RIVERVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 407 Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting March 25, 2014 Duvall, WA 98019 Educational Service Center – Board Room CALL TO ORDER Mrs. Van Noy, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance, led by Carnation Elementary students. MEMBERS PRESENT Mrs. Van Noy, Ms. Oviatt, Mr. Bawden, Mr. Edwards, Ms. Fletcher Student Representatives: Mr. Knoth, Ms. Korn CARNATION ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENT PRESENTATION Dr. Randy Stocker, Carnation Elementary Principal, explained twelve second grade students will be sharing their reading strategies and skills with individual Board members. Students came up to the Board members, shared their work, and engaged with the Board member. The Board learned a range of strategies and skills from the students, which they shared back to the students and parents. The Board thanked the students, parents and staff for the engaging lesson in reading strategies. COMMUNICATIONS, AGENDA ADJUSTMENT AND HEARING OF PUBLIC Mr. Knoth shared he is beginning his Senior Project by volunteering for FIRST Robotics competition events across the state. Mr. Bawden mentioned Parent Awareness Night on Thursday, as well as Tolt Middle School 5th Grade Parent Night. Another Parent Awareness Night may be scheduled for those who could not attend. He noted the School Board and Superintendent would be attending the National School Board Association Conference from April 4-7th. Mrs. Fletcher shared that she would not be in town for the April 8th Board Meeting. Ms. Oviatt attended We Day Seattle, sponsored by Free the Children. This is a celebration of students who have supported one local and one global event, and as last year, it was a great success. Mrs. Van Noy attended the Alliance for Education Breakfast today, a YWCA luncheon also today, and previously a League of Education Voters breakfast. She attended last night’s Hispanic Forum for our Hispanic families at Carnation Elementary, and enjoyed meeting and speaking with Lee Culverwell from Encompass. Mrs. Van Noy noted there will not be a Board Breakfast Work Study in April. She also invited all to attend the Maintenance/Concession Stand Building Open House on Thursday at 3:30 PM. -1- COMMUNICATIONS, AGENDA ADJUSTMENT AND HEARING OF PUBLIC, Cont. Agenda Adjustment Motion 14-15: To amend the March 25, 2014 Board Meeting Agenda by adding Item F. Final Acceptance of Cedarcrest Athletic Fields and Miscellaneous Improvements Project, under Business; and to amend the Consent Agenda, Item C. Personnel Actions to reflect current changes. (Edwards and Fletcher) Unanimous. Hearing of Public Mr. Fred Bereswill, Deputy Mayor of Carnation, reported the new police services have been very effective and the City is receiving positive feedback. Two plats have been approved for residential areas, one with 79 spec homes, and one with 29 builder homes. The Habitat homes are still waiting for federal funding to come through. The Farmer’s Market will start again in May. Student Representative Report Mr. Knoth and Ms. Korn reported on Cedarcrest High School activities: March Magnanimity Assembly will be on Friday, with $500 raised so far from clubs. DECA is presenting Spirit week! Show your colors, Staff Appreciation, Secret Note Passing, Send a Compliment, and Miracle Minute. FFA State competitions for CHS students are in Floral Design, Forestry, and Public Speaking. FIRST Robotic Team is ranked 28th out of 158 teams, after the conclusion of regional events. The team won the imagery award at the first competition in Auburn Mountainview. The award celebrates attractiveness in engineering and outstanding visual aesthetic integration of machine and team appearance. The team is hoping to qualify for the Regional Event in Portland on April 10th- 12th. Mr. Garrison has begun hanging the GSA flag in the commons on the weeks when there is a Wednesday meeting, making it easier for students to tell if there is a meeting. We Day! Kianna Hales presented to a crowd of around 200. The event was very high energy; the Cedarcrest NHS made it a mission to meet new people. Cedarcrest RAK was mentioned by a speaker. The representatives learned a lot about what it takes to build schools in thirdworld countries. NHS is considering raising money or sponsoring a project. State TSA is this Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Public Viewing is on Friday night. Contact Mr. Klune or Mr. Kennedy for more info. Random Acts of Kindness is planning an Ixtapa Lunch this Friday, Road Cleanup, and Miracle Minute. During March, RAK had Eagle Rock Multi-Age students in the CHS library drawing pictures. Boys’ Soccer has had two games so far. They lost the first one to Lake Washington 0-2 and won the second one against Highline 4-0. The next home game is against Sultan, this Friday at 6 PM. Softball has had two games. They won the first one against Sammamish High School 13-3 and lost the second one to Sultan 11-0. They played on Monday, March 24th. Baseball played two games, both against Lakewood. They won the first one 12-0 and lost the second one in the 11th inning 4-2. The next home game will be tomorrow at 4 PM. -2- Student Representative Report, Cont. Track Rookie Achievements: Dave Boak tied the freshmen record for the 100m and broke the freshman record in the 200m. His 200m time put him tied for 6th on our top 10 list. Ryder (Isaiah) Withrow, a senior new at high-jumping this year went 6’2” which puts him 4th on our top 10 list and made him the 4th CHS student to go over 6’0”. Kathryn Smith, another rookie senior, is sitting tied for 8th on the javelin list. CONSENT AGENDA A list of routine agenda items were considered in a single motion. Board Members have received and studied background information on all items. Motion 14-16: To approve the March 25, 2014, Consent Agenda, as amended. (Oviatt and Bawden) Unanimous. Approval of Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for March 11, 2014, Board Work Study Minutes for March 7, 2014, and Board Work Study Minutes for March 11, 2014 Approval of Warrants General Fund Warrant No. 192172 through 192289 in the amount of 220,591.87, and direct deposits of $28,680.17; Capital Projects Fund Warrant No. 192290 through 192293 in the amount of $38,197.90, and direct deposits of $182.00; ASB Fund Warrant No. 192294 through 192310 in the amount of $4,891.72, and direct deposits of $695.64; and Private Purpose Trust Fund Warrant No. 192311 in the amount of $258.00. Total payroll for March 14, 2014, was $26,791.47, which includes General Fund Warrant No. 192170 through 192171 in the amount of $207.57, and direct deposits of $21,283.52. Approval of Personnel Actions, as amended The Board acknowledged and thanked Wes Pierce for his upcoming year-long active duty service. Approval of Service Contracts Approval of Donations The Board acknowledged the generous donation from CHS PTSA to purchase audio/video equipment for the PE classes. Approval of Budget Status Report – February 2014 Approval of Out-of-State Travel for CHS DECA Students to Attend the International Career Development Conference, May 2-7, 2014, in Atlanta, Georgia BUSINESS 2012-13 State Audit Report Mr. Adamo reported the Audit was excellent, without a finding or management letter. Riverview was selected for an additional audit of Alternative Learning Experience compliance, as well as annual performance audits. -3- BUSINESS, Cont. Asset Preservation Program Compliance District buildings that are subjected to the OSPI “Asset Preservation Program” are required to undergo an annual evaluation of the conditions of key building components by April 1st of each year. The only district buildings that are subjected to these program requirements are Cedarcrest High and the Riverview Learning Center. Mr. Adamo provided the 2013-14 Building Summary reports for both buildings and noted that annual evaluations are self-evaluated, with periodically outside evaluations. Motion 14-17: To accept the Asset Preservation Building Summary Reports for 2013-14 for Cedarcrest High School and the Riverview Learning Center. (Van Noy and Edwards) Unanimous. Maintenance Operations Building Change Order No. 004 These changes are for revisions and omissions in various areas. Motion 14-18: To approve Maintenance Operations Building Change Order No. 004 in the amount of $8,712.95. (Oviatt and Fletcher) Unanimous. Strategic Plan Status Goal 1: Increase the academic achievement of all students. Objective 1C: Refine current interventions for all students to support student learning. Task 2: Student assistance teams will be strengthened at all sites with principals providing a description of each respective site’s progress. Dr. Heikkila reported on this year’s efforts to continue ongoing improvements to the student assistance team process. After meeting several times with principals and counselors, four themes emerged: 1) move from reactive to proactive; 2) move from limited data to data rich; 3) move from the narrow individual focus to broader class focus; and 4) move from one team to multiple and/or flexible teams. Objective 1E: Develop and implement a three-to-five year Technology Plan. Task 5: Explore technology protocols to support Human Resources, Facilities, and Teaching & Learning requests. Mr. Censullo said the IT Department has worked closely with HR to streamline and create procedures to increase efficiencies with online systems. Future work includes converting archive paper records to digital format, an evaluation system for classified staff, and continued collaboration. The Technology Department currently provides and manages all district network connections, IP phone system, wireless system, HVAC system monitoring, security surveillance, and school intercoms. Future needs include a new phone system integrated with the computer network, increased bandwidth and wireless connectivity, and a look at keycard entry at all buildings. The Technology Department also works closely with Teaching and Learning on curricular, online assessments, and student data sharing needs. In the future, we hope to have more mobile devices for students and a better measurement of efficacies of district tech initiatives on student learning. The Technology Department is always exploring new efficiencies and teaching tools to support all district departments, through networking, conferences, research, and meeting with departments. -4- Strategic Plan Status, Cont. Goal 2: Provide a financial process, business practices, and safe facilities to support the improvement of student learning. Objective 2A: Provide a financial process that strengthens student learning despite state funding uncertainties. Task 9: If significant operating expenses need to be eliminated in the 2014-15 budget, define community involvement in that process. Mr. Adamo reported now that the Legislative session is completed and we have a clear picture of next year’s budget, he doesn’t envision any significant expense eliminations. Goal 3: Provide Human Resources and Communication practices to improve student learning. Objective 3A: Implement the new 2013-2018 Human Resources (HR) plan. Task 3: Develop a process for tracking all of the different evaluation systems in the district. Ms. Gavigan shared examples of the data collection system used to track teacher evaluations. This year will be the baseline for all TPEP evaluation criteria. Dr. Smith added that tracking has been created for classified and administrative evaluations. Make-up Day at End of Year The District missed one day due to snow this year, December 20th. As the Board has scheduled make-up days at the end of the year, we request the calendar be changed to end the year on June 18, 2014. Motion 14-19: To approve the 2013-14 School Calendar revision by adding one make-up day to the end of the year, ending school on June 18, 2014. (Edwards and Van Noy) Unanimous. Final Acceptance of Cedarcrest Athletic Fields and Miscellaneous Improvements Project Erickson McGovern Architects recommends acceptance of this project, the Cedarcrest Athletic Fields and Miscellaneous Improvements. Motion 14-20: To Adopt Resolution 14-01, accepting the Cedarcrest Athletic Fields and Miscellaneous Improvements Project, done by CDK Construction Services, Inc. (Oviatt and Edwards) Unanimous. REPORTS Legislative Report Mr. Edwards passed out WSSDA’s Legislative Update and Senator Hill’s end-of-session report. He highlighted several items of the operating budget: $58 million in new investments for Materials, Supplies, and Operating Costs (MSOC); $2 million in restored basic education funding to districts that received federal timber payments; and $95 million shift from 1,080 hours in 2014-15 to begin phasing in 24-credit diploma. Of importance to school districts, SB 5964 requires all elected or appointed school districts to complete training in the Public Records Act and the Open Public Meetings Act within 90 days of taking office and to refresh training once every four years. -5- Legislative Report, Cont. Senator Andy Hill, Senate’s chief budget writer and chairman of the Senate Ways and Means Committee, noted in his report that almost two-thirds of increased spending went to K-12 and higher education, building upon the progress prioritizing education in the 2013 budget. This budget was built in an open and bipartisan manner, with the final plan receiving 48 of 49 votes from the Senate and 85 of 98 in the House. Mr. Edwards said he is proud of the 5th and 45th District Legislative representatives, and has written thank you letters to all for their advocacy for education in this year’s Legislative Session. Superintendent Report Dr. Smith reported as follows: Met on the possible access through the ERMA parking lot, down the service road, east of CHS athletic complex, for Pulte Construction during the summer. Pulte has a lot of King County requirements before finalizing an access road. Their project could take four summers. Pulte would pay for any legal cost and any documents required by the district. Met with both Cities’ managers on a variety of topics, including impact fees. Each city has unique needs and different resources to meet those needs. Very productive meeting. Held the Hispanic Forum last night, with 31 parents present, about 15 children, 6 interpreters, 11 district staff, one Board President, and a representative from Encompass. We used the world Café format and received a great amount of feedback in terms of what we are doing well and what can be improved. Thank you to all who worked so hard on this event. The Legislative Session produced graduation law that no longer requires Senior Projects, beginning with the class of 2015. They also are requiring 24 credits to graduate beginning with the class of 2019. Was able to attend Stillwater kindergarten teacher, Hannah Tobin’s piano recital for her students, with each kindie performing. Learning Walks included Eagle Rock Multi Age kindergarten class and observed each of Cherry Valley’s 3rd grade teachers. Continuing to work on budget planning. Commend directors on commitment to Learning Walks, especially Bill Adamo on Mondays. Asked him to meet with principals for potential sites for portables, and he has met with all of them. Appreciate Board leadership for productive monthly board leadership meetings and thank Carol, Lori and Greg for their time. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mrs. Van Noy adjourned the March 25, 2014, Board meeting at 8:46 PM. ________________________________________ Board President ___________________________________ Board Secretary MINUTES PREPARED BY Cheryl B. Layman, Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors. -6-