RIVERVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 407 DRAFT Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting March 11, 2014 Duvall, WA 98019 Educational Service Center – Board Room CALL TO ORDER Mrs. Van Noy, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. MEMBERS PRESENT Mrs. Van Noy, Ms. Oviatt, Mr. Bawden, Mr. Edwards, Ms. Fletcher Student Representatives: Mr. Knoth, Ms. Korn COMMUNICATIONS, AGENDA ADJUSTMENT AND HEARING OF PUBLIC Mrs. Van Noy noted the Board held a Work Study Breakfast on the morning of Friday, March 7, 2014 with Dr. Anthony Smith and Director of Teaching & Learning, Roni Rumsey to continue to discuss School Improvement Plans. Classified Employees Week began on Monday, March 10, 2014. Directors visited classified employees at all Riverview locations. She thanked Ms. Oviatt and Ms. Fletcher for arranging the gifts which were given in appreciation. An additional Work Study was held prior to tonight’s meeting on Facility Use policies throughout the District. Mrs. Van Noy will be attending the WSSDA Directors Conference in April and complimented Dr. Smith for arranging the Hispanic Education Forum at Carnation Elementary on March 24. A thank you was given to Riverview Communications Coordinator Michael Ward for filling in as Acting Recording Secretary for this meeting and for his continued work with the Riverview Education Foundation. She attended the League of Education Voters breakfast earlier this morning as well. Mr. Bawden attended the Riverview Education Foundation annual auction on March 1, 2014, along with Ms. Fletcher and Dr. Smith. The event saw a huge turnout and Foundation president, Sue Davenport, has indicated the event was a big success. He also made special mention of the Classified Employees and honoring them this week for all their work. Mr. Knoth stated that the Robotics team performed very well at last week’s competition in Auburn. Together, the team worked with additional teams to find new strategies and ideas for success. Another competition in Mount Vernon will take place this coming Friday and Saturday and he invited any and all Board members to attend the event. Ms. Korn attended TOLO at the Educational Service Center on Saturday, March 8. The event was held by the Senior Class and Cedarcrest ASB. She likewise made mention of Classified Employees week and that her Advanced Health class made a card for the Classified employees. She also attended with Mr. Knoth and Dr. Smith, the meeting with the Executive Director for the State Board of Education at the Puget Sound ESD. Ms. Fletcher echoed Mr. Bawden’s comments and mentioned that she attended the Friends of Youth luncheon with Ms. Oviatt and Mrs. Van Noy. The event raised more than $150,000 for the organization. The National School Boards Association (NSBA) conference schedule is now online for seminars. -1- COMMUNICATIONS, AGENDA ADJUSTMENT AND HEARING OF PUBLIC, Cont. Mr. Edwards recognized the classified employees and their week of appreciation and stated this was his favorite time of the year. Ms. Oviatt thanked the classified employees and was sorry she was not able to join her fellow Board members due to a work conflict. She referenced that Mrs. Van Noy was featured on the Duvall Police Department’s Facebook page, as they, along with Ms. Fletcher and Sgt. Lori Batiot of the Duvall P.D. attended the Friends of Youth luncheon together. The 74th Annual NSBA Conference will be in New Orleans and Ms. Oviatt will be traveling from Saratoga Springs, New York, to join the Board in attendance. Congratulations were given to DECA students from Cedarcrest High School for their achievements at the State Conference last weekend. The new Eagle Rock Multi-Age webpage was acknowledged with comments made about how terrific the site looked. Agenda Adjustment Motion 14-13: To amend the Consent Agenda, Item C. Personnel Actions, to reflect current changes. (Oviatt and Bawden) Unanimous. CONSENT AGENDA A list of routine agenda items were considered in a single motion. Board Members have received and studied background information on all items. Motion 14-14: To approve the March 11, 2014, Consent Agenda, as amended. (Bawden and Oviatt) Unanimous. Approval of Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for February 25, 2014 Approval of Warrants General Fund Warrant No. 192066 through 192138 in the amount of $155,031.13, and direct deposits of $5,584.33; Capital Projects Fund Warrant No. 192139 through 192147 in the amount of $21,774.35; ASB Fund Warrant No. 192148 through 192165 in the amount of $14,911.75; and Private Purpose Trust Fund Warrant No. 192166 through 192169 in the amount of $818.24, and direct deposits of $11,873.04. Total payroll for February 28, 2014 was $2,087,413.40, which includes General Fund Warrant No. 191998 through 192006 in the amount of $11,376.84, and General Fund Warrant No. 192009 through No. 192065 in the amount of $701,312.60 and direct deposits of $988,892.57. Approval of Personnel Actions, as amended Mr. Bawden asked why an Amendment was being made on this item of the Agenda. Dr. Smith indicated that one item was eliminated as there was further information needed before granting the individual’s leave of absence. The Board acknowledged the retirements of Sue Heyting and Kay Smoke, and the resignations of Susie Marshall and Coleen McDermott. Approval of Service Contracts Mrs. Van Noy announced that the Board has contracted with the YMCA of Greater Seattle to run an enrichment program at Stillwater Elementary School. -2- CONSENT AGENDA, Cont. Approval of Donations Mr. Bawden acknowledged the donations from Microsoft, FIRST (for Robotics), The Linnerooth Team, and Stillwater PTSA. BUSINESS Board Agenda Topics Ms. Oviatt asked for a WSSDA Work Study to discuss presentations that the Board might want to submit to WSSDA, as well as the work necessary to apply for an award for the Board. The window for submitting proposals to WSSDA is March 26 – May 9. The Board decided on April 22, 2014, e session from 5:00 PM to 6:45 PM. Mrs. Van Noy asked for the addition of a work study in late April or early May regarding the State Accountability Index and proposed inviting Director of Teaching and Learning Roni Rumsey to join the Work Study. Dr. Smith will provide the Board with proposed dates. Budget Status Report – January 2014 The Board reviewed Mr. Adamo’s financial report and appreciated the detailed information. REPORTS Legislative Report Mr. Edwards mentioned that the state legislative session concludes on Thursday, March 13. On Monday, the Senate Ways & Means Committee held hearings on their proposed substitute to SB 3483, authorizing $825 million in bonds for capacity issues, classrooms to support implementation of K-3, full-day kindergarten and enhanced science facilities across the state (including STEM). A proposed substitute for SSB 5581 was introduced – The Kids First Act, copies of which were made available to the Board. The first section states that the Legislature finds that over the last 30 years, education has been a declining priority in state budgets. Essentially, billions of dollars have been diverted into non-paramount and non-constitutionally mandated areas of the budget. The Kids First Act would require two-thirds (2/3) of any new revenue to be spent on education, including early learning and higher education. Mr. Edwards expressed concern that this may indicate a co-mingling of funds with the McCleary decision. The Act also would declare that education funding would not be reduced by the previous biennium and funding would be in place for ten (10) years. This would initiate on July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2025. Per McCleary, compliance is supposed to be in place by 2018, and this Kids First Act pushes that timeline back to 2025. The Kids First Act would be presented in the form of a ballot initiative, allowing voters to have the final say. Mr. Edwards indicated that he would provide a session summary report at the next Board meeting. A joint letter was sent by WSSDA and the Washington State PTA to members of the House Education Committee and the House Education Appropriations Committee on the 1,080 hours and 24 credits diploma issue. Copies of that were likewise made available to the Board. -3- BUSINESS, Cont. Superintendent Report Dr. Smith reported: Met with REA building representatives for Cedarcrest, Tolt, Riverview Learning Center, Stillwater, and Carnation Elementary regarding the Superintendent Entry Plan. Plans are being made to meet with Cherry Valley in the coming weeks. The tone was highly professional, collaborative, and positive. A number of opportunities occurred to celebrate successes and identify ways to improve. Common themes emerged throughout all grade levels and face-to-face follow ups with building principals have started. In talking with teachers, Dr. Smith asked for 1) Positives; 2) Areas of Improvement; and, 3) Any additional comments. REA meetings were viewed positively by membership and a recommendation was made to revisit these meetings every couple of years or so. Student reps Mr. Knoth and Ms. Korn accompanied Dr. Smith to Puget Sound ESD for a meeting with Executive Director for the State Board of Education, Ben Rarick. Mrs. Van Noy also attended. Mr. Knoth said that Mr. Rarick was interested in learning how the student rep process worked with Riverview. Dr. Smith spoke with him about the State Accountability Index, community college testing and ALE requirements. Mr. Rarick was interested in hearing about Riverview’s ALE programs and the student commitment required therein. Mr. Rarick indicated a continued focus on honoring McCleary and working with the legislature. Echoed Mr. Bawden’s comments on the REF Auction. Dropped into REF’s Monday evening board meeting and thanked them for their continued hard work and acknowledged Paul Censullo’s work with REF as Ex Officio. Participated in Learning Walks at the Riverview Learning Center and an amazing classroom visitation with Dr. Randy Stocker at Carnation Elementary and observing a second-year teacher there. Those visits again show that through collaboration and planning, we can all improve our practice together. The reflection time and the deep conversations are positives of the new evaluation system. The challenge still remains with all the time spent in uploading evidence along with increased paperwork. Experienced a wonderful presentation with the Ad-Team and Ad-Council about Gender Diversity, presented by organization founder Aidan Key. The seminar fits in with the Entry Plan goal of providing a safe, inclusive environment in our schools. The information was enlightening, and everyone present gained important information. A message of sensitivity toward all people was communicated. On Friday, March 7, the information received from the Board Work Study that day was shared with Roni Rumsey. Adjustments will be looked at and worked on for next year based on School Board feedback. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mrs. Van Noy adjourned the March 11, 2014, Board meeting at 7:35 PM. __________________________________ Board President ____________________________________ Board Secretary MINUTES PREPARED BY Michael Ward, Acting Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors.