RIVERVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 407 Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting August 26, 2014 Duvall, WA 98019 Educational Service Center – Board Room CALL TO ORDER Mrs. Van Noy, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. MEMBERS PRESENT Mrs. Van Noy, Ms. Oviatt, Mr. Bawden, Mr. Edwards, Ms. Fletcher PUBLIC HEARING – 2014-15 FISCAL BUDGET Mrs. Van Noy, Board President, asked if anyone wanted to speak to the 2014-15 Fiscal Budget. No one spoke. COMMUNICATIONS, AGENDA ADJUSTMENT AND HEARING OF PUBLIC Mr. Bawden said he cannot attend the Welcome Back, since he’s helping out his daughter out with her geology field work that day. WSSDA has a regional meeting scheduled in our area on September 30th and he’ll be out of town for work at that time. Mr. Edwards has the WSSDA Legislative Assembly starting on September 18th that he and Mrs. Van Noy will be attending. He is so looking forward to Ms. Fletcher’s speech at the Welcome Back! Ms. Fletcher is just busy finishing up her Welcome Back speech, which is scheduled for Wednesday, August 27th at Cedarcrest High School. Ms. Oviatt reminded Board members to vote in the WSSDA Presidential elections. Ballots are due on September 26th. There is a full Tolt Dam Drill on September 23rd at 9:30 AM. The Board now has a Twitter account! The Tolt Middle School website has been updated and looks great. Prior to tonight’s meeting, the Board had a work study on Board initiatives. They chose five initiatives: 1) Complete the required school board training; 2) collaborate, coordinate and participate in the RSD Ambassador Program; 3) write blogs around school board activities; 4) continue to understand data to target specific cells of students to make sure we are funding appropriately; and 5) Superintendent evaluation. Mrs. Van Noy attended the WSSDA Board Retreat in Enumclaw this past weekend. She just met this morning with the new certificated staff and was very impressed. It was great to welcome back Case deVries, former graduate of Cedarcrest and now a teacher at Cedarcrest. Mrs. Van Noy commented that one teacher with 20 years of experience from a highly acclaimed district said she was so glad to be coming to Riverview; because she could tell our focus was on student learning. -1- COMMUNICATIONS, AGENDA ADJUSTMENT AND HEARING OF PUBLIC (Cont’d) Mrs. Van Noy would like to invite one of our state board representatives to come talk to the Board about what their thoughts are for the upcoming year and what we’ll be seeing. Connie Fletcher, Kevin Laverty, or Bob Hughes has offered to come out. She’ll talk to Dr. Smith to work out a date and time for this to happen. They also talked about I-1351, Class Size Reduction Bill. Deb Merle, WSSDA Director of Governmental Relations, cautioned members that there is no funding attached to this initiative. We will be learning more about this at the WSSDA Legislative Assembly in September. They also briefly talked about ESEA Reauthorization and said to contact our representatives for support of this. They brought up cultural diversity and how that needs to be part of Board leadership. More details will be shared at the WSSDA Legislative Assembly. Agenda Adjustment Motion 14-51: To amend the Consent Agenda, Item C. Personnel Actions, and Item D. Service Contracts, to reflect current changes. (Oviatt and Bawden) Unanimous. CONSENT AGENDA A list of routine agenda items were considered in a single motion. Board Members have received and studied background information on all items. Motion 14-52: To approve the August 26, 2014, Consent Agenda, as amended. (Bawden and Fletcher) Unanimous. Approval of Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for August 12, 2014. Approval of Warrants. General Fund Warrant No. 193725 through 193769 in the amount of $106,888.83 and direct deposits of $7,734.15 and $2,012.02 for a total of $9,746.17; Capital Projects Fund Warrant No. 193770 through 193772 in the amount of $3,126.11 and direct deposits of $72.24; ASB Fund Warrant No. 193773 through 193774 in the amount of $2,455.11 and direct deposits of $249.12 and $202.11 for a total of $451.23. Total payroll for August 15, 2014, was $32,834.84, which includes General Fund Warrant No. 193775 (Employee Warrants) in the amount of $433.08, and direct deposits of $22,651.77. Approval of Personnel Actions, as amended. Mr. Bawden acknowledged the resignations of long-time employees Geffen Myers, who has worked for the district since 1990, and Satoe Takebayashi, who has worked for the district since 1996. The Board thanked them for their many years of service to the district and wishes them the best. Approval of Service Contracts, as amended. Approval of Budget Status Reports for July 2014. Approval of Revised 2014-15 Cedarcrest Student Fees. -2- BUSINESS Highly Capable Application According to Policy 2050, Highly Capable Programs, the board must annually approve the district’s highly capable i-Grant application. Dr. Stocker and Roni Rumsey talked about the program and what the grant money is used for. Dr. Stocker explained that the grant of approximately $30,000 is used to provide a continuum of services for highly capable students in grades K-12, $9,000 of which is used towards identification of students and assessment. The grant looks at four main areas, which are: 1) what are your identification practices for highly capable students; 2) what is the continuum of services you have for students; 3) how do you use the fiscal resources that you have; and 4) what is the effectiveness of the program goals and program. Roni Rumsey is working with the middle school and high school to look at a variety of assessments to identify students, other than just looking at grades. For elementary, there are several different tests to screen students. Both Dr. Stocker and Roni Rumsey answered Board questions. The Board thanked them for their work on this. Motion 14-53: To approve the 2014-15 Highly Capable Program Annual i-Grant Application as presented. (Edwards and Oviatt) Unanimous. Second Reading- New Board Policy #5065, Unpaid Holidays for Reason of Faith or Conscience Districts are now required by law to grant two unpaid holidays per calendar year to employees for reasons of faith or conscience or for an organized activity conducted under the auspices of a religious denomination, church or religious organization, unless the employee’s absence would cause the district an “undue hardship.” Motion 14-54: To approve Policy #5065, Unpaid Holiday for Reason of Faith or Conscience, for second reading. (Oviatt and Bawden). Unanimous Resolution No. 14-04, Board Compliance of Policy #5065 Districts are required to adopt a resolution to implement the requirements of SSB 5173, and the adoption of Policy 5065. A copy of the new policy should be attached to the resolution. Motion 14-55: To adopt Resolution 14-04, Board Compliance of Policy #5065. (Van Noy and Fletcher) Unanimous. 2014-15 Fiscal Budget Adoption Mr. Adamo presented the final budget for 2014-15. He explained that the excess levies they’re authorizing fund about 53% of the next fiscal year’s operating budgets in those funds. He briefly went over the highlights, enrollment projections, projected revenues and expenditures. He also answered questions from the Board. -3- 2014-15 Fiscal Budget Adoption (Continued) Motion 14-56: To approve Resolution 14-05, adopting the Riverview School District #407 2014-2015 fiscal budget as follows: General Fund Transportation Vehicle Fund Capital Projects Fund Debt Service Fund Associated Student Body Fund $ 32,820,742 $ 346,000 $ 2,500,000 $ 4,125,408 $ 757,562 and setting the excess levies for the calendar year 2015, as follows: Maintenance and Operations $ 7,995,550 Debt Service Fund $ 4,047,000 Capital Projects Fund $ 1,850,000 Motion made and seconded by Ms. Oviatt and Mr. Edwards, respectively. Discussion followed. Motion passed unanimously. REPORTS Superintendent Report Retirement: Dr. Smith talked about the State Supreme Court’s decision on gain sharing and early retirement benefits for members of Plan 2 and Plan 3. The court upheld the Legislature’s authority to reserve the right to repeal or modify benefit enhancements at the time the enhancements were enacted. The rulings uphold the Legislature’s repeal of gain sharing in 2007. One effect of the court’s ruling is to allow the continuation of benefits that were enacted in placed of gain sharing, including provisions for early retirement. These provisions allow members of Plans 2 or 3 of PERS, TRS and SERS with 30 years of service to retire as early as age 62 without a benefit reduction. This could cause an increase in employee retirement. New Teacher Orientation: We have 21 new teachers this year and anticipate this number to continue each year. Twitter – the district now has a Twitter account. Professional Development: The district had the best professional development this summer – Summer Teacher Institute, Summer Administrative Institute, etc. The Riverview Ad-Team and Ad-Council went to the Institute for Systems Biology in Seattle. School Resource Officer (SRO): On Tuesday, August 19th, Dr. Smith met with Duvall Mayor Will Ibershof, Police Chief Carey Hert, Cedarcrest Principal Clarence Lavarias, and Cedarcrest Assistant Principal Ray LaBate to solicit input for a job description for the new half-time SRO. Dr. Smith also is attending the Duvall City Council Meeting on August 28th, where this position will be approved. Evergreen State Fair: Dr. Smith attended the Evergreen State Fair on August 25th, where CHS Ag Students are competing and doing well. Dr. Smith attended the Carnation City Council Meeting on August 19th, which was a public hearing regarding the comprehensive plan to consider approving school’s impact fees. Impact fees were approved. -4- Superintendent Report (Continued) The RSD Educational Service Center housed Cedarcrest students who were videotaping for possible admittance to film school. We are continuing to model application of learning and student-staff engagement. Dr. Smith met with Jen Carter, King County Children’s Librarian for Duvall and Carnation on August 20th. Kiana Hales, Cedarcrest graduate, visited Dr. Smith on August 19th and presented him with one of her favorite books and a handmade bookmark. Letters were sent to parents regarding AYP/NCLB. We have received very little feedback from parents so far. Parents have until Friday to make a request to transfer to Stillwater from other elementary schools. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mrs. Van Noy adjourned the August 26, 2014, Board meeting at 8:00 PM. ___________________________________ Board President ____________________________________ Board Secretary MINUTES PREPARED BY Sandy Bechtel, Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors. -5-