 21) 71 79 21 14 Fax: (62 21) 71 79 21 79 ird-indo@rad.net.id www.id.ird.fr LAOS Daniel Benoît BP 5992 - Ventiane République du Laos Tel./Fax: (856 21) 41 29 93 regierepird@laopdr.com THAILAND Christian Bellec IRD Representation Quality House Convent Bdg 38 Convent Rd. Silom, Bangrak Bangkok 10500 Tel.: 66 (0)2 632 11 00 Fax: 66 (0)2 632 11 01 ird_th@kcs.th.com www.th.ird.fr VIETNAM Jacques Berger Ambassade de France Service culturel 57 Than Hung Dao - Hanoï Tel.: (84 4) 972 06 29 Fax: (84 4) 972 06 30 repird@fpt.vn www.ambafrance-vn.org/ird INDIAN OCEAN MADAGASCAR François Jarrige BP 434 - 101 Antananarivo Tel: (261 20) 22 330 98 Fax: (261 20) 22 369 82 irdmada@represent.ird.mg www.ird.mg < > RESEARCH UNITS AND SERVICE UNITS ■ E A RT H A N D ENVIRONMENT Juste Gilbert US127 Geophysical and environmental monitoring Gilbert.Juste@bondy.ird.fr T H E E A RT H ’ S C R U S T: EVOLUTION AND N AT U R A L H A Z A R D S Le Cornec Florence US094 Geoscience of intertropical environments Lecornec@bondy.ird.fr ■ ■ Beaudou Alain US018 Updating and utilization of soil data in tropical and Mediterranean environments beaudou@bondy.ird.fr http://valpedo.mpl.ird.fr/ Charvis Philippe UR082 UMR Géosciences Azur direction@geoazur.unice.fr http://geoazur.unice.fr/index.html Colin Fabrice UR037 Supergenic biogeodynamics and tropical geomorphology fabrice.colin@noumea.ird.nc www.cerege.fr/ Dupré Bernard UR154 UMR* Geological transfer mechanisms laboratory dupre@lmtg.ups-tlse.fr www.obs-mip.fr/umr5563/ 58 59 Robain Henri UR027 Interactions between aquifers and organisation of weathered overburden Henri.Robain@bondy.ird.fr www.bondy.ird.fr/ur027_geovast/ Robin Claude UR031 Volcanic processes and hazards C.Robin@opgc.univ-bpclermont.fr www.brest.ird.fr/geodyn/ programme.html C O N T I N E N TA L , C O A S TA L AND MARINE ENVIRONMENTS Charpy Loïc UR099 Marine cyanobacteria lcharpy@com.univ-mrs.fr www.com.univ-mrs.fr/IRD/urcyano/ Fritsch Emmanuel UR058 Weathering and soil formation processes and transfer accounting in the tropical geosphere emmanuel.fritsch@lmcp.jussieu.fr Duprey Jean-Louis US122 Analytical resources duprey@cayenne.ird.fr www.ird.nc/dme/dme_s122.htm Jault Dominique UR157 UMR* Internal geophysics and tectonic physics laboratory direction-lgit@obs.ujf-grenoble.fr www-lgit.obs.ujf-grenoble.fr/ Fichez Renaud UR103 Characterisation and modelling of exchanges in lagoon ecosystems fichez@noumea.ird.nc www.ird.nc/CAMELIA/ at 1 July 2003 Huynh Frédéric US140 Assessments and spatialisation of environmental knowledge huynh@ird.fr www.espace.ird.fr/ Ribstein Pierre UR032 Glaciers and water resources in the tropical Andes ribstein@msem.univ-montp2.fr www.mpl.ird.fr/hydrologie/greatice/ Menaut Jean-Claude UR113 UMR* Centre for spatial study of the biosphere jean-claude.menaut@cesbio.cnes.fr www.cesbio.ups-tlse.fr Soler Pierre UR086 UMR Climatology and dynamic oceanography laboratory Pierre.Soler@lodyc.jussieu.fr www.lodyc.jussieu.fr/ Perrier Edith UR079 Geometry of organised spaces, environmental dynamics and simulations Perrier@bondy.ird.fr www.bondy.ird.fr/geodes/ WAT E R R E S O U R C E S A N D S U S TA I N A B L E WAT E R MANAGEMENT C L I M AT E : VA R I A B I L I T Y A N D I M PA C T Dessier Alain US025 Marine research resources and ocean monitoring Alain.Dessier@ird.fr www.brest.ird.fr/us025/ Monfray Patrick UR065 UMR Research laboratory for space-based oceanography and geophysics monfray-dir@legos.obs-mip.fr www.obs-mip.fr/legos/ Ortlieb Luc UR055 Tropical paleoenvironments and climate change Luc.Ortlieb@bondy.ird.fr Creutin Jean-Dominique Laboratory for UR012 UMR the study of transfers in hydrology and environment lthe@hmg.inpg.fr www.lthe.hmg.inpg.fr/ Le Goulven Patrick US048 Dynamics, impact and utilisation of water engineering structures Patrick.LeGoulven@mpl.ird.fr www.mpl.ird.fr/hydrologie/divha/ Servat Eric UR050 UMR Hydroscience Eric.Servat@msem.univ-montp2.fr www.msem.univ-montp2.fr/ umrhydro.php3 Thebe Bernard US019 Hydrological observatories and engineering Bernard.Thebe@mpl.ird.fr www.usobhi.net/ Voltz Marc UR144 UMR* Laboratory for the study of soil/agrosystem/hydrosystem interactions voltz@ensam.inra.fr http://sol.ensam.inra.fr/lisah/ Internet.asp LIVING RESOURCES A G R I C U LT U R A L AND MICROBIAL BIODIVERSITY M i c ro b i o l o g y and associated biotechnologies Auria Richard Biodepollution rauria@esil.univ-mrs.fr UR120 Dreyfus Bernard UR040 UMR Tropical and Mediterranean symbioses Dreyfus@mpl.ird.fr Labat Marc Post-harvest microbial biotechnology labat@esil.univ-mrs.fr UR119 Ollivier Bernard Microbiology of extreme environments Ollivier@esil.univ-mrs.fr UR101 appendices RESEARCH UNITS AND SERVICE UNITS Dynamics, conservation and utilisation of biodiversity Barthélémy Daniel UR123 UMR Botany and bioinformatics of plant architecture barthelemy@cirad.fr http://amap.cirad.fr/ Delseny Michel UR121 UMR Rice genomics delseny@univ-perp.fr Dosba Françoise UR142 UMR Developmental biology of perennial crops dosba@ensam.inra.fr www.montpellier.inra.fr/umr-bepc/ Hamon Serge UR141 UMR Diversity and genomes of crop species Serge.Hamon@mpl.ird.fr www.dgpc.org Leblanc Olivier UR090 Biology and molecular bases of apomixis O.Leblanc@cgiar.org Biocenotics Chazeau Jean US001 Terrestrial biodiversity and environment in the tropical Pacific Chazeau@noumea.ird.nc Lery Xavier UR132 Potato moth: pathogen diversity and management xavier_lery@hotmail.com Morand Serge UR022 UMR Population biology and management morand@ensam.inra.fr www.montpellier.inra.fr/CBGP/ Moretti Christian US084 Knowledge and utilisation of plant biodiversity christian.moretti@orleans.ird.fr www.orleans.ird.fr/biodival Silvain Jean-François UR072 Biodiversity and evolution of plant/insect-pest antagonist complexes silvain@pge.cnrs-gif.fr A Q U AT I C E C O L O G Y A N D F I S H E RY ( F R E S H WAT E R AND MARINE) at 1 July 2003 Fréon Pierre UR097 Spatial dynamics and interactions of renewable resources in upwelling ecosystems Pfreon@mcm.wcape.gov.za http://sea.uct.ac.za/marine/idyle/ Gerlotto François UR061 Eco-ethology of marine pelagic fish fgerlotto@ifop.cl Lae Raymond UR070 Adaptive responses of fish to environmental pressure Raymond.Lae@ird.sn www.ird.sn/activites/rap/index.htm Marsac Francis UR109 Tropical tuna: environment, exploitation and interactions in ecosystems Marsac@ird.fr www.brest.ird.fr/ur109/index.htm Biosystematics Legendre Marc UR081 Genome/population/environment interactions in tropical fish marc.legendre@mpl.ird.fr Le Guyader Hervé UR148 UMR* Systematics, adaption, evolution herve.le-guyader@snv.jussieu.fr Population ecology Ferraris Jocelyne UR128 Ecosystem approach to Pacific island reef communities ferraris@noumea.ird.nc * conditional on signature of establishment contract or constituting agreement E n v i ro n m e n t a n d populations Utilisation Chavance Pierre US007 Fishery information systems Pierre.Chavance@ird.sn www.ird.sn/activites/sih/index.htm Lhomme Jean-Paul UR060 Climate and agro-system functioning Lhomme@cefe.cnrs-mop.fr Josse Erwan US004 Fishery acoustics Erwan.Josse@ird.fr www.brest.ird.fr/us004/index.htm Poss Roland UR067 Cultivated soils with severe physico-chemical limitations in hot regions Roland.Poss@msem.univ-montp2.fr www.ird.sn/activites/ariane/ Morize Eric US028 Schlerochronology of aquatic animals Eric.Morize@ird.fr Valentin Christian UR049 Erosion and land use changes Valentinird@laopdr.com www.ur049.ird.fr/ TERRESTRIAL ECOSYSTEMS AND RESOURCES A b i o t i c e n v i ro n m e n t a l interactions and soil fauna diversity ( a g ro d i v e r s i t y ) Arfi Robert UR098 Algal blooms: determining factors and consequences arfi@ird.sn www.mpl.ird.fr/flag Chotte Jean-Luc UR083 Biological interactions in tropical soils used by man Jean-Luc.Chotte@ird.sn Guiral Daniel UR053 Coastal water ecosystems under the influence of the Amazon Guiral@cayenne.ird.fr Feller Christian UR041 Carbon sequestration in tropical soils Feller@mpl.ird.fr Paugy Didier UR131 Environmental variability and biological strategies of aquatic communities paugy@mnhn.fr Lavelle Patrick UR137 UMR* Soil functioning and biodiversity Patrick.Lavelle@bondy.ird.fr www.bondy.ird.fr/lest/iboy Economics of uses o f t h e e n v i ro n m e n t Fournier Anne UR136 Protected areas, ecosystems, management and peripheral functions Anne.Fournier@orleans.ird.fr www.orleans.ird.fr/Aires_protegees/ index.htm Requier Desjardins Denis Economics and UR063 UMR* governance of the environment and natural resources denis.requier-desjardins@c3ed.uvsq.fr www.c3ed.uvsq.fr/ eger/ < > RESEARCH UNITS AND SERVICE UNITS ■ ■ ■ Management of farming a re a s Hervé Dominique UR100 Agrarian transitions and ecological dynamics herve@mpl.ird.fr www.ird.mg/UR100.htm Pontanier Roger US017 Fallowing in tropical Africa ponpon@ird.sn www.ird.sn/activites/jachere/index.htm URBAN DYNAMICS UR029 Delaunay Daniel UR013 Mobility and urban recomposition daniel.delaunay@bondy.ird.fr Dubresson Alain UR023 Local urban development - dynamics and regulation Tél. : 01 40 97 75 54 alain.dubresson@u-paris10.fr HUMANS IN THEIR ENVIRONMENT Chauveau Jean-Pierre UR095 Regulation of land tenure J-Pierre.Chauveau@mpl.ird.fr 60 Guffroy Jean UR092 Human adaption to tropical environments in the Holocene Jean.Guffroy@orleans.ird.fr www.adentrho.org Michon Geneviève UR112 Between forest and farm: from deforestation to agro-forest dynamics Michon@engref.fr Paris François UR088 Long-term society/environment dynamics in North Africa Francois.Paris@ird.intl.tn SOCIETIES A N D H E A LT H Couret Dominique Urban environment Couretdo@bondy.ird.fr Cormier-Salem Marie-Christine Heritage and territory UR026 Cormier@mnhn.fr Ruf Thierry UR044 Social dynamics of irrigation thierry.ruf@mpl.ird.fr www.mpl.ird.fr/LEA/nouvellesUR/ DSI.html Vimard Patrice UR151 UMR* Population, environment and development laboratory vimard@up.univ-mrs.fr at 1 July 2003 Landaburu Jon UR135 UMR Centre for the study of indigenous languages of America jlandabu@vjf.cnrs.fr Gruénais Marc-Eric UR002 Socio-anthropology of health Gruenais@ehess.cnrs-mrs.fr http://durandal.cnrs-mrs.fr/ shadyc/accueil.html Lallemant Marc UR054 Clinical epidemiology, mother-infant health and HIV in developing countries lecoeur@loxinfo.co.th Lena Philippe UR078 Globalisation and local development in the Amazon Philippelena@aol.com Salem Gérard UR093 Populations and health hazard areas Gsalem@ext.jussieu.fr Nepveu Françoise UR152 UMR* Pharmaceutical chemistry of natural substances and redox pharmacophores nepveu@cict.fr Roubaud François Growth, inequality and the role of the State roubaud@dial.prd.fr www.dial.prd.fr/ UR047 Schlemmer Bernard UR105 Knowledge and development Schlemmer@bondy.ird.fr Selim Monique UR003 Globalisation and labour monique.selim@bondy.ird.fr Théry Hervé UR021 UMR* Territory and globalisation in countries of the South Herve.Thery@ens.fr INTERACTIONS BETWEEN S O C I E T I E S A N D H E A LT H DEVELOPMENT POLICY A N D G L O B A L I S AT I O N Baré Jean-François UR102 Public intervention, spaces, societies bare@regards.cnrs.fr Jolivet Marie-José UR107 Globalisation and the construction of identity jolivet@bondy.ird.fr Chippaux Jean-Philippe US009 Integrated research on population health Jean-Philippe.Chippaux@ird.sn Delpeuch Francis Nutrition, food, societies Delpeuch@mpl.ird.fr UR106 Simondon François UR024 Epidemiology and prevention françois.simondon@mpl.ird.fr www.mpl.ird.fr/epiprev/ Ouaïssi Ali UR008 Pathogenics of trypanosomatids Ali.Ouaissi@montp.inserm.fr Cot Michel Mother and infant health mscot@club.internet.fr UR010 Tibayrenc Michel UR062 UMR Molecular genetics of parasites and vectors Michel.Tibayrenc@mpl.ird.fr http://cepm.mpl.ird.fr/cepm/index.htm Cuny Gérard African trypanosomiais Gerard.Cuny@mpl.ird.fr UR035 Trape Jean-François Malaria in tropical Africa trape@ird.sn MAJOR ENDEMIC DISEASES UR077 Delaporte Eric UR036 Medical management of AIDS in Africa Eric.Delaporte@mpl.ird.fr Gonzalez Jean-Paul Emerging viral diseases and information systems frjpg@mahidol.ac.th www.ur034.ird.fr/ UR034 Hougard Jean-Marc UR016 Characterisation and control of vector populations Hougard@mpl.ird.fr www.mpl.ird.fr/vecteur/ * conditional on signature of establishment contract or constituting agreement