RIVERVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 407 DUVALL, WA 98019 Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting September 25, 2012 Educational Service Center – Board Room CALL TO ORDER AND FLAG SALUTE Ms. Oviatt, Board President called the meeting to order at 5:05 PM, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. EXECUTIVE SESSION Ms. Oviatt recessed the Board Meeting at 5:06 PM, and immediately entered into Executive Session to discuss contract negotiations for approximately two hours. Ms. Oviatt ended the Executive Session at 6:50 PM and recessed the Board Meeting for ten minutes. MEMBERS PRESENT Ms. Oviatt, Mr. Bawden, Mrs. Van Noy, Mr. Edwards, Ms. Fletcher Student Representatives: Mr. Knoth, Ms. Leslie CALL BACK TO ORDER Ms. Oviatt called the Board Meeting back to order at 7:00 PM. COMMUNICATIONS, AGENDA ADJUSTMENT AND HEARING OF PUBLIC Ms. Oviatt thanked the Board and administration for hosting the ESC Community Open House yesterday, and felt the turnout was good. She mentioned the Board will hold a Roundtable discussion with the school librarians next Tuesday at Stillwater Elementary. Ms. Oviatt noted that Washington State students‟ combined average score on the SAT college-admission test was the highest in the nation, tied with Vermont, in states which at least 45 percent of eligible students took the test. Mrs. Van Noy noted she would not be able to attend next week‟s Roundtable. She passed out an editorial that provided a fair description of the challenges facing teachers in diverse, economically challenged classrooms. Mrs. Van Noy said she went to the WSSDA Board meeting on Thursday and attended the WSSDA Legislative Assembly on Saturday. Friday, she participated in the United Way Day of Caring, with over 12,000 volunteers. Mr. Bawden reminded the Board of the upcoming WSSDA Regional Meeting, being held on October 29th in Auburn. Mrs. Van Noy added there is also a Roundtable from 4-6 PM prior to the meeting on National Conversations about Teaching: The RESPECT Project, presented by Dr. Kareen Borders, Teaching Ambassador Fellow with the Department of Education. The Board asked members to let the Superintendent‟s Office know if they are interested in attending either or both meetings on October 29th. -1- COMMUNICATIONS, AGENDA ADJUSTMENT AND HEARING OF PUBLIC, Cont. Mr. Edwards said he attended the WSSDA Legislative Assembly from Thursday through Saturday. He‟s been asked to Chair the Legislative Assembly next year, and is also up for Chair of the Legislative Committee. He also mentioned he was asked to be the auctioneer/emcee for the October 20th ERMA auction. Student Representative Report Mr. Knoth and Ms. Leslie reported on activities at Cedarcrest High School. ASB is hard at work planning the final details of this year‟s homecoming events. This includes the pep assembly, royalty announcement at halftime, and the dance this Saturday. This week has been Spirit Week with great themes and participation. FFA recently had their first meeting and took a field trip early last week. They are also creating the flower bouquets for homecoming royalty. The members of DECA had their first meeting under the leadership of new President Ashley Graves. At the meeting they discussed ideas for fundraising and this year‟s competitions. FBLA has been brainstorming ideas for upcoming events like a hospital drive. They are also continuing to run the coffee stand and Student Store at CHS. National Honor Society is selecting their officers later this week and is planning the upcoming blood drive. TSA just finished with their annual officer retreat and have big plans for the upcoming year. One event they will be hosting is a Family Portrait Night for families who can‟t afford professional photography to have their family pictures taken for a low cost. FIRST Robotics discussed an organizational change from the business system to a team concept, but in the end kept their CEO business system. Last week, RAK had their first meeting and the first Ixtapa lunch. Football: The CHS Redwolves have played three games so far this year. The standing record is 1-2 with our homecoming game on Friday against Granite Falls. Cross country: CHS Cross Country is off to a great start winning first place at Conference Previews. Girls’ Soccer: Girls Soccer currently has a record of 3-1 with wins against Coupeville, Sultan, and South Whidbey. They have a game tonight at home against Granite Falls and another game Thursday at Kings. Volleyball: Volleyball has started off the year with an undefeated record of 5-0. A major win this past week was against AB Murphy for the first time in 4 years. The girls will play tonight at Kings and on Thursday home against Lakewood. CONSENT AGENDA A list of routine agenda items were considered in a single motion. Board Members have received and studied background information on all items. Motion 12-61: To approve the September 25, 2012, Consent Agenda as presented. (Bawden and Edwards) Unanimous. Approval of Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for September 11, 2012 -2- Approval of Warrants General Fund Warrant No. 186323 through 186356 in the amount of $38,915.39, No. 186369 through 186380 in the amount of $70,578.71, No. 186381 through 186433 in the amount of $84,356.09, and direct deposits of $13,377.01; Capital Projects Fund Warrant No. 186357 through 186358 in the amount of $4,217.05, No. 186434 through 186437 in the amount of $30,508.85, and direct deposits of $4.93; ASB Fund Warrant No. 186359 through 186368 in the amount of $6,854.11, No. 186438 through 186451 in the amount of $18,752.11, and direct deposits of $1,212.00; and Private Purpose Trust Fund direct deposits of $1,065.00. Total payroll for September 14, 2012, was $2,096.71, which includes direct deposits of $1,722.91. Approval of Personnel Actions, as amended Approval of Service Contracts Approval of Donations The Board acknowledged the donation from AGC Education Foundation for $3,500 to support the CTE construction trade course. Approval of Memorandum of Understanding between Riverview School District and PSE Association regarding Health Care Pooling Approval of Out-of-State Travel for Becky Panesko and Karyn Summers to Instructor Training Conference in Denver, Colorado, October 11-13, 2012 OLD BUSINESS Strategic Plan Status Goal 1: Increase the academic achievement of all students. Objective 1A: Continue implementation of Student Learning Protocols and Learning Targets district-wide. Task 1: Collect plans from principals to utilize Student Learning Protocol coaches. Dr. Smith noted the schedule for the year has been set up and we have Heather Knight already taking principals on “learning walks.” Administrators will be going to various school classrooms, which will continue for the next couple of months. Central office administrators will also be involved on teams for the “learning walks.” Task 2: Conduct teacher-coach training in Student Learning Protocol at the district‟s Summer Teacher Institute. Dr. Smith reported Heather Knight had eight teachers in her summer training class and will be providing ongoing training. Goal 3: Provide Human Resources and Communication practices to improve student learning. Objective 3B: Continue to implement the district‟s 5-year Communications Plan. Task 1: Update Communications Coordinator job description and assess adding hours to the current Communication Coordinator‟s schedule. Dr. Anthony Smith advised he asked for a search online for various communication job descriptions, which is almost done. Several responsibilities will be added to the job, one being social media monitoring and updating the district Facebook, which is scheduled to be online by the end of November. The other is assisting with articles and brochures from the Superintendent‟s office. -3- OLD BUSINESS, Cont. Strategic Plan Status, Cont. Dr. Smith also spoke about the new Teacher/Principal Evaluation requirements. The Evaluation Committee is continuing to meet and hopes to have a proposed product for the evaluation system by the time teacher negotiations begin next year. The Principal Evaluation system is being looked at during quarterly meetings with Mrs. Becker, Mr. Lavarias, Ms. Gavigan, and Dr. Smith. Two model systems are being reviewed and the plan is to implement one next year. Ms. Van Noy added that WSSDA is taking the lead on new Superintendent Evaluation, working with WASA. Change Order No. 3 for Educational Service Center Educational Service Center Change Order in the amount of $8,063 is for miscellaneous electric and sprinkler system repairs, and the addition of an assisted listening device. Motion 12-62: To approve Change Order No. 3 for the Educational Service Center in the amount of $8,063.00. (Bawden and Van Noy) Unanimous. NEW BUSINESS REPORTS WSSDA Legislative Assembly Report Mr. Edwards attended a Thursday night Legislative Committee Meeting, and the Pre-Assembly meeting on Friday. Friday began with an Innovative Schools Tour, hosted by Highline School District, which received lots of great feedback. State Superintendent Randy Dorn spoke on the State of Education; then Alan Burke, Deputy Superintendent, spoke about Common Core Standards; followed by four legislators talking about the effects of the McCleary Court Decision. They were asked if the legislature was going to fully fund education by the deadline of 2018, and they said we have to according to the Supreme Court. Both Gubernatorial Candidates showed up and both seemed very education focused. Saturday was the Legislative Assembly with voting on the 69 proposals. Everyone voted either for or against each proposal and then they are to be ranked and prioritized. Some of the issues that did not pass were the “Property Tax „Fair Share‟” and “Storm Water Fee Exemption” which are considered local or state issues, not district. One that did pass this year, but not in the past, was the DREAM Act (Development, Relief and Education of Alien Minors), which allows immigrant students a path toward becoming lawful U.S. residents. The Charter Schools Initiative was discussed and WSSDA opposes it unless legislation authorizes charter schools to be formed only under the governance of locally elected Board of School Directors. The Riverview Board Members asked to discuss this at the next Board Meeting as some districts are adopting a resolution opposing Initiative 1240. Mr. Edwards noted the WSSDA Legislative Conference in Olympia will be held on March 1011, 2013, giving Board Members a chance to meet with legislators to advocate on behalf of Riverview and other school districts. This year will be different as the district has been split into Legislative District 5 and District 45, meaning twice as many legislators to visit. -4- Superintendent Report Mr. Robertson reported: 1. Since the last board meeting, I attended four of the school open houses, the Board Leadership meeting, the monthly REA/Superintendent meeting, the monthly Puget Sound Educational Service District meeting and the WASA New Administrators Luncheon where I introduced our new administrators – Janet Gavigan, Chris Lupo, Jack Madigan, Dr. Randy Stocker. I also attended construction-related meetings concluding the work on the Educational Service Center and summer projects at Cedarcrest High School, Tolt Middle School and Stillwater Elementary School. In addition, Dr. Anthony Smith and I are holding weekly mentoring sessions preparing Dr. Smith to become the Riverview Superintendent on July 1, 2013. Dr. Smith also attended the Puget Sound Educational Service District meeting where I introduced him to the area superintendents. 2. On September 17th and 24th, we hosted open houses at the Educational Service Center for staff and community respectively. I would like to thank the school board members for attending the community open house. The ESC Assembly Hall has already been rented for a memorial service this weekend, the upcoming CHS Dinner Theater, the Duvall Centennial on January 6th, and the PTSA Reflections Gala on January 8th. 3. Wednesday, September 26th, will be the annual Tolt Dam Evacuation Drill for Tolt Middle School, Carnation Elementary School, Riverview Learning Center, the Transition Program and ECEAP. 4. For the third year, the Riverview School District Food Services Department, in partnership with the Washington School Nutrition Association and the Washington State Department of Agriculture Farm-to-School Program, is celebrating Washington agriculture on Wednesday, September 26, with Taste of Washington. They have been working with local farmers to bring students a great meal made with locally grown produce from Full Circle Farm and Oxbow Farm. Cedarcrest FFA members will be in the cafeterias to promote agriculture and offer samples of the locally grown produce to all students. 5. On Tuesday, October 2nd, from 5:00 to 6:30 PM, the School Board will host a roundtable session with the Riverview library media specialists at the Stillwater Elementary School Learning Resource Center. During the following three weeks roundtable sessions will be held with the Riverview Education Foundation, Senior Projects and Community Partnerships. 6. The 14th Annual Riverview Education Foundation Golf Tournament will be held on Saturday, October 6th, at the Golf Club of Redmond Ridge. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Ms. Oviatt adjourned the September 25, 2012, School Board Meeting at 7:55 PM. __________________________________ Board President _________________________________ Board Secretary MINUTES PREPARED BY Cheryl B. Layman, Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors. -5-