RIVERVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 407 Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting July 22, 2014 Duvall, WA 98019 Educational Service Center – Board Room CALL TO ORDER Ms. Oviatt, Board Vice President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. MEMBERS PRESENT Ms. Oviatt, Mr. Bawden, Mr. Edwards, Ms. Fletcher MEMBERS ABSENT Mrs. Van Noy COMMUNICATIONS, AGENDA ADJUSTMENT AND HEARING OF PUBLIC Ms. Oviatt excused Mrs. Van Noy from tonight’s meeting for personal reasons. She welcomed Sandy Bechtel as the new Board Secretary. She also commented that she was glad Dr. Smith took a much needed two-week vacation. Mr. Bawden had two thank you’s from the Duvall Fire Department. Every summer, the Duvall Fire Department does inspections at the school sites. Cherry Valley Elementary has everything keyed with one key, which makes it so much easier for the fire department and they really appreciate it. Also, thanks go out to the maintenance staff for opening up the gates and coning off the CHS parking lot for the fire department’s driver testing. Ms. Fletcher had a personal thank you to the Riverview School District for offering AP classes. When she recently registered her son for college, he was granted a half year of credits towards college! Mr. Edwards attended the WSSDA Legislative Committee Meeting this past Thursday, Friday and Saturday. After two years of chairing this committee, he is stepping down, but will continue to work on the committee. They’re all set for the Legislative Assembly in September and will elect a new chair at their October meeting. Kathryn Simpson, former South Kitsap School Board Director, has stepped in to facilitate the meetings since the resignation of Marie Sullivan, WSSDA Director of Governmental Relations. Also, Harry Frost has been working as the interim Executive Director for WSSDA and they’ve now hired Dr. Alan Burke, former Deputy Superintendent for OSPI, as the current Executive Director for WSSDA. Dr. Smith commented that he got the chance to congratulate Dr. Burke when he was presenting at the WASA/AWSP Conference in Spokane. Agenda Adjustment Motion 14-42: To mend the Consent Agenda, Item C. Personnel Actions, to reflect current changes. (Edwards and Oviatt) Unanimous. -1- Hearing of Public Kim Lisk, Chair of the 4th of July Celebration Committee for Carnation, presented Dr. Smith with a commemorative glass plaque for being the Parade Grand Marshall this year. Dr. Smith said he thoroughly enjoyed participating in the parade and felt honored to be selected as the Grand Marshall. He thanked Ms. Lisk for the recognition. Sydney Lisk, student at Cedarcrest High School, commented that students who get suspended at the end of the school year should not be allowed to take their finals or try out for sports. They made bad choices and they need to live with the consequences. CONSENT AGENDA A list of routine agenda items were considered in a single motion. Board Members have received and studied background information on all items. Motion 14-43: To approve the June 24 2014, Consent Agenda, as amended. (Fletcher and Bawden) Unanimous. Approval of Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for June 24, 2014, Approval of Warrants General Fund Warrant No. 193276 through 193395 in the amount of $239,243.03, No. 193500 through 193588 in the amount of $310,354.91, and direct deposits of $46,729.72; Capital Projects Fund Warrant No. 193396 through 193397 in the amount of $356.86, No. 193589 through 193591 in the amount of $42,727.36, and direct deposits in the amount of $227.35; ASB Fund Warrant No. 193398 through 193424 in the amount of $27,046.81, No. 193592 through 193608 in the amount of $16,657.16, and direct deposits of $6,501.08; and Private Purpose Trust Fund Warrant No. 193425 through 193428 in the amount of $2,133.13 and No. 193609 in the amount of $331.05, and direct deposits of $13,454.92. Total payroll for June 30, 2014, was $2,562,362.06, which includes General Fund Warrant No. 193429 through 193445 (Employee Warrants) in the amount of $14,715.35 and No. 193446 through 193499 (Payroll Vendor Warrants) in the amount of $769,707.87, and direct deposits of $1,307,621.26. Total payroll for July 15, 2014, was $22,950.11 with no employee or payroll vendor warrants, and direct deposits of $17,165.74. Approval of Personnel Actions, as amended The Board acknowledged Karen Hough, Secondary Technology Specialist, who is retiring after many years of service in the Riverview School District. Ms. Oviatt remarked that Karen was instrumental in integrating technology into our schools and will be missed. Approval of Service Contracts Approval of Budget Status Report for June 2014 Approval of WIAA Membership Agreement for 2014-15 -2- BUSINESS Interlocal Agreement for Law Enforcement Services/School Resource Officer (SRO) This agreement between the City of Duvall and the Riverview School District will provide the district with a consistent presence with a police liaison for up to 20 hours per week, primarily at Cedarcrest High School, and at other schools as needed, at a cost to Riverview School District for the 2014-2015 school year of $25,000. Mr. Edwards said he is thrilled to have a school resource officer again; it is so important. Dr. Smith met with Duvall Police Chief Hert today and said the Mayor, City Council, and Chief Hert are all excited about this agreement. This not only provides education and more safety measures at the high school and possibly other schools, it also provides additional opportunities for further partnering with law enforcement and other agencies in the community. Motion 14-44: To approve the Interlocal Agreement for Law Enforcement Services between the City of Duvall and Riverview School District for the 2014-2015 school year. (Bawden and Edwards) Unanimous. Student Representative Appointment Interviews were held at Cedarcrest High School on June 24, 2014, and Sophie Hunter was recommended as Student Representative to serve two years on the School Board. Mr. Edwards commented that they had six amazing candidates, which speaks to the quality of the six applicants and the wonderful success of the program. Ms. Fletcher said she was very impressed with Sophie’s letter and recommendations. Motion 14-45: To appoint Sophie Hunter to serve two years as Student Representative to the School Board. (Oviatt and Fletcher) Unanimous. Board Agenda Topics Ms. Oviatt suggested having a Work Study on the Open Public Meetings Act Training, instead of individual training. She will look into seeing how long the training is and if it can be conducted on-site. Mr. Bawden said the Board Self-Evaluation on accomplishing goals and objectives needs to be done, so Ms. Oviatt will talk to Mrs. Van Noy about setting this up. At the August 12th meeting the Board will work on Roundtable Planning. Ms. Fletcher will be speaking at the Welcome Back, which is scheduled for August 27th. The Snoqualmie Valley Key Leadership Summit is on August 11th from 9 AM to Noon. Mr. Edwards reminded the Board about the WSSDA Legislative Assembly on September 18-21 in Yakima. He and Mrs. Van Noy will be attending as representatives of WSSDA and invited other Board members to attend. -3- First Reading – Board Policy #1130, Open Government Training The Legislature mandates new training requirements for school directors. This policy conforms with the 2014 Legislature session. Motion 14-46: To approve Policy #1130, Open Government Trainings, for first reading. (Oviatt and Edwards) Unanimous. REPORTS Superintendent Report Dr. Smith welcomed Sandy Bechtel to her first official board meeting. He thanked the Board for his two-week vacation, which he thoroughly enjoyed. This month Heather Sánchez and Chris Mirecki went through the most comprehensive principal orientation. Each central office director and the superintendent meet with them and they are provided with a mentor. We have hired two all-stars! He had a phone conversation with Boyd Benson, Duvall City Engineer, about some upcoming community-wide drills in the fall. He met with Jenny Bullard, John Mark, and Kory Loresch about sprucing up the inside of the transportation facility with paint and minor remodeling. This building was the only one left out of the bond remodels. He has completed all his final evaluation conferences and all employee evaluations. Dr. Smith felt honored to be the Grand Marshall for the 4th of July Parade in Carnation and had a great time. He gave the Grand Marshall award to the Ixtapa Dancing Horses for their performance in the parade. He attended the WASA/AWSP Summer Conference in Spokane on June 29th to July 1st. He also presented with a group on “New Superintendent Transition Planning” at the event. He spent most of his time in sessions on the New Principal Evaluation Resource Handbook. He is currently completing his Entry Plan report so it can be published in August and has started setting up a committee for possible school boundary adjustment between Cherry Valley and Stillwater. Board members were given red AED reusable bags from Sergeant Lori Batiot at the Duvall Police Department. She also provided the district with AED signage for the Riverview Educational Service Center. Dr. Smith went to the Pulte construction easement site to view the work on the North Hill. John Mark and Bill Adamo have been up there daily to check up on how the work is progressing. He asked Board members to review their schedules in mid-August to see who would like to participate in the Student Rep Orientation for Sophie Hunter. Last year Mr. Edwards and Ms. Fletcher participated. Dr. Smith is looking forward to his second year as Superintendent. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Ms. Oviatt adjourned the July 22, 2014, Board meeting at 7:31 PM. ___________________________________ Board President ____________________________________ Board Secretary -4- MINUTES PREPARED BY Sandy Bechtel, Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors. -5-