RIVERVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 407 CARNATION, WA 98014 Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting August 9, 2011 District Office – Conference Room A/B CALL TO ORDER Ms. Oviatt, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. MEMBERS PRESENT Ms. Oviatt, Mr. Bawden, Mrs. Van Noy, Mr. Pflugrath, Mr. Edwards PUBLIC HEARING – Director District Boundary Redistricting Mr. Robertson explained school districts have eight months from the receipt of census data to develop a plan for adjusting school board director district boundaries to balance the population within each district. Since the 2000 census, Riverview has realized an overall increase of 3,537 people, with all board districts experiencing an increase except District 2, which encompasses the western side of the Snoqualmie River. The proposed boundary adjustments would ensure that each school board director district contains 20 percent of the district’s total population. No one spoke at the Public Hearing. COMMUNICATIONS, AGENDA ADJUSTMENTS AND HEARING OF PUBLIC Ms. Oviatt attended the Key Leaders Summit on Monday, August 8. Also in attendance were two CHS students, Conrad Robertson, Anthony Smith, Kenneth Heikkila, Amy Wright, Leanne Christensen, Laurie Minaglia, Joan Zoet and Barb Toledano. This was the 6th Key Leaders Summit and it was well attended. The goal was to meet with key leaders in the Snoqualmie Valley community and come together around common themes that people put forward to help solve some of the key youth issues affecting our communities. There were leaders from every sector of the community including schools, government, cities, law enforcement, businesses, religious communities, parents, students, health and service providers, and service clubs. Initiatives were brought forward by many participants which ranged from homelessness, to positive community messages, to growing up in the valley. Ms. Oviatt mentioned that the Riverview School District Resolution 11-02 to regulate No Child Left Behind was sent to Arne Duncan, Senator Maria Cantwell, Senator Patty Murray and Congressman David Reichert. She wished PARADE student, Nick Del Degan, a quick recovery as he was involved in the logging truck accident on Kelley Road last week. -1- COMMUNICATIONS, AGENDA ADJUSTMENTS AND HEARING OF PUBLIC, Cont. Ms. Oviatt also attended Leadership WSSDA this weekend. She noted that prior to tonight’s meeting, she met with Mr. Robertson and director candidate, Jodi Fletcher, for a pre-orientation meeting. Mr. Bawden apologized for missing the July meeting as he was successfully completing a kayak trip from northern Vancouver Island to Anacortes. Mrs. Van Noy attended a breakfast meeting last week with directors from other districts, Representative Ross Hunter and Representative Marcie Maxell. The discussion focused on state cuts for next year, passing I-1053 which eliminates the 2/3 majority to pass tax increases, contract negotiations, and collaborative time results and measurements. Mr. Edwards shared the WSSDA Legislative Summary for 2011 on legislative actions. Agenda Adjustment Motion 11-55: To amend August 9, 2011, Consent Agenda by revising Item C. Personnel Actions to reflect current actions. (Edwards and Van Noy) Unanimous. CONSENT AGENDA Motion 11-56: To approve the August 9, 2011, Consent Agenda as amended. (Pflugrath and Van Noy) Unanimous. Approval of Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for July 26, 2011 Approval of Warrants General Fund Warrant No. 181821 through 181891 in the amount of $122,747.97, and direct deposits of $3,493.64; Capital Projects Fund Warrant No. 181892 through 181897 in the amount of $82,886.16, and No. 181972 through 181976 in the amount of $906,900.48; ASB Fund Warrant No. 181898 through 181902 in the amount of $6,487.19, and direct deposits of $517.65; and Private Purpose Trust Fund Warrant No. 181903 through 181908 in the amount of $5,314.04, and direct deposits of $7,267.98. Total payroll for July 31, 2011, was $1,863,079.76, which includes General Fund Warrant No. 181909 through 181971 in the amount of $646,039.50, and direct deposits of $908,865.19. Approval of Personnel Actions, as amended Approval of Service Contracts Approval of Budget Status Reports Approval of Donations The Board acknowledged the generous donation of $20,000 from the Riverview Education Foundation for curriculum needs. -2- OLD BUSINESS 2011-12 Roundtable Planning The Board discussed Roundtables to be held in the fall. They agreed to hold roundtables on the following: Highly Capable Program; Key Communicators; Principals; and Legislators, with Online Learning as an alternate. Dates will be determined by availability of participants. 2011-12 Board Goals and Evaluation The Board agreed to use the WSSDA self-assessment tool, focusing on 3-4 areas. Mr. Pflugrath will identify the key areas and the Board will hold a work study prior to the September 27 th Board Meeting. Board Leadership Initiatives Progress Report The Board reported there were no new changes. NEW BUSINESS Change Order #15 for Carnation Elementary There was confusion as some Board Members received incorrect information. Mr. Robertson clarified the items. Motion 11-57: To approve Change Order No. 15 in the amount of $43,778.00 for Carnation Elementary School. (Oviatt and Edwards) Oviatt Yes Bawden Yes Pflugrath Yes Edwards Yes Van Noy Abstain Motion passed. Board Agenda Topics The Board agreed to add a Work Study on September 27, at 5:30 PM to discuss the Board selfassessment. REPORTS Superintendent Report 1. On August 2, Mr. Robertson met with Bob Malte, CEO of Evergreen Health Care, two of his staff members and the superintendents from Lake Washington and Northshore School Districts. We discussed possible ways that Evergreen Healthcare could provide a school partnership program with our three school districts. -3- REPORTS, Cont. Superintendent Report, Cont. The idea that was unanimously favored was Evergreen funding after-school transportation for our middle school students following sports practices, club meetings and homework club at Tolt Middle School. Evergreen staff will report back following a meeting at Evergreen Health Care. 2. The Administrators Summer Institute will be held on August 10 and 11, at the District Office. 3. Mr. Robertson mentioned attending the Key Leaders Summit held on Monday, August 8. We were joined by students, parents, business leaders, youth organizations, healthcare professionals and city and county officials to promote better health in our communities and leverage our strengths for better outcomes. 4. The Riverview Learning Center Grand Opening Celebration will be held on Monday, August 29, at 6:30 to 8:00 PM. The event will include a ribbon cutting ceremony, short program, tour of the school and refreshments. 5. We have developed a plan for the Carnation Senior Citizens’ Center to use the Carnation Elementary School kitchen and multipurpose room for their monthly dinner and pie auction for October, November, January and February events. This was necessary due to the remodeling of the Senior Citizens’ Center. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Ms. Oviatt adjourned the August 9, 2011 Board Meeting at 8:25 PM. __________________________________ Board President ____________________________________ Board Secretary MINUTES PREPARED BY Cheryl B. Layman, Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors. -4-