RIVERVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 407 CARNATION, WA 98014 Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting June 12, 2012 District Office – Conference Room A/B CALL TO ORDER Ms. Oviatt, Board President, called the meeting to order at 5:45 PM, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance, and immediately entered into Executive Session for approximately one hour to create the superintendent interview questions, with Consultant, Rich Parker. EXECUTIVE SESSION Prepare Superintendent Interview Questions RECESS The Board ended the Executive Session at 6:50 PM, and recessed for 10 minutes. CALL BACK TO ORDER Ms. Oviatt called the meeting back to order at 7:00 PM. MEMBERS PRESENT Ms. Oviatt, Mr. Bawden, Mrs. Van Noy, Mr. Edwards, Ms. Fletcher Student Representatives: Mr. Koons, Ms. Leslie COMMUNICATIONS, AGENDA ADJUSTMENTS AND HEARING OF PUBLIC Ms. Oviatt noted this afternoon the School Board hosted a retiree reception for nine employees, who worked a total of 156 years for Riverview. She mentioned that last night’s graduation ceremony for the 18 CLIP and PARADE students was very emotional and impressive. Ms. Oviatt said Mr. Robertson, Mrs. Van Noy and she attended the Sno-Valley Community Network’s annual Rise & Shine Breakfast. The Network works toward a mission to create a caring community of integrated systems promoting healthy children and families. The purpose of the Network is to reduce the number of children and youth in the Snoqualmie Valley who are at risk and increase the protective factors that enhance healthy living. The Riverview School District was honored to nominate four members of our community for awards: Kelley Houser, Kellie Eaton, Nancy Perry, and Austin Koons. Ms. Oviatt reflected on last week’s commitments, including the Board Breakfast Work Study and the Booknic at ERMA on June 1; June 5, Senior Awards Night; June 7, Special Board Meeting to discuss internal candidate for the Superintendent position, and June 8, Senior Projects. In addition, she participated in the WSSDA Conference presentation selection and found there are going to be some excellent presentations at the conference this year in November. -1- COMMUNICATIONS, AGENDA ADJUSTMENTS AND HEARING OF PUBLIC, Cont. Ms. Oviatt said Peggy Filer’s Healthy Challenge ended and asked if other Board Members took the challenge. Mr. Bawden said he met his goal, and the others said they came close. Mrs. Van Noy noted the Tolt Middle School Junior Honor Society members stopped by her office at United Way and she had the opportunity to talk about volunteer opportunities with them. Mrs. Van Noy thanked Cedarcrest High School for the amazing artwork in the Board Room. Mr. Edwards said he also enjoyed last night’s Riverview graduation ceremony, especially the students’ stories and challenges. He went to the Rube Goldberg event at the high school, and commented on the very creative products. He noted he will not be able to make the Cedarcrest High School graduation as he will be at the WSSDA Legislative Committee meeting on Thursday and Friday. Ms. Fletcher found the Riverview graduation very touching, and enjoyed the Board’s retirement party, and hearing what the staff had done over their tenures. She felt the Tolt Middle School Band Concert was truly great. Ms. Leslie said the Junior Class Powder Puff fundraiser was a lot of fun last week. Mr. Koons has been very busy with Senior Awards, Senior Slide Show, Baccalaureate, Graduation and a CHS Talent Show tomorrow night at 7:00 PM. He was honored to be recognized at the Rise n Shine Breakfast, and thankfully his Senior Project went very well. Mr. Robertson commented on Senior Projects, noting Representative Larry Springer attended, as well as Senator Andy Hill who was on the same panel as Mr. Robertson. Senator Hill said he was very impressed with the process. The School Board praised and thanked Austin Koons for his service as Student Representative the last two years and gave him a small gift of appreciation. Agenda Adjustment Motion 12-36: To amend the Consent Agenda, Item C. Approval of Personnel Actions, to reflect current changes. (Van Noy and Fletcher) Unanimous CONSENT AGENDA Motion 12-37: To approve the June 12, 2012, Consent Agenda as amended. (Edwards and Van Noy) Bawden Abstain due to conflict of interest Oviatt Abstain due to conflict of interest Van Noy Yes Edwards Yes Fletcher Yes Motion passed. -2- CONSENT AGENDA, Cont. Approval of Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for May 22, 2012, Special Board Meeting Minutes for June 7, 2012, Board Work Study Minutes for May 22, 2012, and Board Work Study for June 1, 2012 Approval of Warrants General Fund Warrant No. 185255 through 185364 in the amount of $179,881.79, and direct deposits of $7,644.81; Capital Projects Fund Warrant No. 185254 in the amount of $8,042.66, No. 185365 through 185377 in the amount of $90,874.83, and direct deposits of $500.63; ASB Fund Warrant No. 185378 through 185386 in the amount of $4,506.30, and direct deposits of $405.25; and Private Purpose Trust Fund Warrant No. 185387 through 185396 in the amount of $6,952.22, and direct deposits of $9,038.24. Total payroll for May 31, 2012, was $1,941,247.53, which includes General Fund Warrant No. 185397 through 185472 in the amount of $667,444.55, and direct deposits of $947,174.49. Approval of Personnel Actions, as amended The Board acknowledged the hiring of Mr. Chris Lupo and Mr. Jack Madigan as our two new principals. Approval of Service Contracts Approval of 2012-13 Student Fees Approval of Facility Use Fees Approval of Architect Fees and Contractor Contract for the Educational Service Center Approval of Changes Orders for Tolt Middle School Parking Lots and Cherry Valley Elementary School Additions and Modernization Approval of Consulting Contracts for Maintenance/Concession Stand Building Approval of Consulting Contract for Cedarcrest High School Track and Turf Replacement OLD BUSINESS 2012-13 ASB Budget Presentations Mr. Ray LaBate, Cedarcrest ASB Advisor, introduced the ASB officers for 2012: Kate Sherman, ASB President; Maggie Gronberg, ASB Vice President; Nick Tiffany, ASB Secretary; and Kim Fore, ASB Treasurer. The officers took turns presenting information on the ASB Budget. They approved spending for uniforms in the sports of Boys’ Soccer and Wrestling, and added Cheerleaders to the uniform rotation. Special projects for ASB spending included: continued funding of Action Agenda Daily Planners; Cedarcrest T-shirts for students who pay ASB dues; seven leadership students to attend AWSP leadership team camp in July; supplement funding of rooter buses to selected athletic events; and funding of a new sign in the commons to name the cafeteria “Hungry Like the Wolf Café.” -3- 2012-13 ASB Budget Presentations, Cont. Other requests were granted, and money was allotted to athletic teams and activities. The amount of funds for distribution was $44,300. The 2012-13 budget reflects income generated through ASB cards, gate receipts, vending machine revenue, parking permits, and interest earned. Annual operating costs include official’s fees, ticket takers, security, post-season costs, training equipment, equipment repair and maintenance, homecoming expenses, as well as other miscellaneous costs. Tolt Middle School ASB Advisor Robert Richert, and Shannon Reid, 7th grade representative, reviewed the ASB budget. Noted highlights included the loss of football this next year, the continuation of the magazine drive and the 100 cans of Spam won from the drive this year that was donated to Hopelink, and the reduction of CD’s for the LRC karaoke music. Last year they paid for one day a week activity bus and the reader board in the cafeteria, and had an ASB assembly to get students more involved in ASB. The goal is to hold both Veterans’ Day and Martin Luther King Jr. Day assemblies next year and have more school-based community service projects. The elementary ASB budgets were provided to the Board. Board Initiatives 1. 2. 3. Superintendent Succession plan/process: Ongoing, the Board met tonight on interview questions and will be interviewing the internal candidate, Dr. Anthony Smith, at a Special Board Meeting on June 18th. Communication – Outreach to community: Held Community Forum on Superintendent Succession process that was successful; will schedule work study for November/December on key communicators; have already held work study on Social Media policy. Online Learning: Board presentation last month on what we are doing now; plan to have a work study in the future. Second Reading, Policy 1160, Board Member Compensation Motion 12-38: To approve Policy 1160 for Second Reading. (Van Noy and Oviatt) Unanimous. NEW BUSINESS Emergency Preparedness District Overview Presentation Vanessa Pegueros and Crystal Hill-Pennington introduced themselves. Vanessa has been involved with Riverview PTSAs and the Citizen Corps for the last five years and is Senior Vice President for U.S. Bank Information Security and Incident Response. Crystal is Stillwater Elementary PTSA Chair for Emergency Preparedness and has been a former small city mayor. She currently works with her husband, John, in developing, revising, and teaching both general and community-specific training and exercise courses for FEMA and the Emergency Management Institute. -4- Emergency Preparedness District Overview Presentation, Cont. They presented an emergency preparedness document, driven by parents and community, as a resource for emergency management of natural hazards. The most effective response to a natural disaster is aggressive planning and preparation before an event occurs. A key approach to comprehensive planning is to pre-determine and establish roles and responsibilities of those who will be involved in carrying out a plan to manage a disaster event. Identifying and engaging stakeholders, leadership, and partners in the planning process will prevent duplication of efforts and more importantly, will help establish communication patterns where coordination will occur more seamlessly. Some of the identified hazards in the Riverview School District which have the highest likelihood of occurrence are: flooding/mud slide, severe weather/windstorm, earthquake, wildland fire, dam failure. The PTSAs want to partner with Riverview School District in this planning, as they have resources to bring to the table and ways to save money through grant funds. They listed specific areas of hazard planning that need to be addressed within a Riverview School District Emergency Response Plan in accordance with the ICS chain of command and at each facility. Our intent is to offer support, technical expertise, and partnerships and we are asking for a clear understanding of board support to work together for the next steps in creating a comprehensive approach to improving preparedness for all students, teachers, and staff. Mr. Bawden said the Board and the District place a high value on student safety and the Board needs to have their discussion with the Superintendent on district resources so we have the right people to work collaboratively on this in the future. Board Agenda Topics The Board added several items to the “parking lot” such as Emergency Preparedness and also add the calendar and early release days. They noted student representative interviews for next year will probably occur towards the end of July due to vacations. Community Service Award Nomination The Board discussed the generosity of The Linnerooth Team in donating back to our school from their home sales with Riverview affiliates and their work with the Rotary Club of Duvall’s youth program for scholarships and student of the month recognitions. Motion 12-39: To select The Linnerooth Team for the 2012 Community Service Award. (Edwards and Van Noy) Unanimous. REPORTS Enrollment Report Mr. Robertson reported this is the first year the state has required the June count to be included in the funding formula. We dropped 3.05 FTE students from May; however we are still up 79.83 FTE from budget. -5- Superintendent Report Mr. Robertson reported: 1. Besides the weekly Educational Service Center construction meeting, he attended the following meetings since the last board meeting: Rise & Shine Breakfast, Board Breakfast, Senior Awards Night, Center for Collaborative Support meeting, the Rube Goldberg Science event at CHS, Senior Project presentations, the PARADE/CLIP Graduation, and the Staff Retirement Recognition. He also participated on the interview teams for the Tolt Middle School Principal and the Stillwater Elementary Principal positions. The highlight was reading to the elementary students at the Eagle Rock Booknic event. 2. As a reminder, the Tolt Middle School Moving Up Ceremony has been changed from Monday, June 18th to Wednesday, June 20th. Also Friday, June 22nd, is the last day of school for the 2011-2012 school year. 3. Construction update: The remodeling of the Education Service Center is expected to be completed in midJuly with the move from the administrative offices in Carnation to be completed by the end of July. 4. Today nine Riverview School District staff members were honored at the Staff Retirement Party: Anna Armstrong, Cathy Mulligan, Gwen Marvin, Bruce Murdock, Emily Roalkvam, Bernice Pond, Bob Scharer, Lynn Sinnema and Mitch Weir. They will be retiring this month with a total of 156 years of service in the Riverview School District. Serving the longest were Bob Scharer with 40 years and Mitch Weir with 34 years. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Ms. Oviatt adjourned the June 12, 2012, School Board Meeting at 8:45 PM. __________________________________ Board President _________________________________ Board Secretary MINUTES PREPARED BY Cheryl B. Layman, Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors. -6-