Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting
May 24, 2011
District Office – Conference Room A/B
Ms. Oviatt, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM, followed by the Pledge of
Allegiance, led by Cedarcrest High School students.
Ms. Oviatt, Mr. Bawden, Mrs. Van Noy, Mr. Pflugrath, Mr. Edwards
Student Representatives: Ms. Bawden, Mr. Koons
Mr. Lavarias, Cedarcrest Principal, introduced Michelle Lewis who was hired three years ago as
the CHS Drama Teacher. She has taken the program from classroom-based productions to more
professional quality for those students more interested in drama for the future. She started the
Thespian Society which is already going to Nationals. Michelle Lewis thanked the Board for
this opportunity to present an abridged version of the musical “Oklahoma!” with four students
from the play performing a medley of six songs. The students are Matthew Bergvison, Shaini
Candland, Kylee Morgan, and Jeremy Hager.
Ms. Oviatt announced Dr. Anthony Smith is acting Board Secretary tonight as Superintendent
Robertson is out of town. She mentioned the following events attended by Board members:
Board Leadership Meeting on May 19th, with Mr. Edwards, Mr. Robertson and Ms.
Mr. Pflugrath and Ms. Oviatt attended the Healthy Youth Forum, Thursday, May 12th.
Ms. Oviatt attended the Technology Steering Committee on May 16th, noting lots of great
technology happening including redesigning the RSD Website.
She thanked Mr. Bawden and Ms. Layman for the work on the email message that was
sent via Constant Contact regarding the upcoming November Elections.
She thanked Mike Ward for inviting the Board to the showing of “Waiting for
Superman,” with Mr. Pflugrath the only Board member able to attend.
Mrs. Van Noy and she attended “Commitment to Better & Best: Washington's Public
Schools” by Dr. Bill Daggett. Dr. Daggett is a nationally recognized educator, speaker,
and CEO of the International Center for Leadership in Education. They came away with
some interesting data and some concern on new "federal assessments" that are in the
process of being created and we would need to adopt in 3 years in order to be eligible for
federal funding.
Ms. Oviatt asked the Board to please review the rhythm of business monthly items for the
Board, as they will be discussed at the next Board meeting.
Ms. Oviatt loved the Running Red Wolves sculpture on the football stadium and thanked
Kailyn Hammerquist and her art students. The beautiful metalwork was designed,
polished, and finished by Rod Smith and Josh Witt from Les Collins' Advanced Metals
and Woods Technology class using the Plasma Cam.
Ms. Oviatt reminded the Board of the following dates:
June 2nd at 7:30 AM, Rise and Shine event, at Carnation Girl Scout Camp, with Mr.
Bawden and Ms. Bawden both being honored.
June 3rd - Board Breakfast Work Study on budget update, social media next steps, and
board goals next steps.
June 4th - Death by Dessert, Mystery Dinner Theatre Fundraiser at Cedarcrest.
June 7th - Invitation to the Tolt Middle School National Junior Honor Society.
June 9th - Cherry Valley Choir and Band performance at the Duvall Farmer's Market from
4:15-5:00 PM.
Mr. Bawden thanked the school district for assisting the fire departments in an online emergency
communications survey. He reminded the Board of the Rube Goldberg event at Cedarcrest
tomorrow at 4:00 PM.
Mrs. Van Noy added to the Dr. Daggett presentation, noting he suggested districts look at phone
policies for learning opportunities in that 93% of 4th-8th grade students have smart phones. Mrs.
Van Noy learned about a locally-produced, commercial-free television show aimed at
preschoolers in King County called Look, Listen and Learn, accessible to all families, promoting
early learning objectives using the latest research.
Mr. Edwards said he was invited to speak to a 6th grade class at Tolt Middle School about saving
and investing, noting they asked great questions.
Mr. Pflugrath attended the Healthy Youth Forum and found the data very interesting, but felt
issues are still out there. He attended Michael Ward’s community viewing of “Waiting for
Superman” with about 20 other community members. The film was more emotional than
documentary and obviously politically driven. Mr. Pflugrath said it was good to hear other
opinions and feedback.
Dr. Smith noted the Ad Council held their end-of-year meeting today and discussed student
engagement and community engagement.
Agenda Adjustment
Motion 11-35: To amend the May 24, 2011, Consent Agenda by revising Item C. Personnel
Actions to reflect current changes. (Bawden and Edwards) Unanimous.
Student Representative Report
Mr. Koons began with ASB events. This week is spirit week and ASB is planning a pep
assembly for Friday, recognizing spring sports and having some fun activities. The
Junior/Senior Prom was a success, despite the rain. ASB officers were elected for next year:
Austin Koons, President; Hailee Johnson, Vice President; Olivia Richey, Secretary; and Kate
Sherman, Treasurer.
FFA: Recently went to state. They’re getting ready for their senior banquet night. The
plant sale was successful.
Student Representative Report, Cont.
DECA: Went to nationals in Orlando and received a Diamond Level Membership, one of
only 5 chapters in Washington, less than 2% of all chapters receive this nationwide per
year. Tyler Nesbitt took 11th place in Quick Serve Restaurant Management. The new
chapter president for next year is Taylor Fields.
FBLA: They’re still running the Pack Shack in the commons before school and at both
lunches. Last Saturday they did a road clean up and are working on choosing officers for
next year.
NHS: There is a blood drive tomorrow the 25th. The last blood drive was very successful;
and with a full schedule of people signed up to donate, it seems tomorrow will be also.
TSA: Keaton Estes, Emily Rule, and Devon Young are preparing for nationals. Officers
for next year have been elected.
WCTSMA: Competed at state beginning of May and came away with their first student
placing as Kate Taylor took 3rd in the Interview category. Officers for the 11-12 school
year will be elected at the beginning of next year.
Ms. Bawden continued:
RAK: The fundraiser to build a water well in Kenya was a huge success. The officers and
Mrs. Filer will present a check to a Rotary Club representative at the assembly on Friday.
 Boys Soccer: The team finished the season in third place in the league with a season
record of 9-7-1. Two players were selected for All-League teams, Ingvar Judson was
named Cascade Defensive Player of the Year, and Zack Pittis was awarded Cascade
Coach of the Year.
 Girls Golf: Two girls are going on to state at Lake Spanaway GC today, May 24th and
tomorrow, May 25th.
 Boys Golf: The state meet is at The Classic GC in Spanaway on May 24th and 25th.
 Girls Fastpitch: After a trip to Bellingham for districts last week, fastpitch ended the
season with a record of 12-8 to finish third in the league.
 Track and Field: Two runners qualified for state from districts last week: Cara Strodel in
the 3200m and Chad Linnerooth in the 800m. The state meet at Mount Tahoma High
School is Wednesday through Friday of this week. Several other runners and relay teams
also finished the season well by running personal records at districts.
 Boys Baseball: The team finished second in the league with a record of 11-8, with Paul
Wilen named as Cascade League MVP. Three other teammates were named to Cascade
All-League teams.
 Band and choir members returned Sunday night from Disneyland where they participated
in Disney Magic Music Days.
As this was Glynis Bawden’s last meeting as Student Representative, the Board thanked her and
presented her with a token gift, noting her dedication and her personal growth over the last two
Motion 11-36: To approve the May 24, 2011, Consent Agenda as amended. (Van Noy and
Oviatt) Unanimous.
Approval of Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for May 10, 2011, and Board work Study
Minutes for May 6, 2011, and May 10, 2011
Approval of Warrants
General Fund Warrant No. 180867 through 181032 in the amount of $207,561.19, and direct
deposits of $16,714.14; Capital Projects Fund Warrant No. 181033 through 181049 in the
amount of $685,212.64, and direct deposits of $74.39; ASB Fund Warrant No. 181050 through
181075 in the amount of $24,172.54, and direct deposits of $819.72; and Private Purpose Trust
Fund Warrant No. 181076 through 181079 in the amount of $6,300.42, and direct deposits of
$1,485.78. Total payroll for May 13, 2011, was $32,671.40, which includes General Fund
Warrant No. 180863 through 180866 in the amount of $1,637.26, and direct deposits of
Approval of Personnel Actions, as amended
Approval of Service Contracts
Approval of Budget Status Reports
Approval of Out-of-State Travel for Joan Turchin to Edufest Conference in Boise, Idaho, July
24-29, 2011
Approval of Out-of-State Travel for Anthony Smith and Mike Vidos to the National School
Public Relations Association Conference in San Antonio, TX, July 10-13, 2011
Approval of $1,000 stipend to Coach Barstaad from CHS Baseball Booster Club
Transition Program for Students Aged 18-21
Jodi-Ann Rodrigues, Transition Program Teacher, explained the Transition Program is for 18-21
year old students who are not earning graduation requirements. These students are focused on
life skills, community skills, and employment skills. A goal for each student in the Transition
Program is to be engaged in paid employment by the end of the student’s last year in the school
program. She introduced three students: Nicoleta Bard, Victoria Callison, and Brent McCullar.
Nicoleta explained she worked at Cascade Vista; Victoria worked at True Value Hardware; and
Brent worked at Thrive and Safeway. The students mentioned they liked cursive writing so they
have official signatures; community outings; community meals together, and they all passed their
food handlers class and received permits. They especially enjoy Fridays when they decide what
they want to do by voting. They have been to a Mariners’ game, to Olympia for Advocacy Day,
cooked breakfast for Representatives Goodman and Springer; and made cookies to share with the
Board tonight.
Ms. Rodrigues reported there is a need to relocate the Transition Program from Cedarcrest to a
community-based location. They are looking for a facility with availability to a kitchen, washer
and dryer and close to town. Another ideal situation would be to have i-Pads for the students.
Dr. Ken Heikkila, Director of Special Services, praised Jodi-Ann for her outstanding program.
Strategic Plan Status
Goal 3:
Provide Human Resources and Communication practices to improve student
Objective 3A: Continue to implement a five-year Human Resources (HR) plan.
Task 1: Provide a two-year progress update of the five-year HR Plan.
Task 6: Consider feasibility of adding a full-time HR Administrator. Sandy Bechtel,
Human Resources Coordinator, reported on year three of the five-year plan, addressing
all six goals.
Identify Goals to Provide Additional Staff to Support HR Functions of the District
Post and hire a Director of Human Resources, based on district finances and
need. Unfortunately, due to budget cuts, the plans to hire a Director of Human
Resources are on hold. We will continue to support the need for a Director,
but this will be based on district finances.
Continue to review the HR Budget to ensure that it can adequately provide for
expenditures related to the identified strategic plan for HR functions. We
have brainstormed ways to cut our HR budget for the 2011-2012 school year,
while still maintaining programs and systems that support the strategic plan.
Use of Technology
Monitor the HrmPlus online application system and make changes as needed.
The HrmPlus online application system has recently been revised, which
makes it more user-friendly for applicants and administrators. Ms. Barr has
worked months with HrmPlus to ensure an application system that reflects our
district, our qualifications for positions, our screening criteria and a tool to
store interview results in one place.
Evaluate the new Automated Sexual Misconduct Processing. Review the
feasibility of utilizing newly available technology to process and store these
records. We currently use a system provided free of charge from the same
company that operates our substitute online program. We will continue to use
this program.
HR Records and Processes
Continue to work on expanding the HR Handbook, providing additional
resources for administrators and employees related to key HR functions,
including developing a timeline/calendar of required dates from collective
bargaining agreements. We continue to work on the HR Handbook, adding
additional resources and making changes as needed. This is then presented to
all administrators at an inservice in August. We plan to transfer the handbook
to online over the next two years.
Legal Compliance
Continue to attend S-275 trainings. On August 17, 2010, OSPI provided an S275 workshop in Renton and on October 5, 2010, NWRDC provided a
WESPaC training workshop for submitting the S-275 in Renton. Ms. Bechtel
attended both trainings. Dr. Smith and Ms. Bechtel are also attending an
upcoming Title II Training at the Puget Sound ESD for Highly Qualified
Teachers Data Collection in June. As more requirements come from OSPI, it
is important to keep up with current rules and regulations to ensure our district
is in compliance.
Strategic Plan Status, Cont.
Attend at least one HR training provided through WSPA. This year the HR
Department, including TMS Principal Janet Gavigan, attended the
Washington School Personnel Association (WSPA) Conference in Vancouver,
Washington. The conference provided invaluable tools for upcoming HR
issues, including teacher and principal evaluations, reductions in force,
performance issues, and workplace investigations.
Expand Existing Operating Calendar
Implement a new operating calendar and guide for HR activities. We
currently keep an operating calendar for HR activities by month, updating it as
needed. In our weekly HR meetings, we review the month’s tasks to ensure
timelines are being met.
Objective 3B: Continue to implement the district’s Communications Plan.
Task 4: Present end-of-year report on communication program results. Leanne
Christensen, Communications Coordinator, provided the Board with a list of all articles
sent to the media by month, including upcoming articles for May and June. She noted the
Riverview staff and parents have sent timely information regarding student, staff, and
program highlights.
Second Reading Policy 6220 Bid Requirements, and Policy 6895 Pesticide Notification, Posting
and Record Keeping
Motion 11-37: To approve Policies 6220 and 6895 for Second Reading.
Edwards) Unanimous.
(Van Noy and
Carnation Elementary Construction Change Orders
Mr. Adamo explained the Carnation Elementary major items in these change orders were
casework revisions at the Administration Area; fire sprinkler and ceiling revisions at the kitchen;
additional electrical data outlets; and casework revisions and new appliances in the teachers’
Motion 11-38: To approve Carnation Elementary Change Order #11 in the amount of
$49,467.00; Change Order #12 in the amount of $49,334.00; and Change Order #13 in the
amount of $46,274.00. (Edwards and Bawden) Unanimous.
Ms. Oviatt recessed the Board Meeting at 8:20 PM for a 10-minute break and called the meeting
back to order at 8:30 PM.
Community Service Award Nomination
The Board discussed and determined the recipient of the 2011 Community Service Award, which
will be presented at the June 28th Board meeting. They all felt Safeway’s relationship with
Riverview students went above and beyond in the community. Safeway was the first business to
provide employment learning experiences for students in the Transition Program, as well as
employment opportunities for those exiting the program. Safeway worked with DECA on two
takeovers per year since 2005; on many annual fundraisers; and employs many DECA students.
Roger Jones, Safeway manager, serves on the CHS Business and Marketing Advisory Board and
speaks each year to CTE classes.
Motion 11-39: To award the 2011 Community Service Award to Safeway in Duvall. (Van Noy
and Edwards) Unanimous.
Construction Report
Mr. Adamo provided the Construction Report.
Tolt Middle School/Transportation Department
Storm Drainage, Parking and Paving Improvements
Building Permit application and drawings are under review by the City of Carnation and
expected to be issued within the next three weeks.
Permits for clearing and grading activities and the underground storm water structures
have been issued.
The bidding period for the project is in progress and closes on June 7th, with a 2:00 PM
Carnation Elementary School – Modernization
Northwestern Construction is currently making punch-list corrections.
Installation of new stage lighting and sound system in the Multi-Purpose Room is in
Cedarcrest High School – New Baseball Field and Miscellaneous Improvements
Construction of new bleaches and roof structure at the football stadium is complete.
Construction of the west parking lot is complete.
Asphalt paving surrounding the varsity and junior varsity softball fields is complete.
Improvements and structural retrofitting to accommodate the Red Wolves sculpture at the
existing announcer/press box at the football stadium is complete.
Installation of storm water management system is ongoing.
Dugout construction is ongoing at the baseball field.
Restoration of storm-damaged crib-block wall is in progress at the baseball field.
Backfilling and formwork construction for ramp and stairs at baseball field is in progress.
Construction Report, Cont.
Cherry Valley Elementary School – Additions and Modernization
Kitchen flooring and equipment installation is complete at the new addition.
The cafeteria addition is complete with the exception of the VCT flooring which will be
installed this summer.
Drywall has been completed at the administrative office addition and installation of
interior finishes is in progress.
Improvements to the building electrical, plumbing, and HVAC systems are ongoing.
Storm drainage installations at the Cherry Valley Road Right-of-Way are proceeding as
weather permits.
Mr. Adamo said he authorized a purchase order to acquire a new portable with restrooms
and a sink to replace the extended day portable.
Riverview Learning Center
HVAC, plumbing, fire suppression, and electrical systems trim-out is in progress.
Casework installation is in progress at offices and classrooms.
Vinyl wall covering is complete in hallways and offices.
Ceramic tile installation is in progress at the restrooms.
Acoustical ceiling and wall panel installation is finishing up in the Multi-Purpose Room.
Interior painting is complete.
All concrete sidewalks and pads have been poured.
Installation of irrigation systems is complete and site landscaping is expected to be
completed by the end of the month.
Site fencing installation is complete.
Legislative Report
Mr. Edwards, Board Legislative Representative, reported the legislature announced a bi-partisan
budget that makes $4.6 billion in reductions, including some painful cuts to K-12 education.
One of the largest cuts to K-12 is a 1.9 percent salary reduction for certificated and classified
staff and 3 percent for administrative staff. The cut represents $179 million that will be pushed
down to local districts to deal with. House Ways & Means Chair Ross Hunter said that
ultimately the salary reduction versus a salary freeze boiled down to equity. In light of the LID
days that had been already taken, the feeling was that teachers shouldn’t get the full 3 percent
reduction that other state employees have received. Senate Ways & Means Committee ranking
member Joe Zarelli said that the budget includes salary step increases and salary increases for
additional education credits.
The K-12 budget reflects two changes to National Board Certified Teacher bonuses. According
to the budget notes, the changes are adopting a bonus payment date of July 1 of each school year,
beginning this July, and prorating the first year national board bonus by 60 percent (a 40 percent
reduction) to reflect the percentage of the school year in which the newly certified teachers are
actually certified. The first-year base bonus will be $3,054. Except for the proration, the base
bonus of $5,090 is fully funded in the 2011-13 biennium.
Districts had also expected a June apportionment shift, but the hit is less than originally projected
- $128 million shifted from June 30 to July 1.
There being no further business, Ms. Oviatt adjourned the May 24, 2011, School Board Meeting
at 8:55 PM.
Board President
Board Secretary
Cheryl B. Layman, Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors.