Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting
June 28, 2011
District Office – Conference Room A/B
Ms. Oviatt, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM, followed by the Pledge of
Ms. Oviatt, Mr. Bawden, Ms. Van Noy, Mr. Pflugrath, Mr. Edwards
Ms. Oviatt announced that Dr. Anthony Smith is Acting Board Secretary as Superintendent
Robertson is on vacation. She enjoyed attending the Tolt Moving Up Ceremony with other
Board Members on June 16. Mr. Bawden and she had a Board Leadership meeting with the
Superintendent on June 17. Mr. Edwards and she interviewed for next year’s student
representative, along with Mr. Robertson, Mr. LaBate and Austin Koons on June 23. Only one
student applied, Kylie Leslie, and everyone was very impressed with her.
Ms. Oviatt congratulated Cedarcrest and Tolt students attending the 2011 National TSA
Conference in Dallas, Texas. Out of 14 awards earned by Washington State chapters, four were
from our schools. Tolt students placed first in the nation in the Technical Writing event. Mark
Klune was named Middle School Advisor of the Year for the state of Washington and the Tolt
Middle School received the Chapter of Excellence Award for the state of Washington.
Ms. Oviatt thanked Dr. Smith for the information on the summer institute professional
development opportunities for staff.
Mr. Bawden mentioned his daughter encouraged Kylie to apply for student representative and he
highly recommends her. He may miss the July Board meeting due to work restraints but will let
the Board know later.
Mrs. Van Noy also enjoyed the Tolt Moving Up Ceremony and felt the class speaker was great.
She attended the WSSDA Board meeting last Friday and Saturday, noting the new WSSDA
website will make it easier to search for policies. The WSSDA Nominating Committee noted
five individuals are applying for the Vice President elect position. The OSPI report from Bob
Butts said OSPI has 41 new duties; they are adding 2 new schools to full-day kindergarten; 22%
of poverty schools have all-day kindergarten; science has been pushed back as a graduation
requirement; and cameras can be used on buses for traffic infractions of cars going around buses
with the money going to the districts. She noted tomorrow is the breakfast with Marcie
Mr. Pflugrath enjoyed the graduations and Tolt’s Moving Up Ceremony. After last meeting, Mr.
Robertson took Board Members through the Riverview Learning Center, and he found it very
functional and flexible for years to come.
Mr. Edwards attended the Legislative Committee meeting in Olympia with great speakers. One
mentioned the revenue forecast as “better hang on to some ending fund.” He will email the
information to the Board. McCleary went to Supreme Court today on the appeal for the state to
fully fund basic education. He will be attending the Legislative Assembly in Pasco in
September, along with Mrs. Van Noy.
Ms. Oviatt showed a new plaque to hang in the Board room, listing the student representatives
over the years.
Agenda Adjustment
Motion 11-44: To amend the June 28, 2011, Agenda by adding an Executive Session to the end
of the meeting to review the Superintendent’s Evaluation. (Edwards and Bawden) Unanimous.
Motion 11-45: To approve the June 28, 2011, Consent Agenda as presented. (Bawden and
Pflugrath) Unanimous.
Approval of Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for June 14, 2011
Approval of Warrants
General Fund Warrant No. 181335 through 181445 in the amount of $141,764.56, and direct
deposits of $12,602.67; Capital Projects Fund Warrant No. 181446 through 181459 in the
amount of $955,998.56, and direct deposits of $720.25; ASB Fund Warrant No. 181460 through
181469 in the amount of $7,600.05, and direct deposits of $1,346.35; and Private Purpose Trust
Fund Warrant No. 181470 through 181472 in the amount of $1,240.15, and direct deposits of
$562.50. Total payroll for June 15, 2011, was $55,756.96, which includes General Fund
Warrant No. 181329 through 181334 in the amount of $3,073.76, and direct deposits of
Approval of Personnel Actions
The Board acknowledged the resignation of Dea Carlson, saying she would be missed.
Approval of Service Contracts
Approval of Budget Status Reports
Approval of Donations
The Board acknowledged donations from CHS PTSA for six microscopes and ERMA PTSA for
SRA Books.
Approval of 2011-12 School Board Meeting Schedule
Approval of Textbook Surplus
Approval of Purchase of Four Buses
2011 Community Service Award Presentation
The Board presented Roger Jones, Duvall Safeway Manager, with the 2011 Community Service
Mr. Bawden spoke noting Safeway and Riverview have partnered over the years to assist in the
success of students in school and in the community. Safeway was the first business to provide
employment learning experiences for the 18-21 year-old students in the transition program, as
well as provided employment for those who have exited the program. The Cedarcrest High
School DECA Club has worked with Safeway for over five years with store takeovers that
provided fundraising programs benefitting breast cancer/prostrate cancer awareness months and
for prostrate cancer during the Big Rock Classic Car Show.
Mr. Jones thanked the Board and said Safeway appreciates the communities of Carnation and
Duvall and, even though margins are not very big in grocery stores, 99 cents of every dollar
spent stays in the community. He is proud of Duvall Safeway as it’s the number one fundraiser
in the Seattle Division, with the Car Show and the BBQ events being the #1 and #2 single day
2011-12 Preliminary General Fund Budget
Mr. Adamo reviewed the General Fund preliminary budget for next year. He outlined
assumptions on enrollment, budgeting 2,995 FTE for next year, with less K-21 special education
students identified for next year. Expenditures are proposed at $28,529,509, revenue at
$28,527,019, presenting an almost balanced budget. There will be adjustments made before the
final budget approval at the end of August. He felt the year-end fund balance would be a around
5% or slightly over. Mr. Adamo reviewed the expense/revenue deviations to the current fiscal
year budget and changes for next year’s budget. The single largest expense increase is the
pension increase of 33-42%, not funded by the state and resulting in $100-200,000 more
2011 Six-Year Capital Facilities Plan
Mr. Adamo presented the 2011 Capital Facilities Plan, with suggested revisions. There will be
no impact fees this year. The purpose of the plan is to itemize facilities, capacity and projected
enrollment to see if there is a deficit.
Motion 11-46: To adopt the 2011 Six-Year Capital Facilities Plan, as presented. (Pflugrath and
Oviatt) Unanimous.
2010-2015 Strategic Plan Revisions
Mike Vidos, Strategic Plan process leader, noted the process was different this year. We did a
bottoms-up review and it showed the maturity of the process. The Board will be approving this
year’s objectives and tasks. The reason you have been successful with this plan is because you
have followed the process. We started by meeting with goal and objective leaders, discussing
and debating changes.
2010-2015 Strategic Plan Revisions, Cont.
Two new objectives were added this year involving establishing clear operating procedures for
the new Riverview Learning Center and defining the district superintendent succession process.
We had a robust review of the technology objectives and the 5% ending fund balance. Mr.
Vidos said one aspect of the plan he strongly recommended on the succession process is that the
district have a single point of contact for control purposes. Discussion followed.
The Board asked to add a future task relating to the new teacher/principal evaluation process
adopted by the Legislature.
Motion 11-47: To adopt the 2010-2015 Strategic Plan, as revised. (Edwards and Van Noy)
Dr. Smith passed out Mr. Censullo’s Strategic Plan Report on Goal 1 tasks.
Goal 1: Increase the academic achievement of all students.
Objective 1F: Improve on the partnership between technology and teaching through technology
Task 1: Report progress on updated computers in all classrooms. We added 25 new
computers in the district this year including 8 new computers in Matt Stewart’s “Gates”
classroom. We will add 80 new computers to the Riverview Learning Center (RLC) this
Task 2: Report white board and presentation station increase in usage district-wide. We
added 6 new ActivBoards (CE and CV) and 25 Presentation Stations (CE and CV). This
summer we will add 7 ActivBoards and 7 Presentation Stations to the RLC. We will
install new ActivBoards in all elementary classrooms. Middle School and High School
boards will be installed in the 2012-2013 school year.
Task 3: Report on increased software implementation relevant to student learning. We
began district-wide classroom software subscriptions for all teachers for both Discovery
Education (video streaming) and BrainPop (animated, curriculum-based content),
providing new learning tools for teachers to use with their students. Our Tech Integration
Specialists also provided Professional Development classes for teachers on these two
programs to help them use the programs most effectively. In coordination with the
Curriculum Department, we helped set up and successfully manage three district MAP
“testing windows” for students in all schools and programs.
Approval of the Annual Highly Capable Program Application
According to Policy 2050, Highly Capable Programs, the board must annually approve the
district’s highly capable application. This application describes the number of students served by
grade level; the district’s plan to identify students; program services; instructional program
description; professional development; program evaluation and fiscal report; and assurances that
the district is legally compliant. Doug Poage, Principal, submitted the application for approval.
Motion 11-48: To approve the 2011-2012 Highly Capable Program Annual Application, as
presented. (Pflugrath and Edwards) Unanimous.
Construction Change Orders
Motion 11-49: To approve the Riverview Learning Center Change Order #6 in the amount of
$49,632.00 and Change Order #7 in the amount of $2,704.00. (Edwards and Oviatt)
Motion 11-50: To approve the Cherry Valley Elementary Change Order #7 in the amount of
$22,904.00 and Change Order #8 in the amount of $25,761.00. (Pflugrath and Van Noy)
Construction Report
Mr. Adamo presented the Construction Report.
Cedarcrest High School – New Baseball Field and Miscellaneous Improvements
 Sod to be installed in the next month to six weeks at the baseball field
 Installation of storm-water management system is ongoing
 Structural steel, steel pan roof decking, concrete slabs, and roofing of baseball dugouts
have completed. Installation of dugout benches is in-progress
 Fencing at the baseball outfield wall, backstop, dugouts, and bullpens is in-progress
 Restoration of storm-damaged crib-block wall in-progress at baseball field
 Construction of ramp and stairs to baseball field is complete
 Installation of baseball field drainage system is in-progress
 Installation of baseball field irrigation system is scheduled to begin as drainage
completes (approximately 1-2 weeks, weather permitting)
 Land has been cleared and graded for the covered batting cage. Form construction for
concrete footings and slab is ongoing
 Masonry wall construction and electrical power rough-in is in-progress at the
concessions/restroom building
 Rock wall construction and drainage installation at the east parking lot is complete
 East parking lot filling to sub-grade elevation is ongoing
Cherry Valley Elementary – Additions and Modernization
 The interior finishes at the administrative office addition and remodel are complete and
move-in/occupancy by office staff is in-progress
 Improvements to the building electrical, plumbing, and HVAC systems are ongoing per
the project phasing plan
 Storm-drainage installations and frontage improvements at the Cherry Valley Road
Right-of-Way are ongoing
 The extended day-care facility has been demolished; a modular building replacement
will be delivered in early August
 The new upper parking lot and access road to 3rd Avenue NE has been excavated to its
sub-grade elevation
 De-construction of the three temporary portables is in-progress and the buildings will
be removed from the site within the next week
 Interior demolition and remodeling of the old kitchen, gymnasium, library, and
restrooms is in-progress pursuant to the Phase IV construction schedule
Construction Report, Cont.
Riverview Learning Center
 HVAC, plumbing, fire suppression, and electrical systems trim-out is completing
 Casework installation is completing at offices and classrooms with the exception of
District directed changes to Science/Math Room 112, and the reception transaction
 Vinyl wall covering is complete in hallways and offices
 Ceramic tile installation is complete at restrooms and emergency showers at the science
 Exterior painting has completed per contract; District directed color changes will take
place within the next two weeks, weather permitting
 The parking lot has been paved and striped with parking lot markings
 Finish flooring materials (carpet/VCT) have been installed at all hallways, classrooms,
and restrooms. Installation rugged entry “walk-off” mats will complete by the end of
the month as well as the installation of rubberized “Mondo”
 The Contractor intends to provide Certificate of Occupancy by the end of the month
Tolt Middle School/Transportation Department
Storm Drainage, Parking, and Paving Improvements
 All necessary building permits were issued by the City of Carnation at the beginning of
 CDK Construction Services, Inc. submitted the successful low bid for the parking and
drainage improvements and Lakeridge Paving submitted the successful low bid for the
bus parking overlay
 Per contract, CDK Construction was given full-site access June 20
 On-site construction activity has not yet commenced as of June 27
Carnation Elementary - Modernization
 Punch-list corrections are still in-progress by Northwestern Construction and its
 Installation of a new stage sound system at the Multi-Purpose Room is completing
 Demolition of the old gymnasium flooring is complete and new rubberized “Mondo”
flooring installation is currently in-progress
 Millennium Wing classroom furnishings and teaching materials will be removed at the
end of the month in preparation for classroom carpet replacement
Superintendent Report
Dr. Smith presented the Superintendent’s report, prepared by Mr. Robertson.
This has been an outstanding school year by any measure – academic success on test
scores, over 220 seniors graduating from CHS, PARADE & CLIP, $3.3 million in
college scholarships, outstanding success in science and career and technical education
competitions, numerous high school students serving as state officers, four construction
projects nearing completion and significantly below projections, retention of quality staff,
board representation on WSSDA Board, the Schools of Distinction award and the
Schools of Excellence in Arts Education award to Carnation Elementary School, passage
supplemental levy, etc. Dr. Smith added over 10% of the graduates came from
Alternative Programs and the drop out rate was 1.2%. He thanked the Board for
attending both graduations.
Superintendent Report, Cont.
Mr. Robertson is attending the Annual WASA/AWSP Conference in Spokane on Sunday,
June 26 to Tuesday, June 28. Then he will be on vacation until Monday, July 11.
To date, the Superintendent of Schools, District Office Administrators,
Principals/Assistant Principals, Classified Supervisors and the Classified Exempt Staff
have all agreed to accept a reduction in salary equivalent to the state allocation reductions
by the State Legislature in exchange for furlough days. This is similar to what occurred
to the state employees when the Legislature reduced their allocation. Currently
negotiations are occurring with the Riverview Education Association and the Public
School Employees of Riverview. PSE reduced many units and is still working on
finalizing an agreement. REA and RSD met last night and reached a tentative agreement.
Marc Hillestad and Dr. Smith will meet again to write a document with a sunset date.
Thank you to the School Board for attending the following school district events during
the past month:
Senior Awards, Senior Projects, Rube Goldberg Science Event, Rise & Shine
Breakfast, CLIP/PARADE Graduation, CHS Graduation, 8th Grade Moving up
Ceremony, Retirement Open House, Board Meetings, Strategic Plan Work Study,
Board Leadership Meeting, Student Representative Interviews
Ms. Oviatt recessed the Board Meeting at 8:37 PM for a 15-minute break and entered into
Executive Session at 8:54 PM to discuss one Personnel issue for approximately 30 minutes.
Superintendent Evaluation
Ms. Oviatt called the meeting back to order at 9:36 PM. There being no further business, she
adjourned the June 28, 2011, Board Meeting at 9:36 PM.
Board President
Board Secretary
Cheryl B. Layman, Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors.