RIVERVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 407 DUVALL, WA 98019 November 27, 2012

DUVALL, WA 98019
Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting
November 27, 2012
Educational Service Center – Board Room
Ms. Oviatt, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM, followed by the Pledge of
Ms. Oviatt, Mr. Bawden, Mrs. Van Noy, Mr. Edwards, Ms. Fletcher
Student Representatives: Mr. Knoth, Ms. Leslie
Ms. Oviatt announced that prior to this meeting, the Board held a Work Study with Dr. Smith
and Greg Lobdell of Center for Educational Effectiveness on 2012 student assessment results.
Ms. Oviatt said she was unable to attend the WSSDA Conference due to the flu and was very
sorry to have missed the opportunity to work with other district board members on the issues.
She noted the invitation from Cascadia Community College for the Board to join Cascadia,
Northshore, and Lake Washington School Boards for a Roundtable on January 15, 2013. She
also mentioned the invitations from Cedarcrest High School for Senior Project presentation
panels in January.
Ms. Oviatt recognized Cedarcrest students who were selected to represent Riverview at the AllNorthwest Choral and Band Festival in February: Kate Sherman, All-NW Jazz Choir; Max
Harris, All-State Symphonic Choir; and Taylor Cramer, All-State Concert Band.
Mr. Bawden attended the Emergency Preparedness Work Group on November 19th, and met with
Dr. Smith and Ms. Oviatt on the superintendent contract on November 21st.
Mrs. Van Noy attended, through United Way, a meeting of South King County superintendents
on Parent-Child Home Program. Mrs. Van Noy also noted she spoke with Josh Siegel, former
Student Representative, who has just landed a job with Deloitte, chosen out of 65 applicants.
Mr. Edwards said he loved the WSSDA Conference and also noted boys’ basketball was starting
Ms. Fletcher said she was sorry she couldn’t make the WSSDA Conference but is anxious to
hear all about it.
Mr. Robertson pointed out how proud he was of the student representatives at the Conference,
with their leadership and organization.
Agenda Adjustment
Motion 12-76: To amend the Consent Agenda by revising Item D. Service Contracts, to reflect
current changes. (Edwards and Van Noy) Unanimous.
Student Representative Report
Ms. Leslie and Mr. Knoth reported updates from Cedarcrest High School.
DECA recently had a regional leadership conference where they learned about becoming a
better team and team members. They also attended a joint field trip with FFA to Beaver Lake
The FFA is currently working on the wreaths that they will be selling at the upcoming
Carnation Tree Lighting. They also just finished a fundraiser selling cornucopias.
FIRST Robotics has been preparing for an upcoming fundraiser on December 8th, at the
Pepper Bridge Winery in Woodinville with a silent auction, as well as working on weekly
workshops for teaching new members the basics of the hardware, software, and autonomous
The GSA is making preparations to go to an annual leadership event called the GSA Summit.
Held next month, this event will be a great way for them to learn about ways to be good
leaders within their club as well as their community.
NHS has been working on one of their biggest annual service projects, Foodball. They will
be collecting non-perishable food items for Hopelink, from all schools in the district until
December 20th.
TSA is working hard on their state competition projects, as well as fundraisers and
community outreach. For example, they are working on a charity family portrait event, where
they will take and print family portraits for families that cannot afford to have it
professionally done.
As always, RAK is working on ways to help make our school and community a great place to
be. They have started to have weekly Kindness Targets to go along with the Learning Targets
they have at school. Ms. Filer said that these targets have been very successful so far.
Eighty-eight members attended the last meeting.
VSMA has chosen their officers for the 2012-2013 year. They include President Elliot Wills,
Co-Vice Presidents Kylie Leslie and Maddy Harris, Secretary Stephanie Hall, and Treasurer
Taylor Kirschenmann. They are currently planning to attend the winter leadership conference
on December 8th, and planning fundraising for the year.
Boys Basketball played in their first pre-season jamboree against Juanita and Woodinville.
Varsity came out with two wins. The boys have a home game tonight against Squalicum.
Girls Basketball also played a jamboree this weekend and won one game and lost one. The
girls play tonight at Squalicum.
The wrestling team has been hard at practice the past week for their first tournament on this
Saturday at White River.
A list of routine agenda items were considered in a single motion. Board Members have
received and studied background information on all items.
Motion 12-77: To approve the November 27, 2012, Consent Agenda as amended. (Bawden and
Edwards) Unanimous.
Approval of Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for November 13, 2012
Approval of Warrants
General Fund Warrant No. 187049 through 187182 in the amount of $281,105.25, and direct
deposits of $18,437.87; Capital Projects Fund Warrant No. 187183 through 187193 in the
amount of $34,623.61, and direct deposits of $449.84; ASB Fund Warrant No. 187194 through
187211 in the amount of $2,897.28; and Private Purpose Trust Fund Warrant No. 187212
through 187214 in the amount of $553.01, and direct deposits of $1,016.28. Total payroll for
November 15, 2012, was $37,924.87, which includes General Fund Warrant No. 187215 through
187216 in the amount of $630.29, and direct deposits of $29,540.09.
Approval of Personnel Actions
Approval of Service Contracts, as amended
Approval of Budget Status Report
Approval of Donations
The Board recognized Carnation Elementary PTSA for their generous donation to Carnation
Elementary classroom enrichment.
F-196 Year End Financial Report
Mr. Adamo explained the F-196 financials are unaudited and the State Auditor will start in the
district sometime this winter. He provided an overview of the General Fund actuals over four
years and the current final budget. The 2011-12 actual figures were within $12,000 of the
adopted budget. If the budget remains balanced through 2012-13, he projected an ending fund
balance of 6.57%. He noted the Debt Service Fund funds were overpaid by the County, which
was discovered at year-end, and all the funds have been paid back.
Strategic Plan Status
Goal 1: Increase the academic achievement of all students.
Objective 1B: Improve K-12 district-wide assessment score averages in reading, writing, math,
and science by spring of 2013.
Task 1: Share statistics on state tests results from previous year. Dr. Smith said the
results were emailed to the School Board tonight, and also sent to principals. We are
waiting for SAT scores, then results will be sent to all staff. Some of the highlights of
MSP results, RSD average vs. State average, in 3rd grade, 13% more RSD students met
standard in Math; in 5th grade 10% more in Math and 12.2% more in Science; and in 8th
grade 15.% more in Reading, and 12.7% more in Science. Areas of improvement and
growth include 4th grade Writing down 2.2% from state averages, and 8th grade Math,
3.3% below state averages. These areas are being addressed at the building and district
Objective 1H: Develop a plan to implement the Washington State Common Core Standards.
Task 2: Define mission and parameters of the committee. Dr. Smith read the purpose
statement of the Common Core State Standards Committee. Fourteen people are on the
Committee. Also, the Committee will coordinate dual efforts with the Professional
Development Committee. Thirteen RSD teachers, through the Center for Collaborative
Support, are enrolled in an online book study with four other districts, reading Pathways
to the Common Core. There will be an additional 26 teachers enrolled during the winter
and spring sessions.
Goal 2: Provide a financial process, business practices, and safe facilities to support the
improvement of student learning.
Objective 2A: Provide a financial process that strengthens student learning despite state funding
Task 3: Update on an annual basis the web-published “citizens” budget which includes
an analysis that demonstrates the district’s commitment to student learning. Mr. Adamo
reported that this was finalized earlier than projected and has become a very valuable
Goal 3: Provide Human Resources and Communication practices to improve student
Objective 3A: Continue to implement a five-year Human Resources Plan.
Task 1: Research appropriate national and state turnover data to determine employee
retention success. Ms. Sandy Bechtel, HR Coordinator, presented turnover data.
Numerous studies show that teachers perform best after being in the classroom for at least
five years. According to a McKinsey study, 14% of American teachers leave after only
one year and 46% quit before their fifth year. In countries with the highest results on
international tests, teacher turnover rates are much lower – around 3%. The constant
cycling in and out of new teachers is costly. Not only do students miss being taught by
experienced educators; districts nationwide are spending about $2.2 billion per year
recruiting and training replacements. According to an article in Forbes published on
March 8, 2011, the national teacher turnover rate has risen to 16.8%. In urban schools it
is over 20%. So when you compare Riverview’s teacher turnover rate of 7.82% in the
2011-2012 school year, our rates are significantly lower than the national average. This
is an important indicator of employee retention success. Here are the top 5 reasons
teachers are leaving, according to Take Part:
1. Poor working conditions
2. Testing pressure
3. Low wages
4. Threat of layoffs
5. Burnout
Task 2: Provide end-of-academic-year Human Resources data report.
Employee Turnover:
Sandy Bechtel reported for certificated employees, the turnover overall increased from
4.92% in 2010-11 to 7.82% in 2011-12. We had 7 teachers retire last year and if you take
out retirements, our certificated turnover went from 3.28% to 3.91%. The majority of our
certificated staff either retired or took positions closer to their home. Our classified staff
turnover decreased again this year from 4.68% in 2010-11 to 3.77% in 2011-12.
Certificated administrator turnover went up, due to two resignations. It went from 0%
turnover in 2010-11 to 15.38% in 2011-12. Classified administrator turnover has
remained steady at 0% for past three years. Classified exempt turnover went from 0% for
the past five years to 25% in 2012-13. This was due to one classified nurse moving out
of state, while the other classified nurse retired.
Recruitment, Hiring and Retention Data:
We recruit new teachers by attending the Washington State Career Fair in Tacoma each
year, regardless of how many openings we are anticipating. As in years past, we have
principals from each grade level attend, as well as district administrators and staff
What has been helpful in finding quality applicants has also been our ability to post new
openings as soon as possible. Letters of intent are sent out to each employee in March
with a return due date of March 15th. Employees indicate if they will be returning the
following school year, if they’re retiring or if they’re interesting in transferring. This
allows us to have an early start on our hiring for the coming school year by knowing
which positions to post in mid-March, which in turn creates a larger pool of quality
applicants to choose from.
Our Teacher Induction Program continues to provide additional training and support for
our new teachers. In spite of the state cutting funds for teacher assistance programs for
the past three years, our district has retained the Teacher Induction Program for our new
teachers, recognizing the importance of this program.
With approximately 1.6 million teachers set to retire in the next decade, what does
Riverview look like as far as retirements in the next decade? We took current employees,
added 10 years to their age and assumed each employee would work until they turned 66
years of age. We then compared that number to the past 10 years of retirees. The results
are as follows:
Employee Group
Certificated Admin.
Classified Admin.
Classified Exempt
2002-2011 Retirees
40 out of 182 (22.7%)
14 out of 159 (8.8%)
2 out of 13 (15.4%)
1 out of 6 (16.7%)
1 out of 8 (12.5%)
Anticipated Retirees
45 out of 176 (24.7%)
58 out of 159 (36.5%)
5 out of 14 (35.7%)
2 out of 6 (33.3%)
2 out of 8 (25.0%)
Objective 3B: Continue to implement the district’s 5-year Communications Plan.
Task 2: Form a task force to make recommendations concerning the future of social
media in the district. (Part of this task is the make-up of members, scope of project, etc.)
Dr. Smith reported Mr. Censullo has been consulting with experts and other districts on
formulating the Facebook site. He will be working with Michael Ward, newly hired
Communications Coordinator, on polishing that site and we expect to launch in January.
Board Initiatives
The Board reviewed the status of their initiatives.
Board Business
Ms. Oviatt and Mr. Bawden have met with Dr. Smith on his Superintendent Contract; the
Board is reviewing the yearly calendar to be sure all items are present; the Board has
updated their bios on the website, except Mrs. Van Noy; and Ms. Oviatt has requested
information from WSSDA on Board Evaluation tools.
Engage Public
The Board has discussed ideas for another World Café, one being district assessments
and statistics.
Additional Ideas
Set up the FAQ page on the website – The board will have a Communication
Plan Work Study.
Training on Open Public Meeting Act – The board will attend sessions at the
NSBA Conference in the spring.
Key Communicators – Once the new superintendent is on board, the board will
review the goals and plans.
Transitions – day care and special needs 18+ program – the board moved this to
the Agenda Topics “parking lot”.
Review the calendar on ½ day concerns – The board will schedule a work study
on value and data to evaluate.
Grow Programs, such as multi-age at TMS – Mrs. Van Noy asked for data on
student success in multi-age and ERMA students moving to Tolt regular classes.
Levy 2014 – This will be on calendar for fall of 2013.
First Reading, Revised Policy 2085, Alternative Learning Experience Programs
OSPI has issued amendments to the Alternative Learning Experience rules effective, for the
2012-13 school year. The changes are reflected in this revised policy.
Motion 12-78: To approve Policy 2085 for First Reading. (Edwards and Fletcher) Unanimous.
WSSDA Conference Report
Ms. Leslie compared keynote speakers from last year and found that this year’s theme
“innovative thinkers” and the speakers were really incredible. Her favorite was Jamie Vollmer,
an award-winning advocate of public education. She attended his breakout session with more indepth discussion around his book “Schools Cannot Do It Alone.”
Mr. Knoth said the conference was eye opening to see what’s going on in the educational system.
He focused his sessions on STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics)
education, noting how in line they were with the theme of innovation and creativity. He felt
Riverview has a lot of good STEM programs, and our schools are on the front of the wave of
STEM education.
Mr. Edwards followed the legislative track. One very interesting session was with Dr. Alan
Burke, Deputy Superintendent of OSPI, discussing recent elections and charter schools. He
talked with Chimacum School District representations and found out where McCleary actually
started. Their superintendent, at the time, talked his assistant Ms. McCleary into taking the lead.
He was most impressed by the way our students represented Riverview, with Kylie Leslie taking
a definite leadership role.
Mr. Bawden said all the General Sessions were inspirational and informative, with keynote
speakers Dr. Yong Zhao, Jamie Vollmer, and Dr. Tony Wagner. He found it was a fascinating
contradiction of the three speakers talking of what’s going well in American education and
talking about Asian countries trying to emulate us, compared to the other sessions from OSPI on
testing, state accountability, and testing the spirit out of our students. He attended sessions
about legislative issues, and concerns about tax swap, taking away local levy dollars and
redistributing the wealth. Other presentations he attended were about WaKIDS requirement for
all-day kindergarten and outreach to parents helping them contribute.
Mrs. Van Noy complimented the student representatives and especially Kylie Leslie on her
presentation. She enjoyed Dr. Zhao, and thought his book “World Class Learners, Educating
Creative and Entrepreneurial Students” would be a good read for the Board. Dr. Tony Wagner
was Skyped in and spoke about creating innovative and entrepreneurial young people. Her
favorite was Jamie Vollmer, with his amazing video. On the last day, Central Valley High
School Wind Ensemble played an original piece about Columbine, she found very moving. Mrs.
Van Noy presented at the session Hidden in Plain Sight: The Arts – A Strategy for Student
Success sharing what RSD has done. Most fascinating was Phil Gore’s and the Superintendent
of Everett’s session on Superintendent Evaluation: A Framework and Process for Continuous
Improvement. She also learned Superintendent Dr. Mary Alice Heuschel of Renton will be
working with Governor-elect Jay Inslee on his transition team.
Mr. Robertson said he was proud of the student representatives. Kylie was most the
knowledgeable on the panel, and Jake grew and blossomed over the four days. Also, he was
proud of Phil Gore, who did a great job on Superintendent Evaluation. Keynote speakers were
excellent with quality messages. Trevor Greene, National Principal of the Year from Toppenish
High School, was very interesting and had a tremendous message. Musical performances by
Ellensburg Jazz Combo, Riverside Elementary Select Choir, and Central Valley Wind Ensemble
were all excellent. The Emerging Issues: Funding and Revenue Options under the McCleary
Decision session was a disappointment because the legislators who were supposed to be there
backed out.
Superintendent Report
1. I would like to thank the school board for the opportunity to join the school board and
student representatives in attending the Washington State School Directors Association
Conference in Spokane. Once again it was an excellent conference for our board members
and student representatives to attend.
2. Congratulations to the following board members:
a. Danny Edwards who was chosen chairman of the WSSDA Legislative Committee,
b. Carol Van Noy who serves on the WSSDA Board of Directors, and
c. Lori Oviatt who served on the WSSDA Conference Planning Committee.
3. Also congratulations to Kylie Leslie, our senior student representative to the Riverview
School Board, for participating in a presentation at the WSSDA Conference in Spokane. The
purpose of the session was to assist student representatives to be more informed and involved
in the work of their school boards and learn how other reps have become valuable in bringing
the student aspect to the board. The session was extremely valuable for other school boards
considering adding student representation to their boards.
4. On Tuesday, December 4th, we expect to hear from Moody’s with the results on our bond
rating. This is their response to the rating presentation that Bill Adamo, Jon Gores, Dr.
Anthony Smith and I provided to them in preparation for the possible refunding (refinancing)
of our 2007 and 2008 bonds over the next few months in hopes of saving our taxpayers
approximately $1.3 million.
Ms. Oviatt, Board President, recessed the Board meeting at 8:42 PM for 5 minutes and entered
into Executive Session at 8:47 PM to discuss one item, superintendent contract, for
approximately 60 minutes.
Superintendent Contract
Ms. Oviatt, Board President, called the meeting back to order at 9:58 PM and, there being no
further business, adjourned the meeting at 9:58 PM.
Board President
Board Secretary
Cheryl B. Layman, Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors.