RIVERVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 407 CARNATION, WA 98014 Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting July 26, 2011 District Office – Conference Room A/B CALL TO ORDER Ms. Oviatt, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. MEMBERS PRESENT Ms. Oviatt, Mrs. Van Noy, Mr. Pflugrath, Mr. Edwards MEMBERS ABSENT Mr. Bawden COMMUNICATIONS, AGENDA ADJUSTMENTS AND HEARING OF PUBLIC Ms. Oviatt announced Director Greg Bawden is excused from the Board meeting as he is hopefully surviving his oceanic expedition. The Board Leadership meeting was on Friday, July 22, with the Superintendent, Mr. Pflugrath and Ms. Oviatt. Updates on construction projects and meeting notes were sent to all Board members. She thanked Dr. Smith and Mr. Vidos for presenting the RSD Strategic Planning Process at the National School Public Relations Association Conference. Per the technology levy plan, the Board of Directors has received their iPads, with the goal to go paperless by the September meeting. Ms. Oviatt reminded the Board of the upcoming Key Leaders Summit - "What will it take to promote and sustain the health and well being of our valley," on August 8, 2011. The Riverview Schools Committee, our levy/bond campaign volunteers, is looking for new members. A communication will be sent out to the community. If the Board has any suggestions, please forward to Dr. Smith or Mr. Robertson. She mentioned the recent WSSDA BoardCast email updating new State Board of Education officers and members, as well as the Common Core standards, and WSSDA fall events. Mrs. Van Noy will be the Board mentor to Jodi Fletcher, District #2 candidate, once she is elected in November. Mr. Robertson has offered to meet with Mrs. Fletcher to answer any questions; however, her formal Board Orientation will take place after the election. Mr. Edwards spent Friday and Saturday in Olympia with the WSSDA Legislative Committee strategizing legislative positions for the coming year. Mrs. Van Noy will be attending a WSSDA Board meeting on Saturday. One thing they are looking into is term limits for WSSDA committee members. The League of Education Voters is joining with WEA to challenge the constitutionality of Initiative 1053 requiring 2/3 majority vote for legislators to approve a tax increase. -1- COMMUNICATIONS, AGENDA ADJUSTMENTS AND HEARING OF PUBLIC, Cont. Agenda Adjustment Motion 11-51: To amend July 26, 2011, Consent Agenda by revising Item C. Personnel Actions to reflect current actions. (Edwards and Oviatt) Unanimous. CONSENT AGENDA Motion 11-52: To approve the July 26, 2011, Consent Agenda as amended. (Pflugrath and Edwards) Unanimous. Approval of Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for June 28, 2011 Approval of Warrants General Fund Warrant No. 181486 through 181592 in the amount of $208,059.13, No. 181718 through 181782 in the amount of $151,340.10, and direct deposits of $26,619.04; Capital Projects Fund Warrant No. 181593 through 181611 in the amount of $303,045.94 and No. 181783 through 181797 in the amount of $331,219.89; ASB Fund Warrant No. 181612 through 181637 in the amount of $21,710.94, No. 181798 through 181816 in the amount of $27,678.10, and direct deposits of $434.66; and Private Purpose Trust Fund Warrant No. 181638 through 181647 in the amount of $8,775.97, No. 181817 through 181819 in the amount of $168.49, and direct deposits of $11,155.01. Total payroll for June 30, 2011, and July 15, 2011 was $2,187,721.65, which includes General Fund Warrant No. 181473 through 181485 and No. 181648 through 181717 in the amount of $665,101.98, and direct deposits of $1,140,689.49. Approval of Personnel Actions, as amended The Board acknowledged the resignation of Rhoda Bezdicek who has worked in the district since 1989. Approval of Service Contracts Approval of Donations The Board acknowledged the generous donations from Stillwater PTSA for teacher grants. Adoption of Resolution 11-02 Concerning Regulatory Relief for America’s Schools OLD BUSINESS Board Initiatives Progress Report Initiative #1: Develop Plan/Process to Obtain More Public Input. Ms. Oviatt will provide a key communicators’ spread sheet for the next meeting. Mrs. Van Noy mentioned the Duvall Community Facebook as an aveue for key communicators. Initiative #3: Develop a roundtable agenda that addresses teacher professional development. Ms. Oviatt will meet with Dr. Smith next month. Initiative #6: Explore Community Resources to Conduct Collaborative Efforts with the School District. Mr. Edwards mentioned the Duvall Rotary had a new president, Dr. Caron Nelson Glickman and he would pursue partnership discussions with her. -2- OLD BUSINESS, Cont. Board Initiatives Progress Report, Cont. Initiative #8: Board Members Conduct One-On-One Out-Reach Sessions with Community Members. Ms. Oviatt noted she had followed up with Michelle Benson, who spoke to the Board recently on a concern, and had a great discussion on the Board process and district workings. NEW BUSINESS Appointment of Student Representative With only one student applying this year, Kylie Leslie came highly recommended. Mr. Edwards noted she had two amazing recommendation letters from Cedarcrest teachers. Motion 11-53: To appoint Kylie Leslie to serve as Student Representative of the Riverview Board of Directors for the next two years. (Oviatt and Van Noy) Unanimous. Board Agenda Topics The Board added the August 29th Riverview Learning Center Grand Opening to their list of items and discussed who should be invited. They also added the REF Golf Tournament on October 2nd and a WSSDA Regional Meeting in Issaquah on October 10th. Construction Change Orders Mr. Robertson explained the items on the Change Order, noting some items such as lighting for the Red Wolf sculpture, replacing damaged speakers at the stadium, and adding fencing and a gate under the visitor bleachers. Motion 11-54: To approve the Cedarcrest Baseball Field and Athletic Improvements Change Order #10 in the amount of $49,702.00. (Oviatt and Van Noy) Unanimous. REPORTS Construction Report Mr. Robertson presented the Construction Report, sharing pictures of each site during his report. Riverview Learning Center Installation of casework shelving is complete at offices and classrooms with the exception of district-directed changes to science/math room and the reception transaction counter Rubberized “Mondo” flooring is installed and game line/court striping is complete in the multi-purpose room Light fixtures have been installed in the multi-purpose room Exterior re-painting has been completed Landscaping and irrigation are complete, parking lot pole lighting is complete; and parking lot and dumpster enclosure gates are complete Gray roofing overlay has been installed over white roofing in the multi-purpose room -3- Construction Report, Cont. Riverview Learning Center, Cont. Minor corrections required following plumbing and HVAC inspections are complete and the contractor intends to provide Certificate of Occupancy/Building Final by the end of the month Carnation Elementary School Modernization Punch-list corrections are still in progress by Northwestern Construction and its subcontractors New rubberized “Mondo” flooring installation and game line/court striping is complete Installation of new carpeting at Millennium Wing classrooms has been completed Installation of fall-protection anchors is complete at several locations on the school’s roof Tolt Middle School/Transportation Department Storm Drainage, Parking, and Paving Improvements Trenching excavation for new electrical conduit and parking lot lighting has been completed in the west parking lot. Installation of conduit and light pole bases will follow Asphalt demolition and trenching for new storm water trench drain is in-progress between buildings C/D and E Drywell storm water vaults excavated at new parking areas adjacent to baseball field; concrete footings have been placed Demolition of existing paving and structures such as netting and fencing is occurring at the baseball field Asphalt demolition/grinding is in-progress at the transportation garage/bus parking lot Electrical conduit for bus parking lot lighting has been placed in underground trenches, lightpole bases are being replaced with new, and in-ground bus engine block heater electrical outlets have been replaced Fiber-Optics data cable from Tolt Middle School to the transportation garage has been rerouted to avoid conflict with new storm water drywells Cedarcrest High School New Baseball Field and Miscellaneous Improvements Installation of storm water management system is ongoing Storm water detention pond shaping is complete; pond as-built surveying is completing Baseball scoreboard has been installed Fencing at the baseball field outfield wall, backstop, dugouts, and bullpens is ongoing All concrete perimeter mow strips have been placed at the baseball field Baseball dugout painting is complete Infield skin mix has been installed at the baseball bullpens Installation of baseball field drainage and irrigation systems is ongoing Landscaping installation is ongoing Concrete block wall construction is ongoing at the covered batting cage and is expected to be completed by the end of the month Structural steel columns have been set at the covered batting cage Masonry wall construction has been completed at the concessions/restroom building and plumbing rough-in is ongoing East parking lot grading is completing, sidewalk preparation is in-progress, placing of concrete curbs is ongoing -4- Construction Report, Cont. Cherry Valley Elementary Additions and Modernizations New electrical transformers and gear installation is in-progress at Cherry Valley Road Rockery installations at Cherry Valley Road complete Grading of northwest parking lot and drive access ongoing Earthwork at covered play area on the upper campus complete Covered play area concrete piers are formed and will be poured by the end of the month Foundation permit for new extended-day portable issued by City of Duvall The new upper parking lot and access road to 3rd Avenue NE has been excavated to its subgrade elevation Concrete curb installation is in-progress at the east parking lot Exterior painting is ongoing Exterior stucco is ongoing at office addition and north side of library Concrete block wall construction is in-progress at dumpster enclosure Interior demolition and remodeling of the old kitchen, gymnasium, library, and student restrooms is ongoing pursuant to the Phase IV construction schedule Improvements to the building electrical, plumbing, and HVAC systems are ongoing per the project phasing plan Superintendent Report Mr. Robertson gave his Superintendent Report as follows: 1. The annual Administrative Summer Institute will be held at the district office on August 1011, 2011, to prepare for the upcoming school year. 2. He enclosed a letter from the Office of Public Instruction complimenting the Riverview School District for exceptional results on the recent Washington State Highway Patrol annual bus inspection. They stated that the bus inspections have been outstanding for the past two years. 3. He enclosed a list of 2011-12 PTSA officers in the Riverview School District. 4. Besides the weekly construction meetings, he attended the following meetings since the last school board meeting: representatives of the Riverview School Committee on their tax exempt status, Riverview Education Foundation on their golf tournament, Senior Citizens Center on alternative site for monthly steak dinner due to the remodeling project at the Center, and the local softball association on future use of district facilities. 5. The Riverview Learning Center Dedication and Grand Opening Ceremony is scheduled for Monday, August 29th, from 6:30 to 8:00 PM After the ribbon cutting and program, tours will be provided. EXECUTIVE SESSION Superintendent Evaluation: The Board unanimously agreed to postpone the Executive Session until the August 23, 2011, Board Meeting. -5- ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Ms. Oviatt adjourned the July 26, 2011, Board Meeting at 8:12 PM. __________________________________ Board President ____________________________________ Board Secretary MINUTES PREPARED BY Cheryl B. Layman, Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors. -6-