DRAFT Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting
February 11, 2014
Duvall, WA 98019
Educational Service Center – Board Room
The Board President, Carol Van Noy, called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM, followed by the
Pledge of Allegiance, led by students in the audience.
Mrs. Van Noy, Mr. Bawden, Mr. Edwards, Ms. Fletcher
Student Representatives: Mr. Knoth, Ms. Korn
Ms. Oviatt
Mrs. Van Noy noted the Board held a Work Study prior to tonight’s meeting on School
Improvement Plans for the Riverview Learning Center, Tolt Middle School, and Cedarcrest High
Mr. Knoth enjoyed the senior night basketball game last night, even though they lost. He also
exclaimed that the engineering department at Cedarcrest just got a MakerBot 3-D printer for
advanced classes. This machine can make solid objects from a digital model.
Mr. Edwards spent February 1-4th in Washington, DC, at the NSBA Advocacy Institute, and was
able to watch the Super Bowl at former Riverview Board director, Phil Gore’s home. He sent
thank you letters to all the legislators the Board visited in Olympia in January and received a
response from Rep. Roger Goodman, expressing his support for education.
Mr. Bawden said there was also a Board Work Study on February 7, to discuss the format for
Work Studies and Roundtables to make them more effective.
Ms. Korn noted both boys’ and girls’ basketball teams are heading into playoffs.
Agenda Adjustment
Motion 14-07: To amend the Consent Agenda, Item C. Personnel Actions, to reflect current
changes. (Bawden and Edwards) Unanimous.
Hearing of Public
The subject of the hearing was the availability of Riverview facilities for community use. Mrs.
Van Noy explained the structure for speaking to the audience, and that the Board received a
comprehensive letter on this subject from members of the community prior to tonight’s meeting.
Jennifer Knaplund, Duvall resident for 14 years and mother of 3 children, explained her interest
in working with the district to accommodate and modify facility use in the community for team
sports. She asked the Board to consider using the Educational Service Center (ESC) as a
Amy Turner reiterated the need for more gymnasium space in the valley, especially in the winter
months, and asked that Riverview schedule all gyms available and provide relief in costs for use
during weekends and holidays.
Erin Allee, a Duvall mother, asked the board to consider opening the ESC during daytime hours
for use as an affordable toddler gym.
Jill Cammarano said she has 3 children in Duvall who enjoy athletics and the valley lacks
resources for them. We have had multiple problems this year in scheduling for basketball. We
ask the Board to work with us towards a solution where the community will have reasonable and
affordable access to all Riverview facilities and a reasonable system for scheduling.
Leah and Melanie Cammarano, children of Jill, spoke about the problems they have had with
practices and their need for more indoor practice gyms for their 3rd grade basketball team.
Kristin Eck submitted a letter to the Board supporting the concerns addressed by her fellow
Colin Moy, Athletic Director for the Redmond/Sammamish Boys and Girls Club, provided
insight into the programs in the valley. In the Redmond/Sammamish area, our teams enjoy
programs at their local elementary schools. Annually, we have over 350 youth that participate
from this area. This is 20% of our teams but we have only 8% of practice options compared to
teams in Redmond. I encourage all gym space in the valley to be used to its fullest. I’m willing
to assist in the development and maintenance of any future measures that help ensure increased
gym space for youth in the valley.
Amanda Jones, owner of Twice Blessed Consignment in Duvall, has heard a lot from young
families on the need for indoor space for children. She thinks Riverview School District could
create a lot of good will with providing more space for indoor activities.
David Schwartz, who works for Boeing and coaches soccer, expressed the need to encourage
children to be active. Please consider points in letter and together let’s provide more sports
opportunities for our children.
Ava Schwartz, daughter of David, enjoys sports because it makes her feel better and provides
valuable lessons. She hopes the ESC gym would be open for more opportunities to practice and
Hearing of Public, Cont.
Jerry McKinney, Duvall resident since 1999, has had both of his kids go through Riverview; he
has volunteered for sporting positions in district; and he is the director of the girls select
basketball youth program in the valley. He shares the concerns of others and is willing to work
with the community and the Board in finding solutions. One issue is the facility use application
fee of $25, each time per location, looking for gym time around the district. He feels you should
not be charged if one school doesn’t have time for all games and you have to use other schools.
The second thing is the cost of weekend participation at Riverview which comes to nearly $500
for one weekend for 4 teams. This is cost prohibitive over the season. One solution is the
possibility of having community delegates to open and ready the gyms, which would help reduce
costs. He mentioned some other districts do offer that.
Kimberly McBride, 8 years in Duvall, and 3 children in Riverview, said this is the first year they
had to go outside Duvall for sports. Over half of the kids on the AAU select team that tried out
in the valley had to be turned away for lack of space. She suggested the possible use of the CHS
wrestling gym as an auxiliary gym.
Nancy Perry, moved to Duvall 10 years ago, and has been PTA president at Cherry Valley. The
more we keep children in academics and sports, the more active and focused they are. In the
winter, it’s more difficult to find gym space for basketball. We feel the ESC space is under
utilized. One solution would be to remove the carpet squares for three months during the winter
for basketball use. We would also love for our district facilities to be available on the weekends.
We hope in the future the district can add auxiliary gyms at the high school and middle school.
Katie Perry, 3rd grade at Cherry Valley, said we need more team practices than just once a week.
We can learn lots of things in sports that we can’t learn in school. Sports can give you lots of
energy and make you feel healthy. It would be great for our team to have basketball in this gym.
Mrs. Van Noy thanked the community members for coming and appreciated their input and
letters. The board listened and will work with the superintendent to explore the issues.
A list of routine agenda items were considered in a single motion. Board Members have
received and studied background information on all items.
Motion 14-08: To approve the February 11, 2014, Consent Agenda, as amended. (Edwards and
Fletcher) Unanimous.
Approval of Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for January 28, 2014, Work Study Minutes
for January 28, 2014, and Work Study Minutes for February 7, 2014
Approval of Warrants
General Fund Warrant No. 191787 through 191858 in the amount of $149,792.98, and direct
deposits of $2,623.67; Capital Projects Fund Warrant No. 191859 through 191863 in the amount
of $171,291.91; ASB Fund Warrant No. 191864 through 191876 in the amount of $7,340.45;
and Private Purpose Trust Fund Warrant No. 191877 through 191881 in the amount of
$1,335.09, and direct deposits of $9,546.41. Total payroll for January 31, 2014, was
$2,065,202.92, which includes General Fund Warrant No. 191720 through 191786 in the amount
of $710,163.43, and direct deposits of $973,079.53.
Approval of Personnel Actions, as amended
The Board recognized the resignation of Charlene Short, Tolt teacher, who has worked in the
district for 20 years, as well as the retirement of Nelda Brangwin, Cherry Valley Librarian for 25
years, and Nancy Sands, CHS Managing Cook, who has worked in the district for 36 years. The
Board also welcomed Sandy Bechtel to the position of Executive Assistant to the Superintendent
in July.
Approval of Service Contracts, as amended
Approval of Out-of-State Travel for Kaye Wetli to Washington School Nutrition National
Conference in St. Louis, MO, from April 9-13, 2014, and Out-of-State Travel for Dr. Anthony
Smith to National School Board Association Conference in New Orleans, LA, from April 4-7,
School Improvement Plans - Secondary
Roni Rumsey summarized the secondary school improvement plans. As we work through this as
a district, we have the common focus of student growth to meet the needs of all students.
Tonight’s Work Study showed the School Improvement Plans of the Riverview Learning Center,
Tolt Middle School, and Cedarcrest High School, focusing on Language Arts and Math. Mrs.
Van Noy added she was very impressed that we are starting to individualize student learning.
First Reading, Policies 3035, Use of Reasonable Force, 3036 Isolation and Restraint of
Students with IEPs and Section 504 Plans, and Policy 3115 Transgender Students
These policies have been reviewed by the Administrative Team. Also included for reference
were the procedures recommended by WSSDA.
Motion 14-09: To approve Policies 3035, 3036, and 3115 for First Reading. (Edwards and Van
Noy) Unanimous.
Board Agenda Topics
Mrs. Van Noy mentioned the Friends of Youth luncheon on March 7th, at the Bellevue Westin.
Dave Ross will be the emcee, and Adrienne Quinn, Director of King County Department of
Human Services, will be the keynote speaker.
The Board also mentioned the upcoming Riverview Education Foundation Auction on March 1st,
at the Redmond Marriott.
The Board listed the subject of School Improvement Plans for their next Board Work Study on
March 7th.
Mr. Bawden mentioned the State Board of Education meeting in Renton at the ESD on March
6th, at 5:15 PM, if anyone was interested.
NSBA Advocacy Institute Report
Mr. Edwards just returned from Washington, D.C., for the National School Board Association
Advocacy Institute, with over 700 school boards represented. The speakers were Pulitzer Prize
winner Bob Woodward, and Dr. Bernice King, daughter of Martin Luther King, Jr. He attended
sessions on Common Core, Teacher Evaluation, Development in Education Reform, as well as
Building Sustainable Relationships with Congress. He heard from several members of Congress
on the state of education, particularly the reauthorization of ESEA. He read an excerpt from
Kathleen Branch’s speech on private school vouchers for low income families. Mr. Edwards
said it’s important to continue to stay in front of legislators and he is committed to doing that.
He thanked the board for supporting his trip to Washington, DC.
Superintendent Report
Dr. Anthony Smith reported:
Participated in two extensive Learning Walks, one at CHS with Principal Lavarias as part of
the principal evaluation process and visited six classrooms; the other at Cherry Valley with
Principal Becker’s evaluation focusing on her goal of 2nd grade acceleration and intervention
around reading and visited 5 different classrooms.
Attended two middle school plays at PARADE led by Carol Gould, as well as several boys’
and girls’ basketball games at Cedarcrest High School.
Entry Plan: Met with Peggy McNamara, Executive Director of Acres of Diamonds, at their
site. Their program meets the needs of transitional housing for women and children up to
age 12. She said their goal is “for moms to stop the cycle and achieve self sufficiency.”
Timberlake Church is the parent organization that is currently funding them. “Transforming
homeless women, one step at a time,” is their mission statement. Peggy shared the district
has embraced our kids at Cherry Valley, and this district cares deeply for our kids.
Today, met with King County Sheriff Detective Scott Allen who now works in Carnation.
Took him over to visit the Riverview Learning Center. He has met with Dr. Stocker and
Chris Lupo, and he is highly trained in ASAP (active shooter and patrol). His quote was
“talk to your kids about drugs consistently, start early and don’t hold back.”
Also, the superintendents in Puget Sound ESD have been highly active with legislative
communication concerning the 1080 instructional hour issue. Our messages through letters
and conversations with legislators have been heard and have had a high impact on combining
the 1080 requirement with 24-credit framework for realistic implementation.
Contacted State Board of Education, Linda Drake, and had an excellent conversation on 1080
rule and legislature is now combining these two efforts and are going to rewrite the rules to
connect to 24-credit framework. Also, they are talking about a two credit waiver possibility.
She asked how the PE 1.5 credit requirement would impact us. I expressed our concern on
facilities available. She also asked about science requirements from 2 to 3 credits with 2019
grad class, and I also expressed the space issues for labs.
Today at CHS, a constant contact message went out concerning students voluntarily
ingesting an unknown substance. There is no more information to report at this time.
Levy election first count: Proposition 1 passing at 62.81% yes and Proposition 2 at 64% yes.
There being no further business, Mrs. Van Noy adjourned the February 11, 2014, Board meeting
at 8:20 PM.
Board President
Board Secretary
Cheryl B. Layman, Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors.