RIVERVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 407 DRAFT Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting February 25, 2014 Duvall, WA 98019 Educational Service Center – Board Room CALL TO ORDER Mrs. Van Noy, Board President, called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. MEMBERS PRESENT Mrs. Van Noy, Ms. Oviatt, Mr. Bawden, Mr. Edwards, Ms. Fletcher Student Representatives: Mr. Knoth, Ms. Korn RECESS Mrs. Van Noy recessed the meeting at 5:05 PM and immediately entered into Executive Session to discuss the superintendent’s mid-year evaluation for approximately 75 minutes. EXECUTIVE SESSION Superintendent Evaluation Mrs. Van Noy recessed from Executive Session at 6:45 PM for 15 minutes. Mrs. Van Noy called the meeting back to order at 7:02 PM. CEDARCREST HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT PRESENTATION FIRST Robotics and FIRST Tech Challenge students gave their presentation. Jake Knoth introduced his team, which consisted of Connor Barrett, Sophie Hunter and Piper Cramer – all sophomores. Mr. Knoth also introduced Mr. Miyoshi and Mr. Hall, teacher advisors, and Mr. Kevin Ross, mentor. Stealth Robotics (Team 4089) is Cedarcrest High School’s FIRST Robotics team that was founded in late 2011 for the 2012 season with 25 members. They won the Rookie All-Star Award at Nationals in St. Louis their first year. Last year with 35 members, they won the Gracious Professionalism Award and the Engineering Creativity Award. The team works to develop student interest in science, technology, engineering, and math. Through brainstorming, computer-aided design, prototyping, manufacturing, programming and operating a robot, they provide students with the opportunity to learn, lead, and love working with technology. FIRST has a collection of teams: Jr. FIRST Lego League (FLL) for elementary students, FLL, FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC), and FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC). FRC has their build season in January for about 6 weeks, with competitions in March and April. FTC works with small robotics and teams are responsible for designing, building, and programming their robots to compete in an alliance format against other teams. Mr. Barrett showed the Board a demonstration of how the robot moves and operates. It has special wheels that allow the robot to turn at an angle without losing speed. -1- CEDARCREST HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT PRESENTATION, Cont. Mr. Knoth said Mr. Hall and Mr. Miyoshi open up the shop doors so students can work on the robots. Mr. Ross not only helped start the FIRST team, but also puts in lots of hours and has donated equipment to the school. Mr. Knoth then passed out plastic logos of their team made by the MakerBot 3-D printer. He also passed around a preview of what’s to come, which is a name plate embossed with “Riverview School District”. Saturday, March 1st is FRC Competition #1 at Auburn Mountainview High School. March 14-15 is FRC Competition #2 at Mt. Vernon High School. They could qualify for the St. Louis Competition, which is actually an international competition where they’ll get to meet kids from around the world. Ms. Donna Bielstein, Director of Career & Technical Education, congratulated the students, teachers and their mentor for the great job they’re doing. She wanted to make special note of Mr. Kevin Ross who donates a great number of hours and is amazing by sharing his knowledge, equipment and mentorship with the students. She then presented Mr. Ross with a framed certificate of appreciation signed by the Superintendent and Board President, along with a gift from Cedarcrest High School. The Board thanked Mr. Ross, along with the students, staff, and parents for coming to share their information. COMMUNICATIONS, AGENDA ADJUSTMENT AND HEARING OF PUBLIC Ms. Oviatt encouraged Board members and student reps to attend We Day on March 21st in Seattle. She congratulated Mr. Knoth for receiving the National Football Foundation Scholar Athletic Award. Last week she attended the Board Leadership meeting with Mr. Bawden and Dr. Smith. She also attended the WSSDA Conference Planning Committee meeting and encourages Board members and student reps to consider presenting at the next WSSDA conference. The district is a leader in many areas and we need to share our best practices with other school boards across the state. Ms. Fletcher attended the Science Fair at Cedarcrest High School on Saturday. She doesn’t have the exact number of participants, but believes there were over 100 kids. Over half the projects were presented with a ribbon and regionals are next week. She also attended the Thespian Society’s Mystery Dinner/Play here at the Educational Service Center (ESC). It was called, “How the Other Half Dies,” and it was a very cute, fun show. She thanked the Food Services Department for catering the dinner. Last Saturday, Mr. Edwards attended both the 5th District (Carnation) and 45th District (Duvall) Legislative Town Hall meetings. He got to meet with all the legislators, further cementing those extremely valuable relationships. He also represented the Board at the Audit Exit Conference yesterday and reported that the auditing team was very complementary of our district. Some comments were how helpful, attentive, and organized we were. We have every reason to be proud of our team. This is our seventh straight audit with no findings. Mr. Bawden thanked Mr. Edwards for attending legislative meetings since he was unable to attend. He reminded Board members of the REF Auction this Saturday and he will be attending. There are two items of interest: 1) State Board of Education meeting on March 6th in Renton for public comments – if we have a position we want to take and comment on – let’s coordinate that; and 2) WSSDA Regional meeting on April 29th. -2- COMMUNICATIONS, AGENDA ADJUSTMENT AND HEARING OF PUBLIC, Cont. Mrs. Van Noy wished Mr. Bawden a happy birthday this past week. On March 7 th the Board will be meeting for a Board breakfast in Fall City. On March 10th the Board will be celebrating Classified Employee Week by visiting all our classified employees at our schools, which the Board looks forward to each year. Mrs. Van Noy complimented Ms. Oviatt for leading the Seahawks parade as one of the Seafair volunteers. Student Representative Report Mr. Knoth and Ms. Corn reported as follows: ASB is preparing for March Magnanimity Month. DECA has state qualifiers that are getting ready for competition. FBLA just had their Winter Conference. Renee Wolfe won 1st in Spreadsheet Application; Tyler Sutherland and Donald Lay won 4th in Banking and Financial Assistance; Brennah Reagan won 4 th in Creed; and Camille Oppedal placed in Job Interview. They will be going to State in April. FFA: This is FFA Week. Teacher appreciation apples are being delivered today and District Leadership competitions are coming up. The Forestry Team also has an upcoming competition. FIRST: Competition is this Friday! The robot is complete and ready to roll. We will be at a district competition at Auburn Mountainview High School. We recently visited Tolt Middle School and had two of our robots at the 8th Grade Orientation Night. GSA: A new t-shirt design is coming soon. We will trace down a picture of the design. Meetings lately have been supplemented with featured video content from the news to spark discussion. NHS: During the 2nd week of March, NHS is hosting a Magnanimity week. This includes HighFive Day, a Candy Hand-Out, Teacher Appreciation Day, and Senior Day. TSA: State coming up! After yesterday’s Tolt presentation, the middle school has been buzzing with excitement. RAK: Random Acts of Kindness Week is March 3-7. Boys’ Basketball: They made it to district playoffs, but were eliminated. Girls’ Basketball: They also went to district playoffs, but were eliminated. Wrestling: Ely Malametz won the championship for State Wrestling in his weight division. Bailey McBride placed 4th in his division. Hearing of Public Mr. Mike Vidos, RSD Strategic Plan Advisor, said he just finished working on a Strategic Plan with the Snoqualmie Valley School District. The process went smoothly and efficiently. The Riverview School District serves as a model for other districts. He has never worked with a group as diligent and as professional as our group. He wanted to thank the Board, as well as challenge them to meet with the Snoqualmie Valley School Board to dialogue how they got through the early years of the Strategic Plan. Mrs. Van Noy commented that the Board has a goal to roundtable with Snoqualmie Valley and plan to meet with them this spring. She thanked Mr. Vidos for his kind words. Dr. Smith called Debra Frost, Cedarcrest High School Registrar, to the podium to present her with the Bridge-Builder Pin. This is a special award given to those who help further the vision, mission and goals of the Riverview School District. Each recipient’s pin is numbered and recorded with the reason for its being given in a record book kept by the Superintendent. The award was initiated in 1997 and thus far 209 people have been honored. Dr. Smith went on to read the reasons he nominated Debra Frost for this pin. -3- Hearing of Public, Cont. Registrars play a critical role in drop-out prevention and fiscal accountability for student enrollment. Ms. Frost has gone above and beyond, both at her home school and as a mentor for Kris Rodger at the Riverview Learning Center. Ms. Frost is efficient, effective and passionate toward students, staff, parents, and the community. She is an excellent role model and always communicates professionally. Dr. Smith and the Board thanked Ms. Frost. CONSENT AGENDA A list of routine agenda items were considered in a single motion. Board Members have received and studied background information on all items. Motion 14-10: Unanimous. To approve the February 25, 2014, Consent Agenda. (Oviatt and Bawden) Approval of Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for February 11, 2014, and Board Work Study Minutes for February 11, 2014 Approval of Warrants General Fund Warrant No. 191882 in the amount of $1,070.00, No. 191886 through 191984 in the amount of $144,286.05, and direct deposits of $29,236.58; Capital Projects Fund Warrant No. 191985 through 191988 in the amount of $40,106.82; ASB Fund Warrant No. 191989 through 191995 in the amount of $6,675.45, and direct deposits of $173.62; and Private Purpose Trust Fund Warrant No. 191996 through 191997 in the amount of $137.00 and voided Warrants No. 189020, 189403, 189405, and 189414 in the amount of $240.00. Total payroll for February 14, 2014, was $35,730.50, which includes General Fund Warrant No. 191883 through 191885 in the amount of $2,382.26, and direct deposits of $25,593.55. Approval of Personnel Actions The Board recognized the retirement of Betty Jones, Stillwater teacher, who has worked for the district since 1998. Approval of Service Contracts Approval of Donations The Board acknowledged the generous donation of equipment by Kevin Ross for the Robotics class and the Agricultural shop. Approval of Collective Bargaining Agreement between Riverview Extracurricular Activities Coaches Association and Riverview School District from September 1, 2014 to August 31, 2017 and BUSINESS REF Grant Awards Phase II Mike Ward, current REF President until March, introduced the REF members in attendance: Dustin Green, Sue Davenport, Amy Jacobson, Paige Denison, Laura Knox, Bobbi Nixon, DJ Carlson, and Paul Censullo. Cathy Tiffany is downstairs watching her son do his senior project. Amy Jacobson, REF Treasurer, presented the Board with a check in the amount of $26,864.97, for this Grant Phase. -4- REF Grant Awards Phase II, Cont. This brings the total award for the 2013-14 REF Grant Season to over $69,000. Mrs. Van Noy thanked the REF for all they do for kids in Riverview. Motion 14-11: To approve the REF grants in the amount of $26,864.97. (Edwards and Bongard) Unanimous. Strategic Plan Status Goal 1: Increase the academic achievement of all students Objective 1B: Improve K-12 district-wide assessment score averages in reading, writing, math, and science by spring of 2014. Task 4: Publish and communicate 2012-13 assessment results and school improvement plans address areas identified for improvement and celebrate successes. to Roni Rumsey said the student assessment results are all final with the secondary updates and they’re working on getting those published to the school profile on the school websites. Over the past few months they have updated the assessment results on the Teaching and Learning portion of the website. Task 5: Identify the lowest performing groups of students and create written plans for academic improvements. Roni Rumsey reported over the last few Ad Team meetings, they have been looking at data. Today they were able to pull out free and reduced lunch data for our students, along with their growth and achievement. The Administrative Team is looking at trends, areas for celebration, and areas for improvement. They haven’t created a written document yet. Right now they’re looking at the data and getting an assessment system set up. Some data is hard to compare for various reasons, but next year the data should be clearer. Mrs. Van Noy requested they move the due date for Task 5 to June or September, when more data is available. Dr. Smith said at the second Board meeting in June, they’ll give a presentation on the evidence and the progress they’re making. Objective 1E: Develop and implement a three-to-five year Technology Plan. Task 4: Present resource requests to district voters for approval. Dr. Smith reported on the levy results (see below). Goal 2: Provide a financial process, business practices, and safe facilities to support the improvement of student learning. Objective A: Provide a financial process that strengthens student learning despite state funding uncertainties. Task 8: Insure valid levy elections. Dr. Smith reported that the election results have been certified. For Proposition No. 1, Replacement Educational Program Maintenance and Operations Levy, it passed with 2,914 yes votes (63.99%) and 1,640 no votes (36.01%). For Proposition No. 2, Replacement Technology Capital Projects Levy, it passed with 3,004 yes votes (65.86%) and 1,557 no votes (34.14%). He thanked the community members for exercising their constitutional right to vote as US citizens. -5- Second Reading, Policy 3035, Use of Reasonable Force, Policy 3036 Isolation and Restraint of Students with IEPs and Section 504 Plans, and Policy 3115 Transgender Students Motion 14-12: To approve Policies 3035, 3036, and 3115 for Second Reading. (Oviatt and Van Noy) Unanimous. REPORTS Legislative Report Mr. Edwards passed out the last three Legislative Updates. Two weeks are now left in the Legislative session. The Senate passed E2SSB 6552 by a vote of 45 to 4. This bill decreases the requirement for 1,080 instructional hours from grades 7-12 to grades 9-12; allows for a district-wide averaging of instructional hours for purposes of basic education apportionment; authorizes a 24-Credit Framework for the class of 2019, as adopted by the State Board of Education on January 9, 2014; requires district board of directors to grant academic credit for math and science CTE courses, starting in the 2015-16 school year; and redirects the $97 million appropriated in the 2013-15 operating budget for the 1,080 hours to be used for an additional $130 per student in MSOC in grades 9-12, additional high school guidance counselors, and reduced lab science classroom space. Our input was heard to a high level and it was a true bi-partisan effort. As the last bill of the evening , Senator Steve Litzow, brought forward a striking amendment to SB 5246, which reverted the bill back to a form introduced by Senator Rosemary McAuliffe in December. By a vote of 19-28, the Senate turned down the amended bill, which would have made student scores on federally required state assessments one of multiple measures used in teacher and principal evaluations. Senator Andy Hill was very frustrated that this bill did not go through. Governor Jay Inslee is meeting with US Department of Education Secretary Arne Duncan on Sunday, which will hopefully result in keeping the state’s waiver in place and ensure that 20% of Title I funds stay with the schools. Senator Andy Hill released a supplemental budget that included an additional $38.2 million for school technology under Materials, Supplies and Operating Costs (MSOC), along with redirecting $97 million appropriated last session to begin phasing in a 24-Credit Framework graduation requirement. This is what we have been asking for, so our voices have been heard. Mrs. Van Noy commented that Dan Steele’s legislative report shows the financial forecast is more positive for schools. Mr. Edwards said at the Town Hall meetings, all the legislators are saying they need to have McCleary funded. It was very positive and encouraging. Superintendent Report Dr. Smith reported: We have a date in early March for a Board Work Study on facility use. He has already begun researching information necessary to have a productive Work Study on the facilities. Levy Update: Couldn’t be more excited about the Levy results and what it means to the students in our district. -6- Superintendent Report, Cont. Thanks to the Board for approving the REACA Bargaining Agreement for our coaches and activity supervisors. This was an amicable and collaborative process, resulting in a fair contract, which will run from 2014-2017. We now have a date to meet with members of the Hispanic Community to see what the district can do to improve and serve their students. It is scheduled for March 24th at Carnation Elementary from 6:30 to 8:00 PM. We are providing childcare and snacks. There will also be interpreters on site. It would be great to have one or two Board members in attendance. Picked up the pace on his entry plan and has scheduled meetings with representatives from REA and PSE. He also met with Cherry Valley kindergarten teacher, Donna Calapp, who he’s worked with for over 16 years. Participated in Learning Walks with Chris Lupo and Tom Oldenburg at Tolt Middle School on February 29th. Met with Greg Lobdell and Marilyn McGuire, Center for Educational Effectiveness, with Roni Rumsey on February 29th. They learned about the new state accountability index. Attended the CHS Thespian Murder Mystery Theater at the ESC on the evening of Friday, February 21st. He said it was incredible and thanked the Food Services staff for going the extra mile and helping out. Attended the CHS Science Fair on Saturday, February 22nd, which was amazing as usual. Carpooled to the Legislative Town Meeting in Snoqualmie with Marc Hillestad to present on critical issues facing us in education. Dr. Smith gave credit to 35 superintendents in the Puget Sound ESD 121 for the shift of money from the 1,080 hour requirement to the 24-Credit Framework, which he believes was a direct result of this group’s recommendations. He also thanked the legislators for listening. When we work together, we can get amazing things done. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mrs. Van Noy adjourned the February 25, 2014, Board meeting at 8:28 PM. __________________________________ Board President ____________________________________ Board Secretary MINUTES PREPARED BY Sandy Bechtel, Acting Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors. -7-