RIVERVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 407 CARNATION, WA 98014 Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting April 10, 2012 District Office – Conference Room A/B CALL TO ORDER Ms. Oviatt, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. MEMBERS PRESENT Ms. Oviatt, Mr. Bawden, Mrs. Van Noy, Mr. Edwards Student Representatives: Mr. Koons, Ms. Leslie MEMBERS ABSENT Ms. Fletcher COMMUNICATIONS, AGENDA ADJUSTMENTS AND HEARING OF PUBLIC Ms. Oviatt announced prior to tonight’s meeting, the Board conducted a work study on superintendent succession planning. She noted the Board has contracted with a search firm that is helping create an application process. Since the last meeting, Mrs. Van Noy, Mr. Bawden and she attended the WSSDA Regional 2 meeting in Tukwila. Ms. Oviatt congratulated CHS Team Stealth for qualifying for the FIRST Robotics National Championship in St. Louis, Missouri, April 24-30. The team is now making fundraising efforts a priority. She also congratulated Stillwater Elementary custodians, Mike Nelson and Rick Boulumpus, for being given the King County Earth Heroes award for repurposing and reusing furniture, equipment and materials that would otherwise have been discarded. She reminded the Board that she will be gone from April 21-May 4. Mrs. Van Noy, Mr. Edwards, and Ms. Fletcher will be attending the National School Board Association Conference in Boston from April 20-23. This Thursday is the Literary High Tea at Cherry Valley from 4:005:00 PM. April 20th is an early release and furlough ½ day so all school offices will be closing early. Cedarcrest’s spring plant sale is April 26-28, and May 3-5. Show dates for the CHS production of “Grease” are April 27-28, and May 3-5. Spring sports are in full swing. The AllDistrict Art Show will be at Cedarcrest April 27-28, from 6:00-10:00 PM. Mrs. Van Noy mentioned Ms. Oviatt and she would be attending the Cascadia Community College breakfast on April 18th, representing Riverview School District. She reminded the board to file their Public Disclosure forms by April 15th. Mr. Edwards noted he was gone all last week on vacation. The WSSDA Legislative Committee will have a virtual meeting on Thursday evening, and he’s interested to see how that works out. -1- COMMUNICATIONS, AGENDA ADJUSTMENTS AND HEARING OF PUBLIC, Cont. Ms. Leslie said she attended the baseball and soccer games yesterday; soccer beat Sultan, but baseball lost to Arch Bishop Murphy. Mr. Koons noted ASB is working on selecting next year’s executive officers. Mr. Robertson said he attended the baseball game with Mr. Adamo also yesterday and was very pleased with the fan attendance of over 180. He thought the ribbon cutting for the field would be on Senior Night. Agenda Adjustment Motion 12-18: To amend the Consent Agenda by adding Item H. Approval of Donations, and Item I. Approval of Out-of-State Travel for students and staff from CHS to attend the FIRST Robotics National Championship in St. Louis, Missouri, April 25-28, 2012 (Edwards and Van Noy) Unanimous. Hearing of Public Carolyn Butler, who has sent two children through Riverview and has a grandson at Cedarcrest, spoke to the value of the arts programs in our district. She was concerned that the job description for the principal at Carnation Elementary did not reflect the importance of artsfocused education. She felt this should be a factor strongly considered amongst candidates. She provided a quote from Jonna Farley, Music Specialist at Cherry Valley Elementary, “The arts (music, dance, theater, visual arts) are part of basic education and defined in the national core subjects. Riverview has embraced the arts in some of the following ways… It is important we do not lose ground and continue the path of quality education to teach the whole child which includes arts for all students. Therefore, it is essential to hire someone who understands the importance of arts in our district.” Ian King, parent, said he attended the TSA competition in Bellevue and wanted to state how great Mark Klune and Tim Kennedy are as teachers and mentors. He echoed what Ms. Butler said about support of the arts in education. He volunteered to lend his help with the large sound system at the new Educational Service Center as he was the one who designed it and could be a great technical resource. Brian Pattinson has two students in the district and he also echoed what Ms. Butler said. He felt Mr. Poage was amazing with the arts program at Carnation Elementary and throughout the district and hopes we continue that program with the right candidate. CONSENT AGENDA Motion 12-19: To approve the April 10, 2012, Consent Agenda as amended. (Van Noy and Oviatt) Unanimous. Approval of Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for March 27, 2012, and Board Work Study Minutes for March 27, 2012 -2- CONSENT AGENDA, Cont. Approval of Warrants General Fund Warrant No. 184501 through 184593 in the amount of $183,947.14, and direct deposits of $5,896.72; Capital Projects Fund Warrant No. 184594 through 184603 in the amount of $172,975.91; ASB Fund Warrant No. 184604 through 184624 in the amount of $24,939.27, and direct deposits of $562.56; and Private Purpose Trust Fund Warrant No. 184625 through 184627 in the amount of $9,921.23, and direct deposits of $5,166.92. Total payroll for March 31, 2012, was $1,928,795.94, which includes General Fund Warrant No. 184628 through 184703 in the amount of $668,103.22, and direct deposits of $940,823.96. Approval of Personnel Actions Approval of Service Contracts Approval of Out-of-State Travel for Students and Staff from Tolt and Cedarcrest to attend the TSA National Conference in Nashville, TN, June 20-26, 2012 Acceptance of Riverview Learning Center Commissioning Report Approval of Memorandums of Understanding between REA and RSD and between PSE and RSD for Snow Closure Waiver Day Approval of Donations The Board thanked the Washington FIRST Robotics non-profit organization for the donation of $5,000 to pay for the CHS Stealth Robotics team’s registration fee for the national competition in St. Louis. Approval of Out-of-State Travel for Students and Staff from CHS to attend the FIRST Robotics National Championship in St. Louis, Missouri, April 25-28, 2012 OLD BUSINESS Board Initiatives 1. 2. 3. Superintendent Succession plan/process The Board is working with Richard Parker, Consultant, to determine the application process. Communication The Board is working on an outreach process to community members and a social medial policy. Work studies have been scheduled after the NSBA Conference to discuss research collected. Online Learning A work study has been scheduled after the NSBA Conference to discuss research collected. -3- OLD BUSINESS, Cont. Change Orders for Cherry Valley Elementary and Tolt Middle School Parking Lots Motion 12-20: To approve Change Order #15 in the amount of $45,069.00, and Change Order #16 in the amount of $48,327.00 for Cherry Valley Elementary School Additions and Modernization, and Change Order #3 in the amount of $32,734.00 for Tolt Middle School Parking Lots. (Oviatt and Van Noy) Unanimous. NEW BUSINESS Board Agenda Topics The Board added a work study on May 15 and June 5 to discuss superintendent succession plan. They discussed having a community forum on May 10 or 17 on what the community wants in a superintendent, as well as a staff forum. They discussed having superintendent interviews possibly on June 7. They also tentatively scheduled a work study on May 1 to discuss the Strategic Plan. First Reading, Policies 2035 Electronic Resources, 3005 Compulsory Attendance; 3008 InDistrict Attendance Area Boundaries; 3010 In-District Attendance Area Transfers; 3015 Release of Resident Students; 3020 Nonresident Students; and 3110 Nondiscrimination Motion 12-21: To approve Policy 2035, 3005, 3008, 3010, 3015, 3020, and 3110 for First Reading. (Oviatt and Edwards) Unanimous. REPORTS Enrollment Report Mr. Robertson reported the April headcount is down 12 students, and the FTE is down 10.87. We are now .63 less FTE than when we began in September; however, we are still 83.70 FTE above budget. The key now is to hold this count in May. Superintendent Report Mr. Robertson reported: 1. Thank you for permitting me to take vacation over Spring Break to visit family out of state. I really enjoyed spending quality time with my family. 2. Last week we received our approval letter from the Office of Public Instruction granting our waiver request for the three missed school days in January due to district-wide emergency closures. Our closure coincided with the Governor’s Proclamation that a State of Emergency existed in King County. -4- Superintendent Report, Cont. As the board previously authorized, our district will make up two lost school days on Thursday, June 21 and Friday, June 22. We will use one waiver day, making June 22 the last day of school. This is similar to how we used waiver days and made up school days in 2007 and 2009. This also permits us to conclude the school year on a Friday and make up school on the days listed for that purpose on our 2011-2012 school calendar. 3. Mike Nelson and Rick Boulumpus, Stillwater Elementary School custodians, have been chosen as King County Earth Heros for their environmental conservation efforts at Stillwater Elementary. They will be honored by Dow Constantine, King County Executive, on April 26th, in Renton. Legislative Report Mr. Edwards reported today the 30-day Special Session is ending and we hope for a final budget. Yesterday, the WSSDA Legislative Committee held a conference call, which Mr. Edwards was unable to attend. He read from minutes prepared by Marie Sullivan of that call: Review of SSB 5940 was done for those who had not had time to read the full bill. Summary of the Substitute Bill: School districts must modify their benefits for employees to require every employee to pay a minimum premium for the medical benefit coverage, subject to collective bargaining. School districts offering medical, vision, and dental benefits must: 1. offer a high deductible health plan option with a health savings account similar to that required for state employees; 2. establish employee premiums for full family coverage that are not more than three times the premiums for employees purchasing single coverage, phased in by the fall 2012 school year; and 3. ensure employees are offered at least one comprehensive health benefit plan in which the employee share of the premium for a full-time employee does not exceed the share of premiums paid by state employees. WSSDA prefers that school districts have the option to pursue PEBB for their employees. PEBB now is a penalty in the bill, if school districts do not provide transparency of reports to the Insurance Commissioner. Mr. Robertson added he is concerned that the bill is still vague and the legislature may be moving too quickly in trying to get things finalized. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Ms. Oviatt adjourned the April 10, 2012, Board Meeting at 8:03 PM. ____________________________________ Board President ___________________________________ Board Secretary MINUTES PREPARED BY Cheryl B. Layman, Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors. -5-