RIVERVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 407 CARNATION, WA 98014 Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting June 14, 2011 District Office – Conference Room A/B CALL TO ORDER Ms. Oviatt, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. MEMBERS PRESENT Ms. Oviatt, Mr. Bawden, Mrs. Van Noy, Mr. Pflugrath, Mr. Edwards Student Representatives: Mr. Koons COMMUNICATIONS, AGENDA ADJUSTMENTS AND HEARING OF PUBLIC Ms. Oviatt noted June is certainly a busy time of the year for all and she wished Dr. Anthony Smith a very Happy Birthday today. The Board held a Work Study on June 7, with Mike Vidos and other Strategic Plan goal managers to revise objectives and tasks for next year. The Board also held a Work Study on June 9 with Mr. Adamo, Mr. Robertson and Dr. Smith on the 2011-12 Budget. She mentioned the following events attended by Board Members: Presenting Mr. Bawden with the Rise n Shine award and seeing Glynis Bawden also honored. Participating on the Senior Project panels. Attending the RSD graduation along with the other Board Members, where Carol and Dan passed out diplomas. Attending the National Junior Honor Society Induction at Tolt and hearing Glynis Bawden speak about future opportunities. Handing out diplomas to the Cedarcrest Class of 2011, totaling 184 graduates, $3.3 million in grants and scholarships, and 87% attending post secondary schools. Celebrating the retirements of five staff members prior to this meeting: Betty Rich, Butch Harviston, Diane Roberts, Renate Oestreich, and Jeannie Barbour. Touring the Riverview Learning Center after the retirement party. Noting all three Board Positions have candidates running unopposed: Jodi Fletcher, Position #2, Carol Van Noy, Position #3, and Danny Edwards, Position #4. Dates coming up include: June 16, TMS Moving up Ceremony 7 PM; June 17, Board Leadership Meeting; June 28, Board Meeting Mr. Bawden said the highlight of being a School Board Member is to be able to present your child with her diploma. Mrs. Van Noy announced Representative Marcie Maxwell will be hosting a breakfast for school directors in the local area within the next month. She also noted that Marilee Scarborough has resigned as attorney for WSSDA. Mrs. Van Noy welcomed the new art from Stillwater Elementary in the Board room. She attended a United Way breakfast last week, with great speakers on relationships between poverty and child obesity. Mrs. Van Noy thanked Austin Koons for doing a great job at graduation in helping with diplomas. -1- COMMUNICATIONS, AGENDA ADJUSTMENTS AND HEARING OF PUBLIC, Cont. Mr. Pflugrath mentioned he thoroughly enjoyed the Senior Projects, Cedarcrest graduation and Riverview alternative graduation. He appreciated the tour of the new fields at the high school after the RSD graduation. He advised he has been helping Jodi Fletcher with her Board candidacy and answering any questions she has about serving on the Board. Mr. Edwards announced Loren Myers has been named as Rotary Club’s Student of the Year. He said he would be in Olympia on Friday and Saturday for the WSSDA Legislative Committee meeting. Mr. Koons said the Cedarcrest Talent Show will be on Friday, with some seniors coming back for it. Agenda Adjustment Motion 11-40: To amend the June 14, 2011, Consent Agenda by revising Item C. Approval of Personnel Actions, and Item F. Approval of 2011-12 Student Fees to reflect current changes. (Van Noy and Edwards) Unanimous. Hearing of Public Michelle Benson, parent of an incoming 6th grade student at Tolt Middle School, spoke of her respect of the work the teachers do and the opportunities for parents to volunteer to free up time for educators to educate, plus the added benefit of parent presence in the building. Some concerns she raised were bullying, communication of emergencies, and academic programs for challenging gifted students. Mrs. Benson thanked the Board for the opportunity to be heard. CONSENT AGENDA Motion 11-41: To approve the June 14, 2011, Consent Agenda as amended. (Bawden and Van Noy) 4 yes; 1 abstain. Motion passed. Ms. Oviatt abstained due to a Personnel conflict of interest. Approval of Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for May 24, 2011, Board Work Study Minutes for June 7, 2011, and Board Work Study Minutes for June 9, 2011 Approval of Warrants General Fund Warrant No. 181160 through 181276 in the amount of $214,290.12, and direct deposits of $15,550.12; Capital Projects Fund Warrant No. 181080 through 181081 in the amount of $237,069.97, and No. 181277 through 181290 in the amount of $173,408.18; ASB Fund Warrant No. 181291 through 181312 in the amount of $24,669.92, and direct deposits of $463.50; and Private Purpose Trust Fund Warrant No. 181313 through 181328 in the amount of $12,443.80, and direct deposits of $10,086.25. Total payroll for May 31, 2011, was $1,919,650.05, which includes General Fund Warrant No. 181082 through 181159 in the amount of $644,522.48, and direct deposits of $951,819.95. Approval of Personnel Actions, as amended The Board acknowledged the resignation of CHS teacher Marilee Bosshart, who graduated from Cedarcrest and has now taken a job in school administration. -2- CONSENT AGENDA, Cont. Approval of Service Contracts Approval of Donations The Board acknowledged the generous donation from Tolt PTSA for ADOBE software. Approval of 2011-12 Student Fees, as amended OLD BUSINESS 2011-12 ASB Budgets Cedarcrest High School ASB officers presented the 2011-12 ASB Budget. Members present included Austin Koons, ASB President; Hailee Johnson, ASB Vice President; Olivia Richey, ASB Secretary; and Kate Sherman, ASB Treasurer. Mr. Koons explained the ASB officers had a budget committee meeting to discuss the budget for the 2011-12 school year on May 6, and 12, of 2011. The agenda for the day was to review budget requests for next school year, review the uniform rotation schedule for 11-12, and plan special project and special request spending to benefit the Cedarcrest ASB. Ms. Johnson noted because uniforms in some sports have a shorter lifespan than in others, we need to review uniform spending on an as-needed basis each year. For 2011-12 the ASB approved spending for uniforms in the sports of Girls’ Basketball and Football. Ms. Sherman reported on special projects funded for 2011-12: 1. Continued funding of Action Agenda Daily Planners for all students. 2. Purchase of Cedarcrest T-shirts that will be given to all students who pay their ASB dues. 3. Purchase new award signs for the gymnasium which represent all athletic teams at CHS and which can be added to over the years (planning for this project was started last year and will be completed this year). 4. Eight leadership students will be sent to the AWSP leadership team camp July 18 to 23. 5. We will continue to utilize a portion of our athletics/travel funds to supplement funding of rooter buses to selected athletic events. 6. We will also be investigating the cost of an indoor reader board to be located in the Commons which will be utilized to give students up-to-date information on club meetings, athletic events and other important information. Ms. Richey explained the special requests that were granted: 1. Knowledge Bowl Team will receive $140 to cover the cost of the regional competition. 2. Class of 2015 received $500 in start up money to help get fundraising started. 3. Athletics general account is allotted $20,000 to help offset team equipment needs (balls, bats, range balls, etc.). 4. The girls’ basketball team will receive $2,500 for uniform rotation. 5. The football team will receive $10,000 for uniform rotation. 6. $2,000 was added to the uniform contingency account to replenish the account to $10,000 which is used to take care of any emergency uniform or equipment issues that arise. -3- 2011-12 ASB Budgets, Cont. Also, athletic teams and activities were each given $500 to be used as they need to help offset program costs. This money is allotted to groups that require students to pay ASB dues in order to participate. Mr. Koons added there were two requests that were not funded by ASB, but will be funded by general athletics. The boys’ soccer team requested two new nets for goals. The track and field team requested money for a backstop to keep soccer balls from interfering with track & field practice when the teams practice at the same time. This will eventually be funded by athletics or facility use money when it is feasible to install. The amount of funds for distribution to all individual accounts, including general athletics was $39,140. The 2011-12 budget reflects income generated through ASB cards, gate receipts, vending machine revenue, parking permits and interest earned. Annual operating costs include officials’ fees, ticket takers, security, post-season costs, training equipment, equipment repair and maintenance, homecoming expenses, as well as other miscellaneous costs. Tolt Middle School Assistant Principal, Tom Oldenburg, introduced Makenna Marsh and Keelee Reid, next year’s ASB Executive Officer, and Seventh Grade Representative, respectively. He also introduced Robert Reichert, TMS Counselor, as next year’s ASB Advisor. Mr. Oldenburg thanked Regan Doyle, Sharon Gray and Stacy Cook for all their help with the ASB Budget. ASB students budget the expenses and receive most of their revenues from the magazine sale and ASB cards. One challenging area is athletic uniforms, as the school tries to have matching uniforms in each sport. Tolt’s ASB Budget will have a beginning balance of $55,051, with revenues of $98,449, and expenditures of $133,500, leaving an ending balance of $20,000. The Board also received the elementary ASB budgets for review. Alternative Programs Review Dr. Smith presented the end-of-the-year report on the Alternative Programs, as specified in Policy 2085. Student-teacher ratio generally for Alternative Programs is 45:1 for Online, 30:1 for part-time (PARADE/CLIP), and 15:1 for full-time (CHOICE). PARADE headcount is 139 students, equaling 129.19 FTE, and CLIP has 34 headcount, equaling 33.81 FTE. PARADE averages a little over the student-teacher ratio and CLIP is a little under, with neither one being significant. Classified to Certificated staff ratio is .33 to 1.0 FTE. Dr. Smith noted he may have to come back to the Board later this summer to remove the CHOICE Program from this policy as the legislature has changed the definers for alternative learning experience programs and this program would not fall under ALE funding formulas. Student learning plans are developed using a modified state model and the WALA model. Staff are talking with students on a weekly basis about their plan. The alternative programs support the district’s overall goals for academic achievement with a 1.2% dropout rate this year. This is an indication of an excellent staff and program. Over 10% of graduates this year and last came from the PARADE and CLIP programs. We always have high expectations for alternative program students and they continue to meet those expectations. We are consistently selfevaluating the program on a monthly basis. A future challenge is making these programs work and exist together in the Riverview Learning Center. I’m personally glad this was addressed in the Strategic Plan. -4- Alternative Programs Review, Cont. Dr. Smith thanked the School Board and the voters for the new building and also Bill Adamo for finding state match funds to upgrade to a stick-built facility. We had a 3-year goal of possible implementation of cyber programs and moved up the time by two years in the last week. Survey letters were sent out to parents about middle school and high school online programs through NovaNET. Todd Dalsted, NovaNET representative, toured the Riverview Learning Center a few weeks ago and said, in terms of efficiency, this is the nicest alternative school he has seen in the state of Washington. Board Leadership Initiatives Progress Report Ms. Oviatt reported most of the Initiatives have been completed, with a few exceptions noted: 1. Identify key communicator groups: Board will need a work study to finalize. 3. Develop a Roundtable Agenda that Addresses Teacher Professional Development: Ms. Oviatt will be meeting with Dr. Smith on this. 6. Brainstorm 10-12 community groups to invite to a roundtable: This will be done in connection with Item 1. NEW BUSINESS Award of Bids for Tolt/Transportation Parking Lot Improvement Projects Bids were opened on June 7, 2011, and Erickson McGovern, architects, is recommending the bid for the Tolt Parking Lots be awarded to the lowest bidder, CDK Construction Services, Duvall, WA; and the bid for the Bus Parking Lot Overlay be awarded to the lowest bidder, Lakeridge Paving, Covington, WA. Motion 11-42: To award the Tolt Parking Lot bid to CDK Construction Services, Duvall, WA, in the amount of $751,000, plus Alternate Bid L-1 in the amount of $34,000, totaling $785,000. (Van Noy and Pflugrath) Unanimous. Mr. Robertson noted the architect’s estimate for this project was $875,000, so the low bid allowed us to put in taller fencing as an alternate. Motion 11-43: To award the Bus Parking Lot Overlay bid to Lakeridge Paving, Covington, WA, in the amount of $177,595. (Edwards and Pflugrath) Unanimous. Mr. Robertson noted the architect’s estimate for this project was $320,000. Board Agenda Topics The Board discussed future agenda topics. They added Student/Staff Intellectual Property to the “parking lot.” This would clarify student or staff ownership of inventions. The Board added an Executive Session to the July 26 Board meeting for the superintendent evaluation. Two Board members will sit on the interview team on Thursday, June 23, for next year’s Student Representative. There will not be a July Breakfast Work Study. -5- REPORTS Superintendent Report 1. Besides the weekly construction meetings, Mr. Robertson attended the following meetings since the last board meeting: the Rube Goldberg Science event at CHS, the PARADE/CLIP Graduation, TMS National Junior Honor Society Induction Ceremony, Strategic Planning session, bid openings for paving and drainage projects at TMS and Transportation, Board work study session, monthly REA/Superintendent meeting, CHS Graduation and the Staff Retirement Recognition. 2. He thanked Dr. Anthony Smith and Bill Adamo for attending a number of events and meetings when he was absent due to bereavement leave. Dr. Smith attended Senior Awards Night, Rise and Shine Breakfast, and Senior Project presentations. Mr. Adamo attended the Office of Public Instruction video conference on budget reductions, and both attended an Educational Service District meeting which focused on the large cuts to K-12 education by the 2011 Legislature. 3. As a reminder, the Tolt Middle School Moving Up ceremony will be held on Thursday, June 16, at 7:00 PM, and Monday, June 20, is the last day of school for the 2010-2011 school year. 4. The following is an estimated completion schedule for our five construction projects: Cherry Valley Elementary – End of August 2011 CHS Fields/Parking Lots – September/October 2011 Riverview Learning Center – July 1, 2011 TMS Parking & Drainage – August 2011 Transportation Bus Parking Overlay – August 2011 5. He reported that the baseball field is further along than expected and we have the capability to sod the whole field which would allow students to start next season on the new baseball field. This, of course, would be dependent on summer weather. Legislative Report Mr. Edwards passed out information on the bills that passed the 2011 Session, affecting K-12 school funding. He expressed his concerns on the government moving the June apportionment to July. He will be attending the WSSDA Legislative Committee in Olympia this weekend for further information. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Ms. Oviatt adjourned the June 14, 2011, School Board Meeting at 8:40 PM. _______________________________________ ____________________________________ Board President Board Secretary MINUTES PREPARED BY Cheryl B. Layman, Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors. -6-