Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting
February 14, 2012
District Office – Conference Room A/B
Ms. Oviatt, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM, followed by the Pledge of
Ms. Oviatt, Mr. Bawden, Mrs. Van Noy, Mr. Edwards, Ms. Fletcher
Student Representatives: Mr. Koons, Ms. Leslie
Ms. Gavigan, Principal, introduced Charlene Short, 8th grade Tech Strand teacher, and Issac
Harper, student, who presented Tolt robotics. Ms. Short explained about three years ago
Scribbler Robots were purchased for this course. One half of the course is computer programing,
research, program writing, all in preparation for building robots at the high school. The class of
31 shares seven Scribblers, working together on problem solving, hypotheses, collaboration, etc.
Issac Harper noted the programming is easy to use, adding movement, sound, and lighting. He
demonstrated by programming the robot to draw a figure 8 on paper. The Board thanked all for
their enlightening presentation.
Ms. Oviatt mentioned the board attended the WSSDA Legislative Conference on January 29 and
30 and met with Districts #45 and #5 legislators. February 2nd was Senior Projects with Mr.
Bawden, Mr. Robertson, Dr. Smith and she attending. On February 3rd, the Board held a
breakfast work study on superintendent succession, legislative issues and a plan to tour the new
building. On February 7th, the Board toured the new building in Duvall and came away very
The Board wished Mr. Bawden a very happy birthday as he reaches a major milestone on
February 18.
March 12-16 is Classified Employees Week and Ms. Oviatt asked Mrs. Van Noy to coordinate a
visiting schedule to the buildings. The Cedarcrest wrestling team has the most athletes ever
going to state, including Student Representative Austin Koons. She noted Coach Pedeferri is
Coach of the Year and Cody Paxman is Wrestler of the year.
Mr. Bawden found Senior Projects interesting as always, with a good range of topics. He noted
in talking with Representative Springer from the 45th District and Representative Rodne from the
5th District that their views on the state’s paramount duty to fund education were quite different.
He reminded all that the Riverview Education Foundation Auction is February 25th.
Mrs. Van Noy mentioned she was attending a South King County school district forum next
week, working with the Gates Foundation to close the achievement gap. She also thanked
Carnation Elementary for the beautiful artwork in the board room.
Mr. Edwards thanked Mr. Bawden for mentioning the disparity between representatives and
noted this is on the top of Rob McKenna’s’ list of priorities.
Ms. Fletcher met with Dr. Smith on teaching and learning.
Austin Koons noted Cedarcrest will be presenting a new musical “Grease.” The wrestling team
is sending nine to state, and boys’ basketball playoffs are tonight.
Kylie Leslie said seven ASB officers attended Interhigh at Arch Bishop Murphy. They made
300 lunches for Lynnwood Hopelink. Interhigh is for all ASB officers in the conference and
they meet to see what other schools are doing and what works best.
Mr. Robertson mentioned two weeks ago Cedarcrest hosted the wrestling champion’s
tournament, with volunteers and the community coming together to host. Last Friday and
Saturday, CHS hosted the 1st round of the girls’ and boys’ basketball tournaments. Today, the
Administrative Team held their monthly meeting in the new building and toured the facility. All
were very impressed.
Motion 12-08: To approve the February 14, 2012, Consent Agenda as presented. (Edwards and
Bawden) Unanimous.
Approval of Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for January 14, 2012, Board Work Study
Minutes for January 24, 2012, and Board Work Study Minutes for February 3, 2012
Approval of Warrants
General Fund Warrant No. 183865 through 183929 in the amount of $104,065.90, and direct
deposits of $3,263.31; Capital Projects Fund Warrant No. 183930 through 183940 in the amount
of $263,746.18; ASB Fund Warrant No. 183941 through 183947 in the amount of $3,347.48, and
direct deposits of $69.45; and Private Purpose Trust Fund Warrant No. 183948 through 183955
in the amount of $5,870.10, and direct deposits of $8,869.09. Total payroll for January 31, 2012,
was $1,441,320.97, which includes General Fund Warrant No. 183956 through 184030 in the
amount of $657,166.41, and direct deposits of $939,181.08.
Approval of Personnel Actions
Approval of Service Contracts
School Improvement Plans – TMS, CHS, CLIP, PARADE
Tolt Middle School
Ms. Gavigan explained the school improvement plans for Tolt are by content area and
departments. The main school goal is to move students forward, with more focus on math this
year. Our current growth in achievement looks good as students have progressed using cohort
data, meaning from 6th to 7th grade that group of students have better math scores. We used MSP
data to identify bubble students who are close to meeting standard, matched those students with
fall MAP data to see if they are the same, provided interventions, and saw movement up on
levels. Sixth grade teachers piloted MAP in science last year and are using it again this year to
see how it aligns with the MSP, then used that data to see where students needed focus, noting
the lowest area was in the area of scientific application. Sixth grade teachers changed to more
application type activities this year as part of their curriculum. MAP data is also being used at
the 8th grade level science this year to help teachers assess areas of instruction. Next, Tolt is
working on reading, driving from data on informational text. This year our science and social
studies classes are doing a lot more with informational text reading. Social studies has a new
Professional Learning Community (PLC) this year and they are working on several learning
goals and teaching strategies; and, as part of the current adoption process, Washington State
History in 8th grade will be part of the curriculum for next year. Our building goals are in math
throughout the building. Our other goal is working on PLCs on how to develop organizational
trust, problem solving and making decisions around student data.
Dr. Smith reported Cedarcrest High School will present their SIPs on February 28th, and
PARADE and CLIP will present on March 27th. As he just took over PARADE in January, with
no SIP plan in progress for this year, he needs more time with staff. They have formed a SiteBased Council and are working on bylaws, finished student handbook, and working on site
handbook. The 9/10 CHOICE program was launched this year, and we are piloting a cyber
program for 3 students; however, we still are having problems with Microsoft and NovaNet
interface. PLCs in PARADE are easier than CLIP and CHOICE due to the number of staff. The
cyber program is part of CLIP in terms of FTE, but is different and separate as each has
individual student plans.
Cherry Valley Elementary Change Order #14
Motion 12-09: To approve Cherry Valley Elementary Change Order #14 in the amount of
$30,916.00. (Oviatt and Van Noy) Unanimous.
Final Acceptance of RSD Bus Parking Lot Overlay Project
Erickson McGovern Architects recommended the acceptance of this project. The contractor has
provided all the required close-out items and final payment should be made.
Motion 12-10: To approve the final acceptance of the RSD Bus Parking Lot Overlay Project.
(Van Noy and Edwards) Unanimous.
Board Agenda Topics
The Board discussed future agenda topics. They added Program Review of Senior Projects to
the “parking lot.” They added a work study on April 24th, at 5:00 PM to discuss facility use of
the new building and other new fields. They added notes for Strategic Planning process to be
held in the spring and June. They also cancelled the April 6th, Board Breakfast Work Study as it
was during spring break.
First Reading, Policies 1010, 2015, 4040, 5020, 5095 and 6950
These policies have minor updates to comply with state and federal law.
Motion 12-11: To approve Policies 1010, 2015, 4040, 5020, 5095 and 6950 for First Reading.
(Oviatt and Van Noy) Unanimous.
Enrollment Report
Mr. Robertson reported February’s enrollment was up 7.95 FTE from January, and February is a
month the district usually loses students. We are holding at an average of 85 FTE above budget.
Superintendent Report
1. On Sunday and Monday, January 29th and 30th, I attended the Legislative Forum in Olympia
along with the five school board members, two student representatives and our assistant
superintendent. I would like to thank the board members for taking time off from work to
visit with our legislators on issues affecting the Riverview School District. A significant
amount of time was spent preparing for the meetings with our legislators but was well worth
the time. Thank you for arranging additional meetings with the three legislators who now
represent the southern part of our school district.
2. Since our last board meeting, I have attended numerous construction/remodeling meetings
for our two new projects –the Maintenance/Grounds/Restroom/Concession Project in
Carnation and the Educational Service Center in Duvall. I also met with City of Duvall staff
regarding use, zoning and permitting for the Duvall project. In addition, I attended my
monthly superintendent meeting at the Puget Sound ESD, board breakfast, sub-regional
wrestling tournament, boys’ and girls’ basketball playoff games and served on panels for
CHS Senior Projects and last weekend’s PTA Conference in Redmond.
3. Thank you to Lori Oviatt and Greg Bawden for serving on the Cedarcrest High School
Senior project panels. Dr. Anthony Smith, Dr. Ken Heikkila, Kaye Wetli and I represented
the District Office and enjoyed serving on the panels.
Superintendent Report, Cont.
4. As a reminder, the Cedarcrest High School Science and Engineering Fair will be held on
Saturday, February 25th, with the public viewing at 2:00 PM and the awards presentation at
2:45 PM. In addition, Riverview School District mid-winter break is scheduled from Friday,
February 17, through Tuesday, February 21.
Legislative Report
Mr. Edwards said during the Legislative Conference, the legislators mentioned a much higher
level of advocacy with community leaders.
Rep. Marcie Maxell led House efforts to create the Washington State Teacher Principal
Evaluation Program (TPEP). TPEP is being piloted by a handful of school districts. This
compromise bill that passed the Senate on February 14, included a requirement to adopt an
implementation schedule that would transition all staff to the revised evaluation system starting
in 2013-14, with full implementation by the 2015-16 school year.
SB6236 would create a Student Achievement Council. The Council would be a replacement for
the Higher Education Coordinating Board, which was “eliminated” in the 2011 session. The bill
is at the request of Gov. Gregoire. The Governor’s interest has remained in linking K-12 with
post-secondary education. Mrs. Van Noy mentioned that one concern is that there is not a
representative from K-12 on that committee.
SB6442 would create a consolidated health benefits system for K-12 employees. The bill was
referred from the policy committee without recommendation to Senate Ways & Means. WEA
has mounted a huge opposition effort to the bill. However, the bill still appears to have the
support of Senate Republicans and most of the “Road Kill Caucus,” a group of “Moderate”
Democrats led by bill sponsor Steve Hobbs. Mr. Robertson added that one key piece is missing
from this bill, and that is the cost to districts which doesn’t seem to have been researched.
There being no further business, Ms. Oviatt adjourned the February 14, 2012, Board Meeting at
8:53 PM.
Board President
Board Secretary
Cheryl B. Layman, Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors.