RIVERVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 407 Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting August 12, 2014 Duvall, WA 98019 Educational Service Center – Board Room CALL TO ORDER Ms. Oviatt, Board Vice President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. MEMBERS PRESENT Ms. Oviatt, Mr. Bawden, Mr. Edwards, Ms. Fletcher MEMBERS ABSENT Mrs. Van Noy COMMUNICATIONS, AGENDA ADJUSTMENT AND HEARING OF PUBLIC Ms. Oviatt excused Mrs. Van Noy from tonight’s meeting. She congratulated the CHS Agricultural Program team of Sarah Thomas, Les Collins and Donna Bielstein for receiving the Agricultural Program of the Year for Washington State. Ms. Oviatt reported that ArtsEd Washington Executive Director Una McAlinden announced her resignation in order to pursue new opportunities and develop a consulting practice. She will be sorely missed. Ms. Oviatt said the CHS baseball field now has an amazing view. She is looking forward to the RSD Ambassador Program. She thanked Dr. Smith for sharing the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) letter that will go out to parents. Mr. Bawden asked how the Snoqualmie Valley Key Leadership Summit went. He did not attend, since they were unable to provide audio accommodations so he could participate. Dr. Smith will give a brief update during his Superintendent Report. Mr. Edwards just returned from vacation. He attended the WSSDA Legislative Committee meetings in July and August. Next month is the Legislative Assembly in September. WSSDA has appointed a new Director of Governmental Relations. Her name is Deb Merle and he’ll be meeting with her next week. Ms. Fletcher is busy working on her Welcome Back speech, which is scheduled for Wednesday, August 27th at Cedarcrest High School. Agenda Adjustment Motion 14-47: To amend the Consent Agenda, Item C. Personnel Actions, to reflect current changes. (Edwards and Bawden) Unanimous. -1- CONSENT AGENDA A list of routine agenda items were considered in a single motion. Board Members have received and studied background information on all items. Motion 14-48: To approve the August 12, 2014, Consent Agenda, as amended. (Bawden and Fletcher) Unanimous. Approval of Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for July 22, 2014 Approval of Warrants General Fund Warrant No. 193657 through 193714 in the amount of $87,652.11 and direct deposits of $423.88; Capital Projects Fund Warrant No. 193715 through 193715 in the amount of $162.69; ASB Fund Warrant No. 193716 through 193719 in the amount of $8,773.97 and direct deposits of $507.00; and Private Purpose Trust Fund Warrant No. 193720 through 193723 in the amount of 2,000.44 and direct deposits of $10,080.36. Total payroll for July 31, 2014, was $2,154,436.39, which includes General Fund Warrant No. 193610 through 193616 (Employee Warrants) in the amount of $7,746.21 and No. 193617 through 193656 (Payroll Vendor Warrants) in the amount of $721,111.12, and direct deposits of $1,021,581.21. Approval of Personnel Actions, as amended Approval of Service Contracts BUSINESS 2014-15 Roundtable Planning The Board meets with different groups to get input and dates, and to better understand their needs and roles. The Board discussed what groups they would like to meet with for the four roundtable sessions in October. They mutually agreed to invite the principals of Carnation, Stillwater and Tolt to separate roundtables to discuss what they’re doing, what changes and improvements they’ve implemented since coming to Riverview and any thoughts on future directions and needs. The fourth roundtable would be with the Cedarcrest Computer Science and Technology Program to ask what they’re doing, what they need from us, what their challenges are, and if they’re able to keep up with the trends. Dr. Smith will contact the schools and programs to see which date works for each group. 2014-15 Board Initiatives The Board discussed their 2014-15 Initiatives. The list contains Board evaluation, Board blog and Board training. A work study will need to be scheduled for the tasks. Board Agenda Topics The Board discussed upcoming agenda topics and selected August 26, 2014, at 5:30 PM for a Board Work Study on their goals and objectives. They also added September 9, 2014, at 5:30 PM for a Board Work Study to conduct their Open Public Meetings Act training. -2- Board Agenda Topics (Continued) Mr. Bawden would like to add start times for the high school to the Board parking lot. It would be great to figure out a way to start the high school later. It’s hard to be the first district to do so, but if others are doing this, it might be the right time to think about it. Dr. Smith said the district has formally reviewed high school start times 3 times over the last 17 years, but it hasn’t been looked at recently. Some districts have made a 10 minute later start. Mr. Bawden commented that a small change is better than no change at all. First Reading- New Board Policy #5065, Unpaid Holidays for Reason of Faith or Conscience Districts are now required by law to grant two unpaid holidays per calendar year to employees for reasons of faith or conscience or for an organized activity conducted under the auspices of a religious denomination, church or religious organization, unless the employee’s absence would cause the district an “undue hardship.” Motion 14-49: To approve Policy #5065, Unpaid Holiday for Reason of Faith or Conscience, for first reading. (Bawden and Oviatt). Unanimous Second Reading – Board Policy #1130, Open Government Training The Legislature mandates new training requirements for school directors. This policy conforms with the 2014 Legislature session. Motion 14-50: To approve Policy #1130, Open Government Trainings, for second reading. (Oviatt and Edwards) Unanimous. Minimum Basic Education Requirement Compliance Dr. Smith reviewed the Minimum Basic Education Requirements, which the district has met. REPORTS Superintendent Report Dr. Smith commented that it has been a busy two weeks, but very productive. Since there was no board/superintendent retreat this year, he would like to spend about 15-30 minutes with each Board member prior to September. This informal meeting would be to discuss the district and to make sure everyone’s needs are being met in support of students, staff, and the community. He is excited about the RSD Ambassador Program, which involves School Board Member participation. Each session would include a district program director and a school board member to discuss the district program and board member’s role. Dr. Smith reported that his Entry Plan Report is complete, except for adding pictures and graphics. Dr. Smith commended Dr. Heikkila and Roni Rumsey for the great job they did with summer school. This year summer school was based on each student’s needs and with additional Title I funding, we were able to add more teachers. Both administrators spent half of each work day at summer school, in classrooms. -3- Superintendent Report (Continued) Dr. Smith has been working with local law enforcement and fire department services. He has met with Duvall Fire Chief David Burke, Duvall Police Chief Carey Hert, King County Deputy Scott Allen, and Eastside Fire and Rescue Deputy Chief Bud Backer. He reported that Mike Ward, Communications Coordinator, is working on an article about the CHS Agricultural Program of the Year for Washington State. He would like to see it published in the Seattle Times as well. The program had to be recommended and win the regional award first before moving on, which they did. He quoted what Donna Bielstein said about the program, “There are only a handful of high school agriculture programs and FFA chapters in King County. I am very proud to have, what I believe even before this award, one of the best agriculture programs in the state of Washington. Mrs. Thomas and Mr. Collins, day after day, give so much of their time, energy, and knowledge to work with our agriculture students. They provide opportunities for our students to learn valuable employability skills in the areas of agriscience, horticulture, floral design, welding, and small engines in the classroom, through their Student Agriculture Experience (SAE) outside the classroom, and in their membership in FFA.” Dr. Smith is looking forward to the Summer Administrative Institute, which begins with a visit to the Institute for Systems Biology (ISB) on Wednesday and then off to Leavenworth for more training on Homeroom, Common Core Math, and Collaboration. The Snoqualmie Valley Key Leadership Summit was attended by Dr. Smith and Dr. Heikkila. It was focused on “Collaborative Smallify,” which looked at 3-5 strategies within each group and then as a whole identified 9 key challenges and opportunities for collaboration. They also focused on using the word “and” rather than “but.” ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Ms. Oviatt adjourned the August 12, 2014, Board meeting at 7:54 PM. ___________________________________ Board President ____________________________________ Board Secretary MINUTES PREPARED BY Sandy Bechtel, Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors. -4-