Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Financial and Demographic Data House Higher Education Finance and Policy Committee February 13, 2013 Table of Contents System Overview____ Locations / map Student demographics Governance Tab 1 Legal Obligation Tab 2 State Funding and Enrollment Trends Tab 3 3.1 Table - Unduplicated Credit and Non-Credit Headcount Enrollment, FY2006-FY2012 3.2 Table - Student FYE Enrollment, FY2006-FY2012 Reduction and Reallocations Tab 4 4.1 Table - Closed, New and Active Instructional Programs 4.2 Table - Summary of Closed Programs 4.3 Table - Reallocation by Institution, FY2006-FY2012 Faculty and Students 5.1 Table - Student to Faculty and Student to Staff Tab 5 7.3 Table - College/University Allocation Framework, FY2013 7.4 Table - Instructional Component of the Allocation Framework Budgeting Tab 8 8.1 Table - Revenue, Expenses, Net Assets, FY2006-FY2012 8.2 Table - Expenses by Institution, FY2006-FY2012 Tuition Trends Tab 9 9.1a Table - Annual Resident Tuition Rates, FY2006-FY2009 9.1b Table - Annual Resident Tuition Rates, FY2010-FY2012 9.2 Table - Program and Course Tuition by Year, FY2006-FY2012 Students Fees Tab 10 10.1 Table - Board Approved Fee Amounts 10.2 Table - Fee Rates by Institution, FY2012-FY2006 10.3 Table - Revenue Fund Fees, FY2012-FY2006 10.4 Exhibit - Board Policy 5.11, Tuition and Fees 10.5 Exhibit - Board Procedure 5.11.1, Tuition and Fees 10.6 Exhibit - Board Policy 2.3, Student Involvement in Decision Making 10.7 Table - Summary of Consultation Letters, FY2013 Administrative Costs Tab 6 6.1 Table - Administrator FTE by Institution 6.2 Table - College/University Administrator Earnings 6.3 Table - System Office Administrator Earnings 6.4 Table - College/University Performance Pay for Administrators with Employment Contract 6.5 Table - System Office Performance Pay for Administrators with Employment Contract 6.6 Table - System Office and College/University Institutional Support Expenses 6.7 Table - Size of System Office Pre-Merger (pending) Student Debt Tab 11 11.1 Table - Median Student Loan Debt for All Graduates, FY2006-FY2012 Allocation of State Support 7.1 Table - Allocation Framework 7.2 Table - Percent Share of Allocation Framework Capital Projects 13.1 Table - Debt Service by Institution, FY2006-FY2012 Tab 7 Reserves and Carry Forwards Tab 12 12.1 Table - Composite Financial Index by Institution 12.2 Table - MnSCU and State of Minnesota Reserves 12.3 Exhibit - Designation of Unexpended Funds 12.4 Table - Unrestricted Net Assets by Institution, FY2006-FY2012 12.5 Table - Reserve Balances, FY2006-FY2012 12.6 Table - Weeks of Payroll Supported by Reserves, FY2012 12.7 Exhibit - Board Policy 5.10, General Operating Fund Reserve Tab 13 Minnesota State Colleges and Universities System Overview Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MnSCU) is comprised of 7 state universities and 24 technical and community colleges, serving 47 communities across the state (figure 1). MnSCU serves the majority of Minnesota’s higher education students – more than 430,000. We provide accessible, affordable, quality education to anyone with a high school diploma or GED. MnSCU serves students from all walks of life, from those still in high school to adult learners and working professionals looking to retool or update their skills. Minnesota State Colleges and Universities serve 58% of Minnesota’s undergraduate students (figure 2). 88% of MnSCU students are Minnesota residents, 81% of graduates get jobs in their field, and 80% stay to work in Minnesota. MnSCU confers nearly 42,000 post-secondary credentials each year – 12,000 certificates and diplomas, 16,500 associate degrees, 11,000 baccalaureate degrees and 2,200 graduate certificates and degrees. MnSCU serves more students of color than any other higher education provider in Minnesota – nearly 60,000 in 2012 – and the highest number of low income students (38% of students are Pell-eligible). 1 of 2 Figure 1 Minnesota State Colleges and Universities System Overview – continued Undergraduate Students in Minnesota MnSCU served 82% of all Post Secondary Enrollment Option (PSEO) students in the state – 26,636 in 2012. For-profit Schools 12.9% MnSCU is dedicated to Minnesota’s veterans and their families, serving over 10,600 veterans this year, a 57% increase over the past four years. Veteran friendly policies and support services exist at every college and university; MnSCU institutions award credit for prior military training and experience and assists veterans with transitioning to civilian life. Private Colleges & Universities 14.4% University of Minnesota 14.7% Minnesota State Colleges and Universities 58.0% MnSCU provides the workforce that is the engine of Minnesota’s prosperity (figure 3). Figure 2 MnSCU colleges and universities deliver 16,000 customized training, occupational and professional classes to businesses and employers throughout the state, ensuring more than 120,000 workers each year stay at the leading edge of their professions. Training Minnesota • • • • • • • • MnSCU has also exponentially grown eeducation, serving 107,100 students with over 470 programs and 16,400 blended and online course selections in the 2011-12 academic year. 36% of new business graduates 49% of new teachers 79% of new construction trades 80% of STEM certificates, diplomas and AA degrees 81% of new nurses 84% of new law enforcement graduates 92% of new mechanics 17,000 fire fighters and first responders, annually Figure 3 2 of 2 Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Governance The MnSCU system is governed by a 15-member Board of Trustees that are appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the senate. The Board consists of: At least one member residing in each congressional district. One member representing labor. Three students. All trustees are appointed for six-year terms except students who serve two-year terms. The Board holds the chancellor and other system leaders accountable for results by performing many strategic functions including: Setting policy and conducting system and academic planning. Overseeing fiscal management, admissions requirements, tuition and fees, and rules and regulations. Appointing campus and system leadership. Approving all major decisions. Auditing financials and tracking compliance. Engaging in an ongoing dialog with the chancellor about his performance and progress on his workplan. Front row: Cheryl Dickson, Chair Clarence Hightower, Chancellor Steven Rosenstone, Maria Peluso. Second row: Ann Anaya, Vice Chair Thomas Renier, Philip Krinkie, Margaret Anderson Kelliher, Louise Sundin, Alfredo Oliviera. Back row: David Paskach, Duane Benson, Treasurer Michael Vekich, Brett Anderson, Dawn Erlandson. Not pictured: Alexander Cirillo. Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Governance - continued Minnesota State Colleges and Universities State Funding and Enrollment Trends Figure 1 shows state support per FYE MnSCU student has declined by nearly 45% since FY2000. In FY2012, MnSCU educated 66,247 more students (+18%) (figure 2) and produced 16,054 more graduates (+62%) than in FY2000. $5,000 $4,500 $4,000 Headcount 400,000 390,000 380,000 370,000 360,000 350,000 340,000 389,545 381,459 372,880 373,831 369,374 368,791 365,095 Figure 2 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 $2,675 MN higher education cuts are deeper than national average $10,000 State Appropriation Per FYE (Constant $) 410,000 Figure 1 FY00 FY01 FY02 FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 431,342 420,918 $2,938 $2,500 433,554 423,190 $3,121 $3,000 MnSCU Enrollment Growth 18%+ 420,000 $3,823 $3,809 $3,756 $3,698 $3,683 $3,556 $3,500 Minnesota’s reduction is among the nation’s deepest – in 1999, Minnesota’s higher education appropriation per student was 24% higher than the national average; now it is 17% below. 430,000 $4,811 $4,742 $4,562 $4,181 Minnesota’s total inflation adjusted higher education state appropriation per student has declined 48% from FY 1999, (figure 3, red line) compared to an average decline of 23% for the nation (blue line). 440,000 State support per MnSCU FYE student is down nearly 45% $10,089 $8,961 $9,000 $8,148 $8,316 $8,000 $7,364 $7,398 $7,000 $6,000 $5,000 $7,016 $6,875 $6,532 $7,098 $6,382 Figure 3 $6,497 $6,663 - $6,290 -23% $6,088 $5,221 -48% 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 MN US Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Reductions and Reallocations A total of 964 programs have been eliminated since 2006. Budget cuts impacting 2009, 2010 and 2011 hit particularly hard. The impact of the Great Recession, most acutely felt from FY2008 – FY2012, presented a $325 million dollar challenge: A $120 million cut in state support, $94 million in inflation and the need for $111 million in new investments necessary to increase student success and meet the needs of Minnesota businesses, industry sectors and local communities (figure 2). Number of Closed Programs Systemwide by Fiscal Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total 116 123 84 131 187 234 89 964 Figure 1 FY2008-FY2012 Challenge & Solution Challenge This challenge was addressed through $187 million in budget cuts, reallocations and efficiencies, which accounted for 58% of the solution. Tuition rate increases averaging $155 a year for full-time college students and $261 a year for full-time university students comprised the remainder of the solution. $111 (34%) (37%) Solution $120 $138 $187 (58%) (29%) (42%) $94 $325 million Decline in State Support Operating Inflation Investments $325 million Tution Rate Revenue Increase Budget Cuts, Reallocations, Efficiency Figure 2 1 of 2 Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Reductions and Reallocations - continued Program closures and changes are an on-going process at MnSCU colleges and universities. These adjustments serve to maintain alignment between the programs being offered, student demand, and the needs of business, industry, and communities. Annual reallocations are made so that investment in higher-priority areas can increase, and expenses associated with lower priority areas are cut. Reallocation (cuts) trends $60.0 $53.7 $45.0 $36.1 $40.0 $21.0 $22.7 $22.9 $27.1 $20.0 $0.0 As shown in Figure 3, this process typically results in $20 - $30 million in reallocations per year. However, reallocations for the last three years have been substantially higher to meet the cuts in state support. 10.0 FY08 FY09 Figure 3 FY10 FY12 Net Adjustments = -$33.7 million Cuts: $53.7 million Faculty positions Facilities Admin/Staff Positions Equipment Program start-up Student Services Other Other Repair/Replacement Equipment Student Services Program suspension -15.0 General Operating Budget -5.0 Admin/Staff Positions 0.0 -20.0 The net of these reallocations was a $33.7 million reduction, which was needed to adjust for the state’s budget cuts. FY11 5.0 -10.0 The cuts to lower priority areas were partially offset by $20 million in new investments in high demand, high priority areas. FY07 Example of program adjustments (FY2012) Faculty positions Figure 4 illustrates the reallocations for FY2012. Of the $53.7 million in cuts to lower priority areas, faculty positions, admin/staff positions and general operations were impacted the most. 151 layoffs (FTE) 276 vacancies eliminated (FTE) FY06 Investments: $20.0 million -25.0 2 of 2 -30.0 Figure 4 Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Faculty and Students Faculty have not had an increase in salary in four years. MnSCU faculty are doing substantially more while inflation has steadily eroded their income. Faculty productivity up 12.4% 648 650 644 622 625 623 611 605 600 612 595 596 585 575 604 573 550 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 Credit hours per Instructional Faculty Figure 1 shows a 12.4% increase in productivity in terms of credit hours taught per faculty member. The increase in faculty productivity has been a key factor in MnSCU’s improved efficiency. Figure 1 Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Declining Administrative Costs System-wide institutional support spending (president’s office, business office, IT, HR, accounting, etc.) has declined from a high of 12.4% in 2011 to 11.7% in 2012 (figure 2). $43 Appropriation in Millions The system office budget has declined 24% since 2009. System office expenditures as a percentage of general fund revenue have declined from 3.7% in 2002 to 2.2% in 2012 (Figure 1). 3.7% $41 $39 $37 3.6% 39.4 36.7 $35 40.5 39.0 3.1% 37.8 3.1% 3.2%3.2% 38.8 3.8% 43.5 41.0 3.6% 3.4% 39.8 36.7 3.0% 2.9% $33 2.6% 2.3% $29 2.2% $27 3.0% 33.1 2.8% 2.6% $31 3.2% 2.4% 2.2% Percent of General Revenue The inflation adjusted cost of educating a MnSCU student has declined since 2002. Reduction in the size of the system office $45 2.0% $25 FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY 2002 2003 2004 20052006 20072008 20092010 2011 2012 Overall administrative spending per student at MnSCU ranks 37th out of 50 comparable state systems in the U.S. Figure 1 Administration as a Percent of Total Expenses System-wide Administrative Efficiency 13.0% 12.4% 12.0% 12.3% 12.1% 11.9% 11.7% 11.0% 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Figure 2 1 of 2 Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Declining Administrative Costs - continued Increased enrollment and tuition adjustments have not resulted in increased spending. Operational improvements have enabled continued access to students of all backgrounds, as evidenced by growing enrollment. Total inflation adjusted spending (state appropriation and tuition revenue) per FYE student declined 12.5% between FY2002 and FY2012 (figure 3). Total expenditures per FYE student $10,500 $10,313 $10,277 $10,249 $10,300 $10,100 $9,900 $9,967 $9,719 $9,700 $10,145 $10,052 $9,582 $9,599 $9,500 $9,325 $9,300 $9,009 $9,100 $8,900 FY2002 FY2003 FY2004 FY2005 FY2006 FY2007 FY2008 FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 Over the period 2006-2012, the total number of FTE employees increased by 952 (7%). Of the total increase, 487 (51%) were faculty and 32 (3%) were administrators. The remaining increase primarily reflects growth in IT support and campus student services at our colleges and universities. Inflation Adjusted Expenses Per FYE Figure 3 2 of 2 Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Allocation of State Support MnSCU allocates state appropriations among the campuses using a formula that has been fully utilized since 2006. The allocation formula was established using a number of factors including enrollment, the cost of delivering different types of academic programs and national peer comparison data. The formula is structured to reward cost-efficient instruction. The use of a definitive formula ensures an objective, effective and data-driven process. The formula allocates state appropriations only (all tuition stays on campus). Campuses have total discretion in how to use the allocated funding. Allocation Process Formula Allocation to Campuses 83% $450 M Debt Service, Shared Services, 11% Education/Workforce Initiatives, etc. $58 M Support for Campuses From System Office $33 M 6% Figure 1 As shown in Figure 1, 83% of state appropriations are distributed to campuses using the formula. 11% of the funds are used for debt service, shared services (such as external audit and attorney general services, etc.), enterprise technology, education innovations, workforce initiatives, etc. The remaining $33 million funds the system office and its support of the colleges and universities. Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Budgeting College and university budgets vary from $183.8 million at large universities to $4.3 million at small community and technical colleges. The annual and biennial budgeting processes engage students, faculty, staff and other key stakeholders in consultation. At the campus level, consultation on tuition, fees, and priorities is conducted with faculty, students, bargaining units, and the community through meet and confer as well as listening sessions. The Board of Trustees reviews and approves the state funds allocations, system-wide revenue and expense goals, and final annual system, individual college and university, and system office budgets and biennial budgets. Development of the biennial legislative request involves consultation with trustees, presidents, students, staff, faculty, bargaining units, and other key constituents (figure 1). In addition, 55 workforce listening sessions throughout the state were held this year in collaboration with DEED and the Minnesota Chamber. Nine industry sectors were covered (manufacturing, health care, IT, engineering, energy, transportation, agriculture and food production, natural resources and mining, and financial services). More than 1,540 participants and more than 700 business representatives were engaged. FY2014-FY2015 Biennial Legislative Request Development June 2013 Initial framing conversation with college and university presidents – context, principles, strategic issues, baseline financial forecast. Presidents received feedback from campus communities. September 2013 Academic priorities and areas of investment emerged from discussions with presidents, students, faculty and staff. September – October 2013 Further consultation with all bargaining units and student associations, presidents and trustees. October 2013 Discussion with Board of Trustees. November 2013 Final adoption by the Board and submission to the Executive Branch. Figure 1 Minnesota State Colleges and Universities 2012 higher education tuition and fees in Minnesota Tuition Trends The Board of Trustees is committed to tuition discipline, and MnSCU remains Minnesota’s highest value, most affordable higher education option (Figure 1). Over the past decade, lower state appropriations have necessitated cost cutting and tuition increases to maintain quality (Figure 2). Despite our increased efficiency, cuts in state support have shifted the costs of education from the state to the students and their families. Higher tuition to make up for the loss of state support Cost of Education In 2002, the state covered 2/3 of the cost of a MnSCU education, and the student paid 1/3. By 2013, these ratios have nearly reversed, and families have had to make up for what was once clearly understood to be, and was funded as, a critical public good. Figure 1 1 of 2 Figure 2 Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Tuition Trends – continued Net cost steady as a percentage of median income Tuition and fees as a percent of Minnesota’s median income has remained steady since 2005 (Figure 3). Differential tuition accounts for less than 6% of total tuition revenue (Figure 4). Differential tuition is used primarily for online courses, programs that require the use of expensive specialized equipment, and courses requiring high faculty-to-student interaction. Figure 3 Differential Tuition Accounts For a Small Percentage of Total Tuition Revenue 6.0% 5.3% 5.0% 4.8% 4.0% 3.0% 2.0% 2.6% 2.9% 3.3% 5.3% 3.8% 1.0% 0.0% FY2006 FY2007 FY2008 FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 Differential Tuition Figure 4 2 of 2 Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Student Fees FY12 fees averaged $17.74 per credit or $527 per full-time student annually. In accordance with Minnesota statute, the MnSCU Board of Trustees maintains affordability of fees by setting maximum limits and developing standard policies for colleges and universities. In addition to the mandatory fees for parking and student associations, and optional fees for application, student life, athletics, health services, and technology, there are personal property and service charges for things such as ID cards, diplomas, special testing, library charges, and course-related travel costs, as well as revenue fund fees for room and board, wellness centers, facility rentals, lost keys, damages, and athletic equipment rental. Fees have remained a constant percentage of tuition since 2006 (Figure 1). Fees account for a small and slightly declining share of standard student costs. Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Fees as a Percent of Tuition and Fees 11.5% 10.5% Percent Fees There are no “system fees.” Students are highly involved in fee setting decisions through consultation with campus leadership. Students have decision-making authority for student association membership fees. 10.6% 11.0% 10.0% 10.0% 9.5% 9.0% 9.7% 8.8% 8.2% 8.5% 10.5% 10.0% 8.4% 10.2% 10.2% 7.6% 7.5% FY 2011 FY 2012 8.6% 7.9% 8.0% 7.5% 7.0% FY 2006 FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 Colleges FY 2010 Universites Typical package of fees for full time undergraduate students Figure 1 Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Student Debt FY2012 Debt of MnSCU Graduates Compared to their counterparts at other higher education institutions in Minnesota: More MnSCU students graduate with no debt MnSCU students graduate with less debt 47% of MnSCU certificate or diploma recipients, 33.8% of MnSCU associate degree recipients and 27.5% of MnSCU baccalaureate degree recipients have no debt (figure 1). MnSCU % with No Debt MnSCU % with Debt Median Debt for those with Debt Median Debt for all graduates Certificates/ Diplomas 47.0% 53.0% $10,554 $2,712 Associate Degrees 33.8% 66.2% $14,825 $8,536 Baccalaureate Degrees 27.5% 72.5% $25,128 $18,123 Figure 1 1 of 2 Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Minnesota BA Degree Recipient Debt (2007-08, Latest Comparable Data Available) Student Debt - continued Baccalaureate recipients from Minnesota’s public 4-year universities have less debt than their counterparts graduating from private, not-for-profit and private, forprofit intuitions (figure 2). Figure 3 illustrates that the percent of MnSCU associate degree recipients with loans is 31 percentage points lower than the percent of private, for-profit associate degree recipients with loans. 16 Median debt for MnSCU associate degree recipients with debt is half of the debt load of private, for-profit associate degree recipients. Median debt for all private, for-profit associate degree recipients is nearly three times the median for all MnSCU associate degree recipients. Figure 2 Minnesota AA Degree Recipient Debt (2007-08, Latest Comparable Data Available) % with loans Median debt: Grads with loans Median debt: All grads MnSCU associate degree recipients 68% $11,000 $7,480 Private, for-profit associate degree recipients 99% $22,000 $21,780 Figure 3 The analysis in figure 2 compares median debt loads for all graduates, which is the standard adopted by the U.S. Department of Education. 2 of 2 Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Reserves and Carry Forwards System fund balances (or carry forward) are a key component of financial health of our colleges and universities, and are monitored in accordance with standard financial management practices. Carry forward funds are used to cover encumbrances, long-term planning, strategic innovations, building depreciation and demolition, contractual training, and unpredictable drops in enrollment and tuition revenue. Campus reserves make up a portion of fund balances. Reserve levels are established in board policy for educational institutions. They are set at 5-7% of campus revenue. Colleges and universities have reserves and other balances for emergencies. Reserves protect campuses from unexpected events that could otherwise result in a serious disruption to campus activities and potentially hundreds of sudden layoffs. The Higher Learning Commission’s accreditation standards require appropriate reserve levels. Reserve levels affect revenue bond ratings by rating agencies and lower costs. Reserves contribute to higher ratings and therefore lower debt service costs. Current systemwide reserves are only sufficient to cover two payroll periods (28 days). Campus reserves vary from 1.5 to 2.7 payroll periods. Presidents control these funds and decide when it is prudent to use them. Minnesota State Colleges and Universities FY2012 Year End Unexpended Funds Enterprise Fund, $82.5M 13% Restricted expendable, bond covenants $72.6M , 11% Special Revenue Fund, $22.0M 4% Restricted expendable, other $72.3M, 11% General Fund Reserves $109.3M 17% Unrestricted General Fund, $277.0M , 44% Total: $635.7 Million Figure 1 Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Capital Projects Campus debt service accounts for less than 1% of campus general fund revenue and 2.8% of total campus expenses. For every dollar of tuition, less than 2 cents goes to pay capital debt service. A full-time student paid $23.43 annually for capital debt service in 2006 and $43.36 in 2012. MnSCU capital projects supported approximately 17,000 construction jobs between 2006-12. During the 2012 session, the legislature appropriated $132 million for college and university capital needs. All $20 million for HEAPER has been deployed by the campuses in the form of 34 projects that employ Minnesotans working for 180 local contractors and subcontractors. An additional $112 million funded 21 major capital projects that address workforce/skills gap needs of business and industry. All are under contract with 250 local firms. FY 2012 Approved Investments $132 million total – rapid execution • Essential repairs (HEAPR): $20 million • 34 projects in 26 communities • 180 contracts with A/Es, contractors, and subs • 45% of funds encumbered as of Dec. 31, 2012 • Goal: 100% by Sept. 30, 2013, 100% spent by Dec. 30, 2013 • Workforce/skills gap projects: $112 million • All 21 major design and construction projects under contract • 250 contracts with A/Es, contractors and subs Systemwide, there has been an increase in the efficiency with which space is used. Space utilization (student credit hour per square foot) has increased 18.7% over 10 years (2001 – 2011). Over the past two years, energy consumption has been reduced by 9%. Minnesota State Colleges and Universities