RIVERVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 407 DUVALL, WA 98019 Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting October 23, 2012 Educational Service Center – Board Room CALL TO ORDER Mr. Bawden, Board Vice President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance, led by Ms. Tobin’s kindergarten students. MEMBERS PRESENT Mr. Bawden, Mrs. Van Noy, Mr. Edwards, Ms. Fletcher Student Representatives: Mr. Knoth, Ms. Leslie MEMBERS ABSENT Ms. Oviatt STILLWATER ELEMENTARY STUDENT PRESENTATION Ms. Hannah Tobin explained Stillwater’s presentation on the use of technology in the classroom. ActiveVotes and ActivExpressions are versatile student response systems with which teachers can poll students at any time during class to assess progress and, based on responses, customize lessons to create a more personalized learning environment that is tailored to individual student needs. They allow for opening whole classroom discussions, streamlining instructional management, showing opinions and insights, enhancing classroom efficiency and most of all giving every student a voice. We use these for student engagement, formative assessment and student self-assessment. Ms. Tobin teaches All-Day Kindergarten, and she showed how the ActiveVotes are used with six of her Kindergarten students: Ryan Frodsham, Zoe Leffard, Connor Altmyer, Kassie Kliemann, Weston Douglas, and Nadia Franco. The students each helped a Board Member operate the ActiveVote through several scenarios. Dr. Kriss Fridenvalds teaches 3rd grade and with his students, Helen, AJ and Judi Richardson, Emma Hinkle, Sara Barrett and Rachel Bradley, helped the Board answer questions using ActivExpressions in the area of math. Ms. Ann Marchel, 5th grade teacher, showed how ActivExpressions work in the area of literacy, specifically expository informational text and comprehension with students Calvin Lefford, Halle Rae, Taylor Ford and Kenzie Brown. The Board was given a short article to read and then answered questions about the article using the ActivExpressions tool. Mr. Jack Madigan, Stillwater Principal, thanked all the students, parents, and staff for a great presentation, and the Board for inviting Stillwater Elementary. -1- COMMUNICATIONS, AGENDA ADJUSTMENT AND HEARING OF PUBLIC Mr. Bawden announced Ms. Oviatt is excused from tonight’s meeting as she is traveling. He also announced the Board held a Roundtable at Cedarcrest High School on Senior Projects last Tuesday. The last Roundtable was held this evening with the school principals on Communication Resources and Partnerships. He also mentioned the WSSDA Regional Meeting next Monday in Auburn which Mrs. Van Noy, Ms. Oviatt and he will be attending. Mrs. Van Noy mentioned she has attended some Eastside Pathways meetings in Bellevue, along with Roadmap Project meetings for five south King County schools. She found it very interesting to see what other communities are doing. She also noted that United Way held its Community Resource Exchange last Thursday, partnering with Redeeming Soles, and she ran into Josh Siegel, former student representative, who had collected shoes from his fraternity. Ms. Fletcher reported the REF Auction will be held on March 9th, at the Redmond Marriott Hotel. Mr. Edwards said he attended a meeting with Mr. Robertson, Mr. Adamo, and Mr. Jon Gores on October 20th, to discuss refunding of our bonds. Saturday, October 20th, he served as auctioneer for the very successful ERMA PTA Auction. He will be in Olympia on Saturday for a WSSDA Legislative Committee meeting.. He noted Rotary of Duvall sponsored a Legislative Candidate Forum, with all four candidates for the House present, along with representatives for Suzan DelBene and John Koster. Agenda Adjustment Motion 12-66: To amend the Consent Agenda by revising Item C. Personnel Actions, and Item D. Service Contracts, to reflect current changes. (Van Noy and Edwards) Unanimous. Hearing of Public None Bridge Builder Pin Awards Mr. Robertson said he is honored to recognize three of the most positive people in the district with Bridge Builder Pins. The Bridge Builder Pin is a special award given to those who help further the mission and goals of the Riverview School District. The award consists of a lapel pin and poem, presented by the Superintendent, in loving memory of Donna Polacek, the District Personnel Director from 1992-1996, who went the extra mile to give much more than was expected to the staff and students of the district. Each recipient’s award is numbered and recorded with the reason for its being given, written in a special book kept by the Superintendent. The award was initiated in 1997 and, thus far, 204 people have been honored. Sue Davenport and Leanne Christensen were presented pins by Janet Gavigan, who nominated them. Peggy Filer was presented a pin by Leanne Christensen, who nominated her. Mr. Robertson read the nominations and congratulated the women. Mr. Bawden announced there was one more Bridge Builder Pin award. Mr. Bawden presented Conrad Robertson with a pin, as he was nominated by Janet Gavigan. -2- Student Representative Report Ms. Leslie and Mr. Knoth presented the Student Representative Report, as follows: ASB is planning for our annual Veteran’s Day Assembly and the Senior Class is making final preparations for this year’s Powder Puff Game, November 8th. DECA recently renewed the name board at the Skate Park on Big Rock Road by painting over what was existing with CHS DECA. In addition, they painted over inappropriate words and symbols throughout the skate park. Next month, DECA has its Western Regional Conference and a joint field trip with FFA to a haunted house at Beaver Lake Farms. This past Friday, FBLA hosted a conference at CHS. Members say they learned a great deal of new information and met new students from other schools. They are also planning their teddy bear drive. Last week, FFA held its annual pumpkin carving event which was a great success. Additionally, they took a field trip to Oxbow Farms to help them out by picking up corn stalks and trash throughout the farm. FFA is currently figuring out their sweatshirt designs for this year and, as always, recruiting new members into the club. FIRST Robotics is working on team bonding, building, and growing exercises. Last week, they took a trip to Stalker Farms in Snohomish to partake in their annual Halloween themed “Zombie Hunt”. As a whole, the team is currently working on implementing structural reforms and additions for the new year. On the first two Wednesdays in November, the club is showing Freshmen what they do by building some robots from scratch. The GSA at Cedarcrest has caught a good foothold and will be growing in the future. With a usual turnout of around 20 to 25 students, a very strong freshman/sophomore presence this year will do much to benefit the club. They hold meetings bi-weekly, with their most recent being last Wednesday, where they elected their officers for this year. Currently, the GSA is organizing a text tree and Facebook page to streamline communications within the club. In a few weeks they will be holding signs to support the marriage initiative in Washington State. NHS is in the middle of one of its largest service projects, the Blood Drive. The Drive is on October 25th, and all members of NHS are volunteering their time. Sign ups for students have been during lunch, and the drive is open to the public all school day. They will be holding Foodball next month. TSA is currently in the beginning of what should be a great year, with outstanding freshman interest and involvement. Early next month, TSA will be attending a leadership conference at Microsoft with the biggest group they have ever had attend one of these events (close to thirty instead of the usual five or six). The Random Acts of Kindness club is currently very busy, and successful. In addition to their usual business, such as Ixtapa lunches and Make a Difference days, they are looking forward to a great Personal Products drive this November. RAK is currently working on starting a chapter at each of the four elementary schools and is very motivated to do so! In addition, they have received rave responses to their video from last year, with notable feedback from North Carolina, California, Beijing, Brasilia, and Edmonds, Washington. VSMA is scheduling its first meeting for later this week to talk about officer opportunities. -3- Student Representative Report, Cont. CHS Football had a tough loss to ABM last Friday. However, the boys fought through the whole game to end with an impressive touchdown by Zach Miller in the last 5 seconds of the game. This Friday is Senior Night against South Whidbey at CHS and a conciliation game has been added against Anacortes. This past Saturday, Cross Country competed in Conferences and both the boys and girls teams walked away winning the title of Conference Champions! This Saturday and Sunday is Districts and we wish them the best of luck. Girls Soccer lost a close game to Kings on Thursday (Senior Night) losing in penalty kicks after being tied through all the game and overtime. Their record is currently 7-6 and they play Lakewood away tonight. Volleyball played Kings at their Senior Night on Thursday and unfortunately lost but they still have a fantastic record of 11-2 going into tonight’s game against Lakewood. CONSENT AGENDA A list of routine agenda items were considered in a single motion. Board Members have received and studied background information on all items. Motion 12-67: To approve the October 23, 2012, Consent Agenda as amended. (Edwards and Fletcher) Unanimous. Approval of Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for October 9, 2012, and Board Work Study Minutes for October 9, 2012 Approval of Warrants General Fund Warrant No. 186665 through 186672 in the amount of $82,894.80, No. 186673 through 186785 in the amount of $232,929.80, and direct deposits of $16,454.35; Capital Projects Fund Warrant No. 186664 in the amount of $39,068.42, No. 186786 through 186798 in the amount of $118,483.43, and direct deposits of $36.05; ASB Fund Warrant No. 186799 through 186837 in the amount of $15,772.77, and direct deposits of $164.19; and Private Purpose Trust Fund Warrant No. 186838 in the amount of $33.36, and direct deposits of $755.18. Total payroll for October 15, 2012, was $34,205.57, which includes direct deposits of $24,502.74. Approval of Personnel Actions, as amended Approval of Service Contracts, as amended Approval of Donations The Board acknowledged donations from Tolt PTSA and from Macy’s. Approval of Out-of-State Travel for Dr. Anthony Smith to the AASA Conference in Los Angeles, CA, from February 21-23, 2013 -4- OLD BUSINESS Resolution 12-06 Bond Refunding David Trageser, Senior Vice President of D.A. Davidson & Co., explained the Bond Refunding process and why Riverview should do this now. The bonds that were sold in 2007 and 2008 can be refunded with a potential savings to taxpayers estimated at $690,000 for the 2007 bonds and $605,500 with the 2008 bonds. With interest rates being near a 40-year low, this would be the time to refund. The Board asked questions and discussed what the Savings Target Rate should be. It was agreed that 6.5% would be a conservative rate. Mr. Scott McJannet, K&L Gates Bond Council, explained the resolution language. This resolution authorizes the Superintendent to provide for the issuance and sale of refunding bonds in one or more series in the aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $30,000,000; provide for the redemption of the outstanding bonds to be refunded; appoint an escrow agent; authorize the execution of an escrow agreement related to such refunding; authorize a preliminary official statement and official statement; and delegate to the Superintendent the authority to determine the structure of the bonds, approve the interest rates, maturity dates, and principal maturities for the bonds under the terms and conditions listed. Motion 12-68: To adopt Resolution 12-06 with a Savings Target rate of 6.5%. (Van Noy and Edwards) Unanimous. Resolution 12-05, Levy Recertification Mr. Adamo explained the levy lid calculations from the State and that the levy dollars collected each year is the lower of what the voters approved or the amount calculated by the levy lid. The increase of $106,103 for 2013 collection is lower than what the voters approved. Each year, the levy collection amount is reviewed. Motion 12-69: To adopt Resolution 12-05 adjusting the Educational Programs Maintenance and Operations Excess Levy collection for the 2013 tax year from $7,094,821 to $7,200,924. (Van Noy and Bawden) Unanimous. Strategic Plan Status Goal 1: Increase the academic achievement of all students. Objective 1C: Implement K-12 Academically Talented/Honors program review recommendations. Task 1: Provide a three-year implementation schedule based on recommendations from program review. Dr. Smith reported the first K-12 Academically Talented/Honors program review committee meeting will be November 6th. He would like to postpone reporting on this task until the Committee meets and they have an actual plan. They are working on Cluster program changes and consistency. With two PAT parents on the Committee, he would also like to include a Cluster teacher and a Cluster parent. Dr. Smith also reviewed the vast progression in our honors and AP classes over the last 10 years in the middle and high school programs. -5Strategic Plan Status, Cont. Goal 1: Increase the academic achievement of all students. Objective 1D: Refine current interventions for all students to support student learning. Task 1: Elementary principals will provide a basic plan for increased AIMSweb use at their schools. Dr. Smith reported principals are ambitious with AIMSweb benchmarking at all three elementary schools three times a year and additionally, as needed, for students with academic challenges. Reading and Math interventions are planned for each student as needed. Principals report sophistication in using AIMSweb is up and that increased teacher professional development will be necessary to continue to elevate the program. Task 2: Implement AIMSweb screening for reading for identified students. Dr. Smith reported all elementary schools screen and assess for Reading, with students being quickly identified. The data is then used, real time, to improve student learning in the present. Task 3: Collect plans from each elementary school for how incremental assessment data is reviewed and acted upon. Dr. Smith has had specific interviews with principals and site visits and is very pleased with the growth of reviewing assessments and acting upon the results. Seeing specific examples in person and subsequent score improvement provides testament to the program’s success. Objective 1G: Create a three-year plan for implementing the legislatively mandated (E2SSB) teacher and principal evaluation system. Task 1: Create long-range (three-year) written implementation plan. Janet Gavigan, Director of Human Resources, shared the Evaluation Committee’s 3-year plan, with last year being Year 1. The goal for Year 1 was to learn about the new law, determine framework for RSD, create as much of the process and procedures as possible based on what is known, and develop a plan for training and implementation. The goal for Year 2 (2012-13) is to start training the teachers and principals on the Danielson Framework and continue Evaluation Committee work to complete the remainder of the process and procedures around the new teacher evaluation system. Also, work with REA to place the new system created into the Collective Bargaining Agreement as part of the negotiations process. Work on the new principal evaluation process has started and principals decided to go with the AWSP principal evaluation model. Year 3 of the plan is to implement the new teacher and principal evaluation system. According to what we know at this time, one-third of classroom teachers will need to be placed on the new evaluation system starting 2013-14. Task 2: Include specific professional development for teachers and principals as part of the plan. Janet Gavigan explained the Danielson Framework has four Domains, 22 Rubrics, and 4 levels of performance. In Year 1, the Evaluation Committee was trained by WEA on the TPEP process. Principal training was started on rubrics and criteria as presented through Leadership Innovations at administrative meetings and individual coaching sessions in the buildings. On August 30, teachers were introduced to the frameworks through activities, and will follow up with focusing on individual Domains at building staff meetings. Principals also had to learn the framework and received training at the August Administrative Summer Institute. This year they are receiving further training at Ad Council monthly meetings, PLC groups doing building walkthroughs, and meeting individually with Heather Knight from Leadership Innovations for coaching and application. Basically, the district is doing its own training with the assistance of Leadership Innovations. These new requirements will affect teacher and principal work loads. -6- Goal 1: Increase the academic achievement of all students. Objective 1H: Develop a plan to implement the Washington State Common Core Standards. Task 1: Form Common Core State Standards committee. Dr. Smith reported the Common Core Standards Committee of thirteen members has already met. The Pathways to the Common Core: Accelerating Achievement online book study had great response for the first session, with teachers from Riverview and four other districts participating in this book study via an 8-week course. We are ahead of most districts. We had a work group made up of elementary teachers who met over the summer working on an elementary report card designed around the Common Core Standards, and are the only district we know of that has already aligned the elementary report card to Common Core. NEW BUSINESS REPORTS Superintendent Report Mr. Robertson reported on the following: 1. Thank you to the school board for their attendance at the last two Roundtables on Senior Project and Community Partnerships. Also, thank you to Carol Van Noy and Danny Edwards for attending the Rotary Legislative Candidates Forum last week. 2. Since the October 9th board meeting I have participated in the following meetings: a refunding (refinance of bonds) meeting with D.A. Davidson, our monthly REA Leadership/Superintendent meeting, the Senior Project and Community Partnership Roundtables, the Legislative Candidates Forum, and a meeting with Erickson McGovern architect on the various projects. 3. Enclosed is a School Messenger summary report on the October 17th test call that was made to cell and home phone numbers of parents and staff on our emergency call-out system. The purpose of the test call was to familiarize parents and staff with the system and to identify incorrect and obsolete telephone numbers that are still in the system. The test call went well with the system recording that 95% of the numbers were contacted within the first five minutes and 98% of the numbers within ten minutes. We discovered that approximately 330 telephone numbers in the system were either disconnected or shouldn’t have been in the system. We are now in the process of contacting parents and staff with any discrepancies. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mr. Bawden adjourned the October 23, 2012, School Board meeting at 9:30 PM. ____________________________________ Board President __________________________________ Board Secretary MINUTES PREPARED BY Cheryl B. Layman, Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors. -7-