NORTH PENN SCHOOL DISTRICT Lansdale, PA 19446-3960 INFORMATIONAL SHEETS ITEM NUMBER: __22-16____ ==================================================================== SUBJECT: New Board Policy MONTH/YEAR PRESENTED TO BOARD: April 2016 INITIATED BY: Dr. Diane Holben COMMITTEE: Education/Community/Policy Committee RECOMMENDATION: Recommend approval of new Board Policy #3730: Workers’ Compensation Policy ==================================================================== BACKGROUND: A new policy is being presented for the Board’s review and approval process. That policy is as follows: Board Policy #3730: Workers’ Compensation Policy The policy has been reviewed by the NPSD Solicitor. Date Prepared: 4/6/2016 NORTH PENN SCHOOL DISTRICT School Board Policy 3730 BUSINESS Workers’ Compensation Authority Workers’ Compensation is mandated by law and all employees are covered while in the course and scope of their employment. Purpose Working safely is a basic responsibility of all employees. The District shall strive to maintain safe working conditions and use necessary resources to accomplish this endeavor. Employees are expected to obey safety and health policies, procedures, and rules, as defined in Policy 3720 and Regulation 3720. These may be found on the intranet, Employee Tools, Policies & Regulations, Series 3000, 3720. Guidelines A claim for workers’ compensation must be submitted in accordance with this policy and approved by the District’s workers’ compensation carrier in accordance with law. It is the employee’s duty to notify his/her supervisor immediately, consistent with the law so that proper action may be taken by the District. The employee shall cooperate with the District in completion of any reports. If necessary, the employee shall visit a physician on North Penn School District’s approved panel of physicians’ listing. There is no cost to any employee for an approved workers’ compensation claim related bill. Employees do not contribute payments towards the Districts’ Workers’ Compensation insurance program. Current law states seven (7) calendar days, which is a maximum of five (5) work days, must elapse before workers’ compensation begins paying the employee indemnity payments. However, if the employee is off work more than thirteen (13) calendar days, which is a maximum of ten (10) work days, workers’ compensation pays indemnity retroactive to the first day. To the extent Family Medical Leave (FMLA) is applicable, the initial twelve (12) weeks of workers’ compensation leave shall run concurrent with the FMLA entitlement. The District has the right to designate the leave as FMLA. FMLA is a Federal law giving employees 12 weeks of job protected leave. It is not the intent that an employee’s position will be held open indefinitely. Aside from any applicable restrictions set forth by statute or through the negotiated terms of a Collective Bargaining Agreement, the District will only maintain job availability for an absent employee for two (2) years after the onset of the absence. If said employee has health benefits through the District, said benefits will remain intact for a period not to exceed two (2) years, provided the District receives the employee’s premium portion in a timely fashion. Otherwise, benefits will be terminated and COBRA will be offered. If the employee remains out of work longer than two (2) years, COBRA will be offered at the end of the two (2) years. Policy: Adopted: May 19, 2016 NORTH PENN SCHOOL DISTRICT Lansdale, PA 19446-3960 INFORMATIONAL SHEETS ITEM NUMBER: 45-16_______ ============================================================================= SUBJECT: Security Upgrades at North Penn High School and the Educational Services Center Project MONTH/YEAR PRESENTED TO BOARD: May 2016 INITIATED BY: Thomas Schneider COMMITTEE: Support Services RECOMMENDATION: Recommend award of the electrical construction low bidder’s contract for the Security Upgrades at North Penn High School and the Educational Services Center Project. ============================================================================= BACKGROUND: Bids were opened on May 10, 2016 for the rebid of the electrical construction work for the Security Upgrades at North Penn High School and the Educational Services Center Project. The low bidder for the project is: Walter Brucker & Co., Inc. $205,300.00 The Administration recommends award of the general construction work to Walter Brucker & Co., Inc. The bids received for the project include: Bidder Walter Brucker ETI SJ Thomas Bid Amount $ $ $ 196,500.00 218,000.00 287,700.00 Alt EC-1 Stair Cameras $ $ $ 8,800.00 9,600.00 27,900.00 Total Bid All Alts $ $ $ 205,300.00 227,600.00 315,600.00 G:\Shared Folder\Board Meeting Documents\2016 Agendas\May 19, 2016 - Action\Informational Sheets\IS_NPHS_ESC_SecurityEC_2016May.docx 45-16.docx NORTH PENN SCHOOL DISTRICT Lansdale, PA 19446-3960 INFORMATIONAL SHEETS ITEM NUMBER: 46-16_______ ============================================================================= SUBJECT: Appoint Steve Skrocki as the PEMA/FEMA Designated Agent MONTH/YEAR PRESENTED TO BOARD: May 2016 INITIATED BY: Thomas Schneider COMMITTEE: Support Services RECOMMENDATION: Recommend the appointment of Steve Skrocki as the District’s agent to execute all required forms and documents for the purpose of obtaining financial assistance under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act. ============================================================================= BACKGROUND: In the past few months the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA) requested North Penn School District to participate in the submission of costs for the snow removal during winter storm Jona on January 23 – 25. These costs along with numerous other entities were submitted to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and in April President Obama approved the submission by PEMA. Part of the process to receive reimbursement from FEMA and PEMA is to designate an agent for the District authorizing them to execute all required forms and documents for the purpose of obtaining financial assistance under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act. G:\Shared Folder\Board Meeting Documents\2016 Agendas\May 19, 2016 - Action\Informational Sheets\IS_PEMA_FEMA_2016May.docx 46-16.docx NORTH PENN SCHOOL DISTRICT Lansdale, PA 19446-3960 INFORMATIONAL SHEETS ITEM NUMBER: 47-16_______ ============================================================================= SUBJECT: 2016 – 2017 Repair Contracts MONTH/YEAR PRESENTED TO BOARD: May 2016 INITIATED BY: Thomas Schneider COMMITTEE: Support Services RECOMMENDATION: Recommend award for the 2016 - 2017 repair contracts to the low bidder. ============================================================================= BACKGROUND: Bids were opened on May 9, 2016 for the 2016 - 2017 Asphalt Paving, New and Replacement Concrete, and Carpet and Tile Replacement contracts. The low bidder for the Asphalt Paving contract is: David DiPalantino Contracting The Administration recommends award of the 2016 - 2017 Asphalt Paving contract to David DiPalantino Contracting. The bids received for the project include: Bidder Parking Lot/Roadway A-1 Bid Price per Square Yard Parking Parking Parking Lot/Roadway Lot/Roadway Lot/Road A-2 A-3 way A-4 David DiPalantino Contracting $12.40 $24.80 Asphalt Walkway/Pla ying Areas B2 $29.60 Bid Price per Square Yard Asphalt Asphalt Walkway/Pla Walkway/Pla ying Areas B- ying Areas B3 4 $54.00 $56.00 Bidder David DiPalantino Contracting $54.00 C:\Users\krausesr\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\XJXGTIGG\IS_Repair_2016_2017_2016May.docx $52.00 Pothole Repairs $72.00 Asphalt Walkway/Pla ying Areas B1 $12.90 Linear Foot Asphalt Asphalt Sealing/<1" Sealing/> per LF 1" per LF $0.90 $1.90 The low bidder for the 2016 – 2017 New and Replacement Concrete contract is: Jay Hoffman & Sons The Administration recommends award of the 2016 - 2017 New and Replacement Concrete contract to Jay Hoffman & Sons. The bids received for the project include: Curb Ramp Over Excavation per cubic yard $12.00 Bidder Hoffman & Sons Replacement Sidewalk per square foot $10.50 New Sidewalk per square foot $7.75 Bidder Hoffman & Sons Detectable Warning Surface $10.50 Replacement Curbing per Replacement lineal foot Stairs each $7.75 $2,900.00 Curb Ramp 2A Modified per ton $16.50 The low bidder for the 2016 – 2017 Carpet and Tile Installations contract is: Wright Flooring, Inc. The Administration recommends award of the 2016 – 2017 Carpet and Tile Installations contract to Wright Flooring, Inc.. The bids received for the project include: Bidder Wright Flooring Co. Inc. Bidder Wright Flooring Co. Inc. Bridle Path Carpet Gywn-Nor Carpet Knapp Carpet Oak Park Tile Oak Park Carpet Penndale Tile $5,580.00 $1,575.00 $4,506.00 $5,760.00 $3,600.00 $19,960.00 High School Carpet Carpet Install w/removal sqft Tile Install Tile Install w/no Minor w/removal removal Floor sqft sqft Patch sqft Complete Skim Floor Patch sqft $14,125.00 $3.85 $3.00 $0.70 C:\Users\krausesr\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\XJXGTIGG\IS_Repair_2016_2017_2016May.docx $2.65 $0.60 NORTH PENN SCHOOL DISTRICT Lansdale, PA 19446-3960 INFORMATIONAL SHEETS ITEM NUMBER: _48-16______ ============================================================================= SUBJECT: 2016 – 2019 Maintenance Service Contracts MONTH/YEAR PRESENTED TO BOARD: May 2016 INITIATED BY: Thomas Schneider COMMITTEE: Support Services RECOMMENDATION: Recommend award of the 2016 – 2019 Maintenance Service contracts to the low bidder. ============================================================================= BACKGROUND: Bids were opened on May 9, 2016 for the 2016 – 2019 Fire Alarm, Integrated Pest Management, Sprinkler and Water Testing and Treatment Maintenance Service contracts. The low bidder for the 2016 – 2019 Fire Alarm Maintenance Service contract is: Fire and Security Technologies, Inc. The Administration recommends award of the 2016 - 2019 Fire Alarm Maintenance Service contract to Fire and Security Technologies, Inc. The bids received for the project include: Bidder Fire and Security Technologies Kistler O'Brien Life Safety Security Simplex Grinnell Total Fire Safety Bid Amount 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 $13,250.00 $14,250.00 $15,250.00 $24,422.00 $14,352.00 $17,929.00 $17,750.00 $20,900.00 $14,352.00 $18,008.00 $16,600.00 $20,900.00 $14,352.00 $18,008.00 $16,600.00 The low bidder for the 2016 – 2019 Integrated Pest Management Service contract is: Orkin LLC The Administration recommends award of the 2016 – 2019 Integrated Pest Management Service contract to Orkin LLC. C:\Users\krausesr\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\XJXGTIGG\IS_Sevice_2016_2019_2016May.docx The bids received for the project include: Bidder Orkin, LLC Bid Amount 2016-2017 $9,450.00 2017-2018 $9,450.00 2018-2019 $9,450.00 The low bidder for the 2016 – 2019 Sprinkler Maintenance contract is: Life Safety Engineered Systems The Administration recommends award of the 2016 – 2019 Sprinkler Maintenance contract to Life Safety Engineered Systems. The bids received for the project include: Bid Amount Bidder 2016-2017 Bershire Systems Group, Inc. $34,589.00 Kistler O'Brien $25,960.00 Life Safety Engineered $16,320.00 Systems Simplex Grinnell $24,109.00 Total Fire Safety $24,990.00 2017-2018 $31,416.00 $18,040.00 2018-2019 $34,196.00 $20,770.00 $12,000.00 $14,940.00 $16,172.00 $24,990.00 $17,897.00 $26,656.00 The low bidder for the 2016 – 2019 Water Testing and Treatment contract is: Scientific Boiler Water Condition Co. The Administration recommends award of the 2016 – 2019 Water Testing and Treatment contract to Scientific Boiler Water Condition Co. The bids received for the project include: Bidder Barclay Water Management Scientific Boiler Water Cond. Co. Bid Amount 2016-2017 $18,000.00 2017-2018 $18,000.00 2018-2019 $18,000.00 $10,200.00 $10,800.00 $10,800.00 C:\Users\krausesr\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\XJXGTIGG\IS_Sevice_2016_2019_2016May.docx NORTH PENN SCHOOL DISTRICT Lansdale, PA 19446-3960 INFORMATIONAL SHEETS ITEM NUMBER: _49-16__ ============================================================================= SUBJECT: Keystone Stars Grant 2016 MONTH/YEAR PRESENTED TO BOARD: May 2016 INITIATED BY: Dr. Diane Holben COMMITTEE: Education/Community/Policy RECOMMENDATION: Recommend approval to apply for merit grant funding from the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services’ Keystone Stars Program in the amount of $4725.00. ============================================================================= BACKGROUND: Merit grants are currently available from the Department of Human Services to assist child care centers who participate in the Keystone Stars Program, Pennsylvania’s program to improve the quality of child care. This voluntary program recognizes regulated child care providers who exceed state health and safety standards. The funding will be used to purchase supplies and materials and to replace consumable and worn equipment. The district is eligible to apply for and receive $4725.00 for the program at Oak Park Elementary. DATE PREPARED: 5/4/16 NORTH PENN SCHOOL DISTRICT Lansdale, PA 19446-3960 INFORMATIONAL SHEETS ITEM NUMBER: __50-16___ ============================================================================= SUBJECT: Textbook Adoption 2016 MONTH/YEAR PRESENTED TO BOARD: May 2016 INITIATED BY: Dr. Diane Holben COMMITTEE: Education/Community/Policy RECOMMENDATION: Recommend approval for adoption of textbooks as listed. ============================================================================= BACKGROUND: The textbooks listed below have been identified through our curriculum review process. These texts will be available for review prior to adoption which is scheduled for May 19, 2016. SOCIAL STUDIES 1. America’s History – 8th Edition – Bedford St. Martins © 2014 Student text for 10th grade AP United States History (level AP). The estimated price of the text & supplemental resources is $150.24. Approximately 150 text books are needed for a total approximate cost of $22,536. 2. The Choices Program – Current Issues Series – Brown University © 2010 Curriculum program for new 12th grade Contemporary Global Issues course that includes texts& technologybased resources. The estimated cost of the program is $21,996.60 for four (4) class sets. 3. World History & Geography – McGraw Hill Education © 2014 Student text for 11th grade World History course. The estimated price of the text & supplemental resources is $105.24. Approximately 1200 text books are needed for a total approximate cost of $126,282.37 WORLD LANGUAGE 1. Discovering French Today! – Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publshing © 2013 Student text for grades 10 & 11 French 3H & French 4H classes. The estimated price of the text & supplemental resources is $119.63. Approximately 200 text books are needed for a total approximate cost of $23,925.46 2. Adventures in Japanese 3- 4th Edition - Cheng & Tsui © 2016 Student text for 12th grade Japanese 3 classes. The estimated price of the text & supplemental resources is $166.38. Approximately 40 texts are needed for a total approximate cost of $6,655.00 SECONDARY ENGLISH 1. My Perspectives – Pearson © 2016 Student text for 7th – 9th grade English courses. The estimated price of the text is $128.70. Approximately 3,280 texts are needed for a total approximate cost of $360,171.89. SECONDARY READING 1. Language Live! – Voyager Sopris © 2015 Student text for 8th & 9th grade Reading Support courses. The estimated price of the text & supplemental resources is $188.10. Approximately 100 texts are needed for a total approximate cost of $18,810. 2. Collections Close Reader & Performance Assessment - Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publshing © 2017 Student text for 10th – 12th grade Literature Explorations courses. The estimated price of the text & supplemental resources is $42.78. Approximately 215 texts are needed for a total approximate cost of $9,197.96. DATE PREPARED: 4/6/16 NORTH PENN SCHOOL DISTRICT Lansdale, PA 19446-3960 INFORMATIONAL SHEETS ITEM NUMBER: __51-16 ============================================================================= SUBJECT: 2015-16 ASSIGNMENTS - EXTRA DUTY MONTH/YEAR PRESENTED TO BOARD: May 2016 INITIATED BY: Dr. Diane Holben COMMITTEE: Board Leadership RECOMMENDATION: Recommend approval of additions and changes to extra duty assignments for the 2015-16 school year. ============================================================================= BACKGROUND: GROUP EXPERIENCE SALARY Chris Barr, Assistant Coach – Girls Lacrosse Nicole Yetter, Dept. Chair – Guidance 3 - A 0 $ 3, 024.00 $ 474.80 FROM: Fran Herschmann, Dept. Chair – Special Ed. TO: Dana Boccella, Dept. Chair – Special Ed. - 0 $ FROM: Robert Hoffman, Drama – Stage TO: Debra Buckner, Drama – Stage 1 G $ 2, 316.00 RECOMMENDATIONS NPHS CHANGES PD PF Date Prepared: May 11, 2016 824.70 NORTH PENN SCHOOL DISTRICT Lansdale, PA 19446-3960 INFORMATIONAL SHEETS ITEM NUMBER: 52-16____ ==================================================================== SUBJECT: New & Amended Board Policies MONTH/YEAR PRESENTED TO BOARD: May 2016 INITIATED BY: Dr. Diane Holben COMMITTEE: Education/Community/Policy Committee RECOMMENDATION: Recommend approval of new Board Policy #3650: Federal Fiscal Compliance Policy and amended Board Policy #5127: Graduation. ==================================================================== BACKGROUND: Two policies are being presented for the Board’s review and approval process. Those policies are follows: New Board Policy #3650: Federal Fiscal Compliance Policy Amended Board Policy #5127: Graduation The policy has been reviewed by the NPSD Solicitor. Date Prepared: 5/10/2016 NORTH PENN SCHOOL DISTRICT School Board Policy 3650 Reference: Administrative Regulation 3650, 3651, 3652, 3653, 3654 BUSINESS Federal Fiscal Compliance The Board of School Directors shall ensure federal funds received by the district are administered in accordance with federal requirements, including but not limited to the federal Uniform Grant Guidance. The Superintendent or designee shall establish and maintain sound financial administrative regulations covering the use of federal funds in the following areas: Procurement Conflict of Interest Cash Management Travel Reimbursement Allowability of Costs A financial management system shall be maintained with strong internal controls, a high level of transparency and accountability, and documented procedures to ensure that all financial management system requirements are met. This system shall assure that federal funds are identified properly, that financial reporting and record keeping is accurate, internal and budget controls are maintained, and that the allowability of costs are accurately determined. Policy: Adopted: June 16, 2016 NORTH PENN SCHOOL DISTRICT School Board Policy 5127(a) STUDENTS Progress Graduation The school board will acknowledge each student’s successful completion of the instructional program appropriate to the student’s interests and needs by awarding a diploma at the graduation ceremonies. The school board will additionally acknowledge each special education student who is eligible under district policy to participate in the graduation ceremony but will continue to receive services from the district and who elects to participate in the graduation ceremonies of his or her high school graduating class by awarding a certificate of attendance at the graduation ceremonies. Any student with a disability whose individualized education program, as established pursuant to 22 PA Code §14.131 (relating to IEP), prescribes continued special education programs beyond the fourth year of high school, shall be permitted to participate in the commencement ceremonies with the student’s graduating class and receive a certificate of attendance, provided that the student has attended four (4) years of high school regardless of whether the student has completed the individualized education program. Nothing in this policy shall be construed to preclude a student with a disability from receiving a high school diploma when the student satisfactorily completes an individualized education program as required under 22 PA Code §14.131. The superintendent or designee shall be responsible for the planning and execution of graduation ceremonies which appropriately mark this important achievement. The school board shall award a high school diploma to every student enrolled in this district who meets the requirements of graduation established by this school board as part of the district’s Strategic Plan. There shall be only one diploma awarded by this district and no distinction shall be made between various programs of instruction as provided by PA School Code. The school board shall adopt the graduation requirements students must achieve, which shall include course completion and grades, completion of a culminating project, and results of local and state assessments. The school board further requires that each candidate for graduation shall have earned a minimum of specified credits as defined in the school board approved Program of Studies or meet the requirement recommended by the IEP Team. The school board shall also require that every student complete the requirements for graduation as prescribed by Title 22, Chapter 4 of the PA School Code law. CONTINUED 5127(b) No student who has completed the requirements for graduation shall be denied a diploma as a disciplinary measure but she/he may be denied participation in the ceremony of graduation when personal conduct so warrants. Such exclusion shall be regarded as a school suspension or except by explicit school board action. Recording of each student’s achievement of academic standards shall be maintained, as required by law and state board regulations. Students shall be informed of graduation requirements they are expected to complete. The superintendent shall develop procedures for implementing this policy. Policy: Adopted: June 22, 2006 Reviewed: November 15, 2007 Amended: June 16, 2016 NORTH PENN SCHOOL DISTRICT Lansdale, PA 19446-3960 INFORMATIONAL SHEETS ITEM NUMBER: __54-16_____ ============================================================================= SUBJECT: Renovations and Additions to Montgomery Elementary Owners Controlled Insurance Program (OCIP) MONTH/YEAR PRESENTED TO BOARD: May 2016 INITIATED BY: Thomas Schneider COMMITTEE: Support Services RECOMMENDATION: Recommend approval of the PSBA’s Owners Controlled Insurance Program (OCIP) program for the renovations and addition project at Montgomery Elementary School. ============================================================================= BACKGROUND: The Support Services Committee discussed the Owners Controlled Insurance Program (OCIP) for Montgomery Elementary project on April 25th. The following is the description provided to the Support Services Committee. The OCIP process is when the District carries the Liability and Workman’s Compensation insurance for the entire project. The final analysis indicates that it is financially beneficial for the District to maintain the insurance on the project. 1. PSBA Owner Controlled Insurance Program (OCIP) recommendation for approval. a. The project was bid without the contractors including their liability and workman’s compensation insurance. b. Post bid, a request went out to the low bidders to provide the District with their cost and subcontractor cost for the insurance. c. This base bid insurance cost was compared to the cost that the PSBA OCIP submitted and the PSBA OCIP cost was less costly. i. Base Bid Contractor’s Insurance Cost: $491,085.79 ii. Base Bid OCIP Insurance Cost: $465,719.98 iii. Total OCIP Project Cost: $490, 470.27 C:\Users\krausesr\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\XJXGTIGG\IS_Mongomery_OCIP_2016May.docx OWNER CONTROLLED INSURANCE PROGRAM PSBA Member Enrollment Form PSBA Member: North Penn School District Address: 1340 Valley Forge Rd., Lansdale, PA 19446 Contact Person: Thomas Scneider, Director of Facilities & Operations Phone Number: 215.853-1140 Email Address: Address of Project: 1221 Stump Road, North Wales, PA 19454 Description of Project: Montgomery Elementary School Additions and Renovations IDENTIFY PRIME CONTRACTOR Bid Package (Description) Contract Award Amount (Construction Value) Prime Contractor 1. General Construction 2. HVAC Construction 3. Plumbing Construction 4. Electrical Costruction 5. Fire Protection 6. Roofing Work 7. 8. (Refer to Page 2 of 2 for Additional Prime Contractors) Lobar, Inc. Worth & Co., Inc. Myco Mechanical Boro Construction Accelerated Fire Protection Weatherproofing Technologies, Inc. $9,018,600.00 $4,635,000.00 $879,800.00 $2,671,072.00 $297,024.00 $2,603,946.86 Page 2 – Construction Values: Total Construction Values: $ ---$20,105,442.86 OCIP PREMIUM CALCULATION Total Construction Values $ 20,105,442.86 Premium Rate Per $1,000 CV (Will be provided by Willis) X WC, GL & Excess $ 24.3949 OCIP Premium /$1,000 = WC, GL & Excess $ 490,470 Project Term Builders Risk $ N/A Total Premium $ 490,470 NOTE: Payment due upon receipt of invoice from PSBA Insurance Trust. Final OCIP Premium is subject to adjustment at the rate shown based on Final Construction Values, including Change Orders. Builder’s Risk and Umbrella Liability premiums also may be subject to audit based on construction schedule. OCIP coverages will be provided in accordance with contract language dated March 2012 ENROLLMENT AUTHORIZATION NOTE: To bind OCIP coverages, submit this form to: Willis One PPG Place, 10th Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15222 Attn: Paul Aaron Phone: 412-863-4701 Fax: 844-774-3400 Signature (School District Official) Print Name & Title Date Willis Representative Page 1 of 2 Date OWNER CONTROLLED INSURANCE PROGRAM PSBA Member Enrollment Form IDENTIFY PRIME CONTRACTOR (Continued) Bid Package IDENTIFY PRIME CONTRACTOR (Continued) (Description) Prime Contractor Contract Award Amount (Construction Value) 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Page 2 – Construction Values: $ THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS REQUIRED ► Prime Contractors: Please attach Prime Contractor information including address, contact person and telephone number. ► Project Schedule Construction Start Date: Construction End Date: ► Identify Local Insurance Agent: Name: Nicole Graham, Spect Insurance Group, Ltd. Address: 1800 East High Street, Suite 200 Pottstown, PA 19464 Phone: 610.323.1666 Page 2 of 2