Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting
September 27, 2011
District Office – Conference Room A/B
Ms. Oviatt, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM, followed by the Pledge of
Ms. Oviatt, Mr. Bawden, Mrs. Van Noy, Mr. Pflugrath, Mr. Edwards
Student Representatives: Mr. Koons, Ms. Leslie
Ms. Oviatt reminded the Board that she would be in Iowa watching football from September 29th
to October 9th. Board Leadership was held on September 23rd, with the Superintendent, Mr.
Bawden and herself and notes were sent to all directors. Prior to tonight’s Board meeting, the
directors held a Work Study on iPad training, board evaluation, board initiatives, and the spring
national conference.
Ms. Oviatt thanked Paul Censullo and Cheryl Layman for their work on the district calendar and
for creating an easy way to download and print editions from the website. She congratulated
Darcy Becker who has been selected, along with approximately 200 principals from across the
U.S., to participate in the National Board Certification for Educational Leaders pilot program.
Ms. Oviatt recommended everyone should eat school lunches on Wednesday, September 28, as it
is TASTE WASHINGTON DAY. The Riverview School District Food Services Department, in
partnership with the Washington School Nutrition Association and the Washington State
Department of Agriculture Farm-to-School Program, is celebrating Washington agriculture on
September 28. They work with local farmers to bring students a great meal made with locally
grown produce from Full Circle Farm and Oxbow Farm, featuring what is grown right here in
our valley. The produce will be served for lunch at all schools. The FFA members from
Cedarcrest High School will be participating by being in the cafeterias at TMS, CE, CV, SW,
and ERMA to promote agriculture and offer samples of the locally grown produce to all students.
Mr. Bawden reminded the Board he would be out of state from October 2 to October 14, and
miss the October 11 Board meeting and Roundtable.
Mr. Edwards noted he and Mrs. Van Noy were in Pasco last weekend for the WSSDA
Legislative Assembly. One interesting item was a visit to Three Rivers Homelink, a program
similar to PARADE, that began with a couple of students and now has over 400. He also visited
Delta High School, a successful STEM school that receives grants and donations from the
scientific community. Legislative Assembly speakers and discussions centered on the budget
shortfall and future cuts to education.
Mr. Pflugrath attended the first Cedarcrest football game and thought the improvements to the
Cedarcrest football field stadium and bleachers were extremely well received. He also noted he
would be remaining on the CTE Advisory Committee.
Student Representative Report
Mr. Koons and Ms. Leslie reported on the following:
ASB has been busy planning Homecoming, with Spirit Days this week and the dance on
Saturday at the Bellevue Art Museum, with the theme being “Vegas.” Six ASB officers
are also attending WASC in Yakima this year over the weekend of October 14th.
FFA has many upcoming events like the Sno-Valley Pig Roast, a community service
project which will be held September 24th, at Jubilee Farms. They are also preparing for
the Taste of Washington where they will prepare over 200 locally grown vegetables for
tasting. Student officers include President Sarah Davidson, Vice President Katie Birum,
Secretary Megan Russell, Treasurer Connor Clancy, Reporter Katie Walsh, and Sentinel
Brittney Harm.
DECA had their first meeting last week with a huge turnout of 96 students! With so many
members Cedarcrest is excited to host many events throughout the year. Planning of these
events will take place in the next few meetings.
FBLA is currently working on the student store which sells school supplies and other
CHS spirit items.
In a couple of weeks NHS will send out applications to qualifying students and then host
their first meeting. Volunteer opportunities will follow shortly.
TSA had its first meeting on September 15th, with over 65 students. Over the summer the
TSA competed in the National Competition. Lately they have been working on a new
project that will allow CHS to stream football games live over the internet. The first game
will be streamed this weekend for the Homecoming game.
RAK will be having its first meeting on October 17 where they will be discussing officer
positions and introducing upcoming service projects.
VSMA had their first meeting on September 22nd. Upcoming events include voting for
officers at the next meeting and making plans for fundraising. VSMA’s largest event is
the State Sports Medicine Competition and Conference in Vancouver, Washington which
will take place in April.
Football: Their current record is 2-2 having just beat Kings 34-27. Unfortunately, the
team lost to Archbishop for the stadium debut, but the team is excited to play this Friday
for the Homecoming game against Sultan.
Cross Country: Last week at the jamboree with all the schools in our conference,
Cedarcrest took first in both the boys and girls. Also, at the Bellevue Invite they were the
top 2A school. Sunfair is this weekend in Yakima and almost the entire team qualified.
Girls’ Soccer: Their current record is 5-1. They have a game tonight at CHS vs. South
Whidbey. Also, this Saturday they have a home game at noon against Sultan.
Volleyball: Their current record is 2-3. Tonight they play at Granite Falls and Thursday
they have a home game against Sultan. Unfortunately, they have had a lot of injuries but
see a bright future as the season approaches playoffs.
Motion 11-67: To approve the September 27, 2011, Consent Agenda as presented. (Edwards
and Van Noy) Unanimous.
Approval of Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for September 13, 2011
Approval of Warrants
General Fund Warrant No. 182221 through 182281 in the amount of $111,141.90, No. 182318
through 182332 in the amount of $56,328.62, No. 182333 through 182410 in the amount of
$111,124.73, and direct deposits of $7,876.29; Capital Projects Fund Warrant No. 182220 in the
amount of $5,850.58, No. 182282 through 182300 in the amount of $1,282,988.76, and No.
182411 through 182419 in the amount of $76,257.48; ASB Fund Warrant No. 182301 through
182314 in the amount of $13,730.63 and No. 182420 through 182428 in the amount of
$15,232.46; and Private Purpose Trust Fund Warrant No. 182315 through 182317 in the amount
of $1,287.15, No. 182429 through 182433 in the amount of $3,124.27, and direct deposits of
$4,402.31. Total payroll for September 15, 2011, was $2,041.75, which includes direct deposits
of $1,502.19.
Approval of Personnel Actions
Approval of Service Contracts
The Board acknowledged the contract to stock and inventory all district emergency containers.
Approval of Donations
The Board acknowledged the generous donation from Tolt PTSA for the Tolt teachers.
Strategic Plan Status
Ms. Oviatt noted the Board received the Strategic Plan Matrix for the year, but due to a conflict,
Dr. Smith will not be here to address the September tasks. They will be addressed at the October
25th meeting when this is on the agenda again.
Board Leadership Initiatives
Ms. Oviatt remarked the Board met and created initiatives for the year, limiting them to three
instead of eight as last year. They are as follows:
Superintendent Succession Plan/Process
Develop the process to select the next superintendent
Outreach to community members
Social Media Policy
Key Communicators
Online Learning
Educate Board on online learning and policies
Create a vision for the district regarding online learning
Second Reading, Revised Policy 2081, Career and Technical Education
Motion 11-68:
To approve Policy 2081 for Second Reading.
(Pflugrath and Oviatt)
First Reading, Revised Policies 5040 Auxiliary Personnel, 5045 Hiring of Retired School
Employees, and 5090 Substitute Employment
These policies were revised to reflect the new retire/rehire law that only allows teachers and
administrators to work up to 867 hours without affecting their retirement.
Motion 11-69: To approve Policies 5040, 5045, and 5090 for First Reading. (Pflugrath and
Oviatt) Unanimous.
Construction Report
Mr. Adamo presented the construction report as follows:
Cedarcrest High School - New Baseball Field and Miscellaneous Improvements
Installation of sod at the baseball field and spectator bleachers has been completed.
The concrete floor slab has been poured and initial roofing installation has been
completed at the covered batting cage.
The concession and restroom building has been roofed and insulated, and drywall
installation is in progress.
Asphalt paving and parking lot striping has been completed at the east parking lot. CDK
Construction is completing corrections as required by the City of Duvall and KC/Duvall
Fire District #45 prior to opening the lot for full-time school usage.
Fencing installation around the storm water detention ponds is complete and wetlands
fencing is in progress.
Cherry Valley Elementary School – Additions and Modernization
All paved parking areas and driveways have been completed.
Site landscaping and irrigation installation is ongoing.
Interior renovations of the gymnasium and music room are ongoing. Flooring/carpet
installation at the music room is expected to be complete next week. Gymnasium
lighting and equipment installation is expected to be complete next week. Rubberized
flooring installation will follow.
Basketball backstop installation is in progress at the upper covered play shelter.
The new Extended Day portable was delivered and set up prior to the first day of classes.
Tolt Middle School/Transportation Department
Storm Drainage, Parking, and Paving Improvements
Two storm water treatment vaults and an underground storm water infiltration field have
been installed in the new east parking area and backfilled.
The new parking lots have been graded, walkways, curbs, and landscape island have been
surveyed and staked. Forming and pouring of walkways and curbing will take place as
soon as weather permits.
Tolt Middle School/Transportation Department, Cont.
The east parking area is complete with new lighting, ADA access, speed bumps, paving,
and drainage improvements.
The alley between Buildings C, D, and E is complete with new paving and drainage
Riverview Learning Center
Punch list corrections are being checked by the architect for completeness.
The building commissioning is approximately 99% complete.
Carnation Elementary School – Modernization
Punch list corrections are being checked by the architect for completeness.
Superintendent Report
1. Since the last board meeting, I attended the Grand Opening of the Lake Washington
Institute of Technology Allied Health Building which is co-located with the WaNIC
Skills Center; the recognition ceremony for the Cedarcrest High School stadium
improvements; the PTSA Council meeting at the Riverview Learning Center; the
monthly REA/Superintendent meeting; and the monthly Puget Sound Educational
Service District meeting. Also, Mr. Adamo and I met with representatives of Heery
International to discuss their role in existing and future construction projects and Davis
Bacon requirements, and with Steve Storaasli of Erickson McGovern and Doug Tapp of
AHBL on a site assessment report on the property near Cedarcrest for a future school
Board meeting. In addition, I attended the four weekly construction meetings for Cherry
Valley Elementary, Cedarcrest High School, Riverview Learning Center and the Tolt
Middle School parking lots.
2. Wednesday, September 28th, will be the Partial Tolt Dam Evacuation Drill for Tolt
Middle School, Carnation Elementary School, Riverview Learning Center, the Transition
Program, and the District Office.
3. The Riverview Education Foundation Golf Tournament will be held on Sunday, October
2nd, at the Golf Club of Echo Falls. CDK Construction and Erickson-McGovern
Architects are Eagle sponsors for the event, and AHBL sponsored a hole.
4. On Sunday, October 2, through Tuesday, October 4, I will be attending the Fall WASA
There being no further business, Ms. Oviatt adjourned the September 27, 2011, Board Meeting at
7:57 PM.
Board President
Board Secretary
Cheryl B. Layman, Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors.