RIVERVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 407 CARNATION, WA 98014 Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting May 22, 2012 District Office – Conference Room A/B CALL TO ORDER Ms. Oviatt, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. MEMBERS PRESENT Ms. Oviatt, Mr. Bawden, Mrs. Van Noy, Mr. Edwards, Ms. Fletcher Student Representatives: Mr. Koons, Ms. Leslie PUBLIC HEARING 2012 Capital Facilities Plan Mr. Adamo explained the Capital Facilities Plan is intended to provide the City of Carnation, the City of Duvall, King County, other jurisdictions, and our own community with a description of facilities needed to accommodate projected student enrollment at acceptable levels of service over the next six years. No one signed up to speak. COMMUNICATIONS, AGENDA ADJUSTMENTS AND HEARING OF PUBLIC Ms. Oviatt noted, prior to this meeting, the Board held a Work Study on Superintendent Succession. They met with Rich Parker on the input gathered from over 200 on-line surveys, 35 community participants in the World Café and 20 staff participants. She thanked the Board, staff and community members for their feedback. Ms. Oviatt said the superintendent application process will open by the end of this week for internal candidates. Ms. Oviatt listed 20 calendar events the Board has in the month of June. Mrs. Van Noy noted she would be in Olympia for a WSSDA Board meeting on June 22-24. Mr. Edwards said he would be also be in Olympia for a WSSDA Legislative Committee meeting on June 15-16. Ms. Fletcher announced she would be out for family reasons from June 1-9. Mr. Bawden mentioned he and Ms. Oviatt attended the State Auditor’s Exit Conference at the District Office. Mrs. Van Noy said she attended the League of Education Voters’ breakfast in Seattle on May 15, noting there were five school directors running for legislative office. She also noted the beautiful artwork from Stillwater in the Board Room. Agenda Adjustment Motion 12-28: To amend the Consent Agenda, Item C. Approval of Personnel Actions, to reflect current changes. (Edwards and Van Noy) Unanimous. -1- COMMUNICATIONS, AGENDA ADJUSTMENTS AND HEARING OF PUBLIC, Cont. Hearing of Public Kim Lisk and Kelley Houser spoke on behalf of the Cedarcrest High School PTSA. Kim thanked the Board for the World Café community opportunity. They presented to the Board a petition of over 100 signatures in favor of the high school principal handing out diplomas. Kim pointed out the diplomas are from Cedarcrest High School, not Riverview School District, and are signed by the principal and the superintendent. Again, she said she would like to see the high school principal hand out diplomas. Ms. Oviatt thanked both parties for the information brought to the Board and acknowledged their extensive volunteer time in the district. Ms. Oviatt asked the Board if they wished to speak or ask any questions. All Board members spoke to the honor of representing the district by handing out diplomas and did not want to change the tradition. Mr. Robertson said he had never been to a graduation where the principal handed out diplomas. His office did a survey of 13 single high school districts in the area and 12 had the Board handing out diplomas. Austin Koons asked the ASB Advisory and most didn’t care and others said they liked it being the school board. Kylie Leslie asked some students and most didn’t notice who gave out diplomas. Dan Pflugrath said he appreciated the public forum for input on superintendent characteristics. In regards to the diplomas at Cedarcrest, he said the district needs to think of the Board as representatives of all the people in the community and that they are the highest authority in the district by election. Student Representative Report Mr. Koons and Ms. Leslie provided the following: ASB class officers gave speeches today and voting took place during lunch. Officers should be announced Friday morning. Ms. Leslie is running for Senior Class President. FFA finished their competitive season at State Championships with multiple teams placing. Teams that placed in the top ten include rituals (6th), farm business management (4th), floral design (6th) and a team of Sara Davidson and Connor Clancy receiving the District Star Awards. Four members of FFA received their State Degrees at the competition. FFA is also having their end-of-the-year banquet on June 7th, and the Board is invited. The final thing DECA is working towards is the car show on June 2nd, at Safeway. FBLA is sending Zach Mabe to Nationals, June 29-July 6, to compete in the business law division. They also took part in the Adopt-a-Road clean up this last Thursday and are scheduling interviews for the new officer applicants. NHS has their final blood drive this Friday, the 25th, and is also currently planning their end-of-the-year barbeque. TSA is sending 10 people to Nationals to compete in divisions like on-demand video, gaming design, and photographic technology. VSMA sent 7 students to the State Competition and Conference. Stephanie Hall placed 4th in the anatomy division and multiple other members were close to the top ten. Boys’ Soccer finished 3rd in league and made it to districts where they played Sehome at Civic Stadium but unfortunately came away defeated. Boys’ Baseball finished 2nd in league and played against Archbishop in Anacortes for a slot in the state tournament. Unfortunately, the boys lost 8-1. -2- Student Representative Report, Cont. The girls’ fastpitch team finished 3rd in league and lost their final 2 games (making it to Districts at Sedro-Woolley HS). The boys’ and girls’ golf team finished up their league play and headed off to districts where Courtney Hoakstra was the top female golfer of the Cascade Conference. Caitlin Brenner, a sophomore, was the only one to qualify for state this year. In Track and Field the girls finished 5th in league and the boys for the first time ever took the league title. At districts the boys placed 3rd overall and is sending 6 boys to the state meet: Zach Jordan (110M & 300M hurdles), Mitch Montgomery (1600M & 3200M), Logan Orndorf (3200M), Luke Driscoll (100M & 200M), Matt Erickson (200M), and Justin Houser (javelin). Also, Quinn Radbourne made it as an alternate in the 800M. There is a guitar concert at CHS tonight; CHS has set a tentative Talent Show for June 13; and the Powder Puff Game is June 1st to fundraise for the class of 2013. CONSENT AGENDA Motion 12-29: To approve the May 22, 2012, Consent Agenda as amended. (Bawden and Oviatt) Unanimous. Approval of Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for May 8, 2012, Board Work Study Minutes for May 4, 2012, and Board Work Study Minutes for May 8, 2012 Approval of Warrants General Fund Warrant No. 185092 through 185215 in the amount of $183,399.80, and direct deposits of $17,673.06; Capital Projects Fund Warrant No. 185216 through 185223 in the amount of $33,851.85; ASB Fund Warrant No. 185224 through 185248 in the amount of $27,656.86, and direct deposits of $469.41; and Private Purpose Trust Fund Warrant No. 185249 through 185253 in the amount of $1,857.55, and direct deposits of $1,189.06. Total payroll for May 15, 2012, was $34,029.34, which includes General Fund Warrant No. 185091 in the amount of $845.49, and direct deposits of $26,742.77. Approval of Personnel Actions, as amended The Board acknowledged the retirement of Bernice Pond in Riverview Food Service for 13 years, and the resignation of Amy Wright. Approval of Service Contracts Approval of Budget Status Reports Approval of Donations The Board acknowledged the donations from Stillwater PTA for the SW Library. -3- OLD BUSINESS 2012 Capital Facilities Plan Adoption Mr. Adamo reported within the six-year window of this plan, we do not have the capacitygenerating projects to have impact fees. Adjustments were made in the inventory of facilities, and based on comments from last year, Intermediate Term Facility Needs were revised. Mr. Bawden suggested another change in the wording under this topic from “The District is in the preliminary planning stages of a new comprehensive K-8 school” to “The District has identified a potential need for a new K-8 school.” Enrollment and Capacity Projects for 2012-13 through 2017-18 show current surplus capacity without relocatables of 83, diminishing to -123 students in 2017-18; however, with relocatables, we will have a surplus of 429 in 2017-18. Motion 12-30: To adopt the 2012 Capital Facilities Plan, as presented. (Edwards and Bawden) Unanimous. Innovative Programs – CLIP, CHOICE, and PARADE Dr. Anthony Smith introduced three teachers from the Riverview Learning Center, noting what they most have in common is an incredible heart for students. Another thing that’s shared is all three programs are heavily focused on application and the unique way these programs tie students to career exploration and community connections. Shari Milliken, CHOICE teacher, noted CHOICE provides 9th and 10th grade students with an educational alternative that is focused on real-life, hands-on, career-based learning. She spoke about the many opportunities to partnership with the community, for hands-on student learning and career exploration. They visited Camp River Ranch, and used the challenge course for teamwork; did community service with Sno-Valley Senior Center; planted 250 trees in three hours for Sound Salmon Solutions; and took field trips to Duvall Fire Department, Lake Washington Technical College, Brightwater Treatment Facility, AT&T Corporation Facility to mention a few. Guest speakers are brought in on Fridays. She shared photos of her students in class and at activities. Christina Malm, CLIP teacher, said after six years teaching CLIP she piloted a cyber learning program for three students this year. The NovaNet platform was used and can be accessed from any internet-abled computer. Some enrichments were added to the curriculum, and skills are assessed in order to move forward. They are still working on student learning protocol and objectives. This program meets a need, especially to touch base with a teacher as opposed to the state online programs. Connie Shuttee, PARADE teacher, passed out samples of “The PARADE Times.” Students in grades 5-8th spend an hour a week producing the student newspaper each month in their writing class. The best description for this class is student -entered learning, using young people’s interests, and their curiosity. Students learn how to generate topics, write with authenticity, and receive feedback from their readers. The PARADE community is their audience as everyone reads the paper. It is wonderful to see their writing grow and their love of being published. Dr. Smith noted, as he ends his year at the Riverview Learning Center, it has been a gift to be involved in the construction and programs. Next year, we hope to start our PTSA and almost every day a teacher has a new idea or vision for how our facility can evolve. -4- OLD BUSINESS, Cont. Strategic Plan Status Mike Vidos, Strategic Plan Facilitator, reported the district is just about finished with this year’s Strategic Plan and he’s impressed with the process this year, as it shows the maturity of the organization. He was also impressed with the community forum and the executive search process. He said, “You are replacing a legend in this district and I applaud your challenge and know you’ll find the right person.” Goal 1: Increase the academic achievement of all students. Objective 1B: Improve K-12 district-wide assessment score averages in reading, writing, math, and science by spring of 2011. Task 1: Share comparison statistics on state tests for all schools based on Center for Educational Effectiveness scatterplot analysis. Dr. Smith will send the report to the Board electronically and plan a Work Study in September to review the analysis. Objective 1F: Complete 21st century outcomes and indicators, and publish new thinking skills model. Task 2: Complete district thinking skills model. Dr. Smith said we looked at taking one outcome each year and put the indicators in progression. Each year we will take one of the six outcomes, and in 6-8 years we hope students can tell you the important outcomes and demonstrate they are able to do this. The next step to create a clear clean graphic representation. Goal 3: Provide Human Resources and Communication practices to improve student learning. Objective 3A: Continue to implement a five-year Human Resources (HR) plan. Task 4: Consider feasibility of adding a full-time HR Administrator. Due to sound fiscal management and full support of the Board, we added a full-time person to do both Riverview Learning Center Principal and Human Resources Director. Sandy Bechtel reported, “ We are thrilled to report that the district has hired Janet Gavigan as the fulltime Director of Human Resources and the Riverview Learning Center Principal. This has been a 12-year process. Janet will start her new position in July, 2012. We are very appreciative of the Board’s support of this position.” Task 5: Provide a four-year progress update of the five-year HR Plan. Ms. Bechtel reported the Human Resources Plan emanates from a Personnel Services Support Review report provided by Sherrie Evans, Consultant, Educational Management Solutions, on November 1, 2008. The text that follows addresses Ms. Evan’s recommendations in addition to the Riverview School District Human Resources Department’s summary of critical objectives and tasks to be exercised as part of the Board-approved Strategic Plan in September 2009. We are finishing year four of a five-year plan. The list below is a summary of the major objectives and our progress towards meeting those objectives. Year 4 (2011-12 School Year) Identify Goals to Provide Additional Staff to Support HR Functions of the District Continue to review the HR Budget to ensure that it can adequately provide for expenditures related to the identified strategic plan for HR functions. This is done on an annual basis. -5- OLD BUSINESS, Cont. Strategic Plan Status, Cont. Year 4 (2011-12 School Year) Use of Technology Continue to monitor the HrmPlus online application system and make changes as needed. The HrmPlus online application system has gone through some updates and we have struggled with the system this year. We will evaluate the system at the end of next year to determine if we want to retain this service or research other options. Design a review process to look at software options for developing job descriptions. Right now this is a cost-prohibitive method. It will be revisited at a later date. Provide a feasibility study and make recommendations for automating employee records. We looked into adding this to our existing HrmPlus system, but the cost is very high. We will be looking at other options to automate employee records. Report evaluation results for the Automated Sexual Misconduct Processing system. Since not very many districts use this system, it hasn’t been very effective. We’ll continue to use it with the districts currently using this system, but also use the printed version for districts not on the system. HR Records and Processes Include a timeline/calendar of required dates from collective bargaining agreements in the HR Handbook. We have developed a month-by-month timeline that lists the important contractual dates for each union. This should be helpful to principals and administrators so important deadlines and trigger dates are not missed. This will be placed in the HR Handbook, which is due to be accessible on the district website by the end of this school year. Legal Compliance Continue to attend S-275 trainings. Sandy Bechtel attended a webinar on the S-275, as well as a training at the Renton School District. Hire a consultant to randomly review 10-12 files annually to ensure continued successful audit results. We had someone from HrmPlus come to review our personnel files. She is also training Mary Barr, HR Program Assistant, on how to audit a file. This way we have at least two people reviewing personnel files to insure accurate counting of credits and experience. Research a system for tracking investigations and other legal activities related to HR. This can be utilized to support the state-required reporting of sexual misconduct records. This is still in the process. Training Attend at least one HR training through WSPA. Dr. Smith, Janet Gavigan, Mary Barr and Sandy Bechtel all attended part of the Washington School Personnel Association (WSPA) Conference in Silverdale this year. Develop a System for Retaining Historical Records Obtain historical records for the past three years which includes calendars, salary schedules, staffing data, employee turnover, absence records and legal logs. We are researching using a scanner to store all the documents, so they are easier to access. This has been used in the Business Office and can easily be used by Human Resources. -6- OLD BUSINESS, Cont. Strategic Plan Status, Cont. Objective 3B: Continue to implement the district’s Communications Plan. Task 3: Present end-of-year report on communication program results. Dr. Smith praised Leanne Christensen’s contributions and said she has been so enmeshed in what is going on in the community. Leanne presented the highlights and progress of the communications Program: Continued timely and frequent articles highlighting student and staff achievement in local papers (in print and their on-line publications), and on the schools’ and school district website. Continued high support of staff, community and parents reporting timely information to the Communications Representative. Increased awareness and support of district programs, statistics, awards and events via social community network websites. In addition to local newspapers and RSD school/district website communications, we are beginning to have a high rate of success and feedback from use of the social media community pages (Duvall/Carnation community Facebook pages), which I post as a community member/parent volunteer. The attendance and awareness of district events has increased as a direct result of some of the social media postings. Mrs. Christensen added “It continues to be my absolute pleasure to research, meet, highlight and praise the students, staff and volunteers in Riverview. I can't imagine any other job that would allow me the meaningful opportunity to witness and be apart of such inspiring good works and remarkable educational achievements as being the RSD Communications Representative. My time spent in Riverview will always be one of the most rewarding chapters in my life; as an RSD parent, volunteer and contracted employee.” Objective 3C: Develop and implement a parent and community relations program. Task 4: Distribute E-newsletter via Constant Contact. Dr. Smith reported specific articles have been identified to go in the E-newsletter to the community, hopefully by mid-June. We have to figure out ways to get information to all in the community, not just parents. 2012-13 Early Release Calendar Dr. Smith reported the REA Early Release Days Committee has reached a tentative calendar for next year. Tasked by REA Contract to engage a committee of REA members and school district administration to review Early Release Days, we started a year and 4 months ago to look at how we use early release time and going over definitions of that time. The high school doesn’t require a lot of CPT time (Collaborative Planning Time), so one a month is sufficient. K-8 presented more issues, and we looked at 13 CPT days. This, however, left state-required instructional time in question. So it was proposed that we add 5 minutes to the beginning of the Tolt Middle School day, 5 minutes to the beginning of Cherry Valley, and 5 minutes to the beginning and 5 minutes to the end of Stillwater and Carnation days. Half-day kindergarten will also have to be revisited to meet instructional hours. The REA Executive Board met last night and tentatively approved moving forward with the timelines presented. The Board suggested a press release be created to show parents how CPT days for the teachers help increase alignment and performance at the student level. -7- RECESS Ms. Oviatt recessed the Board meeting at 9:45 PM for a 5-minute break and called the meeting back to order at 9:50 PM. NEW BUSINESS 2010-11 State Audit Results Mr. Robertson said the district had another successful audit, with at least 10 years of clean audits. We received a Management Letter and are already implementing the four items recommended. Mr. Adamo stated they are issuing an unqualified opinion of the financial statements, and they have identified no deficiencies or weaknesses in the financial accounting system. Mr. Adamo said he stands behind the financial reports as they are accurate and truthful financial statements. He noted the Bond indebtedness of $56,600,000 remains as outstanding; however, all other bonds have been paid off. This bond will be paid off in 2030, with $80,560,000 in principal and interest. Tentative Agreement between Riverview School District and Riverview Public School Employees of Washington Motion 12-31: To approve the Tentative Agreement between RSD and PSE, extending the 2009-2012 Collective Bargaining Agreement to August 31, 2014. (Edwards and Oviatt) Unanimous. First Reading, Policy 1160, Board Member Compensation The Board requests that Policy 1160 reflect the state approved maximum compensation of $4800.00 per year, per board member, compensated at $50 per day for authorized services. Motion 12-32: To approve Policy 1160 for First Reading. (Van Noy and Oviatt) Unanimous. Community Service Award Nominations Motion 12-33: To postpone this Community Service Award Nominations until the June 12, 2012 Board meeting. (Van Noy and Oviatt) Unanimous. REPORTS Superintendent Report Mr. Robertson said he appreciates the City of Duvall working with us on the permits for the Educational Service Center. He spent time with several others last evening to get all the materials out of the rooms and ready to stage for contractors today. On May 18th the annual WASA Metro Community Service Recognition was held at the Puget Sound Educational Service District. Kelly Hauser received the award for the Riverview School District. He shared a picture and article which are on the RSD website. -8- REPORTS, Cont. Superintendent Report, Cont. On May 9th I met with Pam Darling, WaNIC (Washington Network for Innovative Careers) Skills Center Director and toured her through the Riverview Learning Center. On May 21st, I attended the joint meeting of the Career and Technical Education Directors and the Superintendents of the seven area school districts who comprise WaNIC. In addition, I attended the audit exit conference, a hearing on the Conditional Use Permit for the Educational Service Center, the monthly REA/Superintendent meeting, the monthly meeting of Puget Sound Educational Service District and the WASA Luncheon honoring outstanding school district volunteers. I have been one of the screeners for the Tolt Middle School principal and the Stillwater Elementary principal positions. The process was very time consuming but rewarding due to the number of outstanding applicants for both positions. The fourteen member interviewing teams will interview six experienced administrators on Wednesday, May 23rd, for the Tolt principal position and four candidates on May 25th, for the Stillwater principal position. The fourteen member interview team will again consist of parents, classroom teachers, specialists, counselor, secretary, educational assistant, building administration and district office administration. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Ms. Oviatt adjourned the May 22, 2012, School Board Meeting at 10:03 PM. _________________________________ Board President ___________________________________ Board Secretary MINUTES PREPARED BY Cheryl B. Layman, Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors. -9-