RIVERVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 407 Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting January 28, 2014 Duvall, WA 98019 Educational Service Center – Board Room CALL TO ORDER Mrs. Van Noy, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance, led by Eagle Rock Multi-Age students. MEMBERS PRESENT Mrs. Van Noy, Ms. Oviatt, Mr. Bawden, Mr. Edwards, Ms. Fletcher Student Representatives: Mr. Knoth MEMBERS ABSENT Student Representative: Ms. Korn EAGLE ROCK MULTI-AGE STUDENT PRESENTATION Christi Norris, 4th grade student from Eagle Rock, explained three groups of students would speak to how they are working with mentoring students from Cedarcrest High School. Nick Tiffany, CHS senior, is putting on a musical for his Senior Project and working with Eagle Rock students in acting, singing, building sets, etc. Juniper Yriondio, Zeke Gender, Jasmine Bodis, and Caroline McInnis all praised Nick for his leadership. Their performance will be on February 25th. Connie Berg started the Random Acts of Kindness Club at Eagle Rock, which meets once a month. Students Huckleberry Clapp, Sadie Schaefer, Bridget Leisen, Jack LeBlanc, Colby Berg and Emma Chaffin spoke about what they have seen or done for random acts of kindness. The students passed out a sheet of paper to the Board and asked them to crumple it up and then try to straighten out the paper. The moral being even if you say you are sorry after you are mean to someone, there still remains effects. Sophie Hunter, CHS sophomore, spoke about the art day at Cedarcrest where the Eagle Rock students will go to CHS to work with CHS students on art projects. Amy Jacobson, PE instructor at Eagle Rock, spoke about how Travis Lems, CHS student, has been helping with the students on the playfield. Cody Jacobson, Selah Swart, Slater Swart, Christi Norris, and Sierra Swart spoke about how much fun they had playing sharks and minnows with Travis, and that he gives great high fives. Mrs. Harris noted that CHS students also partake by reading to the students, writing stories, and doing community service hours. Tolt Middle students in Citizenship class also visit Eagle Rock. Mrs. Van Noy thanked all the students, parents and staff for the presentation. -1- COMMUNICATIONS, AGENDA ADJUSTMENT AND HEARING OF PUBLIC Mr. Knoth reported he enjoyed meeting Governor Inslee and the local representatives and senators on Monday in Olympia while at the Legislative Conference. He was also able to tour the Supreme Court with Justice Debra Stephens. Mr. Edwards said last Friday he joined a group of educators for a meeting with U.S. Representative Suzan DelBene at Northshore. She is very supportive of education issues at the state and national level. He will also meet with Rep. DelBene again in Washington DC on February 3rd, while at the NSBA Advocacy Institute. He chaired the WSSDA Legislative Committee meeting prior to the Conference and welcomed ten new members. Mr. Bawden said this was the first time the Board was able to meet with all six legislators during the WSSDA Legislative Conference. Ms. Fletcher said she attended the Cedarcrest Senior Projects on Friday and the Legislative Conference on the weekend. Ms. Oviatt regretted she was unable to attend the Conference this year. Mrs. Van Noy attended the WSSDA Board of Directors meeting prior to the Conference. She met Dr. James Koval, Acting Executive Director of WSSDA, retired superintendent of North Thurston Public Schools. She thanked Mr. Bawden for taking the lead in meeting with the legislators, and Mr. Edwards for scheduling all of the meetings. One highlight was Jake Knoth registered to vote in the Office of Secretary of State. She reminded the Board of the upcoming Breakfast Work Study on February 7th. Hearing of Public Fred Bereswell, Deputy Mayor of Carnation and liaison to Riverview School District, introduced himself. He is pleased with the new police in Carnation and noted the officer has been visiting the schools. Shelby Winston, PTSA Council President, spoke on behalf of all PTSA units in Riverview. In honor of school board appreciation month, the PTSAs granted $600 in scholarships to the United Snoqualmie Valley Scholarship Foundation in the name of the Riverview School Board. This added an additional three scholarships of $200 each to graduating seniors. She noted that she personally is appreciative to the board for being open to alternative learning. Mrs. Van Noy thanked the PTSAs for all they do for our students and schools. Sophie Hunter, CHS sophomore, spoke about the Random Acts of Kindness Club at Cedarcrest. Her mom works for a non-profit humanitarian organization and has visited Syria. The children are living in horrible conditions. One little Syrian girl wrote a song about the forgotten children. The first week of March is Random Acts of Kindness week and in working with World Vision International, she would like students to gather school supplies and soccer balls for the children. -2- Student Representative Report Mr. Knoth reported: ASB is busy planning for March Magnanimity Month, with the first week of March being Random Acts of Kindness week. FBLA Pack Shack is now open two times a week during lunches. Fifteen of their members will be heading to competition on February 7th. FIRST Robotics is half way through their build season. This robot is built differently this year as it has more agility and can glide sideways. NHS students hope to go to We Day this year. TSA TEAMS competition is on February 11. We have two teams from TMS and one from CHS, who will work out issues on paper at this competition. RAK is traveling to other schools in our district to discuss starting clubs at their schools. Winter sports are winding up. Boys’ basketball is playing Sultan tonight. Cedarcrest Cheer Team placed third in their division on Saturday, the 18th. RECESS Mrs. Van Noy recessed the Board Meeting at 7:42 PM for a 5-minute break to enjoy the refreshments brought by the PTSAs. She called the meeting back to order at 7:47 PM. CONSENT AGENDA A list of routine agenda items were considered in a single motion. Board Members have received and studied background information on all items. Motion 14-05: To approve the January 28, 2014, Consent Agenda. (Fletcher and Bawden) Unanimous. Approval of Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for January 14, 2014, and Board Work Study Minutes for January 14, 2014 (Appendix A) Approval of Warrants General Fund Warrant No. 191570 through 191621 in the amount of $208,116.39, No. 191636 through 191710 in the amount of $118,019.05, and direct deposits of $28,031.28; Capital Projects Fund Warrant No. 191622 through 191626 in the amount of $45,086.65, and No. 191711 through 191712 in the amount of $12,014.98; ASB Fund Warrant No. 191627 through 191633 in the amount of $10,448.55, No. 191713 through 191718 in the amount of $2,893.22, and direct deposits of $193.28; and Private Purpose Trust Fund Warrant No. 191719 in the amount of $249.50. Total payroll for January 14, 2014, was $13,521.95, which includes General Fund Warrant No. 191634 through 191635 in the amount of $411.86, and direct deposits of $10,340.34. Approval of Personnel Actions Approval of Service Contracts Mr. Bawden acknowledged the CPR services for district nurses by Greg Garat, a firefighter in Woodinville who has kids in our schools. Approval of Donations The Board acknowledged the generous donations from CHS Booster Club and Stillwater PTSA. Approval of Budget Status Reports -3- BUSINESS School Improvement Plans - Elementary Roni Rumsey, Director of Teaching and Learning, reported the elementary principals shared their School Improvement Plans with the Board at a work study prior to tonight’s meeting. As presented, the plans are a lot more focused on student growth as opposed to student achievement so that we can be sure we are meeting the needs of all students. Showing student growth also moves us in the direction of matching with the new teacher evaluation process. Strategic Plan Status Goal 1: Increase the academic achievement of all students. Objective 1B: Improve K-12 district-wide assessment score averages in reading, writing, math, and science by spring of 2014. Task 3: Evaluate realistic percentage of improvements for specificity. Ms. Rumsey, Director of Teaching and Learning, explained it is difficult to create an assessment system district wide that meets the goal. As you look at the goal of a 2% increase, we may want to change it next year to a goal of all students are showing growth. By focusing more on student growth, that 2% will get there by virtue of meeting the needs of all students. She shared a PowerPoint on the advantages of the Homeroom data base in showing student growth data. Goal 3: Provide Human Resources and Communication practices to improve student learning. Objective 3C: Develop and implement apparent and community relations program. Task 3: Schedule phase-in revision process for remaining five school websites (including RLC and ERMA) to reflect “new look and feel” by end of 2013-2014 (Phase II of website plan). Dr. Smith reported the RLC website is finished and ERMA should be done in 2-3 weeks. Tolt will be completed in late February and CHS in late April/May, and that updates the websites for all our schools and programs. More students are doing cyber learning, and he asked the Board to check out the CLEAR Program on the RLC website. Goal 4: Complete and facilitate a successful Superintendent entry plan. Objective 4B: Conduct outreach activities to discern expectations and opportunities. Task 3: Use feedback to update the needs, objectives and work priories of the school district. Dr. Smith gave a brief mid-term report after meeting with 60 different groups or individuals. Some of the tendencies coming out of the meetings are to continue the great things you have been doing, and the district communications are more frequent and timely. Community underscored that we are all in this together and businesses depend on the schools and schools should rely on the businesses. Objective 4C: Evaluate the Superintendent using the WSSDA (Washington State School Directors’ Association) standards-based evaluation pilot tool. Task 1: The Superintendent and School Board will complete a training on the new evaluation tool. Dr. Smith reported the Board had a work study in December on an orientation to all WSSDA tools piloted. Also, a number of Board Members participated, along with Dr. Smith, at the WSSDA Annual Conference in sessions dedicated to superintendent evaluation. -4- Second Reading, Policies 2080 High School Graduation Requirements, 2082 Equivalency Credit for Career and Technical Education Courses, 4040 Use of School Facilities, 6512 Infectious Disease Control Program, and 6530 Insurance Motion 14-06: To approve Policies 2080, 2082, 4040, 6512, and 6530 for Second Reading. (Edwards and Bawden) Unanimous. REPORTS WSSDA Legislative Conference Report Mr. Edwards said on Monday’s Day on Hill we were able to meet with all of our legislators and the student representatives represented us proudly. WSSDA Hot Topics had four priories: Fully fund basic education by 2017-2018 school year Giveback 2 days of Professional Development for staff No more mandates for a year – we need to catch up 1080 instructional hours and 24 credit framework Mr. Knoth felt Sunday’s speakers were great and noted they mentioned Danny Edwards’ and Carol Van Noy’s leadership in different comments. We were able to observe the Senate in session and he found the discussions very interesting. Mr. Bawden said the presentation on Sunday by the budget forecaster for Washington state talked about the state’s tax revenue, where we used to be in the top third, and now are in the bottom third. Another speaker mentioned that part of the McCleary decision was competitive compensation for school staff. Mr. Bawden said he was pleased Riverview was able to get our message out to all our legislators. He also suggested to the Board that we invite our legislators to district events. Ms. Fletcher said she and Mrs. Van Noy, met with Senator Rosemary McAuliffe, Chair of Senate Education Committee. The Senator just had her STEM Bill (SB 5624) signed into Law, which increases access to STEM baccalaureate degrees. Dr. Smith noted 100% of our senators and representatives were receptive to listening to our concerns and asked very good questions. The commonality to all of them is how are we going to meet the McCleary decision. He was impressed that the Board and district were well organized in going to the conference and getting our message across. Superintendent Report Dr. Smith reported: He attended quite a few Cedarcrest sporting events over the last couple of weeks, and will balance out his attendance with Tolt events in February. The last two Learning Walks were at Tolt Middle School and Eagle Rock Multi-Age. The focus has been on supporting principals and staff. For the Entry Plan, he met with Dr. Caron Glickman, Duvall dentist and Rotary member, who has a very technologically-advanced dental practice with a number of CHS former students working there. She donates her time for football team mouth guard impressions, and presents every semester to Ms. Filer’s freshman health class on the basics of oral health care. -5- Superintendent Report, Cont. She complimented the district in terms of partnerships. In asking her one thing to share, she said, “ultra oral health is achievable and has a significant impact on overall health.” Later that day, he attended the Snoqualmie Valley Community Network half-year summit, along with 95 other people. They engaged the Chambers in bringing business people in. The topic was sustainability in Snoqualmie Valley from a community, healthy lifestyle, business, and environmental point of view. Moving forward they plan to have a community report card and the Network will be working on key metrics and indicators. He attended Senior Projects on Friday and was pleased with the great community involvement and overall quality of the presentations. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mrs. Van Noy adjourned the January 28, 2014, Board meeting at 8:50 PM. ____________________________________ Board President ___________________________________ Board Secretary MINUTES PREPARED BY Cheryl B. Layman, Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors. -6-