Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting
December 13, 2011
District Office – Conference Room A/B
Ms. Oviatt, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM, followed by the Pledge of
The Board President administered the Oath of Office to the elected Board Members: Carol Van
Noy, Danny Edwards, and Jodi Fletcher.
Ms. Oviatt, Mr. Bawden, Mrs. Van Noy, Mr. Edwards, Ms. Fletcher
Student Representatives: Mr. Koons, Ms. Leslie
Ms. Oviatt announced the normal order of business would be modified for the annual
reorganization by calling for nominations and election of a President and Vice President for the
ensuing year. Prior to nominations, the Board minutes from the previous meeting were
Motion 11-90: To approve the Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for November 22, 2011,
Board Work Study Minutes for November 22, 2011, Board Work Study Minutes for November
28, 2011, and Board Work Study Minutes for December 2, 2011. (Van Noy and Oviatt)
Ms. Oviatt, Board President, called for nominations for President to serve the ensuing year. Mrs.
Van Noy nominated Lori Oviatt. With no other nominations, a roll call vote was taken.
Mrs. Van Noy
Mr. Bawden
Mr. Edwards
Ms. Fletcher
Ms. Oviatt
Ms. Oviatt, Board President, called for nominations for Vice President to serve the ensuing year.
Mr. Edwards nominated Greg Bawden. With no other nominations, a roll call vote was taken.
Mrs. Van Noy
Mr. Bawden
Mr. Edwards
Ms. Fletcher
Ms. Oviatt
2007 Capital Projects Bond – Additional Projects
Ms. Oviatt announced this Public Hearing is being held on proposed changes to the specified list
of capital improvements to be financed with the unexpended proceeds of general obligation
bonds received by the District. Proposed changes to the specified list include the addition of the
construction of a new maintenance/storage building and the purchase of an existing building or
construction of a new building to serve professional development/district administration
No one showed up for the Public Hearing.
Mr. Robertson provided the School Board with written information on the construction projects’
status to date, projected remaining funds, and background information on the aging district office
portables and the deterioration of the maintenance storage facilities.
The Board welcomed newly elected board member, Jodi Fletcher, by singing happy birthday to
Ms. Oviatt announced the Board held a Work Study on November 28th, to review the
construction funding proposal; a Board Breakfast Work Study on December 2nd, to discuss board
initiatives, and earlier this evening had a photo session for the new board to be used for the
website and publications.
Ms. Oviatt said she joined Mrs. Van Noy, Mr. Robertson and Dr. Smith, along with the Eagle
Rock Multi-Age team, at the December 7th, School of Distinction Ceremony held at the Puget
Sound ESD. Eagle Rock was the smallest school to receive this distinction.
Ms. Oviatt thanked Dr. Smith for sending out information on Riverview’s first furlough day,
which was a half-day on December 9th.
Ms. Oviatt noted some fundraisers in progress: CHS Horticulture is selling greenery; wrestlers
are selling Remlinger pies; and track and field is selling CHS blankets and stadium scarves. She
also noted that Board members received a letter inviting them to participate on the panels for
Senior Project presentations on January 27th. She wished everyone a very happy holiday season.
Mr. Bawden mentioned Seattle School District’s nutrition policy which was adopted with
standards well beyond state requirements. Their revenues from vending sales have gone from
$260,000 to $17,000 per year and the district promised to restore any lost funds to ASB and have
not done so. They are now revisiting policy. Also, there was an issue on the Seattle district
headquarters where no provisions were made to pay for it.
Mrs. Van Noy also mentioned Issaquah School District is honoring Jan Colbrese, outgoing longtime school director, at their board meeting tomorrow.
Mrs. Van Noy mentioned Governor Gregoire’s announcement on reform proposals to improve
the state’s K-12 education system. Her proposals included the implementation of a new teacher
and principal evaluation system; providing opportunities for struggling schools to partner with
universities; creating of an Office of Student Achievement that focuses on educational
attainment; and freeing up auditing resources by changing the frequency of audits to once every
three years for those districts that continually show their finances are in order year after year.
Mr. Edwards shared that asking people to contact their legislators is working, as he heard
recently from Rep. Larry Springer.
Ms. Fletcher thanked everyone for welcoming her to the Board and she looks forward to learning
and working with the board over the next four years.
Mr. Koons noted winter break is coming very soon. There will be an assembly on Friday at
Cedarcrest and tonight is a home basketball game with Coupeville. The CHS Foodball donations
are still being accepted at all schools until Friday.
Agenda Adjustment
Motion 11-91: To amend the December 13, 2011, Consent Agenda by revising Item C.
Personnel Actions and Item D. Service Contracts, to reflect current actions. (Van Noy and
Edwards) Unanimous.
Hearing of Public
John Okerman, the Loaned Executive from United Way of King County, presented Riverview
School District with an “Outstanding Employee Campaign Award” for running the workplace
giving campaign with exceptional results in 2010-2011. He thanked Riverview employees for
their donations that will be used to help more children to be ready to enter kindergarten, help end
homelessness, and help meet people’s basic needs. He also thanked Mr. Adamo for leading the
Motion 11-92: To approve the December 13, 2011, Consent Agenda as amended. (Van Noy
and Fletcher) Unanimous.
Approval of Warrants
General Fund Warrant No. 183170 in the amount of $8,735.06, No. 183259 through 183373 in
the amount of $175,995.86, and direct deposits of $16,203.63; Capital Projects Fund Warrant
No. 183171 in the amount of $326.39, No. 183374 through 183390 in the amount of
$161,069.04, and direct deposits of $142.71; ASB Fund Warrant No. 183391 through 183409 in
the amount of $10,532.91, and direct deposits of $324.24; and Private Purpose Trust Fund
Warrant No. 183410 through 183420 in the amount of $8,604.94, and direct deposits of
$16,717.93. Total payroll for November 30, 2011, was $1,927,900.92, which includes General
Fund Warrant No. 183172 through 183258 in the amount of $667,817.18, and direct deposits of
Approval of Personnel Actions, as amended
Approval of Service Contracts, as amended
Approval of Donations
The Board acknowledged the generous donations from Carnation PTSA and Stillwater PTSA.
Board Initiatives
Ms. Oviatt reported the superintendent succession process was discussed at the last Board
Breakfast Work Study; Mr. Bawden and she met with Dr. Smith on the process, and then met
together. The next step is to meet with Mr. Robertson after the first of the year. The
Communication and Online Learning initiatives are on hold until after the April National School
Board Association Conference.
Board Code of Conduct Review
Ms. Oviatt read Policy 1110, Code of Ethics, and Procedures P1110-1, School Board Rules of
Conduct, out loud. These rules are to promote teamwork and healthy working relationships
among board members and between the board and administration, and need to be reviewed
Board Agenda Topics
The Board agreed to hold Board Initiatives updates quarterly, but touch base on initiatives at the
Breakfast Work Studies. The Board asked to discuss the “parking lot” items at the January 10th,
Board Meeting, under Board Agenda Topics.
First Reading, Revised Policy 6580, Prohibition of Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying
New legislation in 2010 required OSPI to work with WSSDA to enhance the existing policy and
procedure to ensure greater protections for students. The Board discussed receiving a district
report on bullying, harassment and intimidation statistics.
Motion 11-93: To approve Revised Policy 6580 for First Reading. (Edwards and Oviatt)
Enrollment Report
Mr. Robertson reported December’s enrollment was down 2.05 FTE from November. The
average is still 85.6 FTE over budget. He is working on next year’s enrollment projections which
are estimated to be 97 FTE above this year’s budget.
Superintendent Report
Mr. Robertson reported as follows:
1. Attached is a picture of the Eagle Rock Multi-Age staff receiving the School of
Distinction Award on December 7th, at the Puget Sound Educational Service District.
The Riverview School District was represented by teaching and classified staff, building
principal, school board and district administration. Eagle Rock received the award for
ranking among the 5% highest improving schools in Washington State over the past five
years in Math and Reading. This is the fourth time for an elementary school in the
Riverview School District to receive this prestigious award over the past five years.
2. Since the last board meeting, I have participated in the following meetings: the monthly
Puget Sound Educational Service District, WaNIC Board Meeting, Board Leadership,
Board Breakfast, and weekly construction meetings on Cherry Valley Elementary,
Riverview Learning Center, the Tolt Parking Lot Project and the CHS
Fields/Seating/Parking Project. In addition, I had meetings with Dr. Eric Murray,
president of Cascadia College, and John Welch, who will be the next superintendent of
the Puget Sound Educational Service District. I had the opportunity to tour each of them
through the Riverview School District and share information about our district, and both
were very impressed with our facilities.
3. The Riverview School District is fortunate to have the following four teachers receive
national board certification:
Allison Craig, 2nd grade teacher at Stillwater Elementary
Cody Hamar, kindergarten teacher at Carnation Elementary
Karin Llyr, music teacher at Stillwater Elementary
Stacey Wright, 2nd grade teacher at Cherry Valley Elementary
These four teachers will be recognized at a January Board Meeting for their
accomplishments. The Riverview School District is extremely proud of our twenty- three
teachers who have received national board certification.
4. The Carnation City Manager, Ken Carter, invited me to the dedication of the first stop
light in Carnation, to be held on December 15 at 9:00 AM.
Ms. Oviatt recessed the Board meeting at 8:08 PM for five minutes and entered into Executive
Session at 8:13 PM to discuss one real estate issue for approximately forty-five minutes.
Real Estate Issue
Ms. Oviatt called the meeting back to order at 9:03 PM.
Motion 11-94: To call a Special Board Meeting on December 15, 2011, at 7:00 AM, at the
District Office to adopt Resolution No. 11-05, which amends Resolution No. 06-06, in part, the
specified list of capital improvements to be financed with the proceeds of general obligation
bonds received by the District. (Van Noy and Oviatt) Unanimous.
There being no further business, Ms. Oviatt adjourned the December 13, 2011, Board meeting
was at 9:05 PM.
Board President
Board Secretary
Cheryl B. Layman, Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors.