RIVERVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 407 Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting June 10, 2014 Duvall, WA 98019 Educational Service Center – Board Room CALL TO ORDER Mrs. Van Noy, Board president, called the meeting to order at 6:03 PM, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. MEMBERS PRESENT Mrs. Van Noy, Ms. Oviatt, Mr. Bawden, Mr. Edwards, Ms. Fletcher Student Representatives: Mr. Knoth, Ms. Korn RECESS Mrs. Van Noy recessed the Board meeting at 6:04 PM, and immediately entered into Executive Session to discuss a personnel issue for approximately forty-five minutes. EXECUTIVE SESSION Principal Exit Interview RECESS Mrs. Van Noy ended the Executive Session at 6:45 PM, and entered into recess until 7:00 PM. CALL BACK TO ORDER Mrs. Van Noy, Board President, called the Board meeting back to order at 7:00 PM. COMMUNICATIONS, AGENDA ADJUSTMENT AND HEARING OF PUBLIC Mrs. Van Noy announced the Board began the meeting with an Executive Session to conduct an exit interview. The Board also honored nine retirees at the Staff Retirement Open House this afternoon, with all having worked a total of 240 years at Riverview. The Board wished them the best in their future. Monday, the Board attended the CLIP and PARADE graduation of 20 students, held in the ESC Assembly Hall. Mr. Bawden said last Friday the Board held their once a month Board Breakfast Work Study, and attended another Work Study on June 2nd, with Mike Vidos and administrators on the Strategic Plan. Friday night, he attended Sue Heyting’s retirement celebration. Mr. Edwards was pleased to attend the Senior Awards Night at Cedarcrest last week, along with the final Senior Project Presentations last Friday. Mr. Knoth is thrilled to be graduating on Friday and thanked the School Board for the Student Representative scholarship. -1- COMMUNICATIONS, AGENDA ADJUSTMENT AND HEARING OF PUBLIC, Cont. Ms. Fletcher has been very busy with a graduating senior of her own, along with all the Board events. Ms. Oviatt mentioned she is honored to be a part of all the celebrations in June. Dr. Smith presented Jake Knoth with his Rise & Shine Award, as he was unable to attend the ceremony on June 3rd. The School Board thanked Mr. Knoth for his huge contributions to the district and being the student voice for the last two years on the Board. They presented him with a token of appreciation and wished him the very best. Agenda Adjustment Motion 14-35: To amend the June 10, 2014, Board Agenda by adding Item D. Temporary Easement and Agreement for North Hill Subdivision Property under BUSINESS, and to amend the Consent Agenda, Item C. Personnel Actions, to reflect current changes. (Oviatt and Bawden) Unanimous. CONSENT AGENDA A list of routine agenda items were considered in a single motion. Board Members have received and studied background information on all items. Motion 14-36: To approve the June 10, 2014, Consent Agenda, as amended. (Fletcher and Edwards) 3 yes votes and 2 abstentions due to conflict in Personnel Actions. Motion passed. Approval of Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for May 27, 2014, Board Work Study Minutes for June 2, 2014, and Board Work Study Minutes for June 6, 2014 Approval of Warrants General Fund Warrant No. 192953 through 193076 in the amount of $200,340.40, and direct deposits of $10,687.45; Capital Projects Fund Warrant No. 193077 through 193084 in the amount of $18,132.92; ASB Fund Warrant No. 193085 through 193110 in the amount of $19,341.86, and direct deposits of $143.41; and Private Purpose Trust Fund Warrant No. 193111 through 193119 in the amount of $6,662.48, and direct deposits of $13,377.53. Total payroll for May 30, 2014, was $2,112,223.01, which includes General Fund Warrant No. 192939 through 192952 in the amount of $11,760.66, and 193120 through 193169 in the amount of $712,755.97, and direct deposits of $1,000,722.98. Approval of Personnel Actions, as amended The Board acknowledged the resignation of Shari Milliken, Riverview Learning Center teacher. Approval of Service Contracts Approval of Donations The Board acknowledged the Microsoft donation of $1,394 for CHS CTE department for TEALS (Technology Education and Literacy in Schools). Approval of 2014-17 Superintendent Contract -2- BUSINESS ASB Budget Presentation Robert Richert, Tolt Middle School Counselor and ASB Advisor, along with Berrit Stow, ASB 7th Grade Representative, reviewed the Tolt ASB Budget for next year. As in the past, the magazine sales are the top revenue generator. ASB is funding the activity bus again for once a week; keeping a no cut sports policy, and holding the cost of ASB cards at $20. Berrit explained the new things that ASB did: Veterans’ Day Assembly, Civil Rights Assembly, successful penny drive; 8th grade volleyball game assembly, collection of 120 cans of Spam for Hopelink; and added an assembly at the 5th grade transition allowing students from the four elementary schools to come together. Tolt’s ASB budget has a beginning balance of $57,218 and a projected ending balance of $45,339. Ray LaBate, Cedarcrest High School Assistant Principal and ASB Advisor, introduced the 201415 ASB Officers: Annabella LaBate, President; Olivia May, Vice President; Josh Budig, Secretary; and Esmeralda Farias, Treasurer. Annabella announced the class officers. Olivia reviewed the historic uniform rotation and advised the ASB approved new uniforms in the sports of Track and Field and Boys Basketball for the 2014-15 year. Josh advised the special projects approved for ASB spending included (1) continued funding of Action Agenda Daily Planners for all students, although the ASB will be investigating the option of discontinuing this tradition through a student survey; and (2) purchase of CHS T-shirts that will be given to all students who purchase an ASB card. Annabella reported on the special requests that were granted: (1) Class of 2018 $500 in start up money; (2) Athletics $13,500 to offset team equipment needs, plus $1,500 to purchase replacement hurdles; (3) Boys basketball $2,000 for uniforms; (4) Track and Field $2,000 for uniforms; (5) Post Season account added $6,200 to take care of expenses from post season play; (6) Cheer team $1,000 to purchase “spirit items” for students at games and assemblies; and (7) $500 each to athletic teams and activities. Annabella LaBate announced the CHS Homecoming Game is on October 3 rd, with the Homecoming Dance at the EMP in Seattle on October 4th. ASB is holding a two-day leadership camp this summer for ASB club leaders and ASB officers. This year CHS will host their first Interhigh on October 28th. The 2014-15 CHS ASB budget reflects income generated through ASB cards, gate receipts, vending machine revenue, parking permits, and interest earned. Annual operating costs include officials’ fees, ticket takers, security, post-season costs, training equipment, equipment repair and maintenance, homecoming expenses, and miscellaneous costs. Carnation Elementary and Cherry Valley Elementary ASB budgets were also shared with the Board. Alternative Program Review Janet Gavigan, Riverview Learning Center (RLC) Principal, provided the annual report to the Board on the Alternative Learning Experience (ALE) programs, as required by law. Three programs, PARADE, CLIP, and CLEAR, are under ALE. PARADE averaged about 120 students a month; CLIP averaged 32; and the newest cyber program CLEAR averaged about 3 a month. On Monday, 16 students in CLIP and 4 in PARADE graduated with a Riverview School District diploma; between both programs, this represents nearly 10% of the overall graduating students in the district for 2014. -3- Alternative Program Review, Cont. Ms. Gavigan noted the recent changes in the ALE laws prior to two years ago has prompted many changes in the way we structure our programs, write plans for student learning, track progress, and comply with state expectations. The ALE programs had a performance audit in February and an accountability audit last week. We will have the official results, which look good, in July. The Board thanked and complimented Ms. Gavigan on the outstanding graduation ceremony last night. Board Agenda Topics The Board determined who would unavailable for meetings over the summer months, and added one item to the “parking lot” of CTE Program Review. Temporary Easement and Agreement for North Hill Subdivision Property Dr. Smith noted the district began meeting with the Pulte Group last fall on their request for a temporary construction road easement to use during the summer months for access to their North Hill property development. This easement would run between the east property line of Cedarcrest football field and Eagle Rock Multi-Age building, and along the north CHS property. The district worked with our attorney on the parameters of this agreement. Some of the highlights are: Only available July 1 to August 7 each summer for four years District can annually inspect what’s damaged, and be sure repairs happen each year Sensitive areas protection through Engineering Consultant Buffer built between property when development done for security protection Dr. Smith reported the district is very satisfied with this agreement. The safety concerns of Legacy Ridge homeowners have been eliminated. Mr. Bawden brought up his concern that the Board is just looking at this agreement for the first time tonight and did not have sufficient time to review it. Dr. Smith explained the time constraints and the delay of several months while in the hands of the attorneys, but felt confident in the terms of the agreement. Motion 14-37: To authorize the Superintendent to sign the Temporary Easement and Agreement for North Hill Subdivision Property. (Oviatt and Edwards) 3 yes votes, 1 opposed, 1 abstain. Motion passes. REPORTS Superintendent Report Dr. Smith identified four themes that have flowed through these past two weeks: Community Service, Awards Ceremonies, Transition Activities, and Final Evaluation Conferences, including results/scores for principals. -4- Superintendent Report, Cont. At the Ad-Council on May 27, among other things, I commended both Tom Oldenburg and Ray LaBate for their consistent work over time in a very challenging job as assistant principals. Rotary Club’s biggest fundraiser is coming up with 2 firework stands in Duvall. They plan to continue doing fantastic things for the community and the world. Thank you for input on the Capital Facilities Plan. Bill and I were successful in making the changes recommended. Jodi, Bill and I read at the Eagle Rock Multi-Age BBQ to small groups of students for almost two hours in a round robin. The benefit for students is they get to meet new people and get to be part of listening to approximately 20 different books or parts of books. On Sunday, the Smith family volunteered again for the REF RunDuvall at Batten Road corner where it turns up to Cedarcrest area. The Run brought donations of approximately $15,000 for REF health, fitness, and wellness grants for Riverview students. I met on June 2 with Steve Leniszewski, Duvall City Planner, and got a bird’s eye view of all Duvall housing and projected developments over the next 12 years and phase in schedules. This will be very helpful to anticipated boundary changes with Stillwater and Cherry Valley. Duvall is expected to grow 26% in next 5 years or so. Current population is 7,124 residents and in 5 years is expected to reach almost 9,000. Our portable planning this year will pay off, as we’ll have to add some in the summer of 2015. I attended the Board Breakfast Work Study on Friday; Sue Heyting’s retirement party also on Friday at ESC; and attended Baccalaureate on Sunday on June 8, when I got to hear Jake Knoth sing and play guitar. I continue to work on partnerships. On Wednesday, June 4, at 11:30 AM, Dr. Eric Murray, President of Cascadia Community College, Dr. Amy Goings, President of Lake Washington Technical Institute, Larry Francois, Superintendent of Northshore, and Dr. Traci Pierce, Superintendent of Lake Washington, all met to discuss next steps in partnering and connecting our students and staff more clearly to those two institutions. In the future they would like to finalize plans for professors to shadow our teachers for a day in their like content areas to see the reality of getting a high school student ready for college and the reality of program offerings. Dr. Goings and Dr. Murray both attended a national conference and what they found out about community colleges and technical institutes is that the best way to get positive student enrollment, grow programs, and have a great relationship with school districts is to meet with superintendents. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mrs. Van Noy adjourned the June 10, 2014, Board meeting at 8:08 PM. ___________________________________ Board President ____________________________________ Board Secretary MINUTES PREPARED BY Cheryl B. Layman, Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors. -5-