RIVERVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 407 Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting June 24, 2014 Duvall, WA 98019 Educational Service Center – Board Room CALL TO ORDER Mrs. Van Noy, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. MEMBERS PRESENT Mrs. Van Noy, Ms. Oviatt, Mr. Edwards, Ms. Fletcher MEMBERS ABSENT Mr. Bawden 2014 COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARD Mrs. Van Noy announced the 2014 Community Service Award is given to Great Smile Dental in Duvall. The Board acknowledges and appreciates the many volunteer teaching hours Great Smile Dental has given to Ms. Filer’s health class at Cedarcrest High School, and the volunteer time afforded to take impressions and make mouth guard models for the Cedarcrest football team and other athletes each year. Great Smile Dental exemplifies community spirit. The Board presented a plaque to Dr. Caron Glickman, and staff members Barbara Tritz, Lin Hagedorn, Penny Unger, Rachel Ohrn, and Valerie Dorton. COMMUNICATIONS, AGENDA ADJUSTMENT AND HEARING OF PUBLIC Mrs. Van Noy excused Greg Bawden from tonight’s meeting as he was out of state. Mr. Edwards appreciated being able to hand out diplomas at graduation. He attended WSSDA Legislative Committee meetings in Olympia last week. Dr. Smith, Amanda Korn, and he participated in the new student representative interviews this morning, with six amazing candidates. Ms. Korn announced the new junior student representative to be recommended to the Board at the July 22, 2014, meeting will be Sophie Hunter. Ms. Fletcher also appreciated being able to hand out Cedarcrest diplomas, especially to her own son. Ms. Oviatt mentioned it’s nice to wind down the school year, and noted this is the last Board meeting for our Recording Secretary, Cheryl Layman, after 22 years. Mrs. Van Noy spent last Friday and Saturday in Olympia attending WSSDA Board meetings. She noted United Way of King County had a great community event fundraiser for homeless youth called “All-Star Softball Classic,” with Jay Buhner and Dan Wilson. She also enjoyed the Tolt Moving Up Ceremony and school graduations. -1- COMMUNICATIONS, AGENDA ADJUSTMENT AND HEARING OF PUBLIC, Cont. Mrs. Van Noy asked for a personal moment of privilege to thank and honor Cheryl Layman, who is retiring after 22 years with the district as the Executive Assistant to the Superintendent and the Board Recording Secretary. The Board members presented her with a plaque, fresh flowers, and a card. Agenda Adjustment Motion 14-38: To amend the Consent Agenda, Item C. Personnel Actions, to reflect current changes. (Oviatt and Fletcher) Unanimous. CONSENT AGENDA A list of routine agenda items were considered in a single motion. Board Members have received and studied background information on all items. Motion 14-39: To approve the June 24 2014, Consent Agenda, as amended. (Van Noy and Edwards) 1 abstention and 3 yes votes – Motion passed. Approval of Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for June 10, 2014, Approval of Warrants General Fund Warrant No. 193171 through 193262 in the amount of $128,894.69, and direct deposits of $34,227.09; Capital Projects Fund Warrant No. 193263 through 193267 in the amount of $5,445.55; and ASB Fund Warrant No. 193268 through 193273 in the amount of $4,042.27, and direct deposits of $670.90. Total payroll for June 13, 2014, was $62,686.99, which includes General Fund Warrant No. 193170 and 193274 through 193275 in the amount of $7,968.61, and direct deposits of $38,055.83. Approval of Personnel Actions, as amended Dr. Smith thanked the Board for approving the hire of Heather Sánchez, Principal of Cherry Valley Elementary, noting she was extremely well regarded by Bellevue School District and it’s an honor to have her in Riverview. Mrs. Sánchez thanked the Board, explained a little of her background, and introduced her husband, Cesar, who teaches science at Cedarcrest High School. She is grateful to have this opportunity to serve in the community in which she lives. Approval of Service Contracts Approval of Donations The Board acknowledged the generous donations from The Linnerooth Team for CHS Track and from Carnation PTSA for the Summer Reading Program. Approval of Budget Status Report – May 2014 Approval of Textbook Surplus Approval of 2014-15 School Board Meeting Schedule -2- BUSINESS Preliminary 2014-15 General Operating Fund Budget Mr. Adamo noted he presented the Capital Facilities Plan to the King County Committee today and the plan was warmly received. Mr. Adamo advised tonight’s presentation is on the preliminary general fund (GF) budget. The final fiscal budget for all funds will be presented at the August 26th Board meeting for approval. The GF budget is based on an enrolment projection of 3,178.75 FTE. Running Start enrollment is expected to increase; however, special education is slowing. The ending fund balance is proposed to be at 6.74%, of which $200,000 is assigned funds set aside for early implementation of All-Day Kindergarten. Mr. Adamo highlighted revenue and expense changes for 2014-15. 2014-15 Strategic Plan Revisions Mr. Vidos reported this concludes the revisions for year 5 of the 2010-2015 Strategic Plan. He is pleased with the dialog with administrators and the Board and has never worked with an organization that has continued working their plan this long. In early April, the district will hold a community forum for input on the next 5-year increment of the plan. Motion 14-40: Unanimous. To adopt the Revised 2010-2015 Strategic Plan. (Oviatt and Fletcher) Strategic Plan Status Goal 1: Increase the academic achievement of all students. Objective 1A: Develop a plan to implement the Washington State Common Core Standards. Task 2: Implement Year Two of Common Core State Standards Plan. Roni Rumsey explained this is year 2 of the Common Core State Standards Plan, and shared what has been done and where we are headed. Many of the goals in the plan were not completed as work needs to continue through professional development and curriculum alignment over the next two years. Objective 1B: Improve K-12 district-wide assessment score averages in reading, writing, math, and science by spring of 2014. Task 5: Identify the lowest performing groups of students and create written plans for academic improvements. Roni Rumsey advised student growth goals have been identified using MAP, AIMSweb, MSP and HSPE. Through data, the groups are identified in the lower socio-economic and English language as the second language. Some challenges are aligning the district assessments to the Common Core State Standards. We have already set up teachers and principals to look at student growth goals on those coming in to classrooms for next year. School Improvement Plans will reflect growth goals, which will lead into a new District Improvement Plan, leading into the District Strategic Plan. -3- Strategic Plan Status, Cont. Goal 1: Increase the academic achievement of all students. Objective 1E: Develop and implement a three-to-five-year Technology Plan. Task 6: Educate students about appropriate online behavior. Paul Censullo reported that two years ago law required us to provide internet safety materials to parents and students. Last August, we worked with librarians and technology integration specialists to educate students, focusing on three areas: (1) Safety On-Line; (2) Digital Citizenship; and (3) Digital Research. Using Common Sense Media as a resource, we are able to teach ageappropriate materials. The next steps are to continue, expand, and refine the education and look at metrics for assessment. Goal 2: Provide a financial process, business practices, and safe facilities to support the improvement of student learning. Objective 2D: Continue to conduct reviews of district policies. Task 3: Eliminate/revise policies as appropriate. Cheryl Layman advised review of Policy Series 5000, Personnel, has been finalized with no revisions or eliminations. Goal 3: Provide Human Resources and Communication practices to improve student learning. Objective 3B: Continue to implement the district’s Communications Plan. Task 3: Provide Communications Plan update on fourth-year progress. Mike Ward, Communications Coordinator, updated the Communication Plan Goals. Goal 1 Improve internal/external communication was achieved through continued use of Facebook as our social media outlet; monthly meetings with the Superintendent to map out strategies; District events and employee highlight articles timeline; and e-newsletters and articles which adhere to the Four A’s. Goal 2 – Continue emphasis on reporting on student achievement, both individually and collectively, was reported through local newspaper and social media articles; partnership with the Superintendent’s office; and continued growth and outreach to educators and administrators in the district. Goal 3 – Provide Information Concerning 2014 Replacement Levies to Inform Citizenry was measured by the overwhelming success in the levy results of over 60% voter approval. An entire e-newsletter was developed to inform our community on the levy from the district’s perspective. Goal 4 – Maintain Consistency with District Publications both Internal and External was achieved through the Superintendent’s Entry Plan, strategic use of Constant Contact, Monthly e-Newsletters, Quarterly e-Newsletters through the District Office, levy brochures and school profiles, and moving forward, through the new Strategic Plan, evaluating publications and reviewing new branding. Goal 5 – Conduct Riverview School District Communications Audit will be done by Leann Albrecht in the spring of 2015. We are still using her recommendations from the 2010 audit. Dr. Smith added that quarterly e-newsletters have been received well, with a few suggestions from the community on collapsing the message for improved readership. He asked the Board to consider themes for next year by sending him their thoughts. He also noted that Mr. Ward will be encouraged to attend the Puget Sound ESD Communications group, led by Peter Daniels. Dr. Smith mentioned the Central Office survey that reached 40 people, with a 90% rate of response. We will get the results through Center for Educational Effectiveness this week and those will be provided to the Board. -4- Strategic Plan Status, Cont. Goal 3: Provide Human Resources and Communication practices to improve student learning. Objective 3B: Continue to implement the district’s Communications Plan. Task 4: Present end-of-year report, including metrics, on communication program results. Mr. Ward reported on the year’s statistics: 57 entries made on RSD Facebook; 51 articles on RSD Website; articles shared through three Facebook groups in the community; LIKE’s have increased from 380 to 562; 80.4% of Facebook LIKE’s are female; and impressions showed an increase of 1,600 over last year. The District is looking at Twitter in the fall of 2014. Goal 4: Complete and facilitate a successful Superintendent entry plan. Objective 4C: Evaluate the superintendent using the WSSDA (Washington State School Directors’ Association) standards-based evaluation pilot tool. Task 3: The School Board and Superintendent will work with each other and make recommendations for improving the evaluation tool to WSSDA. Dr. Smith noted we thought when we started that Riverview could pilot the WSSDA evaluation, but this was not the case. We did incorporate the pilot evaluation into the superintendent’s evaluation. The WSSDA pilot will not be ready until January of next year. The evaluation we have now matches up quite well. To be authentic and model what we are doing for the rest of the district, I moved at least one of my goals so it is lined up with superintendent growth goals as aligned to principal growth goals as aligned to teacher growth goals for mathematics and other metrics. The Board suggested making this area part of Board goals for next year. Legislative Representative Appointment According to policy, the Board must appoint a Board Legislative Representative every two years, in an even year, in June. The Board said they appreciated all Danny Edwards has done these past two years and hoped he would continue the good work. Motion 14-41: To appoint Danny Edwards to serve as Legislative Representative of the Riverview Board of Directors for the next two years. (Van Noy and Oviatt) Unanimous. REPORTS Superintendent Report Dr. Smith acknowledged former superintendent, Conrad Robertson’s, presence in the audience. It’s been a great 3 weeks of recognition, transition, and celebration for employees and students, with 80-100% of Board attendance at virtually all the gatherings. At the June 10th Ad Team meeting, we shared groundwork on the Administrative Summer Institute. We are working on professional development to get the Ad Team more engaged in student outcomes. The Ad Team will spend the first day of their Administrative Summer Institute at Systems Biology on Lake Union, a leading science research institute in the world and partners with the University of Washington. We can learn, partner and implement cutting edge, hands-on concepts, based on partnering in all areas of school. Thank you to Roni Rumsey for planning this. -5- REPORTS, Cont. Superintendent Report, Cont. Staff Retirement Open House was a great opportunity to honor nine retirees, with a total of 240 years of service in Riverview. We are close to finalizing the decision to use the Annex building (old post office) for the Riverview Information Technology Center. In checking, most districts have a dedicated area for this effort. I will be Grand Marshall in the Carnation 4th of July parade next month and am looking forward to it. Carnation has one of the best 4th of July celebrations in the state. We have a few steps to go to finalize the agreement with the City of Duvall for having an SRO four hours a day at Cedarcrest. The Board received the first draft, but changes will be coming. I attended the Cherry Valley celebration on June 16th for Darcy Becker and also attended the TMS Moving Up Ceremony. I met with Kyle Thompson, CHS Band Teacher, on the future of band, and looking at the zero hour Jazz Ensemble and possibly making it a class sometime in the future. I had an opportunity to present to Rotary last Wednesday on the Top 10 Tips for Effective Communication. Attended the District Office end-of-the-year luncheon on June 19th, and was able to celebrate Cheryl Layman’s retirement with ESC staff. I had an opportunity to introduce Heather Sánchez to the Cherry Valley staff as their new principal candidate. Mary Cruz Orr, Ruth Cruz’s sister-in-law, is one of the two top administrators in the 50,000 student Tucson Unified School District in Professional Development. We met on Common Core development, with Roni Rumsey also attending. She met with us because she thought we are far ahead on our process and wanted to get ideas for high quality implementation in her district. Friday, the Principal Association had a goodbye get together for Darcy Becker at a local establishment. We appreciate everything Darcy has done for the district over the last 14 years. The Board thanked and congratulated Dr. Smith for a great first year. congratulated Mrs. Van Noy on her first year as Board President. Dr. Smith also ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mrs. Van Noy adjourned the June 24, 2014, Board meeting at 8:53 PM. ___________________________________ Board President ____________________________________ Board Secretary MINUTES PREPARED BY Cheryl B. Layman, Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors. -6-