Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting
September 13, 2011
District Office – Conference Room A/B
Ms. Oviatt, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM, followed by the Pledge of
Ms. Oviatt, Mr. Bawden, Mrs. Van Noy, Mr. Edwards
Mr. Pflugrath
Ms. Oviatt, Board President, administered the Oath of Office to Kylie Leslie, the new student
Ms. Oviatt reported school is off to a good start. The RLC Opening Ceremony drew a great
crowd and she thanked Kylie Leslie and Cheryl Layman for helping at the event. She also
thanked all the school district staff for attending the Welcome Back and enjoyed meeting and
greeting the new employees. On September 1st, the Board conducted a board breakfast where we
did an exercise on initiative planning. She personally thanked all the first responders in
remembrance of 9/11 and a special thanks to Mr. Bawden who serves his community in multiple
ways. Constant Contact school newsletters are out and Curriculum Nights are being conducted
around the district.
Ms. Oviatt congratulated all our FFA students who participated in the "Hunger for Fun" events at
the Evergreen State Fair. FFA won first place in the Poultry Contest and in Natural Resources
categories. They received Horticulture Best in Show with the "Cedarcrest Farmer's Market"
receiving second place in Landscape Design. Congratulations also to the following individuals:
Nicole Pearson earned Reserved Champion in Horse Showing; Sophia Marchetti, Grand
Champion with her rabbits; Annie Joy Schutte top individual for Natural Resources; Sarah
Davidson top individual for Apple Grading; and Katie Birum top individual for Potato Judging.
Two of our members received the Outstanding Exhibitor Award for their entry category: Sophia
Marchetti for Rabbits, and Megan Russell for Horticulture.
She noted Cedarcrest’s first home volleyball game is tonight and the first home football game is
Friday, with CHS being in contention for the King 5 game of the week.
Ms. Oviatt will be attending Leadership WSSDA this weekend and graduation is in November.
The board was also invited to the Brightwater Treatment System Grand Opening on September
24th, at 9:00 AM.
Mr. Bawden was pleased with the compliments about the facility and programs at the Riverview
Learning Center Open House. He thanked Mr. Edwards for inviting Senator Andy Hill. He
thanked the Cherry Valley Community for their patience as school started with the construction.
Mrs. Van Noy noted she and Ms. Oviatt watched a League of Education Voters Webinar on The
Rise of Digital Learning presented by Michael Horn. She also attended a WSSDA Board Retreat
in Goldendale last week, and did see the fires. Mrs. Van Noy attended a breakfast with
Representatives Hunter and Maxwell and learned the state may cut another $1.6 billion in the
next session.
Mr. Edwards and Mrs. Van Noy will be attending the WSSDA Legislative Assembly on
September 23 and 24, in Pasco, discussing WSSDA’s priorities for the upcoming legislative
session. Mr. Edwards reminded the Board of the REF Annual Golf Tournament on October 2nd,
at Echo Falls Golf Club.
Austin Koons noted the new ASB Advisor is Mr. Ruhland. ASB is working on the pep assembly
to be held in the stadium, October 1st homecoming, and spirit days. He thought the new parking
lot at Cedarcrest looked wonderful.
Agenda Adjustment
Motion 11-63: To amend September 13, 2011, Consent Agenda by revising Item C. Personnel
Actions and Item D. Service Contracts to reflect current actions. (Edwards and Bawden)
Hearing of Public
Motion 11-64: To approve the September 13, 2011, Consent Agenda as amended. (Bawden and
Edwards) Unanimous.
Approval of Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for August 23, 2011, and Board Work
Study Minutes for September 2, 2011
Approval of Warrants
General Fund Warrant No. 182096 through 182178 in the amount of $300,472.78, No. 182206
through 182216 in the amount of $21,914.50, and direct deposits of $5,280.83; Capital Projects
Fund Warrant No. 182037 through 182039 in the amount of $1,083,647.08, No. 182179 through
182190 in the amount of $186,588.48, and direct deposits of $1,218.75; ASB Fund Warrant No.
182191 through 182198 in the amount of $16,440.63, and direct deposits of $621.31; and Private
Purpose Trust Fund Warrant No. 182199 through 182205 in the amount of $12,634.50, and
direct deposits of $7,088.58. Total payroll for August 31, 2011, was $1,933,932.36, which
includes General Fund Warrant No. 182040 through 182095 in the amount of $657,000.62, and
direct deposits of $953,555.73.
Approval of Personnel Actions, as amended
Approval of Service Contracts, as amended
Approval of Donations
The Board acknowledged the donation of $1,170 to Cedarcrest High School from Microsoft
Matching Gifts Program.
Approval of Letters of Agreement between Riverview School District and Public School
Employees of Riverview
Approval of Letters of Agreement between Riverview School District and Riverview Education
2011-12 Roundtable Planning
The Board finalized their five Roundtables for this year. They will be meeting as follows:
October 11
Principals on School Improvement Plans, CPT Time, Professional
October 18
Legislative Issues, meeting with all three state legislators
October 25
Highly Capable Program
November 1 Key Communicators from the Community
November 8 Online Learning
2010-11 Board Evaluation
Ms. Oviatt said the Board had asked Mr. Pflugrath to look into the evaluation process. Based on
his experience, the WSSDA five key standards was cited as a great evaluation tool and the Board
agreed to take the 5th Standard, Engagement of the community in education, as their evaluation
benchmark, and then identifying an area within that as to what went well, what didn’t, and what
to do next.
Board Leadership Initiatives
Ms. Oviatt explained the Board held a Work Study on Board Initiatives for 2011-12 and agreed
upon three key categories: 1) Develop Plan/Process for Superintendent Succession
Details; 2) Community Communication; and 3) Online Learning. The Board will be working on
tasks and responsibilities for these initiatives.
Second Reading, Revised Policy 6240, Provision of Food and Beverages
Motion 11-65:
To approve Policy 6240 for Second Reading.
(Edwards and Van Noy)
Board Agenda Topics
The Board changed the September 27 Work Study to 5:00 PM, beginning with iPad training,
then Board Evaluation/Initiatives and NSBA planning. The Board cancelled the October 7,
Board Breakfast Work Study as several Board Members would not be available. The Board
added a Work Study at 5:30 PM on November 22, to discuss social media and a Work Study on
March 13, at 5:30 PM to discuss the superintendent succession plan.
First Reading, Revised Policy 2081, Career and Technical Education
Changes to this policy reflected current Federal non-discrimination language.
Motion 11-66: To approve Policy 2081 for First Reading. (Bawden and Van Noy) Unanimous.
Enrollment Report
Mr. Robertson reported last year’s enrollment was down 42 FTE from projections. This
September we are 73.83 FTE over projections. This is an outstanding turnaround and could be
due to over 40 new homes being purchased and moved into, as well as another 23 homes with
sold signs in the Duvall developments by D. R. Horton.
If these students continue throughout the school year, our average enrollment would equal
$360,000 in additional revenue. However, state legislature rumors are an additional estimated
$1.7 billion shortfall in state revenue and further reductions in education funding this year. Mr.
Adamo attended a meeting yesterday where the figure $100 per student cut was shared. If this
were the case, it would translate in a revenue loss to Riverview of approximately $300,000, thus
offsetting any gains from additional enrollment.
Enrollment Report, Cont.
The total head count for the fourth day of school is a record 3,218 students compared to our
previous high of 3,192 in 2009. We added a half-day kindergarten teacher position at Cherry
Valley. Overall, kindergarten and first grades aren’t up, but all other grades are. The other areas
impacted with high enrollment are our three alternative programs: CHOICE, CLIP and
Superintendent Report
I would like to thank all of the school district employee groups that worked with the
Riverview School District to address the salary allocation reductions which we received
from the state legislature on the last day of their special session. The groups are the
Riverview Education Association, the Public School Employees of Riverview, the
Classified Exempt group, the Riverview Principals Association, and the District Office
Administrators who all negotiated furlough days to offset the state allocation reductions.
The allocation reduction was unprecedented and created negotiation issues for employee
associations in all 295 school districts in Washington. The state cut 1.9% for certificated
and classified employee salary allocations, using their formula for a determined amount.
The State does not fund approximately 20 teachers and only funds 45% of classified staff.
The state also cut 3% of the administrators’ allocation. The rest of the expenditures for
salaries and benefits comes from the M & O levies.
For the 2011-2012 budget year, the state salary allocation reduction was $245,000. In
addition, the state reduced $772,000 to the RSD through a variety of funding reductions.
We also lost $334,000 in federal funds. Overall the RSD lost over $1,351,000 in state
and federal revenue for this year. Over the last two years the state has cut Riverview
approximately $3.5 million in revenue. The state also reduced their allocation for
alternative programs by 15%.
In addition to furlough days, the district delayed the purchasing of textbook series for one
year; reduced all building and program budgets by 10 to 20%; reduced utilities and
maintenance budgets; reduced staffing in food service, transportation, maintenance,
grounds and parapros; eliminated custodial services during winter, midwinter and spring
breaks; reduced four teaching positions through attrition; eliminated printing of school
calendars and reduction in other printed services; increased fees for athletic participation,
all day kindergarten, day care and lunch prices; reduced parent support funds for the
home partnership program; and reduced transition and mentoring funds.
At today’s Ad Team meeting principals and program managers reported that the first
week of school went very well. The various school remodeling projects and the
construction of the Riverview Learning Center have greatly enhanced the facilities for
students and staff.
On September 8th, Kylie Leslie, our new student representative to the school board,
received her orientation with me.
Superintendent Report, Cont.
The Cherry Valley Elementary School and Riverview Learning Center custodians and
District maintenance staff and summer crew deserve special thanks for the late hours and
weekends spent preparing for the first day of school. Without their outstanding effort,
these two schools wouldn’t have been ready.
On Wednesday, September 14th, I will be attending the grand opening of the Lake
Washington Institute of Technology Allied Health Building. This facility is co-located
with the WaNIC Skills Center where high school students from Riverview, Snoqualmie
Valley, Issaquah, Northshore, Lake Washington, Bellevue and Mercer Island attend.
On Friday, September 16th, a recognition ceremony will be held at Cedarcrest High
School Stadium prior to the Cedarcrest High School football game with Archbishop
Murphy. We will be recognizing the additional 1,200 seats and covered grandstands
which were recently added at the stadium. Our architectural firm, Erickson-McGovern
Architects, and our general contractor, CDK Construction, did an excellent job enhancing
our stadium.
The Tolt Dam Evacuation Drill will be held on Wednesday, September 28th, beginning at
9:30 AM. This year is the partial drill which includes Tolt Middle School 6th graders,
Carnation Elementary School kindergarten and new students, all students in attendance
that day at the Riverview Learning Center, and students in the Transition Program in
The 13th Annual Riverview Education Foundation Golf Tournament will be held on
Sunday, October 2nd, at the Echo Falls Golf Course beginning at 1:00 PM. This is one of
the main fundraisers for REF which provides grants to support educational opportunities
for students in the Riverview School District. The REF Auction will be held on February
25, 2012, and more information will come on that.
I will be attending the Fall WASA/OSPI Conference on October 3-4.
There being no further business, Ms. Oviatt adjourned the September 13, 2011, Board Meeting at
8:12 PM.
Board President
Board Secretary
Cheryl B. Layman, Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors.