RIVERVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 407 Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting

Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting
April 22, 2014
Duvall, WA 98019
Educational Service Center – Board Room
Ms. Oviatt, Board Vice President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM, followed by the Pledge
of Allegiance, led by Cherry Valley Elementary students.
Ms. Oviatt, Mr. Bawden, Mr. Edwards, Ms. Fletcher
Student Representatives: Mr. Knoth, Ms. Korn
Mrs. Van Noy
Heather Nelson, 3rd grade teacher, introduced students Liam Bissell and Lucy Allen who showed
the School Board how to make a QR (Quick Response) code. The students walked the Board
through embedding a link inside a square that can easily be scanned from any I-phone or I-pad.
They scanned codes that lead to student book trailers, showing a short video that students made
on books they have read. The Board thanked the students, parents and staff for this amazing
lesson, and sharing the advancement in technology use at such an early age.
Ms. Oviatt announced that Mrs. Van Noy was excused from the meeting due to a work
obligation. Prior to tonight’s meeting, the Board held a Work Study on the National School
Board Association (NSBA) Conference sessions and topics for presenting at the Washington
State School Directors Association (WSSDA) Conference in November. Several topics came to
light: community engagement, and on-time and extended graduation in Riverview.
She thanked Riverview for supporting the Austin Jenckes benefit concert here last Saturday. She
noted the Healthy Challenge by CHS teacher, Peggy Filer, is coming up and asked the Board if
they wanted to participate.
Mr. Bawden regretted not being at the last meeting.
Ms. Fetcher also regretted not being at the last meeting as she was out of town. She noted
Certificated Staff Appreciation week begins May 5th and she’ll work with the Board on visiting
Mr. Edwards announced Marie Sullivan, Director of Government Relations at WSSDA, resigned
leaving a huge loss for the legislative communications. Saturday, he and the Duvall Mayor
drove to Fife and he was able to discuss ways the City and District can collaborate more. He
reminded the board that Senior Projects would be on June 6th, and this is the last Senior Project
panel in which to participate.
Mr. Knoth noted he attended the Austin Jenckes concert and really enjoyed Roger Fisher, Heart
lead guitarist, joining Mr. Jenckes on stage.
Agenda Adjustment
Motion 14-23: To amend the Consent Agenda, Item C. Personnel Actions, and Item D. Service
Contracts to reflect current changes. (Edwards and Bawden) Unanimous.
Student Representative Report
Mr. Knoth and Ms. Korn reported on Cedarcrest High School, as follows:
Between Prom, Graduation, and Baccalaureate, ASB is a very busy setting, not to
mention that officer elections are currently going on.
DECA has Allie Fuquay, Bronwen Boyd, Josh Budig, and Kelsey Carroll going to
Nationals in Atlanta first part of May.
FBLA had seven members going to state competition. They competed in four events and
the students learned a lot about leadership. They had opportunities to recruit new
FFA Plant Sale going on. The plant sale is always a big hit, and this year should be no
different. Also, their state competition is coming up.
With the season concluded, the FIRST Robotics team has been busy recapping and
reorganizing for next season. We prepared for the Portland Regional, but unfortunately
just missed the mark, in order to qualify for nationals. The promo robot will be appearing
at a Tolt assembly.
As many clubs are doing at the moment, GSA is working on the selection of next year’s
officers. Also, T-Shirt orders are being finalized.
NHS members are working on completing their community hours. Kianna Hales
organized a donation drive for Oso families and then delivered everything in her own car.
The Blood Drive is next month.
TSA has 14 students from CHS competing in this year’s TSA Nationals at the end of
June in Washington, D.C. At the State level, our TSA Chapter placed very well. A few
o Video production and On Demand Video
 1st and 3rd place, respectively
o Writing competition
 1st, 3rd, and 5th place.
o Our chapter also placed highly in Photography Technology and Promotional
Design, as well as Fashion Design, Video Game Design, and the presentation
RAK club members are cleaning up our local roads. They can also be found at Ixtapa on
Fridays, buying random tables’ lunches. A recent focus for new activities has been within
the school itself as far as kindness goes, and officer elections will be coming up soon.
Boys’ Soccer current record is 6 wins- 2 losses. Last week they had 3 games and they
won all of them.
Softball’s current record is 5 wins- 7 losses. Last week, in an impressive game vs.
Coupeville, they came out on top with a final score of 13-2. They had a game today at 4
PM, and their next home game is this Thursday, also at 4 PM.
Student Representative Report, Cont.
Baseball Varsity’s current record is 10 wins- 4 losses and JV’s current record is 9 wins- 3
Track varsity runners were invited to the Easton Invite. Last Thursday they had a meet at
Granite Falls and Senior Amelia Anderson broke her personal record for the 2 mile and is
now 7th on the school’s top ten list. Last weekend the Distance Medley team broke the
upstanding school record. The next home meet is this Thursday.
Girls’ golf team is tied for first in the conference. They have won 4 out of 5 matches.
Boys’ golf team has a current record of 2 wins- 2 losses. They beat South Whidbey and
Sultan and lost to Arch Bishop and Sultan (by one stroke).
A list of routine agenda items were considered in a single motion. Board Members have
received and studied background information on all items.
Motion 14-24: To approve the April 22, 2014, Consent Agenda, as amended. (Edwards and
Oviatt) Unanimous.
Approval of Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for April 8, 2014
Approval of Warrants
General Fund Warrant No. 192488 through 192562 in the amount of $165,491.01; Capital
Projects Fund Warrant No. 192563 through 192564 in the amount of $11,005.50; ASB Fund
Warrant No. 192565 through 192579 in the amount of $14,309.44; and Private Purpose Trust
Fund Warrant No. 192580 through 192582 in the amount of $1,311.94. Total payroll for April
15, 2014, was $29,503.66, which includes General Fund Warrant No. 192487 in the amount of
$392.89, and direct deposits of $23,028.77.
Approval of Personnel Actions, as amended
The Board acknowledged the retirement of Donna Calapp, 1st grade teacher at Cherry Valley,
after 27 years in Riverview.
Approval of Service Contracts, as amended
Approval of Donation
The Board acknowledged the generous donation from Stillwater PTSA for field trips, safety
patrol, and field day expenses.
Approval of Budget Status Report – March 2014
Approval of Out-of-State Travel for CHS and TMS Students to the National TSA Conference in
Washington, DC, June 26-July 2, 2014
Strategic Plan Status
Goal 1: Increase the academic achievement of all students.
Objective 1A: Develop a plan to implement the Washington State Common Core Standards.
Task 1: Introduce the district’s Outcomes and Indicators and Thinking Skills model.
Roni Rumsey reported the Outcomes and Indicators were introduced at the end of last
year and at the Welcome Back presentation by Dr. Smith. Work will continue on this
task in partnership with Dr. Smith to create a plan to push out the information and
documents. This year major work has been focused around CCSS and the Teacher
Principal evaluation process. Moving forward, a portion of the plan will include
connections made between the Outcomes and Indicators, Thinking Skills Model, and new
Objective 1B: Improve K-12 district-wide assessment score averages in reading, writing, math,
and science by spring of 2014.
Task 6: Complete a professional development plan for utilizing assessment data. Roni
Rumsey noted this is a work in progress; we will continue to use assessments for district
level as we used this year.
Objective 1D:
Implement K-12 Academically Talented/Honors program review
Task 2: Evaluate progress of program.
Task 3: Continue to look at venues to increase student participation in these higher
programs. Roni Rumsey explained new legislation has created a need to design and
implement a K-12 highly capable plan. We are looking at the building-based PAT
programs; currently Tolt has developed placement guidelines for Honors and Advanced
Placements; and we are working with CHS to develop guidelines. We will come back in
June with a plan.
Dr. Smith introduced from the audience Eric Evangelista, the principal intern working with Ms.
Gavigan at the Riverview Learning Center. He thanked him for all his assistance at the RLC.
Goal 3: Provide Human Resources and Communication practices to improve student
Objective 3A: Implement the new 2013-2018 Human Resources (HR) plan.
Task 4: Review classified evaluation system and make recommendations based on PSE
feedback. Dr. Smith reported that the Human Resources Department has gathered
samples of how other districts evaluate classified employees, looked at job descriptions,
and reviewed those as well as meeting the President of PSE, Kory Loresch. More
information needs to be collected and when Ms. Gavigan moves to a full-time HR
Director this will happen. HR’s recommendation is to build on the research and work on
updating job descriptions and updating the evaluation system. Given the increased scope
of this task and the recognition of the time and stakeholders involved, the task will be
expanded and timelines for phased in implementation will be reflected in upcoming
strategic plan processes.
National School Board Association (NSBA) Conference Report
Ms. Oviatt explained the National School Board Association Conference is one of two annual
professional development opportunities for Board members. We all learn a lot and bring back
many great ideas.
Mr. Edwards said this conference was the most informative he has been to. He followed the
legislative track, with sessions on Effective Strategies for Working with Your State Legislators;
Why Engaging the Public is Imperative; Changing the National Narrative about Public
Education; and Getting Ready for the Common Core Assessments. He also met one of the most
amazing educators in the country, Erin Gruwell, who wrote Freedom Writers, which became a
movie chronicling her journey with high school students who had been written off by the
education system. She did a session on different ways to engage students.
Mr. Bawden focused on How to Deal with Negative People which provided great tools on how
to deal with people at work or in a school environment; They Snooze You Lose: 10 Shots to
Caffeinate Your Presentations, gave several good points. He enjoyed the General Session
Speaker, Thomas Friedman, author of The World is Flat.
Ms. Fletcher noted the board left the ESC parking lot around 3:30 AM on Friday morning and
returned to their cars at 2:00 AM on Tuesday morning, fast but great trip. She focused on
technology and community engagement tracks. She enjoyed Magic Johnson’s message, “Use
leadership skills to help kids believe in themselves….The one thing he learned is not how
successful you are but how many others you help succeed.” She also enjoyed speaker Simon T.
Bailey, author of Release Your Inner Brilliance, and bought his book for motivational reading.
Ms. Oviatt focused on community engagement and technology. One interesting community
engagement session was Building a Cadre of District Ambassadors, a leadership academy for
community members to go through a year long program to learn about school community,
finances, how schools work, and would also be a good way to recruit school board members.
She attended a lot of sessions on social media and bring your own devices and how to use
Twitter and Pinterest at the district level. Most interesting was the Pinterest model, with the
school district pinning their school calendar events, sporting events, activities, while another one
was a phone app for school district. I just loved the humor of speaker Sir Ken Robinson and his
message was on creativity in education system and allowing students to have that creative
processing and thinking.
Dr. Smith said he tried to match what we are doing in this district in real time and in the future.
He attended a session Best of Both Digital Learning Worlds; Cloud Computing and Bring Your
Own Device, and appreciated the modeling during the session as we used our own I-phones to
engage in an exercise. The session from Kingsport City Schools on The Transformation of
Central Office Culture: From Operations to Service matches up with a number of things we are
doing in Superintendent Cabinet (Superintendent and Central Office Directors). Yakima School
District did a great presentation on “Is Your School District College and Career Ready?” They
have agreed on their high leverage instructional strategies which is someplace we want to land in
the future. Protecting Our Schools in the 21st Century and Beyond presented by Hank Morten of
Alameda County California Police Department, reviewed the importance of safety and
emergency operation plan reunification drills. Dr. Smith has already talked with the Duvall
police and fire departments to work together next year on this.
National School Board Association (NSBA) Conference Report, Cont.
He also enjoyed the Thomas Friedman presentation that noted we are in a hyper-connected
world, and being average in any endeavor toward achieving gainful employment will not make
it; someone will always be better than you. He appreciated the school board for all attending and
our Board’s commitment to professional development. He talked with Phil Gore of NSBA who
said there were only two or three boards in Washington state that had their whole boards attend
and we were one of them.
Superintendent Report
Dr. Smith reported:
Learning Walks took place at CHS, TMS, RLC, and SW, doing different things in every
school. CHS was looking at the master schedule, TMS was improving community and
parent engagement and student leadership; SW was working with Jack Madigan about halfday kindergarten and looking at ways to help struggling students by possibly extending their
Attended the All-District Choir Concert with the guest choir, Seattle Pro Musica (SPM).
Nearly 200 of our choir students were fortunate to work with SPM Director Karen P. Thomas
in a choral workshop prior to the concert. Riverview was selected as a recipient of Seattle
Pro Musica’s Education and Outreach Program. During the singing of the Star Spangled
Banner, we discovered there were no flags in the Assembly Hall and have since ordered U.S.
and state flags.
At Ad Team we brought Marilyn McGuire back to revisit our code of collaboration. We want
all of us to be thinking pre-K to post secondary when meeting together.
Friday night, helped set up for Austin Jenckes concert; Saturday was an amazing concert
with 700 people and $12,777 raised for the Oso community. Mayor Ibershop introduced me
to the Mayor of Darrington, who was very appreciative.
Having lunch at Carnation Senior Center each month, and am starting to develop a
generational relationship in the community beyond my 20 years in the district.
Fiscal planning meeting with Bill Adamo. Had asked Bill a couple of months ago to look at
each site with principals for portable positioning and he consulted with Ray Mow, Architect,
on when what we need to plan for now if we want 1 or 2 more portables in the summer of
Met with Essie Hicks, running for 5th district representative seat, talked about her platform
and appreciated her meeting with us.
Last step on Hispanic Forum is to get message introduction translated in the next couple of
days, and then we will send out to participants.
Met with Karen Mayfield, who is finishing the photo images for the Assembly Hall. We will
have a prototype soon, but we need more need more sports photos in addition to academic,
arts, activities, and candid photos. I met with Shaun McWhinney, CHS sports photographer,
over coffee, and he brought a CD full of sports photos for us to review.
Six-year Capital Facilities Plan will soon be presented to the board.
There being no further business, Ms. Oviatt adjourned the April 22, 2014, Board Meeting at 8:22
Board President
Board Secretary
Cheryl B. Layman, Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors.