


Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting

May 10, 2011

District Office – Conference Room A/B


Ms. Oviatt, Board President, called the meting to order at 7:00 PM, followed by the Pledge of



Ms. Oviatt, Mr. Bawden, Mrs. Van Noy, Mr. Pflugrath

Student Representatives: Ms. Bawden, Mr. Koons


Mr. Edwards



The School Board began the presentation by playing the King 5 TV interview of Carnation

Elementary students and staff.

Una McAlinden, Executive Director of ArtsEd Washington, and Dr. Jonelle Adams, Executive

Director of Washington State School Directors Association, presented the 2011 Washington

State Inaugural Schools of Excellence in Arts Education Award to Carnation Elementary School, and spoke of the importance of the arts integrated in all subject areas. Mr. Doug Poage, Principal of Carnation Elementary, introduced Sibyl Barnum, Director for Arts Impact (the teacher training program); Carolyn Butler who was on the first arts team at Carnation, and is Vice

President of the Cascade Arts and Cultural Center; AnnRene´ Joseph, Program Supervisor, The

Arts, Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction and former Riverview employee; and Carol

Gould, Riverview Arts Coordinator/TOSA.


Ms. Oviatt recessed the Board Meeting at 7:15 PM for 15 minutes to greet and thank the guests and staff. She called the meeting back to order at 7:30 PM.



Ms. Oviatt excused Mr. Edwards who was unable to attend tonight’s meeting. She noted the

Board held a Breakfast Work Study on May 6, and a Budget Work Study this evening at 5:30

PM, prior to the Board Meeting.

Ms. Oviatt noted the following:

This week is Arts in Education Week and the Board appreciates the many art activities happening around the district.

May 11 th

is “National School Nurse Day” and a big thank you to our nurses.

WSSDA Call for Proposal for the November conference has been received. Is there anything the Board may want to present at the conference in Bellevue?

Thank you to our Certificated Staff for their dedication to our students. Last week was

Certificated Staff Appreciation Week, with lots of appreciation events happening in the schools.

The Cedarcrest Junior/Senior Prom is Saturday, May 14, at the Bear Creek Country Club.

Spring sports season is ending with conference and district tournaments going on.

CHS FFA will be going to state competition in Pullman at the end of this week.

Healthy Youth Forum will be held on May 12, at 7:00 PM at Cedarcrest High School, hosted by the Riverview School District, Riverview Youth Council, and Snoqualmie

Valley Community Network.

Four long-term employees are retiring this year and the Board will hold an Open House to honor them on Tuesday, June 14, from 4:00-6:00 PM at the District Office. Also,

Cherry Valley will host a retirement party for Renate Oestreich and Jeannie Barbour on

June 6 th

at 3:45 PM. Stillwater will host a retirement party for Betty Rich and Butch

Harviston on June 9 th

, at 4:30 PM.

Mr. Koons mentioned he would be recruiting students to apply for Glynis Bawden’s position for next year as student representative. Ms. Bawden said she would also talk to classes and hand out applications.

Hearing of Public

Wes Pierce, REA President, and the REA Executive Board consisting of Marc Hillestad, Lisa

Taylor and Becky Panesko, thanked the School Board for the excellent job they have done and their continuous support of Riverview teachers. On behalf of the REA, they asked the Board to consider using some of the Ending Fund Balance, under 5% if necessary, as they face the tough budgeting decisions created by the state cuts in funding.


Motion 11-33 : To approve the May 10, 2011, Consent Agenda as presented. (Bawden and Van

Noy) Unanimous.

Approval of Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for April 26, 2011 and Board Work Study

Minutes for April 26, 2011



Approval of Warrants

General Fund Warrant No. 180684 through 180814 in the amount of $293,791.77, and direct deposits of $9,687.34; Capital Projects Fund Warrant No. 180815 through 180836 in the amount of $234,550.36, voided Warrant No. 180818 in the amount of $6,792.88, and reissued No.

180861 in the amount of $1,142.88 and No. 180862 in the amount of $5,650.00; ASB Fund

Warrant No. 180837 through 180852 in the amount of $11,639.33, and direct deposits of

$166.97; and Private Purpose Trust Fund Warrant No. 180853 through 180860 in the amount of

$8,132.38, and direct deposits of $10,494.78. Total payroll for April 29, 2011 was

$1,902,674.44, which includes General Fund Warrant No. 180605 through 180683 in the amount of $640,538.00, and direct deposits of $945,911.74.

Approval of Personnel Actions

The Board acknowledged the retirements of Butch Harviston and Jeanniemaria Barbour and thanked them for their many years of service.

Approval of Service Contracts

Approval of Donations

The Board thanked Eagle Rock PTSA for their donation of art supplies and artist services.

Approval of WIAA Membership 2011-12

Approval of Change Order for Cedarcrest Baseball Field and Athletic Improvements in the amount of $46,579.00


Innovative Programs

Carol Gould, Riverview Arts Coordinator/TOSA, showed an innovative communication tool she designed as an edu-blog, called RAD (Riverview Arts Discoveries). This arts newsletter is for the whole district and explores the district’s art activities as well as those in the community.

There is also a link to the Arts Impact website, with teacher tools for every art venue.

Lorna Barth, Tolt Middle School teacher, presented “The Boy’s Writing Project,” a Language

Arts writing lesson targeting young men and their perception of writing. There is an achievement gap in writing assessments between boys and girls. The gap is not in the ability between male and female student writers, but in the confidence at which they feel they can write in their own style. In the lesson, boys and girls are separated for two periods and given a specific lesson on literary elements with the express purpose of an isolated and safe enclave for writing in their own voices. Given the opportunity to write about weapons, battles, descriptions of bodily injury, etc., the boys’ enthusiasm and writing freely flows. All the teachers who have done this lesson have commented on the positive outcome they see immediately at the end of the session.


Healthy Youth Survey Information

Dr. Ken Heikkila and Carrie Cain, TMS teacher, presented information on the Healthy Youth

Survey administered in grades 6, 8, 10, and 12, every two years in the state of Washington. The survey contains questions on alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs; health concerns; school climate; and quality of life. Results were received in March from the survey administered in October

2010. The district website’s two PowerPoint presentations highlight a few data elements from the survey. The website link is: http://www.riverview.wednet.edu/news/health_survey_10.htm


Schools implement a variety of programs, such as Second Step, Steps to Respect, WhyTry, suicide prevention, DARE, etc. However, the Safe and Drug Free Grant that assisted in funding prevention staff at the middle and high school is no longer available. The Board asked questions about some of the data presented. Dr. Heikkila reminded them of the Healthy Youth Forum on

Thursday, May 12, at 7:00 PM at Cedarcrest High School. This is a community forum to share some Healthy Youth Survey results, provide parents with some tools, and to engage parents and youth in dialogue.

Board Leadership Initiatives Progress Report

#1 Develop Plan/Process to Obtain More Public Input

This is done, with certain sections to be ongoing.

#2 Set Education Performance Goal in Superintendent’s Annual Review

This is finished.

#3 Develop a Roundtable Agenda that Addresses Teacher Professional Development

This has a new date of 6/28/11

#4 Evaluate WSSDA Social Media Policy

This has a new date of 6/28/11

#5 Define an Accountability Process to Show How Schools are Aligning with the Strategic Plan

This is done.

#6 Explore Community Resources to Conduct Collaborative Efforts with the School District

Brainstorm 10-12 groups to invite to a Roundtable, such as PTSA, Clubs, Chambers,


Send out generic survey on public working with schools

#7 Review Communications Plan Audit

This is done.

#8 Board members Conduct One-on-One Outreach Sessions with Community Members

This is ongoing as Board Members share their interactions.


Board Agenda Topics

The Board reviewed the upcoming agenda topics and made no changes. They asked that a timeline of monthly events be created for future reference.


First Reading, Revised Policy 6220 Bid Requirements, and Revised Policy 6895 Pesticide

Notification, Posting and Record Keeping

These policies have been reviewed by administration and show the recommended changes by


Motion 11-34 : To approve Policies 6220 and 6895 for First Reading. (Van Noy and Bawden)

The Board asked for more definition of formal and informal bids on Policy 6220 prior to Second

Reading. (Unanimous)


Enrollment Report

Mr. Robertson reported enrollment increased by 1.2 FTE in May, with historic increases through

March, April and May this year. On average, we have lost 23.55 FTE over the past eight years during those same three months. However, we are still 41.07 FTE less than budgeted.

Superintendent Report

On May 11, the annual WASA Metro Community Service Recognition will be held at the

Puget Sound Educational Service District. Sue Davenport will be the recipient for the

Riverview School District.

On May 12, the Healthy Youth Forum will be held from 7:00 to 8:30 PM in the Cedarcrest

High School Commons. The event is hosted by the Riverview School District, Riverview

Youth Council, and the Snoqualmie Valley Community Network.

Since our last board meeting, I have attended our weekly construction meetings, a final planning meeting for the parking and drainage improvements and asphalt overlay at Tolt

Middle School and Transportation/Maintenence facility, the Spring WASA Conference, and the Puget Sound Educational Service District. I also had meetings with representatives of the

Carnation Senior Center, and Ken Carter, Carnation City Manager.

Washington Legislature continues to meet in special session on the 2011-2013 biennium budgets. The various budget proposals from the Governor, the House of Representatives and the Senate continue to have drastic revenue reduction to K-12 education. This follows two years of significant revenues reductions to the Riverview School District. In spring 2009, the state reduced our funding by $1,066,808 with cuts to I-728 funding, elimination of Math

Science Funds, and elimination of state transportation revenue enhancement. In spring 2010, the state reduced our funding by $526,000 with the elimination of the remaining I-728 funds and a reduction in K-4 ratio funds to reduce class size. Last December, the special session of the legislature further reduced K-4 ratio funds to smaller class sizes by $199,000 and our revenue apportionment for this school year by $626,349. It is my understanding that this is the first time in Washington state history that a legislature reduced school funding during the year. All of these budget reductions have already had huge financial effects on the

Riverview School District.


Superintendent Report, Cont.

We have analyzed the financial implications from the Governor, House and Senate budgets and have developed a contingency plan to address the worst case scenario. Although numerous Washington school districts are issuing reduction in force procedures to address their worst case scenario, the Riverview School District is fortunate to have sufficient resignations and retirements of certified staff to reduce certified staff through attrition.

Due to the weather this spring, the dedication and ribbon cutting ceremonies for the CHS softball facilities will be scheduled for next softball season. We also plan to have dedication ceremonies for the greatly enhanced grandstands and covered roof at the CHS stadium next fall. The baseball field dedication is planned towards the end of next baseball season when the grass field has properly rooted. Dedication and ribbon cutting ceremonies for the

Riverview Learning Center will be scheduled for August before the school year begins. It has also been recommended that Cherry Valley Elementary School have a re-dedication ceremony due to the extensive remodeling and additions which have occurred. The final phase (four) of the Cherry Valley Elementary project will be complete this August permitting a ceremony to be held.

The bid opening for the parking and drainage improvements and asphalt overlay projects at

Tolt Middle School and Transportation/Maintenance will be held on June 7.

Legislative Report

Ms. Oviatt noted the House passed bills that suspend Initiative 728 smaller class sizes (HB

1131); Initiative 732 teacher COLAs (2SHB 1132); and SHB 2065, alternative learning experiences. The first two bills save the state about $1.2 billion. A fiscal note for SHB 2065 hasn’t been drafted yet, but will be less than the $53 million cut in the original house budget proposal.

Mrs. Van Noy added WSSDA is working to offer more services to districts, such as administering Section 125 statewide.


There being no further business, Ms. Oviatt adjourned the May 10, 2011, School Board meeting at 9:10 PM.


Board President



Cheryl B. Layman, Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors.

Board Secretary

